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In Loving Memories To Young Scot Lansdown

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Kan Win:-

One of his last writings :-





by Scot Lansdown

Dear Mom,

Arrived safely at Bangkok International. Twenty taxi drivers all tried to help me at once. Still have some of my luggage. Asked the cabby to take me to a nice hotel and we got there about two hours later. His meter was broken so we settled on 5,000 Baths (the local currency). I tried to tip him but he wouldn’t take it. What a lovely introduction to Asia!

I must say that the hotels are very customer focused. You can check in and stay for just an hour if you like. It seems like a nifty idea as many people I saw were using this handy service to grab a quick 40 winks.

Giving massages is surely the national pastime here because everybody offers you one everywhere you go. If I get all stiff and achy, I may just take one of them up on it.

I must closely resemble some popular guy called ‘Far Lung’ because they all keep pointing and calling me that name. Even when I tell them ‘I am not Far Lung.’ they laugh and say ‘You Far Lung’. No use fighting it I s’pose. There are motorcycle gangs on every street corner but they are very friendly and constantly wave at me. Maybe this Far Lung character is a famous bikey or something.

Strikes me that the womenfolk are a little confused. They go to the beach fully clothed but wear bikinis to nightclubs. In fact some appear to forget to wear anything at all. On several occasions I shouted at them to put some clothes on but people always tell me to shut up. Must be a cultural thing just like when I buy an ice cream and it has beans and corn in it.

My guide has a most unfortunate name. He’s called Pong. Bad luck seems to follow him as he has two wives, one called Poo and the other called Bum. To top it all off they live in Bang Lamb Poo. I shouldn’t be surprised though as by far the most common names in Thailand are Nong and Pee. They’re very hard on themselves.

Females are obsessed with automobiles for they are incessantly saying ‘Car’ while the men are obviously annoyed by everything in life and simply say ‘Krap’ all the time.

The Thai language is real battle field. It all came to a head one night when I wanted to try some of their spicy food. I checked my pocket dictionary for the translation of the word ‘chili’ but was put off dang quick. I’ll be blowed if I’m going to sit in public restaurant and say ‘I’d like something with plenty of ‘prik’ in it please.’ Or order a Cow Pat.

All my love, Leroy.


Kan Win:-

In Memory to Scot R.I.P.


Excuse my ignorance, but who is/was "Scot Lansdown"?

Excuse my ignorance, but who is/was "Scot Lansdown"?

Thank you all.


A very good friend of mine, die two odd years ago, and since it was Remembrance Day , me things it would be a good way to share one of his works.


  • 1 year later...
Any inside info on Khun Far Lung as well Kan.  I loved your lil offering today  :wub:

Ahh yes. :D I remeber for last year. :o Hope you all new to T.V.Dot.Com enjoy his writing. :D

Still to this day, I and others miss you Dear Scott. :D

R.I.P. :D

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