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Men With Shaved Heads

maccaroni man

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I used to shave my head with a safety razor and many of my female Thai friends would ask why I did it, because it looked "mai law". My wife forbids me to do it. I Buzz cut my hair and she is fine with that, but she told me that unless I start going bald, don't shave it.

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Years ago I had haircuts that needed to be combed. It was difficult to get a good haircut. I went to the barber with my Thai girlfriend and asked her to tell the barber how to cut my hair. I ended up with what they call a number two. There wasn't a hair on my head that was more than a few millimeters long. I was horrified but found out that it felt great. I don't shave my head because that would be too much work. I no longer get a number two. I get a number one. That means there is no rake on the clippers. It looks almost shaven but it is not. I will NEVER have hair that needs combed again.

It's my head and I don't really care who likes or dislikes it. I am comfortable.

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Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

It is the love, caring, passion, understanding & kindness that counts.

I'm sure they can spot all of that from across the room. I know when I am at a club I focus on all the girls who would make good mothers! :)

In a relationship I would agree, and it would depend on the woman if it was her preference or not, but I believe the OP is talking about how now Thai women shy away from him or are unwilling to talk to his friend after he shaved his head.

As human beings we go by looks first.

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Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

It is the love, caring, passion, understanding & kindness that counts.

I'm sure they can spot all of that from across the room. I know when I am at a club I focus on all the girls who would make good mothers! :)

In a relationship I would agree, and it would depend on the woman if it was her preference or not, but I believe the OP is talking about how now Thai women shy away from him or are unwilling to talk to his friend after he shaved his head.

As human beings we go by looks first.

As human beings we go by looks first. Quite agree with you.

However, a relation will not last more than a night if other more important things are taken into considerations.

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When I was single I didn't have the courage to shave it off. Sometime after getting married, the wife and I talked about it and she did it for me the first time. Now there is hardly a hair on my body that doesn't get groomed from time to time. :D

Ten years later, I would never grow hair again. I only shave twice a week so it is not a big deal. I would agree that the majority of Thai girls are not into bald heads, however. The more traditional the less they would like it and the really young ones would relate it to being old.

My wife says if you are good looking to begin with it doesn't make that much difference but it you are ugly then it only makes it worse. :)

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Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

It is the love, caring, passion, understanding & kindness that counts.

I'm sure they can spot all of that from across the room. I know when I am at a club I focus on all the girls who would make good mothers! :)

In a relationship I would agree, and it would depend on the woman if it was her preference or not, but I believe the OP is talking about how now Thai women shy away from him or are unwilling to talk to his friend after he shaved his head.

As human beings we go by looks first.

As human beings we go by looks first. Quite agree with you.

However, a relation will not last more than a night if other more important things are taken into considerations.

True. Who gives a hoot if a woman likes or dislikes a certain physical aspect of a man. Thai women don't like beards either or big fat beer bellies. Neither do many western women. But, once they get to know a person the looks become secondary. I'm both bald and have a beard, and it's never made any difference to my relationships with women in any country. If your smile is easy and genuine, and you walk and talk with confidence, then physical attributes are over looked. It is the same with women. I've seen many physically beautiful women, but who have a sour look, and seldom smile. It takes away from their beauty.

It still comes down to what the person is like inside, and how they treat others. I've seen a lot of physically homely men with beautiful women, and it ain't because the guy was rich. I have two friends in Canada who were real lady's men, and neither is good looking by any aspect.

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Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

It is the love, caring, passion, understanding & kindness that counts.


Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

It is the amount of money he has and how stupidly he will give it all to her that counts.


Seriously though, shaved head is fugly, why would you do it? Only reason to do it is if you dont care about your appearance, this isnt the west where looks like that are accepted easily. This is Thailand and if youre trying to find mates then dont sabotage yourself with a shaved head.

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Oh I completely agree about what it takes to make a relationship last etc. I am just commenting on what trends I have seen and have experienced when dealing with the views of Thai women about bald heads (in a physical sense only) It seems to be the the OP's friend's haircut has put off many girls and their not willing to talk, thus there is no chance of either a fling or real relationship to even begin!

My wife likes the goatee, but Jesus, all my female coworkers would just joke about cutting it off.

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There's an old saying: "God created only a few good heads. The rest he covered with hair!"

I've notice when ever someone brings up a topic like this, its "them" that has the issue.

Personally, I haven't had to show a ID to get into any bar since I was 18 due to a receding hair line. Always got the "gee you're going bald" all my life. Strangely, 25 years ago, I shaved it all off and never got any comment after that, just compliments. And the majority of women seemed to love it including Thai women. But then, again, some like tall men, some like short ones, some like fat or thin, and some like long hair. So it really doesn't matter now, does it? It you have an "image" problem, get over it! Most people don't even notice unless you smell like a cess pool or just grotesquely deformed.

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Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

It is the love, caring, passion, understanding & kindness that counts.

Please don't forget the money, which is ofcourse No 1 :)

That is true... just as it's true for 90% of all other women throughout the world. It's always been about the man who can adequately provide for his family, and most often that means having enough money. That is why many women become airline hostesses... to meet pilots. Or, women who take up nursing because that is where they might meet doctors. Or, where women become teachers so they can meet male teachers who have a profession. Etc, etc, etc.

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I'll stick with my comb over for now. :)

Actually was in the Mid East for the past few weeks. Went totally local, buzz cut my head and reduced my shaving frequency to 2x a week and thats to "maintain" the stubble.

The missus actually likes my cut but says i look older and have an oddly shped head. I have threatened to put her in a burqa!!

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Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

It is the love, caring, passion, understanding & kindness that counts.

Please don't forget the money, which is ofcourse No 1 :D

That is true... just as it's true for 90% of all other women throughout the world. It's always been about the man who can adequately provide for his family, and most often that means having enough money....

I think you'll find times are changing...

That is why many women become airline hostesses... to meet pilots. Or, women who take up nursing because that is where they might meet doctors. Or, where women become teachers so they can meet male teachers who have a profession. Etc, etc, etc.

:) Which century are you living in my friend? Late 19th or early 20th?

In the UK the number of female teachers has outnumbered the number of male teachers for many decades and is now around double that of men - that's a lot of competition for those choosing a career to find a mate. :D

In the 21st century women can also become doctors too - in addition to nurses. Within a decade it is estimated that the number of female doctors in the UK will exceed male doctors. That'll leave a lot of disappointed nurses too :D

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Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

It is the love, caring, passion, understanding & kindness that counts.

and what about a Man's intellect? I thought intellect comes from the head

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Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

It is the love, caring, passion, understanding & kindness that counts.

Please don't forget the money, which is ofcourse No 1 :)

That is true... just as it's true for 90% of all other women throughout the world. It's always been about the man who can adequately provide for his family, and most often that means having enough money. That is why many women become airline hostesses... to meet pilots. Or, women who take up nursing because that is where they might meet doctors. Or, where women become teachers so they can meet male teachers who have a profession. Etc, etc, etc.

Have to agree with Fletchsmile on this one. The most important thing for the vast majority of Western women (by a long way) is someone who can make her laugh. Looks are secondary to most - although women do pay more attention to looks if the man is more than a few years older than them - it tends to be off-putting to most Western women (other than the v few looking for a rich man), regardless of how much they like him.

Having said that, I agree with Ian that Western women will generally not be interested in a serious relationship with a man unless he is in their social bracket - unless they are v rich themselves. But the idea that they pursue a career to find a rich man is, frankly, laughable in this day and age.

Thailand is v different, and I find it v odd that the local women are ignoring him because he's bald. Is he self-conscious and therefore unapproachable?

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:) Which century are you living in my friend? Late 19th or early 20th?

In the UK the number of female teachers has outnumbered the number of male teachers for many decades and is now around double that of men - that's a lot of competition for those choosing a career to find a mate. :D

In the 21st century women can also become doctors too - in addition to nurses. Within a decade it is estimated that the number of female doctors in the UK will exceed male doctors. That'll leave a lot of disappointed nurses too :D

Yah got me there. :D I've been around since Adam and Eve. However, in my twenties I DO remember all the young nurses and airline stewardesses saying they were going to marry doctors or pilots. The teacher comment was stretching it a bit, but it was good paying job where women had a chance at meeting professional men... not just other teachers.

But, the topic was about shaved heads and I have some theories on that as well... seeing as I am one who shaves his head daily. The African American sports stars (starting with Michael Jordan) started shaving their heads and made it both fashionable and the masculine thing to do. Us bald guys can thank those media stars for that. I've been told many times that I look both younger and better with a totally shaved head rather than the fringe around the sides look. I'm too cheap to get hair implants and not vain enough to get a wig. Besides, it's easier than going to a barber.

And, I can tell you truthfully that I've never, ever had a problem finding women. In fact my problem is not settling for just one. I don't need a mommy or a maid, and I can cook better than most women I know. I prefer my freedom too much to give it up for very little in return. I've already raised my children into responsible adults and don't need to start another family.

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African Americans shave their heads because their hair is viewed as undesirable. There is actually a documentary by Chris Rock about the lengths black women will go to make their hair look white. African Americans who keep their hair long are usually made fun of in the black community.

So there is no correlation there between black and white bald men.

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African Americans shave their heads because their hair is viewed as undesirable. There is actually a documentary by Chris Rock about the lengths black women will go to make their hair look white. African Americans who keep their hair long are usually made fun of in the black community.

So there is no correlation there between black and white bald men.

The difference is pretty stark. A greasy sickly pale bald head with a few patches of mottled grey liver spots on an aging european is not attractive by any stretch of the imagination. :)

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