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Men With Shaved Heads

maccaroni man

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And yeah, I shave my head and my TW ain't with me for the money, 'cause I haven't got any!

This is a common misconception. As far as I know, even the most modestly paid English teacher/pensioner makes 20,000 baht a month which is substantially more than the monthly Thai minimum wage. While your prospects might look very bleak from your own perspective, there will always be a line up of desperate Thai women who see baht reflecting off of your shiny bald head.

Ohh that one's going to hurt :)

Wouldnt say hurt,would say some posts complaining of stupidity

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And yeah, I shave my head and my TW ain't with me for the money, 'cause I haven't got any!

This is a common misconception. As far as I know, even the most modestly paid English teacher/pensioner makes 20,000 baht a month which is substantially more than the monthly Thai minimum wage. While your prospects might look very bleak from your own perspective, there will always be a line up of desperate Thai women who see baht reflecting off of your shiny bald head.

Ohh that one's going to hurt :)

I have a smallish bald paych at the top of my head but i shave,number 1 because its so hot here,and styling gel is a defo no no here.I also shave most of my body,or the parts that grow quickly,keeps me smelling good and less hot too,and the ladies love a trimmed down xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wouldnt say hurt,would say some posts complaining of stupidity

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What i find wierd is when men I have always known as bald, or shaven, show me pics of themselves when they were younger with a full head of hair!!


Guilty as charged. I've shown my young lady friends pictures of me when I was a young man. They all say... "I wish I meet you when you young man." To which I repeat with a smile... "I wish I'd met you when I was a young man, also."

Notice the full head of hair...


Now I'm an old grampa who still enjoys life.

And the hair seems to have gone south...


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^My thoughts entirely PhilB.

In addition, you can shave off the grey hairs.

Plus look at the money saved on haircuts, shampoo and other 'product.'

We're gonna say it proud, we're bald and we're proud.

If others have a problem with this it is their problem.

Actually, I'd go one step further and say they have no right to have a problem about it.!

I'm sure people would attack me if I bashed on about people with crooked teeth, or a beer belly, or with a spot or 2, or a different skin colour, or too tall, too short, etc, etc. But what others like I might not, and vice versa.

As for allegedly grown blokes telling us in all certainty what women do or do not like, well that in itself displays real lack of experience!

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Couple of observations regarding the IanForbes photo spreads,

1. Looks like he is still using the same wardbrobe.

2. Teenage Ian maybe had a touch of ginger in that mop.

(sheeeesh, what bad luck,)


1. Yah, simple, plain clothes, and mostly blue, has always been my style.

2. My father and two sisters were red heads. Mother was a blonde. Not sure if I had any red or not, but my brother does.

But, no bad luck that I didn't cause myself. I couldn't have had a better life... and I'm STILL living it. I'm not sure for how long, but I'll enjoy the ride while I can. And, I can truthfully say that being bald has NEVER had one affect on my love life. I've been with more lovely ladies than any man could ever possibly want. Why that is so kind of surprises me. It's probably because I'm confident and enjoy myself so much. Being enthusiastic rubs off on others and they like being around friendly people. I never letch after women but I'm open, honest and friendly. It seems to work.

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Without reading the comments.....I think the shaun barnet...can seem a little intimidating....on some folk.

Why; because it's part of a bigger persona with some people. Normally there are other tell-tale signs of macho tendancies. Like tatto's, and the general posturing of the hard man. On others, it's just a sensible way to mask their folic challenges.

However, thank god that the skin-head is more acceptable now. remember the days of the comb-over!!

I remember playing in a cup final when I was a kid. Ralph coats (ex spurs winger) handed out the trophy. I can remember looking at his hair. It was laquered over so you couldn't see the mass of baldness. We all wanted to pull it over.

Shave if your going....but cut out the other sh*t.

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A lot of older guys seem to do it, I suspect they think it makes them look younger.

Personally I hang onto what little I have left and rely on my charm, wit and good looks to attract women. :)


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Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

It is the love, caring, passion, understanWho gives a hoot if a woman likes or dislikes a certain physical aspect of a man. Thai women don't like beards either or big fat beer bellies. Neither do many western women. But, once they get to know a person the looks become secondary. I'm both bald and have a beard, and it's never made any difference to my relationships with women in any country. If your smile is easy and genuine, and you walk and talk with confidence, then physical attributes are over looked. It is the same with women. I've seen many physically beautiful women, but who have a sour look, and seldom smile. It takes away from their beauty.

It still comes down to what the person is like inside, and how they treat others. I've seen a lot of physically homely men with beautiful women, and it ain't because the guy was rich. I have two friends in Canada who were real lady's men, and neither is good looking by any aspect.

Hear, hear, -Ian Forbes- wrote it very well! That is also what I believe.

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You look like a potential serial killer bald, but quite normal as a young man.


I am a cereal killer. I kill every nut and raisin I find in the bowl. :D

But, when I ain't smiling (which is seldom) I agree with you... I DO look a little menacing. And especially so when I pick my teeth with the switch blade knife I always carry. :D When I'm not smiling the girls find me a little scary. :)

This is about the only photo I have of myself without the shit-eating grin on my face. It's hard not to smile when I'm in Thailand.


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Don't ya' just playing with women's hair when you're making out? I bet they really love just playing with the skin on your head or stubble in return. Surely much easier to grip.


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Don't ya' just playing with women's hair when you're making out? I bet they really love just playing with the skin on your head or stubble in return. Surely much easier to grip.


I give them velcro gloves for that purpose. :)

Mostly they just grab my ears or the back of my neck. I love the long silky black hair on Thai women, but I'm never too sure about the rule of not touching a Thai person's head.

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Definitely a stigma. It means that you are going bald and trying to hide it. Most women, probably 95% find a bald head on a man to be hideous looking.

Can you back that up with evidence?

Otherwise it's utter <deleted>.

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No one has mentioned Beckham who has sported the number 1 countless times.

He paid the hairdresser 500 pounds the first time he did it btw.

I've lost count the amount of times I have heard 'beckham' from Asians when they see someone with the number 1 look.

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You look like a potential serial killer bald, but quite normal as a young man.


I am a cereal killer. I kill every nut and raisin I find in the bowl. :D

But, when I ain't smiling (which is seldom) I agree with you... I DO look a little menacing. And especially so when I pick my teeth with the switch blade knife I always carry. :D When I'm not smiling the girls find me a little scary. :)

This is about the only photo I have of myself without the shit-eating grin on my face. It's hard not to smile when I'm in Thailand.


Must admit,my mum looks more intimidating than you and she is 81

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Definitely a stigma. It means that you are going bald and trying to hide it. Most women, probably 95% find a bald head on a man to be hideous looking.

Can you back that up with evidence?

Otherwise it's utter <deleted>.

I bet that one works real good with ladies too. (jotting it down)

"Do you have any evidence or links to research showing that you are not attracted to me? If not, I'm getting us a room right now."


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No one has mentioned Beckham who has sported the number 1 countless times.

I enjoy a low maintenance #1 cut now and then as well. It's different when you (and presumably everyone else) knows that it'll grow back though. Otherwise in a few weeks, the horseshoe head/Vietnam jungle LZ/Brand's Real Natural Bird's Nest, etc. will start to return.

Also different when you have one haircut for the rest of your life. Imagine picking one really cool shirt (well, I think it's a cool shirt, and Sean Connery and LeBron have one as well, and buying 4-5 dozen in the exact same color) and never changing it.

Nothing against the skins, just keeping it real.


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