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Armoured Vehicles, Army Live Bullets Will Be Used To Surround Red-Shirts From 6pm

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i don't think a sniper picking off the opposition will go over too well in the international community.

Ha! Ha! :)

Ever heard of CIA or Mossad? :D

These vile entities seem to go down real well in the international community! And compared to what that pair of collective douches get up to, both inside and outside their own supposed territory, this is chicken doodoo!!

Man, I want to buy that sniper a bottle of champers! Great work, buddy!!! :D

hey man nice shot. and could have very well been the CIA or 'other' outside group or could have been the good work of the Thai military? point is that someone got it right and maybe some of the departed now have justice? Let's hope it's the last death tonight (if he is in fact dead) and the rest of the leaders will finally see thier madness has to stop!

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What morons you are here? It's not funny when somebody gets shot, especially in this fragile environment.

And apparently most of you overlook the risk involved if he should really pass away.

its a pity he is not conscious

i would ask the doctors for 5 minutes with him and give him the option to tell all about the Red movement and implicate Thaksin or move along to the gates of hel_l


Your are a little pissant keyboard warriors full of hate.

Sounds like you have some hate issues yourself Sunshine. Need a hug? :)

There is really nothing to cheer about here.

Sadly its only going to trigger a wave of political assasinations - Abhisit, Suthep, Kasit, their family members, others responsible etc - will end up victims of a bomb / grenade / sniper attack.

News Flash Russell, they were ALREADY being targeted,

and Sea Daeng was considseredd as the leader of those doing that.

He got his own coming back.

My condolences to his daughter for her loss of a father,

but that's as far as it can go.

This ma be not a good think but think he would be instigating a lot of assassinations himself

Any details on the circumstances Sae Daeng was shot?

The very first report I heard on his being shot (before it was on TNN) was that the sniper was from inside the Red zone and not from outside. I don't think we will ever know for sure.

I'm guessing there will be video at some point. No cell signal in the area at present would make it hard to get it out, but I'll bet we see something eventually.

He was shot while giving an interview

That is not in question. Who he was shot by is.

Defending a terrorist. What a peach you are.

Please refrain from mis-statements about what I said. That is deceptive and dishonest. I stated that civilized people respect human life.

If you prefer killing people that's your problem.

If they have got him, this may be the single largest moment to prevent mass casualties on both sides.

An alternative school of thought says that this may be the moment mass casualties on both sides became inevitable.

Let's hope not. I think this story, if confirmed, will have quite a demoralising effect on the rank and file reds that are still there.

Would you stay if you heard this story? It might enrage them, but with a less co-ordinated offensive group, the army's job will be hel_l of a lot easier.

Why they did not bring Sae Dang to Chula Hospital... it's very closer, ain't!?!


well, do you recall the last "RED" visit there to Chula?

If he did go there, he'd be dead for sure haha

There is really nothing to cheer about here.

Sadly its only going to trigger a wave of political assasinations - Abhisit, Suthep, Kasit, their family members, others responsible etc - will end up victims of a bomb / grenade / sniper attack.

Are you for real Russel? Taking out an openly avowed terrorist is nothing to cheer about? We think differently.

TNN showing enormous scrum of reporters at the hospital. Why do they allow this to happen like this?

Shouldn't the police be in there right now securing the place????

Sorry Can Not Do

The red shirts made it clear

They will not tolerate Police in Hospitals


ok there is a whole new thread dedicated to this asshol_e, can we keep this one about new developments on the Red Planet? is the army moving in their armour yet, how about the lights, water, and phones?

TNN showing enormous scrum of reporters at the hospital. Why do they allow this to happen like this?

Shouldn't the police be in there right now securing the place????

Thai police actually performing their duties , give us a break

What morons you are here? It's not funny when somebody gets shot, especially in this fragile environment.

And apparently most of you overlook the risk involved if he should really pass away.

Yes, there is a risk that many lives will be spared if this psychopath dies. The high ground really doesn't suit you red apologists.

Amazing all the blood thirsty posters. Western socialists in their most 'caring & compassionate' mode.

Lt Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol has not been found guilty of any crime. If anyone has any evidence of his wrongdoing they should report it to the authorities. Until he is tried & found guilty he is an innocent man potentially murdered by a sniper.

If he dies then clearly he was not murdered by a sniper unless that sniper is charged and convicted of a crime. So, in the mean time I have to say the sniper is fully innocent and in fact should be given a medal.



Seh Daeng hooked up to respirator, still unconscious and in critical condition; doctor confirmed he was hit by high-velocity object 1 minute ago via web

Amazing all the blood thirsty posters. Western socialists in their most 'caring & compassionate' mode.

Lt Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol has not been found guilty of any crime. If anyone has any evidence of his wrongdoing they should report it to the authorities. Until he is tried & found guilty he is an innocent man potentially murdered by a sniper.

Wow even got a promotion, you'll find he was a Major General. The authorities have enough evidence clearly to approve a sniper team shooting him. Quite possibly he was a terrorist, a murderer, a traitor and much more, those things are just as likely as him being an innocent man, more so. Enough evidence of his wrongdoing has been collected to begin the process of dismissing him from the military and possibly stripping his rank. I'm sure someone will be around to your home to personally present you with the evidence so you can be his judge, oh wait it's not up to you.

TNN showing enormous scrum of reporters at the hospital. Why do they allow this to happen like this?

Shouldn't the police be in there right now securing the place????

Sorry Can Not Do

The red shirts made it clear

They will not tolerate Police in Hospitals

Apparently no reds around the hospital. All I can see on the TV is a scrum of hundreds of reporters.

In that case, lets wait and see if as if by magic, he gets out of the hospital never to be found again.

i don't think a sniper picking off the opposition will go over too well in the international community.

Ha! Ha! :D

Ever heard of CIA or Mossad? :D

These vile entities seem to go down real well in the international community! And compared to what that pair of collective douches get up to, both inside and outside their own supposed territory, this is chicken doodoo!!

Man, I want to buy that sniper a bottle of champers! Great work, buddy!!! :D

Wanted to buy the guy a beer myself

but the line up is 2 blocks long

seems there are more than just the 2 of us thinking this way

seems there are more than just the 2 of us thinking this way

You're by no means just 2 - many many reasonable people who have a clue about what's going on just now in Thailand are happy that a trigger happy and mentally unstable Thai loose cannon has been brought down. They should have got him with one of his weapons of choice - an M79 grenade - and done a proper job. The last thing they want is that idiot going on TV afterwards complaining how he was going about his private and personal business when an Abhisit sniper shot him for no reason - much of the Western media would believe him no doubt.. :)


To those wondering about taxis still going in and out, there was some footage on TV about an hour ago, drivers getting out of their cars, motorcyle taxis too, angrily pushing the barriers out of the way so they could continue their merry way... :)

What morons you are here? It's not funny when somebody gets shot, especially in this fragile environment.

And apparently most of you overlook the risk involved if he should really pass away.

Actually Seh Dang is one of the only few Red Leaders who didnt accept the road map, I remember Nattawut accepting it so early, and Weera already left the red camp for many days.

Without Seh Dang, the violent radical factor reduces and it is more likely that the Reds will accept the roadmap.


I want a miltary takeover now. No elections for 3 yrs, no demonstrations. Finish, everybody back to work for the sake of the country!

It's stime. All political sides have proven their inability to manage anything here!

i don't think a sniper picking off the opposition will go over too well in the international community.

Ha! Ha! :D

Ever heard of CIA or Mossad? :D

These vile entities seem to go down real well in the international community! And compared to what that pair of collective douches get up to, both inside and outside their own supposed territory, this is chicken doodoo!!

Man, I want to buy that sniper a bottle of champers! Great work, buddy!!! :D

Wanted to buy the guy a beer myself

but the line up is 2 blocks long

seems there are more than just the 2 of us thinking this way

seems there are more than just the 2 of us thinking this way

You're by no means just 2 - many many reasonable people who have a clue about what's going on just now in Thailand are happy that a trigger happy and mentally unstable Thai loose cannon has been brought down. They should have got him with one of his weapons of choice - an M79 grenade - and done a proper job. The last thing they want is that idiot going on TV afterwards complaining how he was going about his private and personal business when an Abhisit sniper shot him for no reason - much of the Western media would believe him no doubt.. :)


a life lost even from your enemy is always a sad news.Sae Deng is a warrior, trained to kill, and as often for this kind of men "drugged by war" and as already said "living by the sword, dying by the sword". But a life is a life.

However, the day is not finished, we may have some surprises. So I suggest to stay calm.

Personally, I am not happy when I see somebody leaving this earth and I wish casualties to be a minimum but also, knowing Thai people, their stubborness, their revenge mind, I wish that we are not entering in Civil War. This night is going to be very long.

I expect Good Will will prevails and that we will find the Peace.

I stated that civilized people respect human life.

If you prefer killing people that's your problem.

I am with you on this. Some people think this is a video game where kills aren't real. It shows their immaturity.

Amazing all the blood thirsty posters. Western socialists in their most 'caring & compassionate' mode.

Lt Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol has not been found guilty of any crime. If anyone has any evidence of his wrongdoing they should report it to the authorities. Until he is tried & found guilty he is an innocent man potentially murdered by a sniper.

He is registered army, though suspended, meaning no pay.

I am sure army knows what he was about,

and what he said he would do to them if they came to clear out the encampment.

He has declared a free Issan state publically.

He has made threats of violence that came true going on 3 years now.

He has been a clearlty and true renegade in the sense of the word;

A soldier who targets his fellow soldiers.

His bravado got the better of him today, he if anyone should have expected

he would be 'taken out' early in this battle if posssible.

If he dies, it is from his own zealotry and or stupidity.


I want a miltary takeover now. No elections for 3 yrs, no demonstrations. Finish, everybody back to work for the sake of the country!

It's stime. All political sides have proven their inability to manage anything here!

Thai Tv is saying Seh Daeng is dead


Bush never got Bin Laden in seven years, so you have to finally give Abhisit some credit.

Supporting extrajudicial killing?

the Falang Mosley Mob must be full of love for their Abhisit.


Official looking announcement has interrupted broadcast on TPBS just now.... def. something about Rajaprasong area.... anyone translate????

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