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Blood Test For Mercury Level


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I want to keep this short, I'll skip the why and go directly to the what.

Please tell me where, in CHX, can a person get tested for possible mercury poisoning???

This is a rather simple procedure (a blood test analysis) but it seems difficult to get an straight answer even if you are Thai.

My wife tried to find out today but the hospital information counters are akin to the Micro$oft help files...unhelpful

She even spoke to a doctor and the best she was able to find out is "you can send it (a sample) to Bangkok" without even telling her where in Bangkok. I would have expected such unreponsiveness more in places like Cambodia, Burma or Laos but, I guess, the concept of preventative medicine has yet to even reach here.



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You can get it done at many local clinics and hospitals as well as the big private hospital.

They will send the blood ( EDTA) to RAMA Hospital ( Poinson Center). The results will be reported,normally, in 1 week.

Preventive medicine is not something new but not many people here can afford it here in CNX, there are lots of healthy/wealthy clinic that you can check every single chemical level in your body in BKK by the way.

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Thanks PMNL,

What you say is surely the case but my wife met with a wall of Uhhs! & Dunnos today.

Some days are like that.

I told her she should complain to admin about the service but...

She couldn't even get a phone number from a couple of places.


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What you say is surely the case but my wife met with a wall of Uhhs! & Dunnos today.

Some days are like that.

Forget all the phone calls. Simply go to the Hematology department (Internal medicine) at Chiangmai Ram, and tell them what test you want performed. They will take your blood in the lab, and you will see a doctor about an hour or so after the test. Various tests will take longer for results, but they will tell you how long.

Common tests such as liver function, red and white cell count, blood sugar, kidney function, cholesterol and tri-glyceride levels all performed in an hour plus. Hep-C and HIV take longer. There are also parameters on eating or drinking 12 hours prior to testing. They will tell you this when you make your appointment.

Appointments are free and painless :)

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