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Just Got A Letter From We Tv


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I prepaid for WE TV in order to get a special deal a few months ago so we're kind of "stuck" with it for while. We just got a form letter, in Thai, that I think says they're going to change their channel lineup at the end of May and includes a list of their current channels. I think the letter says we're suppose to vote for three channels and return the letter to them using their postage-paid reply.

I've been studying Thai reading/writing for almost a year, but I'd still have to pull out a Thai dictionary and work my way thru a word-by-word translation to figure out if my initial reading is correct. Frankly, it's going to be quicker for me to wait until Monday and walk over to their office inside the moat to ask what's going on.

Has anyone else gotten this letter and been able to figure out what (if anything) they want from their customers? I'm going to be steamed if we're suppose to vote for our three favorite channels if they're just sending out a Thai version of the letter. They have very few English-language channels and I'd hate to have fewer.

Edited by NancyL
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Most channels they show now you can get on any shuttle and watch for free .

They took of CNN , BBC and now also Bloomberg , some sport channels .

They gave us back foxnews :) , couldn't be worse really . Although they are cheap

it isn't anything worth it really unless they take those former channels back and add

some more , charge a little more perhaps for more quality .

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I just glanced through the letter.

On page one they list the present 60 channels and want you to tick in the box beside each one you want to keep (as many as you like , ie the ones you watch often).

On page 2 they have some more channels and would like you to tick beside each one you would like to see added. Not a stunning line up on either page - the only thing remotely interesting on page 2 is the Asia News from Sing. in Eng. which they used to have before and recently ditched.

Page 3 (blank section) is for you to fill in with details - ie let off steam about how atrocious the channels have become.

Form must be returned before 30 May

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What I'm surprised about is that this is the first time I've read anything on ThaiVisa about WETV dropping Bloomberg. When they dropped the worthless CNN and the almost worthless BBC the thread grew to over 30 posts. I'm not sure if that says more about WETV or their viewers.

When I asked WETV about Bloomberg, which was first replaced by some Chinese station and then some video game station, I was told that the problem was a "weak signal" from Bloomberg!!! now that I've sween every 15 year old Law and Order episode 3 times, I doubt I'll be renewing my subscription to WETV.

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What I'm surprised about is that this is the first time I've read anything on ThaiVisa about WETV dropping Bloomberg. When they dropped the worthless CNN and the almost worthless BBC the thread grew to over 30 posts. I'm not sure if that says more about WETV or their viewers.

When I asked WETV about Bloomberg, which was first replaced by some Chinese station and then some video game station, I was told that the problem was a "weak signal" from Bloomberg!!! now that I've sween every 15 year old Law and Order episode 3 times, I doubt I'll be renewing my subscription to WETV.

So, have you decided on an alternative? Please share.

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For 350 baht with some OK movie channels and any kind of news - and a few other things that are somewhat watchable - I'm not going to complain.

Same here. I recently dumped True (UBC) as I rarely watch it anyway but still wanted filler between movies. I would say better content (I don't watch sports) and I probably watch the Sci-Fi channel the most. The wife and sister-in-law are quite pleased as UBC was only on my widescreen upstairs and now they have lots of choices. Ok, they still focus on the Thai soaps but they are sharper then from the antenna signal. :)

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Well, I get WeTV for free in my apt bldg, so maybe I shouldn't even post this...but I will anyway :D

First they X'd BBC World and CNN.

Then the excellent France 24.

Then Bloomberg.

Don't even get me started on Fox, frikkin' agitprop booshwah.

WeTV sucks the big you know what now; wouldn't pay 25 satang for it if I had to pay....:)

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It was a pretty good deal when I first got it. But I'm afraid now the only justification is that it is 350Bt/month

I don't watch that often but mostly watch the Aussie channel. Sports and movies seem to have got much worse as well as no decent news channel - well AlJaz is OK.

In BKK I get Charoen TV also 350Bt/month as far as I remember, but I would say slightly better - get Channel News Asia, TV24 french channel in Eng.

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What I'm surprised about is that this is the first time I've read anything on ThaiVisa about WETV dropping Bloomberg. When they dropped the worthless CNN and the almost worthless BBC the thread grew to over 30 posts. I'm not sure if that says more about WETV or their viewers.

When I asked WETV about Bloomberg, which was first replaced by some Chinese station and then some video game station, I was told that the problem was a "weak signal" from Bloomberg!!! now that I've sween every 15 year old Law and Order episode 3 times, I doubt I'll be renewing my subscription to WETV.

So, have you decided on an alternative? Please share.

Of course.

Since I'm not interested in the sports shown on Cable here, and I can buy any movie i want, I have little need for WETV or True. (Aljezira is fine and Fox is entertaining, but that's it for True). For less than 350 baht/month I can read Bloomberg, the New York Times, and just about every other newspaper in the world on the internet. I don't really need to have someone read it to me.

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Thanks, Sally, for your excellent explanation of the letter and what we're suppose to do to respond to their survey. I hope everyone else who's commenting on the channel selection takes the time to fill out their survey, along with a comment that they should have sent out the letter in English, also. It should be pretty obvious which customers need an English letter since the customer name is in English on the letter we received, while the rest of the address is in Thai.

Yes, we know that just about everything you'd ever what to know is available on the internet, but it's a pain to hook up our computer to the TV so two people can enjoy the program on a large screen with a great sound system. Plus, there's something kind of relaxing about just flipping thru the channels and finding an interesting program. Also, it's good to have access to the Thai local channels to learn more about Thai "culture". So, at 350 baht/month (actually less than 300 baht/month with my year-long prepayment) it's a fair deal.

WE TV is not our primary form of entertainment (the internet is) but it would be nice to keep the few channels we've got in English and maybe get some more.

Let's all fill out that survey because I doubt the WE TV management reads this forum!

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What's the deal with the "NOW" channel? It seems to be play-by-play of people playing the Quake video game! Is it a joke or do people really get into that? Surely there are better channels to put on the air than this!

What irks me more than anything about WETV is the signal. I've lived in a couple places in CM and have never had a decent signal on all the channels. My wife complains that even the local channels are blurry and ghosty (I could care less, but it's true).

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