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Today Was The Hottest Day Of The Year


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You better go buy a new thermometer yours are no good at 16:00PM it was 41c. Source www.tmd.go.th/en.

Same here at 5.00pm 41c.

Not so bad for those in small apartments with aircon, easy to keep cool, but when you`re living in a large house like my family and I, it`s unbearable, even the aircon can`t cope.

The tape water is running scolding hot, fans just blowing hot air, ceramic tile floor burn the feet when walking and metal door handles too hot to touch.

Can the situation get any worse?

..you could be in a bamboo/grass hut somewhere with no job, no money and very little food..

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Got to go/maybe north tomorrow over the wall and the BBC are forcasting minus -3 degrees...and its May ...supposed to be nearly summer ..init......need a Whisky....wee scunner :)

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Sa Kaeo was listed at 39.9 at 5pm yesterday; I looked online at my former city in NZ - 9 overnight expecting a high of 12 today.

People please stop mentioning aircon!

I have to ride 26km to the nearest 7/11 for a/c. When i do make the trip I loiter a long time - if they sold English magazines/newspapers I could make a day of it.

I spent yesterday morning painting shutters on the house; afternoon scrubcutting and trimming felled trees down to size. Certainly do get through a lot of water working in the full sun.

But I won't complain (maybe later, but not yet)

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It was so HOT in our moobaan that the roads were literally melting......the blacktop was liquid and sticking to tires and pulling up chunks of road. Ambient temps keep on increasing as all surfaces continue to heat up and little cooling at night like there usually is in the north.

Passive cooling of houses doesn't help when the ambient temps don't drop and the only relief from the heat is when I take a bucket of water and self-songkran my self in boxer shorts and t-shirt and evaporate for 15 minutes.

I do run aircon most of the day in office, but am getting cabin fever staying indoors all day. Night times air is on for 3-4 hrs to cool house......turn it off and it is baking hot in a half hr.


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I've got in front of me the 30 year averages (1961-1990) for Lamphun from the Thai Meteorological Dept.

Average minimum for May : 23.8

" maximum: : 35.0

Amount of rainfall, May : 162.3 mm !!!

No. of rainy days, May : 15!!! and 108 days of rain for the year. Can you believe it?!!

I live 40kms sw of Chiang Mai and the whole of last year we had no more than 10 rain sessions.....the longest of which was no more than an hour.

"And you know something is happening but you don't know what it is, do you Mr Jones?"

Just a hot ,dry cycle?....

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How long will this cycle last and how much hotter will it get??

One prediction from the head metorologist from LOS says that we are entering an el nino cycle and could last for years and rainy season could be shortened and delayed until august!!!

hope he's wrong.....

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Need to get the pool finished before next visit....

right lights......where to buy in Chiang Mai...pref LEDs...?...anyone

Thanks :)

try Amorn by the Computer Plaza

I think Jackr bought them there before?

been meaning to upgrade/update mine but havent got there yet

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Be happy that you're not in New Delhi.... or in Jaipur, or Riadh!

Did you actually look up Riyadh? I did, yesterday, and temperatures int eh Middle East region are very similar to Chiang Mai, both daytime and nighttime temperatures. A little cooler actually. (www.weather.com)

How long will this cycle last and how much hotter will it get??

One prediction from the head metorologist from LOS says that we are entering an el nino cycle and could last for years and rainy season could be shortened and delayed until august!!!

Phew, that's a relief. If the head meteorologist was predicting heavy rain all week then I'd be worried. He's as funny as the head earthquake guy, and the guy who said sea levels around Thailand wouldn't rise as we're so far from the poles. :)

It was so hot, I had to drag my bed under the air-con last night.

Oh oh.. Sounds like a David Letterman list coming up..

- It's so hot that it makes me want to take off my skin and sit in my bones

- It's so hot that I saw two trees fighting over a dog.

- Birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.

- Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying hard-boiled eggs.

- It's so hot, I can roast marshmellows on my belly


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Last Saturday I went to Bang Bua Thong shopping for plants with my partner, it was so hot that I could feel that the frame of my glasses were like burning on my face. When we got in the car. It read the outside temperature - 43C!

Let's hope for the rain.

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Normally i fair pretty well in the heat. This morning though i felt wiped out after sitting indoors with only the windows open. I laid down on my bed and instantly fell asleep for an hour. Woke up feeling faint, drained, and soaked in sweat. Have closed the windows and resorted the aircon. I am feeling lethargic. Temperature from online sources put the temperature in the 38deg mark. Im sure it must be much higher. I cant see how 38 deg would just completely wipe me out like that.

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I have a suggestion for you, eek, one that I have made to others before and prolly will again. When you're hot like that, feeling wiped out and all? Fill your tub full of cold water - and if it is not that cold out of the tap, consider adding some ice - and get in it and soak away for twenty minutes or more. Then, as they say, repeat as necessary. : )

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Must say from the eleven years of my stay in Chiangmai , this absolutely is the

hottest and longest heatwave I have experienced yet , normally there would be more

thundershowers by now , typically starting towrds the evening .

Although it seems to get cloudy sometimes , its only drops on a hot plate .....

Hot it may be , but without rain its exhausting .

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Good advise Rasseru, but not many of us here have bath tubs.

During the day, I 'self songkran' myself several times. In this heat, all I wear is t shirt and boxer shorts and walk around the house dripping. Wife complains that i'm dripping, but I say it evaporates on the floors in minutes. Wearing a wet hat cools if I'm going out in the sun.


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Normally i fair pretty well in the heat. This morning though i felt wiped out after sitting indoors with only the windows open. I laid down on my bed and instantly fell asleep for an hour. Woke up feeling faint, drained, and soaked in sweat. Have closed the windows and resorted the aircon. I am feeling lethargic. Temperature from online sources put the temperature in the 38deg mark. Im sure it must be much higher. I cant see how 38 deg would just completely wipe me out like that.

Get some electrolytes in you. Dechamp is good. :)

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