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Just think also, that in less than 100 years smart mouth, becuase of the brilliance of the founders of America, my country became the richest, most powerful and happy people on the earth, and accomplished things in that first 100 years not done in 6,000 years of world history. Don't like those facts?

Mr. Vietnam... Just when i was starting to find some common ground... Richest and most powerful. Quite possibly. Happiest? Are we talking about the same America? And always remember that you personally had nothing to do with the various achievments of past Americans. Don't rely on them too heavily for your personal sense of superiority.

Bob, are you even trying to dispute what America accomplished from 1776 thru the 1850's in comparison to world history?

My ancestors were quite libertarian Bob and that would more closely allign my ancestors as well as myself with the beliefs of the framers than anyone I've heard post here.

I don't spend time on feeling superior. I'm too busy having fun and creating a life in 2 different countries. But now that you mention it. I am good at what I do and insomuch as mentioning the achievements of the America I love ( which I agree is all but a memory now), no country every achieved what we did before, or after.

Don't like it? Do something about it. Do something extraordinary. Then talk.

Mr Vietnam :o

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self indulgent fabianism

Hat's off Mr Vietnam , that is the best phrase I've heard for days!

Nice one.

In reality I'm as far as you could get from a socialist.

Maggie Thatcher would beat the sh1t out of Tony for sure.


Yu are Chonobot? Yu don't sound so.

Far as thatcher is concerned, sorry to say I don't know enough to comment. But if her politics were any sort of parralel to Reagan, then it's called speaking out of both sides of ones mouth. Talk the talk of Freedom while spending so much, it guarantees future generations higher and higher taxes of which they WILL collect using whatever force they want, and that aint't freedom.

And it it's not Freedom then I am their enemy.

You know, one of my best friends, ( you'll meet him if you come here) is a brit who said to me a long time ago. There isn't that much of a difference anymore between countries with regards to how the governments subgigate ( ###### bad spelling) it's people. I've come to realize how true that is.

The difference however with America is these people gave up the only real free country in the world, without even firing a shot. So if you think I'm tough on y'all, you haven't even seen me get started on my own.

If you are a seeker and lover of liberty Mr Chonobot, then I say hat's off to you.

Mr Vietnam :D


Stevieboy, where have you been? :o Listen Germany was way ahead of the worlds time. They were sending Missles!!!!!!!!!!! via rocket fuel. Raining it down upon England. Also it is a known fact that they were about finished making a concept of the JET AIRCRAFT!!!!!!!!! What did we have lets see, well prop planes and ho hum howitzers, and the New Jersey Battleship that can send the explosive 18 miles away.

Had Germany gone unchecked for just one more year, you can bet that England would have been safely tucked under Hitlers belt, and more than likely would have left Russia alone (maybe). That part of history never took place.

Also had Germany been left unchecked alone, the skies were all his with those fancy jet fighters and these B-17's would have literally been shot down like BB"S in a playpen.

Oh then lets see if they had also got this additional time, they may have graduated to Jet Bombers too. Had they gotten this far, America, Russia, and other countries definitely would have been in deep deep crap.

Germany was indeed way ahead of the world. They also knew about Nuclear technology and such was in the baby stages during the war. They had already developed biological warfare back in WW1

Field Marshall Rommel was in fact the best General ever military wise. He knew the Americans were poised for a strike in France and warned Hitler numerous times that it would be near Normandy. Incidently The Strike Force hit the wrong Beaches!!!!!!!!!!!! thus becoming the Normandy Invasion. Rommel also knew the strike would be at dawn. He had the Panzer divisions nearby and asked for its released to him but Hitler said no. America is notorious to making a strike at dawn even to this day. That has not changed yet. Lucky for us Hitler did not believe the advance warnings because of his arrogance being supreme.

The Americans did in fact sent out a decoy convoy to throw them off. Also because of the fog on that D_Day also gave us a chance to sneak up before discovery.

Wanna talk about WW2 with me. My best subject. Anytime anyplace. Even Mr. Vietnam will agree here in this topic.


Had Germany gone unchecked for just one more year, you can bet that England would have been safely tucked under Hitlers belt, and more than likely would have left Russia alone (maybe).

Like I said you can theorise till the cows come home :o

You say you are an expert in WWII but the quote about leaving Russia alone to fight the Brits is a joke right ????

And as for Rommell being the best general it didn't do him much good in North Africa did it?

I know you like to believe all that Hollywood stuff about how "The USA saved the world" but Germany would have lost regardless simply because The USSR would have still won (without the help of a single American)


You have not read your history Steve. I have facts to back it all up. You are the one that might be dreaming :o

And remember I said maybe had Hitler gotten England, he would not have to look at Russia. Granted Hitler did one mistake too many, he did stretch his resources a bit too thin, and did not give his troops and some time to build up. It just so happens in that particular year Russia experienced the worst winter ever. It even frozed the panzer tanks and all turned into ice., and then the mud that they had to encounter. They did advance only miles out of Moscow, when the worst storm hit.

The luck of the draw on some of the victories was indeed weather related. As of Rommel in Africa, he took complete control of the entire northern part of Africa and was even in Egypt. Rommel got promoted to Europe. It was Hitler himself that got paranoid and started to kill off his darn good Generals that did side with him. Rommel was executed by orders of Hitler. The most feared CIA and FBI combined was the Gestapo. THE SS. You have no idea what went on at that time of the world.

I think you just a kid. So study first its history and read it right, then feel free to if you like snap at me. As of me I am from that era of time.

Eisen was a joke. He followed orders from Roosevelt. It was his underlings that actually concocted the offensive, besides having informants behind lines. Rommel thought of the plans himself and indeed was a genius on offensive and defensive moves. He was like a Grandmaster that played good chess. Had Rommel been given the panzer divisions and the infantry when requested, D-Day would have been a bust. That invasion attempt would not have gotten any further than the beach itself. So look at the maps and find such that shows you were they were positioned like 7-10 days before D-Day. You will find that the Panzer and infantry Divisions were only 15 miles inland from the coast at that time. They pulled back further inland just before the invasion. When they finally got word, they were closer to 100 miles inland. Why do you think the Allies held off???? They did not have a flying chance against the heavies had they made their move when those divisions were so close to shore.

Once Rommel relayed word that the allies had breached Normandy, Hitler ordered the divisions to pull back and re-group, thus giving the Allies a chance to set up operations from that point on. Fatal move by Hitler. Had Hitler decided to move forward and make the attack, I would think then the allies would have put up a strong fight, but would have been beaten back to the water defeated.

Again I cannot re-write history. The moves were made and done and executed. All we can do today is analyse it and see where the mistakes were made.



Funny you say also Steve. Russia tolerated Nazi Germany for almost 5 years. Germany was at their Borders. Russia got mad at Germany because Hitler got a bit too greedy and made a dash to Moscow, just like Japan did to Pearl Harbor.




I'm sorry Dave but I don't get your point but thanks for the history lesson :o

Come on you know full well that Hitler would and did indeed try to make peace with Britain so he could fight his idealogical war with The Communists.

My argument is simply that the statement "That if it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German comment" is absurd.

The simply fact is that The USSR won the war in the east and would have done so whether the USA came to the rescue or not :D

The simply fact is that The USSR won the war in the east and would have done so whether the USA came to the rescue or not :o

Yu need to read some history books stevie boy. If it wasn't for US help with various supplies the russians would have been a short stroke for hitlers armies.

As would england.

And just think, that if not for england, and its failed policies, hitler would probably have not even been a twinkle in the eyes of the German people. But I guess the trade off was the monster from Russia who along with Mao were the greatest killers of the 20th century. Hitler was small potatoes in comparison.

Mr Vietnam :D


I wish this type of history was taught in UK schools instead of the crap they have to learn i.e Jethro Tull's seed drill etc.

As has been said , it will educate the youngsters to understand why Europe and the rest of the world are the way it is today.

Germany was indeed way ahead of the world.  They also knew about Nuclear technology and such was in the baby stages during the war.  They had already developed biological warfare back in WW1

Excuse me, but I seem to remember that the Manhattan Project was largely an American affair, with the British and Canadian governments accepting subsidiary roles after 1942. While the project did indeed stem from the assumption that Germany was in the process of developing nuclear weapons, it was later discovered that these fears were completely unfounded.

The point is that even if America had not undertaken the project and gone on to develop Fat Man and Little Boy, Britain (perhaps in collaboration with other countries) most definitely would have. And make no mistake, we would have won.

I also seem to remember that it was a certain Sir Frank Whittle who invented the jet engine.


AIR CDRE SIR FRANK WHITTLE, was the greatest aero-engineer of the century.

Whittle ensured that Britain was the first to enter the jet age when, on May 15 1941, the jet-propelled Gloster-Whittle E 28/39 flew successfully from Cranwell.

Although this was a moment of triumph for Whittle, it was tinged with some bitterness, for he had had to overcome years of obstruction from the authorities, lack of funding for and faith in his brilliant ideas. He felt, with justification, that if he had been taken seriously earlier, Britain would have been able to develop jets before the Second World War broke out.

As early as October 1932 he had been granted a patent for the first turbo-jet engine, but the Air Ministry's indifference had caused a long delay in realising his ideas.

The Air Ministry informed Whittle that successful development of his scheme was considered impracticable. Whittle nevertheless took out his jet patent.

While he was at Cambridge his jet engine patent lapsed; the Air Ministry refused to pay the £5 renewal fee.

It was as well, because in July, turbo-jet experiments began at Junkers and Heinkel in Germany; at this stage, Whittle's ideas were not subject to the Official Secrets Act. It was a relief when the He 178, after some promise, was scrapped.

With finances more secure, Whittle faced a new threat. Relations with BTH, never easy, deteriorated as the company took the view that the jet engine would not compare favourably with conventional power plants. Whittle was further bedevilled by various strands of officialdom blowing hot and cold about Power Jets' future, and also the politics of possible participation by the Rover motor-car company.

In June 1942, Whittle was flown to Boston to help General Electric to overcome problems. They built the engine under licence in America with the astonishing result that Bell Aircraft's experimental Airacomet flew in the autumn of 1942, beating the Meteor into the skies by five months.

Whittle settled in America in 1976, and was a member of the Faculty of the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland.

so although whittle was a brit, he had to go to the usa to get proper support/backing/faith for his ideas.

not for the first time and not for the last, interference by british government politicians,busybodies,penpushers and jobsworths has held back,mismanaged and derailed a world beating project born of an engineering genius in the uk.


:o Tax ,Blimey! You learnt that at school instead of the seed drill eh?

Someone will probabaly come along and argue that they heard differently ( from a film )


Yu need to read some history books stevie boy. If it wasn't for US help with various supplies the russians would have been a short stroke for hitlers armies.

I guess I must of missed that particular John Wayne film, too funny.

Mr Vietnam you've never lost an argument in your life, have you ? :o

:o Tax ,Blimey! You learnt that at school instead of the seed drill eh?

Someone will probabaly come along and argue that they heard differently ( from a film )


I also learnt at school (apart from the seed drill by that fanous band) that some other British subjectsalso invented/discovered...

computer (Charles Babbage)

telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)

television ( John Logie Baird)

Light Bulbs (Sir Joseph Humphry Davy)

Radar (Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt)

Torpedo (Robert Whitehead)

Vacuum Cleaner ( Hubert Cecil Booth)

Pennicillin (Alexander Fleming)

Holography( Dennis G?bor)

Diving Equipment (John Smeaton, William James, Henry Fleuss..ok I looked this one up!)

Disc Brakes (Frederick William Lanchester)

Fax Machine (Alexander Bain)

Lawn Mower (Edwin Beard Budding)

Submarine (William Bourne)

Toilet Paper (British Perforated Paper Company)

and last but not least.....

VIAGRA ( Peter Dunn, Albert Wood, Dr Nicholas Terrett...didn't learn at school though!)

Light Bulbs (Sir Joseph Humphry Davy)

I think there might be another US/UK flame war over this one :o:D

I say Joseph Swan invented the light bulb and Thomas Edison got all the credit has he had the biggest mouth lol.

I also learnt at school (apart from the seed drill by that fanous band) that some other British subjectsalso  invented/discovered...

computer (Charles Babbage)

telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)

television ( John Logie Baird)

Light Bulbs (Sir Joseph Humphry Davy)

Radar (Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt)

Torpedo (Robert Whitehead)

Vacuum Cleaner ( Hubert Cecil Booth)

Pennicillin (Alexander Fleming)

Holography( Dennis G?bor)

Diving Equipment (John Smeaton, William James, Henry Fleuss..ok I looked this one up!)

Disc Brakes (Frederick William Lanchester)

Fax Machine (Alexander Bain)

Lawn Mower (Edwin Beard Budding)

Submarine (William Bourne)

Toilet Paper (British Perforated Paper Company)

and last but not least.....

VIAGRA ( Peter Dunn, Albert Wood, Dr Nicholas Terrett...didn't learn at school though!)

Nice one dude. This, and the previous post by Taxexile, are what makes this site worth visiting.

Add to your list the following:

Thomas Crapper invented the flushing toilet. Ever wondered where that most eloquent of phrases "I need a crap" comes from?

And the guy who (quite recently) invented the software to make the internet accessible. I must admit to knowing next to nothing about this and would dearly welcome some input. My understanding is that a Brit invented the software necessary to read the world wide web, but for reasons beyond my comprehension didn't patent the idea. Had he done so, I'm sure he'd now be very rich.

The name James Dyson also rings a bell. Didn't he invent that new vacuum cleaner? I also read somewhere that he's just invented some kind of perpetual waterfall or fountain or something. Anyway, another clever Brit.

By the way, I think Sir Humphry Davy had more to do with lights for miners than with normal domestic light bulbs.


Yu need to read some history books stevie boy. If it wasn't for US help with various supplies the russians would have been a short stroke for hitlers armies.

I guess I must of missed that particular John Wayne film, too funny.

Mr Vietnam you've never lost an argument in your life, have you ? :o


Don't worry about it dude. He's probably just some little peasant fresh out of the paddy fields who's working as a cleaner at Saigon airport and who wanks off every night while dreaming about visiting the Empire State Building and fantasising about how much more all the little girlies would like him if he had a piece of meat worth calling a piece of meat.

The iternet is full of tossers and this one is a class A example.


Two cents here again. First of all folks that list you provided here much of it is dead wrong. Edison was the one who had created light bulbs. Benjamin Franklin was the one who proved that lightning was electricity. Pasteur (Frenchie boy) was the one who made antibotics. And so on and so forth. Torpedoes, heck such was practiced during the Civil War, and submarines was of usa deal, the merimack and the monitor. Created by the Navy. None of that was Brits as per se.


Now lets see if Hitler was to have done this???????? and revised such oh boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tend to agree on this concept, had Hitler gotten Europe under his belt, England would be speaking German, and having many freuleins bouncing around. Darn my German today is bad.

Daveyo :D:oB)


Light Bulbs (Sir Joseph Humphry Davy)

I think there might be another US/UK flame war over this one :o:D

I say Joseph Swan invented the light bulb and Thomas Edison got all the credit has he had the biggest mouth lol.

I stand corrected. School was a very, very long time ago.

Eddison used swan's design 20 years later (but to give the yanks some leaway) he improved it by introducing the "evacuuated" light bulb.

But we are way off topic now.

Nail up all Britons.... bunch of crims and loafers.

Send the yanks back.....and take Mcdonalds with you.

Keep the aussies (for now) cos they're funny and who would work in the bars in London?

No one likes the French.....it's an historical fact.

Make the Germans shave their women's armpits!

and all the other generalisations and stereotypes too countless to list.




Hey Mr. Vietnam, California Dave laid you some thickies. Hehehehehehe. Gotta wait for this upcoming response cause now I know this will be juicy tidbits.

I just hope California Dave has his protective gear on, cause when Mr. Vietnam gets done poishing you, you will wonder if it is still daylight or not.

Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe. Oh gawwwwwwd I am going to love this upcoming movie.

Getting my popcorn and drinks ready.


Two cents here again. First of all folks that list you provided here much of it is dead wrong. Edison was the one who had created light bulbs. Benjamin Franklin was the one who proved that lightning was electricity.

LOL I knew this was comming :o:D

Dave do a search on "Joseph Swan light bulb" I think you will find he got there first!

And while you are at it you could do one on " Michael Faraday electricity"


Ha,Ha,ha. I agree stevie boy.Could see this coming a mile off.

1.My previous post was too slow so now you know!

2.I don't rember saying anything about electricity???

3.Louis Pasteur invented VACCINATIONS in particular for rabies, anthrax, chicken cholera, and silkworm diseases.

4.The merimak and monitor were gun platforms/boats not submarines (the monitor sank the first time it went out into deep water because it was designed for coastal barrages).

Next you'll be telling us the You were the fist men in space :o:DB)

Hey Mr. Vietnam, California Dave laid you some thickies. Hehehehehehe. Gotta wait for this upcoming response cause now I know this will be juicy tidbits.

I just hope California Dave has his protective gear on, cause when Mr. Vietnam gets done poishing you, you will wonder if it is still daylight or not.

Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe. Oh gawwwwwwd I am going to love this upcoming movie.

Getting my popcorn and drinks ready.


Hey Dave, it's not worth my time. The old saying you can lead a horse to water but you can't make a horses azz out if him, you have to let him do that himself?

That's been done. Just reading their posts is all the proof anyone needs. Which is why the world by and large has no respect for them and laugh at them.

It's now getting to the point where it's so far out of the bounds of reality that the time spent laughing at their weak replies are adding up to wasting too much time. Plus it's not possible to communicate with a mental midget so why try?

Have a nice day Dave.


Mr Vietnam :o



Watch out CaliDave 'cos Mr.Vietnam's a'cumin' and he's american :o , he can almost spell most words, and he's been in some newspapers. He's real smart y'all, h'yuk.



There you go again Mr Vietnam with your I'm right cos I say I'm right attitude and their replies are weak simply because I say so and that's good enough for me as I'm right about everything LOL


The British did not invent Americans. The British wanted to colonize the people in America. That is why we the Americans revolted and had that Boston Tea Party, LOL. I wonder if there was booze involved, but anyway after this so called Party with Tea, they decided to snub up their noses at England and said come and get us you farts.

Well , lets see if my history is correct. They did come and march they did, but lol with Washington and his ragtag army of loyals mustered up the fight and kicked them out of town, and in the meantime the delegates formed our BLESSED CONSTITUTION WHICH STANDS TO THIS DAY INTACT. How many countries survived over 200 years without being invaded from foreign countries. Oh yes remember the alamo, darn we took that territory too. Shucks. Before you mouth off that England goes back 2000 years, they had to deal with ahhhh, Romans, Germans, and Nordics and all the whatnots thru out history.

Ahhhhhh the days of the Roman Empire. LOL those girls were definitely of a honey pot to have. No wonder the Romans had fun during the pagan festivities during the Xmas time. Whew.

I wish there was a Time Machine. I would love to bounce around in the past and into the future and get to see and hear and feel what is around me during the days of the Gladiators. Clang, bang, and Clang.

Sigh, but we stuck with the present and those around us.

Bravo America, Long live the Brave and the Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daveyo B):D:o


Darn Mr. Vietnam, you busted another superb movie in the making. Me sitting her on the Directors chair waiting to say Tape One!!!!!!!!!! Action.

Now what am I going to do with my popcorn??????

Daveyo :o:DB)

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