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Armoured Vehicles, Army Live Bullets Will Be Used To Surround Red-Shirts From 6pm

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Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

At least we won't have to hear again from the usual suspects on how only Thaksin was responsible for extra judicial killings. They seem quite happy with the concept now. :)

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I'm really surprised by the tone of your post Jerry. It's just part of the negotiations right? PRESS PRESS PRESS till that last moment victory is achieved, right? Got to keep the pressure up right? Every instance of violence has been embraced with your indifference till now, because it's part of the struggle, right? Was it perhaps a bridge too far Jerry. Did talkers like yourself involve innocent people in life and death situations for their own intellectual masturbation? You make me sick.

you should read all my posts. I have never apologize violence, but I support pacific rallyes, union struggles and strikes as a way to express social inequalities and make pressure for more justice. When freedom is endangered and when the "beast" is released, then you will find me with the freedom fighters. I have explained in a post that in 1932, one year before the politician opposition, Hitler has hooked in a barn around 70 unionists because it was the main obstacle to his road to Power: I have spent a large part of a night in discussion with our guide, a first level german Unionist explaining me the consequences of 1932 on the current German Constitution. I am also French and as such we have inherited a freedom, because of series of struggles, I am proud of my ancestors even if -as in any such circumstances there are excess- French Revolution, La Commune, yes it is part of my social inheritage. But, in the 21 Century, we can avoid the mistakes of the previous generations, bloodshed that we knows are not really necessary for progressing: I am not so young also and with age, we are becoming more moderate it is a fact well known.

From time to time, I find the atmosphere of this forum too violent, too irresponsible, gearing to the same dangerous pre second world war atmoshere, when Left and Right were going to the extremes, so I intervene for cooling down. I respect opinion different from mine but I do not want our discussions gearing to hatred; we are civilised people not beasts.

Remember " They have assassinated Jaures" and it has been the First World war. Violence is gearing to violence

One of the problems with the French and the Thais is that they are such insular nations they think their experience is the only legitimate experience. Here's a newsflash for you Jerry. Most of the people reading these posts come from countries that have had to undergo revolutions at one time or another.

[/b]This is the first guy that should be taken out by Special Forces snipers. The second one is Jutaporn. They are both terrorist plain and simple.

Cut the head off the snake and it dies.


Could be my friend. But according to my wife it is not so because every time I pick lottery numbers I lose.

Hopefully they are have the cross hairs of the scope on Jutaporn as I type. If so then I will say yes prescient.

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

Good luck finding the person who did this

Hasn't the army already said that it was a suicide? I'm pretty sure the medical examiners will find that he killed himself.

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

Most fully developed Western countries haven't had this exact kind of problem for a long-time, though, so it's apples and oranges. Back in the good old days of bonus armies, The Business Plot and this kind of thing in America extra-judicial killings were more common because people were forming what amounted to militias and paramilitary movements. It's only since we have a relatively cohesive national character with strong institutions and rule of law that this kind of thing has gone largely by the way side (I think you could easily call situations like the murder of Black Panthers Fred Hampton & Mark Clark nothing short of an extra-judicial killing carried out by the FBI and Chicago police, though, for example).

EDIT: I'm guessing there's plenty of extra-judicial killing from the early days of the Troubles over in the UK as well, though I'm not too well informed on that topic.

what would be the consequences while Seh Daeng been shot :

1) reds will get more unorganised and will go home ?

2) reds will get more aggressive and will turn mad ?

anyone ?

Maybe they become "legitimate" again, AND gain a martyr. Unless there's video evidence of another Red Shirt shooting him they'll create whichever story best suits their cause.

The red camp gets marginally saner, Thaksin has one less puppet to play with, the other leaders are more likely to cut their losses and flee before they get Seh Daenged.

I suppose looking on the bright side from Thaksin's point of view it cuts down on the payroll.

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

The PM and Army chief would step down, in disgrace.

However, this is Thailand and as can be seen, if you sucker up to the Elites you can do anything you want.

So nothing will happen - at all.

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

Good luck finding the person who did this

Maybe the government can contact the BIB who killed 2,500 Thais, including a 14 year old boy from my village in Mr. T's war on drugs. I'm sure they will find this person in a couple of days.

Jerry your rambling posts on french and german history don't add much to the current topic

Sorry but was hacked by Lanarebirth.

I think there is a link... an excess of violence in our Community is building hatred, and we loose self control, it obscurs our judgments: we have to be more level headed: the Civil war is not my aim, Negociation and Peace are.....

I'll take you at your word Jerry, but when protesters negotiations include the implied threat of violence building on a existing history of violence can negotiations really be called peaceful? You can't just press based on perceived advantages. At some point you need to show good faith. I would have thought you knew that.

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

At least we won't have to hear again from the usual suspects on how only Thaksin was responsible for extra judicial killings. They seem quite happy with the concept now. :)

Yes, at least that's one bit of moral high ground BS we won't have to put up with any more from the usual suspects.

THE NATION: Dr.Malinee said Seh Daeng's brain, lungs R dead, only his heart still beating w/ respirator.Waiting 4 BP 2 go up enuf 4 surgery.

I heard the same story from another source about 30 minutes ago, so reckon this is probably accurate.

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

Good luck finding the person who did this

Hasn't the army already said that it was a suicide? I'm pretty sure the medical examiners will find that he killed himself.

All I care he is no longer an obstacle to possible peace.

I am so happy that I give my place in Heaven to him

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

Good luck finding the person who did this

Are you saying he was killed Thaksin style? Hostages, you could argue there were some of those. Danger, you could argue he was an immense threat to the safety of Bangkok citizens, especially the ones killed by grenades lately. Does a general with a small army of soldiers holding weapons need to have one himself? A citizen? He was a traitor to his own military. He had been labeled a terrorist, western countries don't blink when terrorists are taken out.

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

Good luck finding the person who did this

Maybe the government can contact the BIB who killed 2,500 Thais, including a 14 year old boy from my village in Mr. T's war on drugs. I'm sure they will find this person in a couple of days.

This is one of Abhisit's unforgiveable mistakes - he has not prosecuted one person for these killings and vigorously downplays the significance and evades all inquiry. Disgusting!

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

Good luck finding the person who did this

Hasn't the army already said that it was a suicide? I'm pretty sure the medical examiners will find that he killed himself.

Well, maybe if he were a farang tourist.

what would be the consequences while Seh Daeng been shot :

1) reds will get more unorganised and will go home ?

2) reds will get more aggressive and will turn mad ?

anyone ?

It's either 1 or 2. Is that an acceptable answer?

unless of course it's both - in which case the cat better watch out.....

The PM and Army chief would step down, in disgrace.

However, this is Thailand and as can be seen, if you sucker up to the Elites you can do anything you want.

So nothing will happen - at all.

Comparing what would happen in fully developed America or England or Germany or Japan to what would happen in developing Thailand is an exercise in futility, though. We could play precursors all night until we get back to the original sin, whatever each person deems it to be, and how that would never have happened either.

Any chance some of you can stop jerking off while your trying to post ?

Do you think you have a monopoly


i guess you finally got it :)

Seh Daeng is a rogue nut alright. The red shirts would be better off without him, but I'm not sure if assassinating him while he's giving an interview to international media on live television is a good thing to do. Probably a rather stupid move.

I suspect orders were to take him out if he is in your sights.

His presence would have been very very dangerous for the security forces.

Highly unlikely the sniper would know who he was talking too.

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

At least we won't have to hear again from the usual suspects on how only Thaksin was responsible for extra judicial killings. They seem quite happy with the concept now. :)

Except there is no proof the Military or the Government did it, or even ordered it. In fact reports seem to indicate the shot came from a building occupied by the Terrorists, so you can accuse and speculate all you want.

Kind of like the way Seh would answer questions about his role in other shootings with "I deny it. Nobody saw me."

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

The smart money is on other reds - you know, the ones he threatened to shoot if they tried to give up the protest.

what would be the consequences while Seh Daeng been shot :

1) reds will get more unorganised and will go home ?

2) reds will get more aggressive and will turn mad ?

anyone ?

Could be both. Seh Daeng's assasination may not have been a calculated government plot, but rather just a mafia style counter execution after that high ranking general was killed on April 10th. Those types of mafia wars (basically what the Thai army and police force are anyway) can get quite protracted.

I guess shooting at Seh Daeng is really a 'short sighted' reactive act, the reds reactions could be both indeed !

this mafia assasination just like a 'bomb' into the current situation, and it makes things more complicated. reds emotion and aggressiveness may drag to the peak, but they may also 'exhausted' much earlier.

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

Most fully developed Western countries haven't had this exact kind of problem for a long-time, though, so it's apples and oranges. Back in the good old days of bonus armies, The Business Plot and this kind of thing in America extra-judicial killings were more common because people were forming what amounted to militias and paramilitary movements. It's only since we have a relatively cohesive national character with strong institutions and rule of law that this kind of thing has gone largely by the way side (I think you could easily call situations like the murder of Black Panthers Fred Hampton & Mark Clark nothing short of an extra-judicial killing carried out by the FBI and Chicago police, though, for example).

EDIT: I'm guessing there's plenty of extra-judicial killing from the early days of the Troubles over in the UK as well, though I'm not too well informed on that topic.

Nostalgia of the wild west...But social movements cannot be compared with such situations.

Sae Deng is now a martyr for some people, depending on the way it will be utilise we will have Peace or War.

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

Good luck finding the person who did this

Hasn't the army already said that it was a suicide? I'm pretty sure the medical examiners will find that he killed himself.

All I care he is no longer an obstacle to possible peace.

I am so happy that I give my place in Heaven to him

You gave him your place in heaven? Where will you go when you die one day? :)


My guess would be that this is directly related to the death of Colonel Romklao as much or more than anything else.

Nostalgia of the wild west...But social movements cannot be compared with such situations.

Sae Deng is now a martyr for some people, depending on the way it will be utilise we will have Peace or War.

I think you will find that The Black Panthers didn't come from the Wild West and were very much a part of a social movement there, Robespierre. Google's only a click away, there's no reason not to use it.

Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

The PM and Army chief would step down, in disgrace.

However, this is Thailand and as can be seen, if you sucker up to the Elites you can do anything you want.

So nothing will happen - at all.

Something good can come from this.

If he survives at least 1 redskirt has a job, feeding and wheeling him around

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