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Cat Routing To Singapore Via Japan


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CAT routing to singapore now goes through Japan (&lt;deleted&gt;?), used to sub <125ms. How do I complain? I would like (dream) to talk to someone who knows what a route is. This is Amazon EC2 data center in Singapore, other providers in SG show similar routes.

3 ( 45.958 ms 47.951 ms 49.527 ms

4 ( 51.982 ms 53.344 ms 54.655 ms

5 ( 242.435 ms 242.624 ms 242.938 ms

6 ( 72.370 ms 59.622 ms 64.923 ms

7 ( 89.473 ms 89.847 ms 101.032 ms

8 ( 106.087 ms 107.259 ms 108.208 ms

9 ( 258.947 ms 259.519 ms 261.114 ms

10 ( 212.806 ms 213.716 ms 215.701 ms

11 * * *

12 xe-1-0-0.r21.newthk02.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 290.453 ms xe-0-3-0.r21.newthk02.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 246.564 ms 206.104 ms

13 as-4.r20.tokyjp01.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 239.221 ms 240.177 ms 240.875 ms

14 ae-0.r22.tokyjp01.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 199.391 ms 201.284 ms 202.730 ms

15 as-1.r02.sngpsi02.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 280.907 ms 281.621 ms 282.724 ms

16 xe-0.amazon.sngpsi02.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 377.645 ms 382.536 ms 374.428 ms

17 ( 425.336 ms 433.159 ms 420.956 ms

I think this a CAT or (their immediate routing providers) problem, as a reverse traceroute (http://tools.ix.singtel.com/traceroute) shows more sensible routes - although still a little high vs 6 months ago.

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Just want to say that this issue is in the progress of being resolved. Presented with the right amount of information (traceroutes, AS details) CAT has acted extremely fast and professionally, and rectified the issue as much as I they can, I am impressed. Now I await for Amazon Singapore NOC to respond for the reverse route issues that remain.

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Thanks for acting on it. We've also moved our deployment to EC2 in Singapore and routing through Japan with a latency of 400ms is totally not the dream. I'm happy to report that with our leased line with kirz.com and our ADSL 3BB it routes directly to Singapore.

 1 (  0.000 ms  0.000 ms  0.000 ms
2 (  0.000 ms  0.000 ms  0.000 ms
3 (  20.000 ms  20.000 ms  20.000 ms
4 (  20.000 ms  50.000 ms  30.000 ms
5 (  20.000 ms  20.000 ms  20.000 ms
6 (  20.000 ms  20.000 ms  20.000 ms
7  TIG-Net28-189.trueinternetgateway.com (  20.000 ms  110.000 ms  20.000 ms
8  TH-ICR-TT1-26-129.trueinternetgateway.com (  60.000 ms  50.000 ms  80.000 ms
9  SG-ICR-ANC1-26-206.trueinternetgateway.com (  60.000 ms  60.000 ms  60.000 ms
10  if-0-0-5.core1.S9R-Singapore.as6453.net (  50.000 ms  50.000 ms  60.000 ms
11  if-10-0-0.core2.S9R-Singapore.as6453.net (  70.000 ms  60.000 ms  50.000 ms
12  Vlan1860.icore1.SVW-Singapore.as6453.net (  60.000 ms  50.000 ms  50.000 ms
13  Vlan43.icore1.S9U-Singapore.as6453.net (  60.000 ms  50.000 ms  50.000 ms
14  ix-6-3.icore1.S9U-Singapore.as6453.net (  60.000 ms ix-12-3.icore1.S9U-Singapore.as6453.net (  70.000 ms ix-6-3.icore1.S9U-Singapore.as6453.net (  60.000 ms
15 (  70.000 ms (  70.000 ms  70.000 ms
16 (  60.000 ms  60.000 ms  60.000 ms

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1  10.121.XXX.XXX (10.121.XXX.XXX)  20.000 ms  30.000 ms  30.000 ms
2  * * *
3  mx-ll-58.147.0-41.static.tttmaxnet.com (  30.000 ms  40.000 ms  40.000 ms
4  * * *
5  mx-ll-58.147.0-69.static.tttmaxnet.com (  30.000 ms  40.000 ms  40.000 ms
6  mx-ll-58.147.0-129.static.tttmaxnet.com (  70.000 ms  70.000 ms  70.000 ms
7  ge-2-1-5.r02.sngpsi02.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  70.000 ms  70.000 ms  70.000 ms
8  xe-0.amazon.sngpsi02.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  70.000 ms  70.000 ms  70.000 ms
9 (  70.000 ms  70.000 ms  70.000 ms

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Yes,3BB/TT&T do seem to have better routes through Asia. CAT Hinet despite its hype does suffer some congestion even those the routes are now pretty much direct (reverse from Amazon goes through HK but better than JP, USA) - pings are volatile but not sure if they doing QoS and prioritising ICMP as low.

Initially impressions of EC2 are good, but not sure about embracing it yet. But at < $5 a month to park a Windows 2008 instance its bloody cheap.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I noticed that you saw a timeout between 10.121.... and mx-11.

Here's my traceroute to www.google.co.th. Notice the long timeouts between and mx-ll-58.147.1-205.static.tttmaxnet.com.

I counted about 30 seconds as I watched it go, several times. I wonder if you and others have seen something similar. I did this test just after 3BB came down my street with new cable to upgrade speed capability. Theoretically, 2mb is now 3mb for the default Premier package, not that we see anything close to that.

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 27 ms 26 ms 414 ms

3 28 ms 27 ms 27 ms

4 * * * Request timed out.

5 * * * Request timed out.

6 34 ms 33 ms 34 ms mx-ll-58.147.1-205.static.tttmaxnet.com []

7 * * * Request timed out.

8 33 ms 33 ms 33 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-90.static.tttmaxnet.com []

9 33 ms 33 ms 33 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-66.static.tttmaxnet.com []

0 33 ms 33 ms 33 ms

1 33 ms 33 ms 33 ms

2 56 ms 64 ms 56 ms

3 57 ms 58 ms 58 ms

4 57 ms 58 ms 57 ms

5 133 ms 64 ms 80 ms

6 133 ms 134 ms 132 ms

7 219 ms 219 ms 217 ms

8 226 ms 224 ms 223 ms

9 227 ms 222 ms 226 ms

0 243 ms 220 ms 230 ms

1 221 ms 222 ms 222 ms pz-in-f147.1e100.net []

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Here's my traceroute to www.google.co.th. Notice the long timeouts between and mx-ll-58.147.1-205.static.tttmaxnet.com. I counted about 30 seconds as I watched it go, several times. I wonder if you and others have seen something similar.

This generally means that those routers block certain or all UDP ports and ICMP echo request packets. UDP and ICMP are IP protocols used for traceroute. They block this for security reasons - to hide their network topology. This is very common.

I did this test just after 3BB came down my street with new cable to upgrade speed capability. Theoretically, 2mb is now 3mb for the default Premier package, not that we see anything close to that.

You should get your 3Mbps download for sites hosted in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan because Thai ISPs have peering agreements with most SE Asian ISPs. If the sites are hosted in the US or Europe, it is expected that you will see about half-speed of what you pay in average. It depends of the international bandwidth contention ratio of the ISP. A typical Thai ISP may purchase 1Mbps of international bandwidth for each 100Mbps of ADSL they sell (1/100 contention ratio). 3BB Premier could have an international bandwidth contention rate of 1/50 versus 1/100 for 3BB indy packages (just speculating).

Edited by kudroz
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