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Seeing Red


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What is the fundamental difference in the Thai cultural/political situation that has allowed the government to 'entertain' the Red protest, where a similar occupation in, say Union square in San Francisco, or Trafalgar square in London, I suspect, would have lasted about an hour and a half before heavy handed forces dispersed it.

I suspect that more than any mixed allegiances of the police/military/ other factions that could be conflating the loyalties, that there is a deeper 'personality' that is uniquely Thai that is tolerating this dissent. But I could be wrong.

I also think this is a power play that is using a class struggle as a pretext.

Does anyone know how to get 'News Clipping' posting permission? (in which case I would relocate the post)

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Firstly, this isn't a news item but regardless only mods & admin can post news items in the news clipping section.

Secondly, you seem to be making a dangerous suggestion in your op which is against the forum rules & as there ars already several news items regarding the protests running in News, this shall be closed.

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