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Seh Daeng - On Guard At Bangkok's Frontlines

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This is 2010, with all the sophisticated surveillance gear, long-range listening devices, wire taps and for-sale-to-the-highest-bidder Red Shirt "double agents" willing to sell their souls for a few baht...PAY SOMEBODY, PAY 100 RED SHIRT SOMEBODIES TO RECORD HIS ORDERS AND THREATS AGAINST OUR GREAT NATION...THEN TRIPLE THE PAY OF HIS HENCHMEN BODY GUARDS AND ARREST KHATTIYA IN HIS SLEEP!

Why is there no one in the WORLD that can gather evidence against this insane, Red Faced LOUD MOUTH TERRORIST?

He's been an insane bully for the last 20 years, a bona fide, self professed "blood on his hands" war criminal...

I just don't get it?

THIS SUCKER PUNCHING COWARD with his brave tactics of grenades and machine guns fired in the dark from high-speed motorbikes, has admitted his involvement! He tells us in advance...


How clever do you need to be to capture this self-promoting bloated braggart? You could gather enough evidence in a week to lock him up for the rest of his filthy life...JUST DO IT!


You know what they say," a thin line separates a genius and a mad man" This man seems to have about the same substance as the prize from a package of cracker jacks. He would probably do as a model for a national bogey man award.

On Guard at Bangkok's Frontlines

He boasts of killing 20 Thai communists and fondly recalls working with the United States Central Intelligence Agency, but denies suspicions that he leads a death squad that is involved in bombings and shootings to help the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship protest group cripple Bangkok.

Major General Khattiya "Seh Daeng" Sawatdiphol is one of the biggest reasons the government and military are afraid to attack the red shirts' barricades and clear them from Bangkok's streets.

By Richard S Ehrlich


Richard S Ehrlich is a Bangkok-based journalist from San Francisco, California. He has reported news from Asia since 1978 and is co-author of the non-fiction book of investigative journalism, Hello My Big Big Honey! Love Letters to Bangkok Bar Girls and Their Revealing Interviews.

How many degrees of separation are there between any topic about Thailand and prostitution?


Christ sake! :) he admits guilt! And he admits they have serious weapons in the "camp" and they'll use them. this man needs incarcerated as one of the masterminds and one of the chief instigators in the mayhem, nothing short of a dangerous as well as contradictory man.

What a colorful character..

Arrogant, dangerous.. Movie material, I suppose.

where did u find that guy who wrote the article...in a bar playing with a bargirl 5555 u kidding me lol lol lol

please can somebody send thai journalists to the university (preferably adbroad) so they can learn what the word" journalism" means....this Nation stuff here is ridicoulous...and the other so obviously extremely bisased writing in thaivisa

they are like children here (which like to kill once in a while;)...hope they dont miss the revolution this time...tehy are about 200 years late anyway :)

The article written was no good because it tells the truth

I do not know as I was not there

Now tell s how you know the truth better than every one else please


I heard that the some Ronin Warrior mentioned in the article are also part of the southern terrorist group---Can't be sure though, too many rumors, dont know which to trust.


I have spent most of the day walking through the so called Barricades of Bangkok. To sum it all up in my mind is a lot of village mafia who really have nothing going for them in life at all. They would be no loss to Thailand and the sooner the administration gets rid of them once and for all they will be doing the majority of Thai's a favour.

What I saw on my walks:

1.Young teenagers who are dressed in Black and have some form of haversack with a 9 mm stashed inside.

2.Not so young tattoo covered teenagers with explosive devices at the ready

3. Village mafia (Mainly drunk or drugged) also tattoo covered who once a shot was fired would run and in some cases due to the fatness of these people would try to walk fast out of the way, but would fall over and die of a massive heart attack.

4.So called guards who carry walkie talkies and try to excite their younger guards with sightings of possible police/army around the Silom Square area, hence sending all these younger guards of on errands with negative outcomes.

5. Parents who have no thought's for their kids if all hel_l breaks loose.

6. Kids who should be back in the village getting ready for school.

7. Filthy streets full of toilet waste.

8. An array of idiots behind a microphone shouting absolute Thai rubbish that is totally incomprehensible.

9. Doctored photographs of so called police brutality

10. Overall a mob of village thugs who spend their time at the village drinking,fighting,making trouble for all other villagers.

11. Teenage kids who have had no education whatsoever because their parents could not be bothered with them when they were growing up. (All mistakes)

This mob should be a walkover for a disciplined Police or Army force. Bring it on.. Show us all who has the Power.

I have spent most of the day walking through the so called Barricades of Bangkok. To sum it all up in my mind is a lot of village mafia who really have nothing going for them in life at all. They would be no loss to Thailand and the sooner the administration gets rid of them once and for all they will be doing the majority of Thai's a favour.

What I saw on my walks:

1.Young teenagers who are dressed in Black and have some form of haversack with a 9 mm stashed inside.

2.Not so young tattoo covered teenagers with explosive devices at the ready

3. Village mafia (Mainly drunk or drugged) also tattoo covered who once a shot was fired would run and in some cases due to the fatness of these people would try to walk fast out of the way, but would fall over and die of a massive heart attack.

4.So called guards who carry walkie talkies and try to excite their younger guards with sightings of possible police/army around the Silom Square area, hence sending all these younger guards of on errands with negative outcomes.

5. Parents who have no thought's for their kids if all hel_l breaks loose.

6. Kids who should be back in the village getting ready for school.

7. Filthy streets full of toilet waste.

8. An array of idiots behind a microphone shouting absolute Thai rubbish that is totally incomprehensible.

9. Doctored photographs of so called police brutality

10. Overall a mob of village thugs who spend their time at the village drinking,fighting,making trouble for all other villagers.

11. Teenage kids who have had no education whatsoever because their parents could not be bothered with them when they were growing up. (All mistakes)

This mob should be a walkover for a disciplined Police or Army force. Bring it on.. Show us all who has the Power.

Nice observations! I wouldn't want them covering my back! 9mm. Yikes! Never stand a chance against troops, if it's true thats what the youth're armed with. (obviously there are those more heavily armed inside the ThaiKoresh camp. Even local redneck militias in the states had it together more than this


You know, this is all starting to sound like the movie Apocalypse Now...

Kurtz, I mean, Khattiya is mad. His methods are...unsound...

Found the text. Now match this with Khattiya lunacy:

Kurtz: I've seen horrors... horrors that you've seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me. You have a right to do that... but you have no right to judge me. It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror... Horror has a face... and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies! I remember when I was with Special Forces... seems a thousand centuries ago. We went into a camp to inoculate some children. We left the camp after we had inoculated the children for polio, and this old man came running after us and he was crying. He couldn't see. We went back there, and they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm. There they were in a pile. A pile of little arms. And I remember... I... I... I cried, I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out; I didn't know what I wanted to do! And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it... I never want to forget. And then I realized... like I was shot... like I was shot with a diamond... a diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought, my God... the genius of that! The genius! The will to do that! Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. And then I realized they were stronger than we, because they could stand that these were not monsters, these were men... trained cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love... but they had the strength... the strength... to do that. If I had ten divisions of those men, our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral... and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling... without passion... without judgment... without judgment! Because it's judgment that defeats us.

Severely frightening...

I do hope it does not all go pear shaped...

I have spent most of the day walking through the so called Barricades of Bangkok. To sum it all up in my mind is a lot of village mafia who really have nothing going for them in life at all.

You mean the Heart of Darkness...


This is a man that I wouldn't want to be my enemy. I don't doubt for a minute his past activities. He is showing himself to be a cunning military man. I don't admire him, but I certainly wouldn't want to be on his bad side.


"It is the thought process of homosexuals, using tanks and armor against the population," he said, laughing wildly while describing the evening street battle on April 10.

"The tactics you are supposed to use are to fight early in the morning, or during daylight hours, not at night. But the army acts with homosexual emotions."



Another Apocalypse Now classic line . . .

Kurtz: We must kill them. We must incinerate them. Pig after pig. Cow after cow. Village after village. Army after army, and they call me an assassin! Well, what do you call it when the assassins accuse the assassin?

Who was craziest???


Quickest way to move them: drop a couple of gallons of butyric acid on the site. Won't harm them but the stench is almost unbearable. If it's on your clothes, well you just have to strip. Hose them down on the way out. Fresh clothes, bus/train ticket and they're on the way.

"It is the thought process of homosexuals, using tanks and armor against the population," he said, laughing wildly while describing the evening street battle on April 10.

"The tactics you are supposed to use are to fight early in the morning, or during daylight hours, not at night. But the army acts with homosexual emotions."


I agree with the part of doing battle in the morning.. The rabble are all asleep, drunk or drugged. It would be so simple and that's what makes me wonder why the Govt don't go in and do it. Something does not stack up.. why are they holding back??


The Royal Thai army is afraid of one man, and a military convoy in Khon Khen can be stopped by villagers. It makes a really interesting story. Guys with bamboo sticks go to look for soldiers, if they indeed found them in the hospital they would have taken their rifles away and tell them to go back to barracks or would the brave soldiers put up a fight and not let them take their weapons? I don't think I have heard such a story before. Amazing Thailand

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


One more thing, I would get quite upset if I was a soldier in the Royal Thai Army ( Royal represents the king) and someone was saying we employed homosexual tactics (whatever it means but it certainly sounds disrespectful). Can you be a soldier and say such things?

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.

I have spent most of the day walking through the so called Barricades of Bangkok. To sum it all up in my mind is a lot of village mafia who really have nothing going for them in life at all. They would be no loss to Thailand and the sooner the administration gets rid of them once and for all they will be doing the majority of Thai's a favour.

What I saw on my walks:

1.Young teenagers who are dressed in Black and have some form of haversack with a 9 mm stashed inside.

2.Not so young tattoo covered teenagers with explosive devices at the ready

3. Village mafia (Mainly drunk or drugged) also tattoo covered who once a shot was fired would run and in some cases due to the fatness of these people would try to walk fast out of the way, but would fall over and die of a massive heart attack.

4.So called guards who carry walkie talkies and try to excite their younger guards with sightings of possible police/army around the Silom Square area, hence sending all these younger guards of on errands with negative outcomes.

5. Parents who have no thought's for their kids if all hel_l breaks loose.

6. Kids who should be back in the village getting ready for school.

7. Filthy streets full of toilet waste.

8. An array of idiots behind a microphone shouting absolute Thai rubbish that is totally incomprehensible.

9. Doctored photographs of so called police brutality

10. Overall a mob of village thugs who spend their time at the village drinking,fighting,making trouble for all other villagers.

11. Teenage kids who have had no education whatsoever because their parents could not be bothered with them when they were growing up. (All mistakes)

This mob should be a walkover for a disciplined Police or Army force. Bring it on.. Show us all who has the Power.

Sounds like freedom fighters to me

One more thing, I would get quite upset if I was a soldier in the Royal Thai Army ( Royal represents the king) and someone was saying we employed homosexual tactics (whatever it means but it certainly sounds disrespectful). Can you be a soldier and say such things?

It is a Red jibe to get a bite. They want the Army to attack them. As various ppl have said it plays into their court. They can then get sympathy from the Thai ppl and hopefully win an election. Thet are all simple ppl and they have these simple ideas.

I have spent most of the day walking through the so called Barricades of Bangkok. To sum it all up in my mind is a lot of village mafia who really have nothing going for them in life at all. They would be no loss to Thailand and the sooner the administration gets rid of them once and for all they will be doing the majority of Thai's a favour.

What I saw on my walks:

1.Young teenagers who are dressed in Black and have some form of haversack with a 9 mm stashed inside.

2.Not so young tattoo covered teenagers with explosive devices at the ready

3. Village mafia (Mainly drunk or drugged) also tattoo covered who once a shot was fired would run and in some cases due to the fatness of these people would try to walk fast out of the way, but would fall over and die of a massive heart attack.

4.So called guards who carry walkie talkies and try to excite their younger guards with sightings of possible police/army around the Silom Square area, hence sending all these younger guards of on errands with negative outcomes.

5. Parents who have no thought's for their kids if all hel_l breaks loose.

6. Kids who should be back in the village getting ready for school.

7. Filthy streets full of toilet waste.

8. An array of idiots behind a microphone shouting absolute Thai rubbish that is totally incomprehensible.

9. Doctored photographs of so called police brutality

10. Overall a mob of village thugs who spend their time at the village drinking,fighting,making trouble for all other villagers.

11. Teenage kids who have had no education whatsoever because their parents could not be bothered with them when they were growing up. (All mistakes)

This mob should be a walkover for a disciplined Police or Army force. Bring it on.. Show us all who has the Power.

Sounds like freedom fighters to me

My question is WHO supplies the weapons that these thugs have along with the razor wire which is standard military kit?

I have spent most of the day walking through the so called Barricades of Bangkok. To sum it all up in my mind is a lot of village mafia who really have nothing going for them in life at all. They would be no loss to Thailand and the sooner the administration gets rid of them once and for all they will be doing the majority of Thai's a favour.

What I saw on my walks:

1.Young teenagers who are dressed in Black and have some form of haversack with a 9 mm stashed inside.

2.Not so young tattoo covered teenagers with explosive devices at the ready

3. Village mafia (Mainly drunk or drugged) also tattoo covered who once a shot was fired would run and in some cases due to the fatness of these people would try to walk fast out of the way, but would fall over and die of a massive heart attack.

4.So called guards who carry walkie talkies and try to excite their younger guards with sightings of possible police/army around the Silom Square area, hence sending all these younger guards of on errands with negative outcomes.

5. Parents who have no thought's for their kids if all hel_l breaks loose.

6. Kids who should be back in the village getting ready for school.

7. Filthy streets full of toilet waste.

8. An array of idiots behind a microphone shouting absolute Thai rubbish that is totally incomprehensible.

9. Doctored photographs of so called police brutality

10. Overall a mob of village thugs who spend their time at the village drinking,fighting,making trouble for all other villagers.

11. Teenage kids who have had no education whatsoever because their parents could not be bothered with them when they were growing up. (All mistakes)

This mob should be a walkover for a disciplined Police or Army force. Bring it on.. Show us all who has the Power.

Sounds like freedom fighters to me

My question is WHO supplies the weapons that these thugs have along with the razor wire which is standard military kit?

Probably all stolen from the military. Not very hard as you can imagine.

"It is the thought process of homosexuals, using tanks and armor against the population," he said, laughing wildly while describing the evening street battle on April 10.

"The tactics you are supposed to use are to fight early in the morning, or during daylight hours, not at night. But the army acts with homosexual emotions."


so what are his thoughts on metrosexuals? and homosexual red shirts?

Sounds like freedom fighters to me

What exactly are they fighting to be free from?

1. Rule of Law.

2. Responsibility.

3. Having to make decisions.

That will do for starters.

Sounds like freedom fighters to me

What exactly are they fighting to be free from?

* Censorship

* Military/Establishment influence in politics

* "Managed" democracy in general

* A constitution cooked up by the military/establishment

* Being arrested for writing the wrong things on Facebook.

Sounds like freedom fighters to me

What exactly are they fighting to be free from?

* Censorship

* Military/Establishment influence in politics

* "Managed" democracy in general

* A constitution cooked up by the military/establishment

* Being arrested for writing the wrong things on Facebook.

- Free alcohol

- Free food

- 500 bt per day

- Sanook

- Feeling empowered by 'sticking it to the man'

- Fraternity or camaraderie

- Fearful to leave because of later reprisals by redshirt guards or thugs

Sounds like freedom fighters to me

What exactly are they fighting to be free from?

* Censorship

* Military/Establishment influence in politics

* "Managed" democracy in general

* A constitution cooked up by the military/establishment

* Being arrested for writing the wrong things on Facebook.

1) The censorship that Thaksin implemented?

2) The military influence that Thaksin didn't quite manage to get control of?

3) "Managed Democracy" is just the reds thinking that the party they voted for should be in government. Forget about what the majority did.

4) The constitution that reduced corruption in elections. No one has been able to tell me how the constitution affected the PPP's ability to campaign and vote ... except that it reduced the ability to pay for votes, which the PPP ignored anyway. But it does need fixing, with input from all parties and voted for by referendum, which is something that Abhisit has proposed.

5) OK. I agree with that one. Even the big guy has said that that shouldn't happen. Enough said.

Quickest way to move them: drop a couple of gallons of butyric acid on the site. Won't harm them but the stench is almost unbearable. If it's on your clothes, well you just have to strip. Hose them down on the way out. Fresh clothes, bus/train ticket and they're on the way.

We've had the PM playing political hard ball for approx. 7weeks and you've got the answer to the problems of the Nation all nicely wrapped up in your first post,I wonder why nobody saw the answer as easy as you.What you should do is give the P.M,a phone call and tell him you've got all the answers,he can contact you and you will steer the Thai nation to a new and brighter future.Thanks for the help I don't know where Thailand would be without you.By the way I use Butyric Acid as a rooting stimulant for propagating plant/tree cuttings.If you think it smells so bad give me your address and I will send you a free sample,minus the 'stench'.You PUTZ.Slip back into anonimity.If you think the P.M.is playing hard ball as I stated previously try going the rounds with a couple of old TV supporters.With your opening post your mince meat,good luck,Ajarnpete,I think your going to need all the luck you can get.

Sounds like freedom fighters to me

What exactly are they fighting to be free from?

* Censorship

* Military/Establishment influence in politics

* "Managed" democracy in general

* A constitution cooked up by the military/establishment

* Being arrested for writing the wrong things on Facebook.

* Censorship, which every country has to one degree or another.

* Military/Establishment influence in politics, and virtually every country has a military-industrial complex, which lobbies/influences/bribes those legislators it needs to continue on; Establishment - well, if the red shirts earn the Prime Ministership, and the government, THEY will become the establishment.

* A constitution written by the military/establishment - fair enough, I agree with you here.

* Being arrested for writing the wrong things on Facebook - every country has laws against dissemination of sensitive material.

So, a new constitution - which the sitting PM has said will be done with input from all parties, and, if memory serves, he wants put to a referendum separate from an election to decide the MPs for the new government.

I'm not talking about anything the protest is or isn't doing. Just addressing your points. And other than the constitution, none seem all that different from the way the world is. Kinda sad, actually....

Too bad I've never seen the six points that the leaders said were their agenda. But I guess their agenda, other than the Thaksin bit early on, has been a movable target.

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