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Hot For Tetrapods In Chiang Mai


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Im too hot.

my rabbits are too hot. my dogs are too hot

Me being a sentient being Im thinking about humanoids locked up in clink, in shacks, working on rubbish tips. building houses.

THE END is looking likely.

my four tetrapod kids are ok cos they go from air con to air con.

But is that any way to live.

The electric bill this month will be a wonderful sight.

IM just curious as to why the fiddling <deleted> I still live here. Answers on apostcard please.

Im sure youre okjack, but are you really, you know weve fuc_ked the hydrated methane now.... Dont make any long term plans. Any climate change deniers leave the planet your ship is leaving

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You say the "end is looking likely". This is your choice.

I have been here for 23 years, you say you have been 'coming here since 1979', exactly what does that mean in terms of having lived here. :)

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Hot season is HOT and it always has been. :)

No. Ive been coming here since 1979 and its never been this hot for this long without any substantial rainfall. IM saying that is a FACT. I wish it werent :D:D

there is no global warming :D

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It has never been this continuously hot, with so little rainfall, ever in a hot season here. At least in Thai Met recorded history, far as I can see; correct me if I'm wrong.....

And the gov't just announced serious drought conditions for 35 areas, CM and CR and MHS prominently featured. It was an article in a paper we're not allowed to quote- Google it.

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last year was also pretty dry. I remember it well because I spent 10k on an awning over my shops in anticipation.... didnt get my moneys worth..

I guess the shit hits the fan if the rice crops fail. The govt probably has surplus rice for such an occurence?

Nevertheless, a cessation of 'democracy' + drought = pissed off Thai's.

Then again, maybe it will flood like crazy this year - being el Nina season? i reckon it just might.

Sea temps are way off average.

Edited by whiterussian
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Everything runs in cycles. Some times the cycles are stretched further over time. We certainly are in a weird cycle where it's either too hot or too cold, too wet or too dry. Whatever we get we get too much of it. It's been happening all over the globe. I'm not convinced that man has had anything to do with it or not... but it's here for a while. I'm just glad I get the best of both worlds. I come back to Canada for the spring, summer and fall, then return to Thailand for the winter. From what my friends told me, we had a mild winter in BC, but it was followed by a long, cold spring. The sun finally came out a week ago, but it's still much cooler than normal. Sure beats trying to sleep in the heat of Chiang Mai. I hate trying to sleep under running an air con at night.

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It has never been this continuously hot, with so little rainfall, ever in a hot season here. At least in Thai Met recorded history, far as I can see; correct me if I'm wrong.....

And the gov't just announced serious drought conditions for 35 areas, CM and CR and MHS prominently featured. It was an article in a paper we're not allowed to quote- Google it.

I read but never tried to verify a cycle that every 40 years the world has a global drought.

Never tried to verify because I just read it as an aside to cycles in general.

The claim is this drought cycle happened in 1850's & every 40 years after,,,1890's,1930's,1970's

In any case if true we are entering that 40 year cycle as of 2010

Edited by flying
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Hot season is HOT and it always has been. :)

No. Ive been coming here since 1979 and its never been this hot for this long without any substantial rainfall. IM saying that is a FACT. I wish it werent :D:D


I’ve never experienced temperatures as high and as long running as this in Chiang Mai.

To add more pain to the misery, my air conditioner has giving it`s self up and only blowing cool air. So it`s now a case of either having to find 20 odd thousand baht for a new air unit or die of heat asphyxiation.

Most of my plants and trees are either dead or dying in the garden and even the tap water is scolding hot.

If it`s like this now, how high are temperatures going to be next year?

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I feel for you. My "aircon' has pretty much turned into a giant hot air dryer this hot season. :)

I suppose if your air con is a few years old like mine, this extreme weather is pushing them to the limit and the unit just packs up.

Had a look around some of the stores a few days ago and it seems they have hyped up the prices of air conditioners, cashing in on the extra demand for air units during this hot period.

Hoping the weather will cool by the end of the month.

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Yep, it's hot and dispite what Ulysis G says.....the locals all agree that it is the hottest they have felt it. In the 10+ yrs that I've been here, I can say that this is for sure the HOTTEST I have ever experienced [in my life].

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Yep, it's hot and dispite what Ulysis G says.....the locals all agree that it is the hottest they have felt it. In the 10+ yrs that I've been here, I can say that this is for sure the HOTTEST I have ever experienced [in my life].

Maybe the reason Ulysis G doesn`t feel the heat like most of us, because he`s a cool guy anyway and as for the arrival of the rains in June, I`ll drink to that.

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