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Thai Protesters To Rally Until Deputy PM Suthep Surrenders

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This just will go round and round and round to the point we are soooo dizzy no one really knows what the original agenda was. I do not have any affilation to any colour I totally disagreed with the Yellows allowed to infriltrate Bangkok Airport, Totally disagree with the current situtation of the Reds now. Even though I live in BKK our company has ordered all staff to leave until dispute rectified, even though it is no real trouble where I live. The government and Army has to act and not allow this to occur or it will just happen again and again and again. No other country in the civilised world would allow this to occur.

The situation has gone beyond any sensibilty the Reds only have one agenda Dissolve Government now or we do not go.

This however goes back to the Yellows and how the current government got to power pretty sure no election by the people, however the past is past and cannot be changed, but these are the consiquences.

Understand the corruption levels involved in the past, but every country has these issues and resolve them in better ways than the above.

If the country wants to remain like this who are we to judge in the end we do not invest and move to Vietnam (which we already did Thailand was deemed to unstable after the yellows) point proven this time around. To me Bangkok when not fighting will be a place I just come to party and forgot the rest until some government grows some "Kohunas" and stamps acts like this out.


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Red-shirt Leaders Won't Turn Themselves in on May 15

The core red-shirt leaders have gone back on their promise to turn themselves in on May 15.

Now they are saying they'll only turn themselves in when the Emergency Decree is lifted.

They are also expected to file for appeals against arrest warrants issued for major red-shirt leaders on May 14.

Well well, what a surprise, the Red Shirt Brigade leaders ( or Thaksin) are not willing to accept the consequences of their ill conceived actions.

Methinks that the authorities now need to step in and apply the rule of law.

Anarchy cannot be allowed to prosper to the detriment of the majority of law abiding Thai and foreign residents who are totally disinterested in the farcical Red Shirt Brigades dated communist style dogma.

Yet again we see that the words that fall from the mouth of the Red Shirt Brigade leaders like there principles are not worth a buffalo's wet fart.


The reds have become completely indefensible. And now here comes the red apologists ... They are indeed relentless. It's interesting that some of the more objective ones are turning against them.

Sorry to say I predicted this kind of mess (the reds dragging their feet indefinitely) right after the roadmap was announced.

I watched loads of those vids on YouTube and elsewhere, but I never once saw one soldier firing a weapon set to automatic. Could you please post a link to some of the "dozens" of YouTube vids that you reference?


For your viewing pleasure :)

I do like the fact that you use this video to prove your point, and the reason being, This video is about the soldiers being killed and their commander being shot and later he died! and at the end of the video the newsgirl said the soldiers were directing their fire to the protesters. First of all if you were a soldier that had been attacked and your commander lie mortally wounded, you would fire at the protesters also, IT IS CALLED SELF DEFENSE. Lastly not one of those soldiers are firing in auto mode, those are all single shots as I can see. So Thank you for the PROOF.

Also notice that when they fire they aim a little up, as if shooting at something on a second floor down the street. At that firing angle they wouldn't hit a person standing on the street.

Lying, cheating, incapable of being straight about anything.

Are these people Thai?


A good desciption of many Tha girl friends


Not only tanks needed, but tankers with resolve. Remember what happened April 10, with military vehicles being easily commandeered by protesters. Plus, there's the indelible image of Tiannemen Square with the lone protester holding up a column of tanks. Tankers need to know that they can run over protesters who stand in their way, as long as they keep the vehicle speed very low.

What excuse is the maimed protester going to use? "Oh, I didn't see it coming."

Plus, any military vehicles must be accompanied by soldiers with discipline and resolve - and wearing full protective gear. Unfortunately, their top brass don't have resolve, so how can foot soldiers be expected to do their assignments effectively if their superiors are as tough as wilting rose petals.

Just as important as everything else, Thai citizens should be prepared to see some blood and injuries. This serious problem, of Bkk being stymied and trashed for 2 months, will probably need some stiff response, because the Reds are obviously stalling and changing conditions by the minute. If a patient is very sick, he'll probably need some strong medicine, and possible surgery. Time is up for the protesters. Bangkok and nearly all Thais are fed up. Time to bring in the strong medicine.

One silver lining to a forceful removal of protesters and their garbage is: Abhisit doesn't have to adhere to any promises of early elections. He can then likely serve his full term, and see how much good he can get done for Thailand - despite all efforts by T and the Reds to trip him up.

I watched loads of those vids on YouTube and elsewhere, but I never once saw one soldier firing a weapon set to automatic. Could you please post a link to some of the "dozens" of YouTube vids that you reference?


For your viewing pleasure :)

I do like the fact that you use this video to prove your point, and the reason being, This video is about the soldiers being killed and their commander being shot and later he died! and at the end of the video the newsgirl said the soldiers were directing their fire to the protesters. First of all if you were a soldier that had been attacked and your commander lie mortally wounded, you would fire at the protesters also, IT IS CALLED SELF DEFENSE. Lastly not one of those soldiers are firing in auto mode, those are all single shots as I can see. So Thank you for the PROOF.

Also notice that when they fire they aim a little up, as if shooting at something on a second floor down the street. At that firing angle they wouldn't hit a person standing on the street.

I find it a bit interesting the reporter's camera crew doesn't pan to the right show what the soldiers are shooting at. Their guns do seem to be slightly aimed upward and there is no way in these shots would they hit any protesters standing on the street unless they were within a meter's distance of the shooters.

But clearly these soldier's weapons were not set on automatic.


^^ The army should clear the barricades at all the "fortress" entrances during daylight. And then retreat and wait.

While doing this, the red thugs will show what they are really about, and will respond with petrol bombs, grenades and live fire.

That will leave the army to go in there fully armed to clean out the armed protesters.


This has gone on for far too long. The red shirts continue to move the goal posts. Get in there and get in now.

^^ The army should clear the barricades at all the "fortress" entrances during daylight. And then retreat and wait.

While doing this, the red thugs will show what they are really about, and will respond with petrol bombs, grenades and live fire.

That will leave the army to go in there fully armed to clean out the armed protesters.

I think all they need to do is move in some bulldozers near the barricades to see the reds attack but in their mind the attack would be self defense.

Kind of like a bank robbers hold up in a bank shooting on police. They are just defending themselves and preventing their arrest.


Why is it so difficult for the government to go in and end all this mess. Those people have been disrupting everyone's life for 2 month already. Government gave in to ALL their demands. They still refuse to leave. Now, enough is enough...... Warning at 13:00.....Allow innocent ones to leave the site.... 18:00 clearing operation start.


I can understand the Red Shirts desire to get a statement from the government about the violence but this should be part of the terms of a general amnesty. Once the Red Shirts have got the assurances they need regarding the scheduling of the dissolution of parliament and date of elections and are satisfied with the terms of amnesty, they should disperse.

The Red Shirts won't surrender their right to seek redress through the courts by ending their protests.

Why is it so difficult for the government to go in and end all this mess. Those people have been disrupting everyone's life for 2 month already. Government gave in to ALL their demands. They still refuse to leave. Now, enough is enough...... Warning at 13:00.....Allow innocent ones to leave the site.... 18:00 clearing operation start.

The fact that ANYONE in this country can take serious the Suthep & Abhisit should turn themselves into police should answer your first question.

The INN news agency is reporting that officials at the Central Investigation Bureau claim that red shirt leaders will be turning themselves in today at 2 P.M. Authorities reveal that interrogation teams at the National Police headquarters have been prepared to take question the group.

Reminds me of a post in the Thaksin's Dead thread ... someone's uncle's friend's etc

TAN is reporting that INN is reporting that CIB is claiming that ...

Now I'm waiting for the red leaders to deny the report, and making a new demand that Suthep should run down Silom naked yelling "I was wrong. Thaksin is the master."

Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

They are not going to leave tomorrow.


Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :)

This is a political game. What the red are demanding seemed fair. If the VIP get 30 minutes bail then the red leaders too must get bail in thirty minutes. Or put everyone in the same cell of jail and watch the fun. The government words are not stronger to believe. They can tell one thing today and do another thing tomorrow. Who will guarantee that the parliment will be dissoloved in September? By the time army coup will take over and everyone had to wait another two year for democratic election.

Best regards to all Thais from Malaysia.

I watched loads of those vids on YouTube and elsewhere, but I never once saw one soldier firing a weapon set to automatic. Could you please post a link to some of the "dozens" of YouTube vids that you reference?


For your viewing pleasure :)

I do like the fact that you use this video to prove your point, and the reason being, This video is about the soldiers being killed and their commander being shot and later he died! and at the end of the video the newsgirl said the soldiers were directing their fire to the protesters. First of all if you were a soldier that had been attacked and your commander lie mortally wounded, you would fire at the protesters also, IT IS CALLED SELF DEFENSE. Lastly not one of those soldiers are firing in auto mode, those are all single shots as I can see. So Thank you for the PROOF.

Cougar, he's tried that before, and got called out on it.

So now, he tries it again, and he's called out on it.

Simply another prevaricator of that commodity known as the truth.

I watched loads of those vids on YouTube and elsewhere, but I never once saw one soldier firing a weapon set to automatic. Could you please post a link to some of the "dozens" of YouTube vids that you reference?


For your viewing pleasure :)

I do like the fact that you use this video to prove your point, and the reason being, This video is about the soldiers being killed and their commander being shot and later he died! and at the end of the video the newsgirl said the soldiers were directing their fire to the protesters. First of all if you were a soldier that had been attacked and your commander lie mortally wounded, you would fire at the protesters also, IT IS CALLED SELF DEFENSE. Lastly not one of those soldiers are firing in auto mode, those are all single shots as I can see. So Thank you for the PROOF.

Cougar, he's tried that before, and got called out on it.

So now, he tries it again, and he's called out on it.

Simply another prevaricator of that commodity known as the truth.

Pornsasi continues to deny the validity of any video showing red shirts shooting at the army, but then presents a video where even the reporters that took it have said that the army were responding after being attacked by live fire and grenades. http://www.france24.com/en/20100412-behind...xclusive-report


So Khun Suthep surrendered and there was no charge, so he was free to go, he has done exactly what the reds demanded.

Now I hear the red criminals are going to surrender at 2 today (Tuesday) two things can happen - 1) the law will be upheld they wont be given bail and they wont be alowed to communicate to the outside world from the jail, then we can all move on... send the country folks home, hold fair and honest elections in November, and all live happily ever after.

But sadly that wont happen will it? TIT... 2) A multitude of slip-ups will deliberately be orchestrated by the reds in brown uniforms, making the arrest null and void through whatever means they can. the wiggs might get bribed, etc. etc...

So the baby games will continue for ever and ever...


The reds have become completely indefensible. And now here comes the red apologists ... They are indeed relentless. It's interesting that some of the more objective ones are turning against them.

Sorry to say I predicted this kind of mess (the reds dragging their feet indefinitely) right after the roadmap was announced.

Latest is the Red leadership will turn themselves in today.. So that'd be good news, if true.

I'm not holding my breath though.. I'm waiting for a last minute "Suthep should turn himself into the Calypso Cabaret and give a credible stage performance".


I see you guys are still falling for the crap spread here by the red propaganda

Those guys are either thicker than a plank or take some perverted pleasure in stirring you up - either way there is no point in arguing with them

Of course, while it may require force to disperse the demonstrators and get very messy, ultimately this foot dragging provides the government with the opportunity to rescind its offer to hold early elections which would have come far too early under the Prime Minister's plan... Since none of the governments concessions seem to gain sincere responses from the reds (and who really expects sincerity from terrorists). Perhaps this is what the government needs to do whatever is necessary and come out smelling like a rose...

Often a rose is accompanies by the distinct smell of mulch and manure.

Doesn't make the rose less of a rose. T'would still smell as sweet

Latest is the Red leadership will turn themselves in today.. So that'd be good news, if true.

I'm not holding my breath though.. I'm waiting for a last minute "Suthep should turn himself into the Calypso Cabaret and give a credible stage performance".

:) yep, this is just another return volley in this pathetic ping-pong game.

Or how about, "Suthep must dress-up and enter the "Miss Tiffany" pageant..." :D Word on the street is Thaksin has arranged for him to win. :D

Suthep HAS surrendered. Now it's time for ALL the red nutcases to surrender.

Investigations are in progress for the April 10 riots. We are yet to see whether the blame will be solely on the reds.

But I put the blame solely on the reds.

The army didn't go in there shooting live ammunition unprovoked. They were there with riot shields and batons to remove "unarmed" illegal protesters. The protesters threw rocks and sharpened sticks. The army responded with rubber bullets. The protesters threw Molotov cocktails, grenades and also started shooting at the army. The army responded with live ammunition.

All the reds have EVER done from the very start of these protests is to incite violence and to act on that incitement.

They should be held accountable.

The most frustrating thing about the red supporters on this forum is how little reason or logic they use. They don't provide facts for their statements. They rarely provide explanations for their opinions. They just spout the vague red propaganda with no substance behind it.

Same answer as to herm .

You dont have a shred of evidence showing reds shooting at security forces

Here from Amnesty International on the 10th April

This prepared the ground for the more stringent actions on Bangkok's bloody Saturday night: the use of water-cannons, tear-gas, and ultimately live ammunition to force the red-shirts off the streets. At the time of writing, twenty-one people are reported to have been killed (sixteen protestors, four soldiers, and a Japanese journalist), and over 800 injured. Abhisit Vejjajiva insists that soldiers were permitted to use live bullets only to shoot into the air or in self-defense, though the nature of the deaths and wounds inflicted on many protesters casts some doubt on this statement

Hm.. nice try but again fundamentally flawed. The subsequent AI release April 19 is very clear,On the night of Saturday 10 April, the Thai military attempted to clear protesters of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) from Bangkok's old quarter, resulting in the deaths of at least 25 people (18 protesters, one foreign journalist, and six members of the security forces) and at least 840 wounded. The military used lethal force in the operations, while some individuals among the protesters also used guns and grenades, as well as improvised weapons. 134 people remain in the hospital, six in intensive care, as a result of the violence.One may care to note that the full release also clarifies the permitted actions of a government force AI April 19 Release

In short AI acknowledges that there was the use of firearms [and other weaponry, much of which would have required time to create assemble and deploy] from within the UDD grouping, and interestingly makes no comment upon the so called 'Third Force' discussions which are often so popular as a diversion.

In closing, if one wishes to use AI as an authoritative source, it would be wise to ensure that you quote the real most recent document action not some curious pastiche of it.


Then show me proof of red shirts shooting at army or police .

Until you do , dont talk to me anymore


You've seen all the videos. They were fake reds shooting at the army, weren't they?

But you're right. There is no point talking to you anymore. It doesn't matter what you see, you will make some excuse for it. You will say that it is fake. You will say that you haven't personally met the person involved and personally been told about it ... and even then you will say that it isn't true, that it's a government conspiracy. You have been well and truly brainwashed by the red propaganda.

I rather suggest he is part of the red propaganda.

I see you guys are still falling for the crap spread here by the red propaganda

Those guys are either thicker than a plank or take some perverted pleasure in stirring you up - either way there is no point in arguing with them

I see you're not really replying to anyone or anything in particular? :D Be sure to tune back in when you have a point to make! :)

Almost 100 soldiers admitted to hospital with gun shot wounds.

Kind of speaks for itself.

Pathetic propaganda at its best

Stop talking BS . Thanks

For your information they are reports by eye witnesses that rogue soldiers on the roofs started shooting at

red shirts and soldiers alike on the ground , killing many .

Soldiers on the ground returned fire on those rogue soldiers , and red security did the same .

Abhisit himself spoke about this in similar terms .

Of course yellow fanatics wont admitt it , so easy to put blame on reds

Yes. Especially due to all the video evidence showing them walking freely amongst the reds unmolested and unquestioned. They were not mingling with soldiers. They were mingling with redshirts. There is also video of people wearing redshirts holding rifles.

Are you out of your mind ???

This was a police/government/army action to clear a violent mob from the streets of the capital - just like the Greek government did or any other government would have done - well - probably with more success but the only crime committed is the one by the red shirts and any red shirt that got injured or died deserves it

shooting at unarmed civilians and journalist with live bullets is OK in your opinion ?

You surely support Tai Bak and the war on drugs killing , am I right ?

Else you are not logical with yourself

Because you are the governement dont give you the right to kill protesters .

Sorry but you should think it over and learn a bit about the limit of power

of a governement . Unless we are talking about a banana republic


Then show me proof of red shirts shooting at army or police .

Until you do , dont talk to me anymore


There are plenty of photo's in the news papers and the TV. But if you wish to wear blinders, I am not going to waste my time to point out them to you.

The INN news agency is reporting that officials at the Central Investigation Bureau claim that red shirt leaders will be turning themselves in today at 2 P.M. Authorities reveal that interrogation teams at the National Police headquarters have been prepared to take question the group.

Reminds me of a post in the Thaksin's Dead thread ... someone's uncle's friend's etc

TAN is reporting that INN is reporting that CIB is claiming that ...

Now I'm waiting for the red leaders to deny the report, and making a new demand that Suthep should run down Silom naked yelling "I was wrong. Thaksin is the master."

One down ...

TAN Network: Red shirt lawyers deny that leaders will be turning themselves in today; demand Suthep report to Crime Suppression Police

... now waiting for the second part.

The INN news agency is reporting that officials at the Central Investigation Bureau claim that red shirt leaders will be turning themselves in today at 2 P.M. Authorities reveal that interrogation teams at the National Police headquarters have been prepared to take question the group.

Reminds me of a post in the Thaksin's Dead thread ... someone's uncle's friend's etc

TAN is reporting that INN is reporting that CIB is claiming that ...

Now I'm waiting for the red leaders to deny the report, and making a new demand that Suthep should run down Silom naked yelling "I was wrong. Thaksin is the master."

One down ...

TAN Network: Red shirt lawyers deny that leaders will be turning themselves in today; demand Suthep report to Crime Suppression Police

... now waiting for the second part.

the 2nd part says 24 leaders will turn themselves in tomorrow. How many leaders can on team have? Sounds like a recipe for disaster, and it is.


I think the April 10 discussion is off topic? This topic is about Dep. PM Suthep, and on ending the protest.

On the botched April 10 massacre though, whoever came to help the red shirts probably prevented mass slaughter, causing the government forces to retreat. This ultimately led to Abhisit's excellent roadmap, which I dearly hope the Red Shirts accept without too much sillyness over details.

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