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"One mistake. You are wrong here. People do not say anything for you guys or your Country."

Wrong. Take some time and review previous posts from the past few months. I have.

Keep it real!

Yes, sometimes when I write, I also use the word US. It does not mean like that. It is all about Bush Administration and the rest of the world.

As I said, some extreamist islamic people, use this to slam all of you guys and all of your friends in Europe. Also to make it more pumped up, guys like Blair is openly talking about "Bringing US and Europe together". When one leader make that type of statements, it is obvious that other countries and people living outside US and Europe to think, "ok now we should also be together and fight against them". Why not talk about "Bringnig an End to this Conflict than talking of building more and more alliances". For what? to bomb all Iraqis by having a mandate in EU or what? It is very selfish.

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I doubt very much that Bush will get re-elected next year. He has dragged the US into a mess in Iraq and the economy is not doing well enough to get him re-elected.

Kwiz....what do you think about the conflict between the Pres. and the PM in your country ? Whose side are you on ? :o

Sri Lanka has suffered a lot from terrorism (Tamil Tigers) just like my country Turkey (PKK Kurdish extremists and some small extremist Islamist groups) but both our countries can be said to have won the wars against the terrorists. Of course some so-called 'democratic and civilised' governments in Europe have continually seen groups such as Tamil Tigers and the PKK as 'freedom fighters'

and even gave refuge to some hardcore terrorists. Shame on them !




Good to see I am not the only "Anti-Bush" liberal nutcase here :D

I think 90% of the world can unite into "fighting" the US and their "ugly" Neo-Empire war. See, Bush is an uniter not a divider like some would like to think :o

Europe will grow stronger thanks to this, so there is hope for a better world after all B)

I doubt very much that Bush will get re-elected next year. He has dragged the US into a mess in Iraq and the economy is not doing well enough to get him re-elected.

Kwiz....what do you think about the conflict between the Pres. and the PM in your country ? Whose side are you on ? :o

Sri Lanka has suffered a lot from terrorism (Tamil Tigers) just like my country Turkey (PKK Kurdish extremists and some small extremist Islamist groups) but both our countries can be said to have won the wars against the terrorists. Of course some so-called 'democratic and civilised' governments in Europe have continually seen groups such as Tamil Tigers and the PKK as 'freedom fighters'

and even gave refuge to some hardcore terrorists. Shame on them !



Good one jem..

PM and President in my country is fighting like kids. Actually it is a fight of generations. From father to mother and now Daughter taking over.

It is crazy. Majority in Sri Lanka is in that view. Both of them are nuts. :D

Interestingly US is also now involved in the peace process. Bush wants peace in Sri Lanka for him to come and have a base setup in Sri Lanka. He is a very unpredictable fellow and he might create another mess by setting up a base in Sri Lanka.

Good to see I am not the only "Anti-Bush" liberal nutcase here 

I think 90% of the world can unite into "fighting" the US and their "ugly" Neo-Empire war. See, Bush is an uniter not a divider like some would like to think 

Europe will grow stronger thanks to this, so there is hope for a better world after all 

Europe will grow stronger thanks to this.....lol in your dream buddy, without the U.S all you european would be homeless, we are the Super Power, and the Buying Power, with out us you can't sell jack-shiet, California alone have more automobile than all europe combine, we import 80% of your car (germany, british, japan, italy etc...) our kids purchase your brand-name iteam to keep you alive, with out them you can sell it to the rat, we have more oil and natural resource in reserve to last my whole lifetime, but we want to steal more, more is better, so you tell me who is the smarter one, they touches the Twin Tower, now we touches their land, simple as that. extremist Islamist groups should re-name extremist Islamist phycho, they even kill their own people, they claim that their god tell them to kill as much people as they can, so they can go to heaven. but if you don't kill you go to ######. I'm tired, don't wanna write anymore :D , like i say you go and bash your own president or leader let me bash mine . :o

ooo! ima get it now B)


I can only repeat what I said before. Get Bush out of office asap.

And again, to be against GWB or other US-politicians is not America-bashing.

As long as he stays inside the USA, fine with me, he wants to lead the world, which in extreme means ME. Objection!

After 9/11 the whole world supported the USA. There are soldiers others than GIs loosing their lives in Afghanistan. Tragic but fine with me, they support through the UN. Let's face it, the world is getting smaller and smaller, a terrorist act like at WTC is an act against the 'free world' who should and did unite to fight back.

Iraq is a different story. A lot of members in the UN and in the NATO-countries die not believe in the necessity to attack. Did not believe in the WMD-stories and did not give GWB any authority to police that country. A police-force is an executive organ that must be appointed by and controlled by a legislation and a jurisdiction.

Nobody in charge to control the forces in Iraq.

Bush was just recently trying to collect support and money. OK, Japan promised 5 billion US$. Before my own government spends a single cent I have a democratic right to ask what for. For GWB-dreams to become a world leader? No way.

That is what we are discussing here in this threat.


Where to start is the question.

Bob- World leader's don't respect? So what? Bush, and the U.S. do not like Shroeder & Chirac. Do we tell you who to elect? Get off your high horse (probably rocking), and quit telling us what is good for us father.

Pablo- You show me yours, and I'll show you mine (reality that is.)

Kwiz- 1) Yeah, a woman with her finger on the button and mood swings is exactly what we need. Let's take the terrorist out for a group hug. 2) Saudi's have every right to fund Bin Laden and their madras', and they have and done. We have every right to turn their little country into a nuclear waste land, or a drive up Chevron. 3) No right to invade another country? You obviously need either a history book or todays newspaper to prove this wrong. Might makes right my friend. L'histoire est ecrit par les vainqueur. Non?

Kwiz- We do have a space on our axis. Any ideas?

Jemjem- 1) Re-elected, fact is the left has moved too far to the left. THe economy looks beter everyday, and he has 8 months to figure out Iraq which in most terms looks better every day, excluding the terrorist attacks. 2) Shame on them- hate to agree with you, but so be it. Fact is that most countries use these terrorists groups like pawns, but as the Saudi's are rapidly learning, you have to watch how long you hold the fire cracker. Will change one thing- shame on us.

Bitterfly- yes you are a nut case my dear. Glad to see the investment in lithium is paying off. Recognition is half the problem. Yeah, why don't you guys unite. Just do us a favor, and stand in one (less desirable) place. We will then show you how to make glass out of sand. Quite awe inspiring. Yes, stronger Europe's the answer, but Larry, Moe, and Curly, just made three stooges not one Schwarzenegger.

Axel- 1) Not America bashing? Who's kidding who? You fool yourself not me. Go back to Bitterfly for a quick case in point. 2) After 9/11 the whole world did not support America. They did what they saw politicaly correct. See the nuance? 3) The world did agree that Iraq was a threat, and did agree that action must be taken if he did not comply. Don't be a revisionist. You can debate what scale of action was necessary, but not the earlier points. That is, unless you are as nutty as bitterfly.

Rolling Stone- Thanks for the honesty.

Tomy- You bring a tear to my eye. Carry on.

Anyone else? KMBWA! :o


Hey Butterfly--I'm curious... We all know how much you hate Bush--but who are you do you support?? What world leader gets your respect? Who do you support? You never mention that...only that you hate Bush and want to "fight America", etc., etc., etc... It's me wondering??

Everyone knows I'm an American. Obviously SoCal is. As I recall Rolling Stone is Canadian... But what nationality are you? You're not afraid to make that known, are you? And if so, why?

Hey Butterfly--I'm curious... We all know how much you hate Bush--but who are you do you support??  What world leader gets your respect?  Who do you support?  You never mention that...only that you hate Bush and want to "fight America", etc., etc., etc...  It's me wondering??

Everyone knows I'm an American.  Obviously SoCal is.  As I recall Rolling Stone is Canadian...  But what nationality are you?  You're not afraid to make that known, are you?  And if so, why?

I support Saddam, and NK Song II, and Fidel Castro :o hahahahahahaha !!!

Yes I am another of your "neighbor" but I happened to live in Europe. I have left that shithole known as the USA about 10 years ago, and glad I did it. Life in Europe has never been better.

The trouble with the "average" american is that they never left their shithole village and still thinks they know everything about the world or "their" world as some would say. How more "funny" could that be ? They need to take their head out of their ass and be a little bit more curious about the world instead of being so self-centered and arrogant and above all ignorant. I know the rest of the world opinions doesn't count in your book and that only Americans are the "chosen" people. But I think Bush is a good "representation" of all the negative things in the US and in humanity, so I guess that's why I "love" to hate him.

Bitterfly & Kwiz, better get used to it. 4 more yrs in '04. Fact is the majority respect him as a leader, and don't care what a bunch of limp d*ck foreigners think.

Our economy is awesome, and a majority of Afghan & Iraqi say that their lives are better today.

Seeing as you are not American, Afghani, or Iraqi, what makes you think your views are important?

So why don't you strap a bomb to your a*s, and show everyone your sick and jealous insides. :o

"your world" ??? dude, you just outted yourself. Take the <deleted>***g blue pill (or is it the red pill, can't remember)

As expected you are just an "imbecile" american who never left his little village. You need to "learn" there is a real world outside your little "bubble hollywood world". I think Kwiz replies were pretty accurate but yet you fail to answer any of them. Maybe you didn't understand the questions he was posing. Wouldn't surprise me.


SoCold, you are still in denial, aren't you ? you are nowhere close to "rehabilitation". Have another beer dude (if you can take that drink of course) !!! :o

deja vu????

and I am sorry Socal.. it is Australian media again..


and is this the reaoson americans go to war?



But you can't go "against" the US propaganda party line :o you guys are "united" in this war against "evil muslims" heu I mean "evil terrorists". You should be deported, and what you are posting is so "anti-democratic" and against freedom B)

You should be shot !!!! B)


SoCal, Tomy are you trying to wind people up or do you really believe the sh!**e that you spout? I have nothing against the U.S.A. but it seems you people have a chip about the rest of the world.

Tomy "without the U.S all you european would be homeless". Tomy please stop, you are cracking up.

Tomy "we have more oil and natural resource in reserve to last my whole lifetime, but we want to steal more, more is better, so you tell me who is the smarter one". At least you are honest.

SoCal "Yeah, why don't you guys unite. Just do us a favor, and stand in one (less desirable) place. We will then show you how to make glass out of sand. Quite awe inspiring". SoCal are you a boy in the throws of puberty, playing war games with your pals. You certainly sound like one judging by some of your postings. Maybe you can get together with Tomy, play your war games together and wipe everyone out. In your dreams pal.

Hey Butterfly--I'm curious... We all know how much you hate Bush--but who are you do you support??  What world leader gets your respect?  Who do you support?  You never mention that...only that you hate Bush and want to "fight America", etc., etc., etc...   It's me wondering??

Everyone knows I'm an American.  Obviously SoCal is.  As I recall Rolling Stone is Canadian...  But what nationality are you?  You're not afraid to make that known, are you?  And if so, why?

I support Saddam, and NK Song II, and Fidel Castro :o hahahahahahaha !!!

Yes I am another of your "neighbor" but I happened to live in Europe. I have left that shithole known as the USA about 10 years ago, and glad I did it. Life in Europe has never been better.

The trouble with the "average" american is that they never left their shithole village and still thinks they know everything about the world or "their" world as some would say. How more "funny" could that be ? They need to take their head out of their ass and be a little bit more curious about the world instead of being so self-centered and arrogant and above all ignorant. I know the rest of the world opinions doesn't count in your book and that only Americans are the "chosen" people. But I think Bush is a good "representation" of all the negative things in the US and in humanity, so I guess that's why I "love" to hate him.

Wow... all that dodging the question and you still didn't answer the question: HEY--EARTH TO BITTERFLY--WHO DO YOU SUPPORT? What world leader do you think is right in their approach towards politics and their world view? Don't play games with me! Answer the question!

It's a simple question; WHO DO YOU SUPPORT?. Even your simple, little, arrogant mind should be able to handle that one, don't you think? Oh yeah, that's right--you don't think. You don't deal in logic or real answers or calm reasoning, you just froth at the mouth all day, looking for ridiculous out-take photos and cartoons of GWB, and use those as "arguments" to hide behind. Cartoon politics and cartoon propanganda, at it's best! Simple things for simple minds--like yours.

And you have the nerve to call Americans "self-centered and arrogant and above all ignorant"? That fits you to a tee, buddy! I really can't think of anyone here on this board who fits that description more perfectly.

You get riled up about "stupid, war-monger Americans", but you are the one who can't calm down long enough to answer a simple question. SoCal tried to "make peace" with you, offered to lighten up and buy you a drink--and what were your [b}rude, argumentative and confrontational comments[/b] did you make back? (Oh yeah--I saw your ORIGINAL post, before you altered it)...

Don't you get it? Think about it for awhile... Reflect and give it some thought... You might see that you are what you hate the most. What you are projecting onto America, is exactly how you act--arrogant, self-centered and ignorant. Seriously man.. stop and realize it now: you are the one always stirring up shit here on the board. You are the one insulting people, just because they don't agree with your opinions. You obviously have no life, or you wouldn't have the time to spend on this board, ranting and raving and frothing at the mouth all the time.

Maybe you've never taken the time to find another way of coping, so you direct your anger outward, hmm? Maybe it's what you see inside yourself, that angers you the most.

So--it's time to face the music and answer the question: WHO DO YOU SUPPORT?

Insane Blah Blah Blah !!!!

Insane Blah Blah Blah !!!!

Insane Blah Blah Blah !!!!

Insane Blah Blah Blah !!!!

Did you forget to take your meds again ? :o

I think you are having a heart attack

hahahahahaha !!!!

Pablo H what country u from, i'll target your country only and see what i can come up with.

"bring them on" hahahaha !!!

You bet they will come and kick your ass out of Iraq. Will be fun to watch on CNN. Not as much as seeing those 2 towers collapses live on the News. Where is Arnold when you need him the most ???? :o

More "dillusion" from the bots.

"War is peace" :D


Well, it's obvious that SoCold, membrane etc... are the "typical" american trash and NeoCon wanabees. Not that I didn't suspect it already with their typical "retarded" replies, but it's nice that they finally admitted it after they were "outted". Now we know where to shoot :o

If we were in 1933 Germany, they would be Germans trying to justify the "good" intentions of Hitler.

The "average" people with no "brain power" is what made Hitler such a powerful man. The retard in the WH is a dangerous man because he has absolutely no control on his policies and does not have the vision of a leader. He belongs to a bar with his drinking buddies talking about NASCAR and hunting and should be collecting "welfare" cheques instead of the millions of dollars in oil.

Pablo H what country u from, i'll target your country only and see what i can come up with.

Where should we put those "WMD" ? I heard California is a pretty good place :D

China and NK could take you down before your retarded prez had any idea on how to push down that red button :o


membrane just let it go man, the guy is not worth the effort, cowards never are. Just ignore the hateful nonsense posts from the 10 or so anti-Americans here and let them be fools amongst themselves. Don't give them the satisfaction of winding you up.

They cannot even admit their obvious true feelings with their "I am not anti-American people just anti-American govt"

Heres just one post from earlier "We've had enough of your violence,your macho,your coca cola,your stinking hamburgers,your empty smiles,your oversized teeth,your swaggering,your subsidised farmers and rice exports,your stupid films,your dumbass tv,your always trying to appeal to to the lowest common denominator cos its easy money,enough is enough.we dont need it or want it."

After this the poster made another post saying his post was anti US policy not anti American???????

I have lived all over Europe and the same nasty comments can be said about their countries and cultures and subsidies and tv that this poster said here about ours. But why stoop to their level? Its just not worth your time man just skip over the posts chuckle at their ignorance and move on.

Keep it real!


Butterfly, your posts are far over the top. Although I am intersted in the subject itself, I just skip them.

What you bring here is ranting and hate. May be that's why somebody changed your name to BITTERfly?

Worse, you make a discussion impossible!

In my feeling, one can bring pro and con - arguments. Well funded, and, where possible without emotion. I know, there are people of different opinion, I can discuss, but not the way you do it. I wastes my time and usless to find a decent reply.

Butterfly, your posts are far over the top. Although I am intersted in the subject itself, I just skip them.

What you bring here is ranting and hate. May be that's why somebody changed your name to BITTERfly?

Worse, you make a discussion impossible!

In my feeling, one can bring pro and con - arguments. Well funded, and, where possible without emotion. I know, there are people of different opinion, I can discuss, but not the way you do it. I wastes my time and usless to find a decent reply.

Hey, I actually agree with you. I know these are insane posts. But not as insane as the other NeoCons replies. Just having fun with the NeoCons. You can't debate with them. Would you debate with Nazis ? certainly not. The best solution is to make fun of them and show how ridiculous they are even if it means that I have to make a fool of myself B)

I am actually a very peaceful person !!!! :D

I also like that new name "Bitterfly" :o


A perfect example of denial with "no debate" replies from the WH:

Not pretty, even for their own people.


Q Scott, there are 17 former POWs from the first Gulf War who were tortured and filed suit against the regime of Saddam Hussein. And a judge has ordered that they are entitled to substantial financial damages. What is the administration's position on that? Is it the view of this White House that that money would be better spent rebuilding Iraq rather than going to these former POWs?

MR. McCLELLAN: I don't know that I view it in those terms, David. I think that the United States -- first of all, the United States condemns in the strongest terms the brutal torture to which these Americans were subjected. They bravely and heroically served our nation and made sacrifices during the Gulf War in 1991, and there is simply no amount of money that can truly compensate these brave men and women for the suffering that they went through at the hands of Saddam Hussein's brutal regime. That's what our view is.

Q But, so -- but isn't it true that this White House --

Q They think they're is an --

Q Excuse me, Helen -- that this White House is standing in the way of them getting those awards, those financial awards, because it views it that money better spent on rebuilding Iraq?

MR. McCLELLAN: Again, there's simply no amount of money that can truly compensate these brave men and women for the suffering --

Q Why won't you spell out what your position is?

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm coming to your question. Believe me, I am. Let me finish. Let me start over again, though. No amount of money can truly compensate these brave men and women for the suffering that they went through at the hands of a very brutal regime, at the hands of Saddam Hussein. It was determined earlier this year by Congress and the administration that those assets were no longer assets of Iraq, but they were resources required for the urgent national security needs of rebuilding Iraq. But again, there is simply no amount of compensation that could ever truly compensate these brave men and women.

Q Just one more. Why would you stand in the way of at least letting them get some of that money?

MR. McCLELLAN: I disagree with the way you characterize it.

Q But if the law that Congress passed entitles them to access frozen assets of the former regime, then why isn't that money, per a judge's order, available to these victims?

MR. McCLELLAN: That's why I pointed out that that was an issue that was addressed earlier this year. But make no mistake about it, we condemn in the strongest possible terms the torture that these brave individuals went through --

Q -- you don't think they should get money?

MR. McCLELLAN: -- at the hands of Saddam Hussein. There is simply no amount of money that can truly compensate those men and women who heroically served --

Q That's not the issue --

MR. McCLELLAN: -- who heroically served our nation.

Q Are you opposed to them getting some of the money?

MR. McCLELLAN: And, again, I just said that that had been addressed earlier this year.

Q No, but it hasn't been addressed. They're entitled to the money under the law. The question is, is this administration blocking their effort to access some of that money, and why?

MR. McCLELLAN: I don't view it that way at all. I view it the way that I stated it, that this issue was --

Q But you are opposed to them getting the money.

MR. McCLELLAN: This issue was addressed earlier this year, and we believe that there's simply no amount of money that could truly compensate these brave men and women for what they went through and for the suffering that they went through at the hands of Saddam Hussein --

Q So no money.

MR. McCLELLAN: -- and that's my answer.

Q So far, the President has pushed democracy through the sword by war, Afghanistan and Iraq. Is that going to be his modus operandi in the future?

MR. McCLELLAN: Helen, I think you've heard the President say numerous times that --

Q Is that the way he promotes democracy?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think you've heard him say numerous times that that is always a last resort. The President is -- but the President recognizes in the day and age that we live in, where there is dangerous new threats that we face, that we must confront those threats, and the President is --

Q What was the threat from Iraq --

MR. McCLELLAN: Let me finish. The President is confronting the dangerous threats that we face. He is confronting the threats that we face from North Korea, from Iran. We are seeking peaceful solution to resolve those issues. The multilateral approaches are working in those instances. It's also important that we follow through on our word. The international community passed some 17 resolutions over 12 years to bring Saddam Hussein into compliance. He continued --

Q And Israel has 60 resolutions --

MR. McCLELLAN: He continued to defy the international community. The world is a safer and better place with Saddam Hussein removed from power --

Q So we are pushing democracy through war, are we not?

MR. McCLELLAN: -- the President seeks peace. The President seeks to advance freedom and democracy. That's what we are doing.

Dana, go ahead. I'll come to you.

Q Were you able to find out from either the President or anybody else who might know if he, in fact, knew about any last-minute efforts by Iraq to back-channel a deal before the war started?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, first of all, remember what I said earlier, that we exhausted every legitimate and credible opportunity to resolve the world's differences with Saddam Hussein in a peaceful way. If there were a credible and legitimate opportunity to resolve it peacefully, we would have pursued it. But keep in mind that the bottom line here, Saddam Hussein's unwillingness and his failure to comply, after 12 years and some 17 Security Council resolutions from the United Nations, including one final opportunity was the reason that the coalition was forced to act and bring Iraq into compliance.

Q Did the President know about this --

MR. McCLELLAN: I see -- I understand your interest. We're focused on what matters. I see no reason to bring it up there. You saw the news reports, I saw the news reports. I think you had response from those that knew something about this, saying something to the effect that they didn't view it --

Q Everybody is asking the --

MR. McCLELLAN: -- that they didn't view it as a credible --as a credible opportunity or credible communication.

Q So basically, it was -- the decision was made that it wasn't credible enough to bring it to the President?

MR. McCLELLAN: You need to talk -- see, now you're asking specific questions about those agencies and what they may have known. I think you should direct those questions to those agencies.

Q She's asking about the President.

MR. McCLELLAN: I see no reason to bring it up.

Q By what you're saying you're inferring that the President didn't know about it.

MR. McCLELLAN: What I said is I see no reason to bring it up, because we exhausted every legitimate and credible opportunity to avert military action and to achieve a peaceful solution to this.

Q We're asking you to bring it up.

Q Yes.

MR. McCLELLAN: I see no reason to.

Q Who exhausted it, though? The President of the United States exhausted it?

MR. McCLELLAN: The United States exhausted every --

Q So, therefore, he should have known about some of these back-channel --

MR. McCLELLAN: The United States exhausted every legitimate and credible opportunity. Again, you saw the responses from some of those that had knowledge of this communication.

Q And our understanding of those responses is that it didn't reach a level --

MR. McCLELLAN: That's right.

Q -- is that correct -- it didn't reach a level that the President would have been concerned about it.

MR. McCLELLAN: The bottom line is that Saddam Hussein had any number of channels available to him through which he could have communicated with the United States or members of the coalition. He was given more than enough opportunity to avert the use of military force. He was given opportunity to leave the country. He chose to continue his defiance. He chose to continue to defy the international community, despite all these opportunities.

Insane Blah Blah Blah !!!!

Insane Blah Blah Blah !!!!

Insane Blah Blah Blah !!!!

Insane Blah Blah Blah !!!!

Did you forget to take your meds again ?  :o

I think you are having a heart attack

hahahahahaha !!!!

Oh, good response, Bitterfly! Well thought out... How old are you, 12?

You don't even realize what's going on, do you? You are revealing--to everyone here reading all these posts worldwide--you are revealing yourself to be the ###### you really are, and you don't even know it. Even the people that might agree with some of your anti-Bush views, are now seeing you for what you are: a propagandizing, blindly-hateful person, without any ability to reason and maturely discuss issues.

With remarks like "it was fun seeing those 2 towers collapses live on the News", you are outing yourself--as someone who just hates. It's not just GWB you hate. You are completely insane with hatred towards America and anyone who happens to reside there--regardless of their politics, national origin, etc. Do you have any idea how many Thai people were in the Twin Towers, went they went down? How many people from England, France, Germany, Australia, etc.? It was the WORLD Trade Center, you moron! There were people from all over the world. And even America itself, is made up of immigrants from all over the world.. You don't seem to understand WE ARE all originally from England, France, Germany, Australia, etc.

You show absolutely no indication of intelligence, no respect for anyone--for yourself or anybody else. This entire thread is nothing more than a monument to your own stupidity and hatred. The more you rant and rave, the more you show the world who you really as a person.

You really are a little man. Small-minded, unable to hold an intelligent conversation, unable to defend your own views. No well-thought-out discussions here. Just mental impotence.

You are a waste of time.

Butterfly, your posts are far over the top. Although I am intersted in the subject itself, I just skip them.

What you bring here is ranting and hate. May be that's why somebody changed your name to BITTERfly?

Worse, you make a discussion impossible!

In my feeling, one can bring pro and con - arguments. Well funded, and, where possible without emotion. I know, there are people of different opinion, I can discuss, but not the way you do it. I wastes my time and usless to find a decent reply.

Yeah, now that post is something I can respect. Good for you, Axel.

Actually, I think to have a good discussion forum, it should be more of a place where we can discuss the pro's and cons of issues. This should be a place where we can have an intelligent, rational discussion involving both sides. This should not be a place for pointless blathering and ranting & raving hatred.

More funny Insane Blah Blah Blah !!!!

More funny Insane Blah Blah Blah !!!!

More funny Insane Blah Blah Blah !!!!

Mummy I think I am going to cry !!!! :D

Did someone changed your diaper yet or should I take care of it ? B)

You don't give a rat ass about the world, admit it. It was in your posts 2 pages ago. I know you have a short attention span disorder, so you are excused. :o

Bob- World leader's don't respect? So what? Bush, and the U.S. do not like Shroeder & Chirac. Do we tell you who to elect? Get off your high horse (probably rocking), and quit telling us what is good for us father.

SoCal, Listen Up. I am American. I will say what I like of 'my' president. It takes a true idiot to be at the healm of the world's only superpower and earn so little respect from leaders and regular people all over the globe. And all you non-Americans, keep on Bush bashing. Until he returns to running America and not the world, every human on the face of the earth has the right to voice their disgust.

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