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Aust Dad Thai Mum

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sawa dee kup gents

its been so long ,

i have been having a blast with my gf on her 9 month prospective spouse visa

thanks to you guys :D

with a wedding soon approaching ,i have had a little suprise :D

we found out last week that my teerak is 10 weeks pregnant

so im a bag of licorice allsorts at the moment

i know im happy , im just very unsure as to the legal effects and such

ideally, i would like to go back to thailand in maybe 5 or 10 yrs

when i have enough baht stashed

to buy a house and stay permanently , if they are still accepting farangs :o

anyhoo, please advise me on the best angle i should be approaching at

and seeing as my gf will not be going to get a job once she's had a baby

is there any benefits or such for me to help take care of baby

thanks in advance

you're the best

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Go where you are going to have the best family support I guess. Medical facilities in BKK are equal to those in OZ.

I guess from an Australian perspective, you'll get the baby bonus if you are living in OZ at the time.

From a nationality perspective, the baby will get both OZ and Thai nationality wherever it is born.

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Go where you are going to have the best family support I guess. Medical facilities in BKK are equal to those in OZ.

I guess from an Australian perspective, you'll get the baby bonus if you are living in OZ at the time.

From a nationality perspective, the baby will get both OZ and Thai nationality wherever it is born.

Being in almost the same position as you (you scamp), except married already and on the 2nd stage (two year wait) for the permanent resident visa i've been wondering the same things. We'll (she'll) be having the baby here as that Aus nationality is best for the baby, no doubt. Then there's the already mentioned baby bonus, plus, you may be able to claim some sort of child support payments to help with the situation. In fact you'll probably just recieve them without asking if everything is done properly hospital paperwork wise. You'll probably have to go to the Registry of Births & Deaths for the baby bonus stuff, then onto the Tax Dept. I'm not really sure of the procedure, its something like that. :o There's no way in ###### our baby will be having anything to do with the Thai education system, so there'll be no big move to Thailand for us anytime soon. He's due in August and I can smell the poo and sick already :D

:D i'm delirious :D:D

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hi all

my thai wife had a beutiful baby boy in sydney last september(was on a spouse visa at the time)..

firstly even though your wife might be on a spouse visa(not sure about the fiance visa)your wife is entitled to the baby bonus and centrelink payments..

how it works is..after the baby is born..the hospital gives you all the papers to apply for the payments..and plus give you the papers for the babies birth certificate...

for the centrelink payments..you have 2 choices you could either post the papers or go to your local centrelink office and submit the papers there(we did this..as we thought it would be less trouble because the wife was on a spouse visa at the time)

your wife(or yourself :o )will also be eligible for the child support payments..you can either do these 2 ways..have them paid fortnightly..or a 1 off payment at the end of the financial year..

if theres anything else that i might be able to help you with...please feel free to ask

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thats great ! Been a huge help to me at least, now I know for sure whats happening :o:D

he adds: its difficult to find any info on exactly what the child support payments will be, according to my income etc..there doesn't seem to be any calculator i can find on the centrelink site, can give me any info on that ?


Edited by minbari73
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hi minbari

it all depends on how much you make..i think the minimum they give you is about $40 a week..but this is for someone who earns around 80,000 a year..basically the more you earn the less they give you..one word of advice...tell centrelink you make about 3000-5000 more than what you earn for the year...if you make more than what you tell centrelink..you have to pay them back..whatever extra they have given you..if you make less than what you tell them..they will give you whatever they owe you at tax time

Edited by rabbitoh
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