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Buying A Partly Built House

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Hi All,

Hoping for some advice.

..Have been looking for a while now to either buy a new house or buy a piece of land and build. Purchase will all be done by my wife using her own money. I'm just doing the leg work to find something suitable!

Recently I've come across a 1/2 Rai plot that that has been fully prepared for building and even has construction started. Currently it has all the foundations complete / all colums in place and the frame for the roof done. In addition it also has a full perimeter wall completed.

For whatever reason the owner has stopped construction and is selling via an agent. I don't know the reasons for this but as it looks like a farang type house was planned I'm assuming a farang is involved somewhere.

Any my questions so far;

1. I'm assuming all we need is a full Chanote for the land? Is there any other document we need or should get for the basic construction that has already been done or for the finished house (when it's done.)

2. Partially constructed house. Will it be difficult to complete a house that has already been started? Are we just taking on somebody else's headache? How hard would it be to get a full copy of the plans that the previous builder was using?

3. How would we check the quality of the work that has already been done? Should any competent builder be able to tell if the foundations / structure are sound?

4. The construction that has been done looks new (~6 months old). Will the basic construction be OK left as-is is we decide to buid very slowly (2 - 5 years, we are in no rush!) or is it critical to get the roof done and external walls finished to keep out the elements?

5. Anyone done this beofre (bought a partially build shell) and finished it? Any advice!?

Many thanks :)

PS couple of pictures attached



Edited by deankham
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You will need to purchase the half built house as well as the land with chanot. Next put a roof on it to stop any deterioration of the steelwork. Then you can do things slowly as you like. Get a trusted builder to look at the build so far. Maybe dig down and look at one or two of the footings too.

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1. I'm assuming all we need is a full Chanote for the land? Is there any other document we need or should get for the basic construction that has already been done or for the finished house (when it's done.)

i) You need to check the title document, it may be a chanote tii din or any other title, an verify that there are no encumbrances.

ii) You need to verify with Tessaban that there is a proper building permit and other permits that may be required e.g. a well permit.

2. Partially constructed house. Will it be difficult to complete a house that has already been started? Are we just taking on somebody else's headache? How hard would it be to get a full copy of the plans that the previous builder was using?

i) You will have to check with a builder whether it is difficult or not as none of us here can answer that question.

ii) Ask the current owner for the construction plans.

3. How would we check the quality of the work that has already been done? Should any competent builder be able to tell if the foundations / structure are sound?

i) You can't as you do not know how the footings were made, what size of reinforcement was used, which quality of concrete was used, and whether or not it was vibrated to get air bubbles out or watered enough for proper curing.

4. The construction that has been done looks new (~6 months old). Will the basic construction be OK left as-is is we decide to buid very slowly (2 - 5 years, we are in no rush!) or is it critical to get the roof done and external walls finished to keep out the elements?

i) I would use a proper sealant such as Radcon Formula #7 or Masterseal 525 to seal the concrete surfaces.

5. Anyone done this before (bought a partially build shell) and finished it? Any advice!?

i) No, I haven't.

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You got some sound advice here. You need to find out with the previous owner, the agent has the contact, why he stopped building. And furthermore, you need to look at the building permit. What name is on it? Can it be changed to your wife's? As when the house is finshed, the name on the permit will be the name of the owner with the authorities. And if it is not yours or your wife's, it will be a problem.

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And furthermore, you need to look at the building permit. What name is on it? Can it be changed to your wife's? As when the house is finshed, the name on the permit will be the name of the owner with the authorities. And if it is not yours or your wife's, it will be a problem.

Actually, the "ownership" of the house can be split from the land at any time although the process takes some time. Furthermore, if the land is owned by the wife and the building permit is in the farang husband's name, and the couple got marriage before the purchase, the "ownership" of the house would be regarded as Sin Somros, i.e. common property owned equally buy both husband and wife.

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Thanks for the advice guys

..Done a little more research and sounds like a Falang is selling it. They've indicated that they fell out with the builder so have stopped work. Probably more like the couple have some problems and no longer want to finish building a house together.

Anyway the agent has also suggested he can get another builder on the job to finish for 600K - 700K baht.

Were in no hurry, so will wait until were back in the country and have a good look if it's still available.


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