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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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All this proves is the red shirts are getting smarter

and not showing that they carry weapons

we call this carrying concealed weapons

So lets get this right.

First of all you dont need to be wearing a red shirt to be shot.

Second you dont need to actually be carrying a weapon (because it is concealed - i.e. the guy who shoots you doesnt know) in order to be shot.

So basically in and around the area everyone is fair game. Just hope 7-11 closes.

Ahh, yes!!! Everyone by now should know not to go where the reds are camping knowing that the army is shooting at the reds. So if you dont want to be shot dont go near the red camp, that simple. Dont be stupid and go there.

7-11 in the area should close, everything in the area should close and the army moves in arrest everyone clean the place up and it's over. If you get any resitance use enough force to dominate the situation and take them into custody.

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It looks to me like the reds don't care how many people die, just so they can force the elected government to step down.

Finally, you understand that Abhisit was elected by a majority of MPs.

Everybody knows that .

No popular mandate however

People voted for him in an election. What else does he need?

What about the support of a majority of thais ?

That can be useful in a democracy you know


DSI Tharit: 17 people arrested today with a 1 year jail sentence. The penalty is reduced to 1/2 a year as they cooperated with authorities.

I'm sure this will be the next announcement from the red stage.

Evidently the sheeple are unaware of anything happening negative to the reds. The idiots on stage only tell them what is necessary to inflame their hatred more (if possible). If not surely the mothers would have removed the innocent children from the site by now.

As you sow so shall you reap.

Suggest others try the ignore user feature it's great! Now instead of moronic dribble i see You have chosen to ignore pornsasi

put you on ignore too . thanks

chill out pornsasi aka red parrot ,for new members u sure had a few posts .people are dying while ur having ur fun trolling and people biting .just think when this things over, this is going to be a whole new ball game for us farang, who live here all of us any fool can be big on the internet

Well, I did not think of this one, but now, it makes sense!

Good one!

Do you know where the car came from?

What would you do if you have your family in the car suddenly came into the middle of a shooting scene? Stop and holding up your drivers license or trying to flee and get out as fast as possible?

So far we don't know exactly what happen, there are also reports that the wounded kid was a bystander. The peace mission of Abhisit soldiers turned a civilian area into a war zone.

Some farangs here at TVF are truly pathetic. I hope they are not teachers and i wish that karma exist and is coming back at them.

There is no excuse that the army fired live rounds at anyone and bring the life of innocent at risk.

Substitute police for army Thaksin for Abhisit and you have a mirror image concerning a young child murdered by Thaksins thugs in the war on drugs otherwise known as how to eliminate the opposition drug dealers.

Yes what you say is true

Do you know where the car came from?

What would you do if you have your family in the car suddenly came into the middle of a shooting scene? Stop and holding up your drivers license or trying to flee and get out as fast as possible?

So far we don't know exactly what happen, there are also reports that the wounded kid was a bystander. The peace mission of Abhisit soldiers turned a civilian area into a war zone.

Some farangs here at TVF are truly pathetic. I hope they are not teachers and i wish that karma exist and is coming back at them.

There is no excuse that the army fired live rounds at anyone and bring the life of innocent at risk.

Doesn't matter where it came from but it was headed at a high rate of speed towards a roadblock preventing vehicles from entering the illegal red zone.

Before responding to your next question it should first be pointed out that there was no gun fight at this scened until the vehicle did the above.

I would not be driving drunk and yes, I would stop and slow down as everyone is trained to do when the come upon authorities at a road block.

Regardless of where the kid was, it is tragic even if the reports are true the kid was armed, harassing soldiers and refusing to leave the area. But this is what happens in a battle. Regrettable but common. We need to grow up and face reality that this is a big bad world sometimes and when you provoke and take on lawful authorities this stuff happens ... especially when you take on authorities with violence and weapons.

And there is not a person in the world with any common sense who would call the commercial area the reds stole from the people a civilian area ... it has not been one for a month and certainly wasn't when authorities announced in every way possible to leave the area.

ThaivisaNews: Urgent: All journalist associations agree to order all journalists to pull out from all fighting areas at dusk. /via @chavarong @veen_NT

Over on another thread.

Would appear that tonight is going to be not particularly well covered.

It is not going to be covered. We will not know who is winning until tomorrow when we see who is standing where.

Note, the leaders on the Red stage in Rachaprasong have admitted that they have lost contact with those outside of the Red zone. They never were in control of the Red guards anyway. So, there are two factions of Reds, those inside who are mostly peaceful, and those outside that are fighting a guerrilla war with the soldiers.

Well considering that the video coverage from the Thai press has been almost non-existant, if the International press go home tonight, there is likely to be a free for all in town tonight. The free lancers will have to be very careful.

Inevitably, the army will prevail, but there will also be a lot of lives lost, with almost no record of account of how or how many. I find it absolutely incredible that there are any people left at the protest site. They have seen what happens when the Thai army comes to clean house, and yet they appear to be staying. It all has a rather Branch Dividians feeling to it.

I am completely with you on this. I think the people that are staying in the Red zone hear the firefights outside and are afraid to venture out into it.

As for the street fight outside, that will be brutal as it already is, but it is going to get worse.

I cannot understand why the military does not put Bangkok under martial law (they can or Abhisit can) and then put a curfew on Bangkok (so all the stupid tourists know not to go outside) and then shoot anything that moves. Right now they keep complaining about how difficult it is to separate innocent bystanders from the Red guards and they can't make headway. That is their fault for trying to do the impossible. Make it a crime for innocent bystanders to go out with the proper warnings and then do what you have to.


A very sober reminder about good parenting skills. Good parents do not drive drunk with their kids in the vehicle. A good and respectable parent would never take a child into a war zone, then attempt to break through a check point knowing dam_n good and well troops have the authority to open fire under a SOE. Thanks for the reminder about being a parent. I truly hope the father receives life imprisonment for selfishly doing this to his child. I hope this kid makes a full recovery and is placed into a proper home with real loving parents who honestly care about his well-being.

I see you don't like to jump to conclusions very quickly do you, you know nothing of the story but have already convicted the parents, were they even reshirts where were they trying to go and for what. Do you even care?

I see where you are coming from. You are in essence saying it is okay to be a drunken idiot on the road with a child in the vehicle. God forbid, I hope you have no children of your own. It really doesn't matter if they are redshirts or not, the fact remains a drunk with a child in the van, illegally ran thorough a check point, refused to stop, and subsequently they were fired at. If you honestly feel that the driver, who by some reports are stating it was the father, has every legitimate reason to do this to the young lad, I really feel sorry for you. Pathetic!

Do you know where the car came from?

What would you do if you have your family in the car suddenly came into the middle of a shooting scene? Stop and holding up your drivers license or trying to flee and get out as fast as possible?

So far we don't know exactly what happen, there are also reports that the wounded kid was a bystander. The peace mission of Abhisit soldiers turned a civilian area into a war zone.

Some farangs here at TVF are truly pathetic. I hope they are not teachers and i wish that karma exist and is coming back at them.

There is no excuse that the army fired live rounds at anyone and bring the life of innocent at risk.

No I believe the red's did that when they set up camp. The army has come in to try and break up the red's camp. Yes it is sad that the young boy died, supposly the father was drunk and driving so that is a bad mix in the 1st place.

Suggest others try the ignore user feature it's great! Now instead of moronic dribble i see You have chosen to ignore pornsasi

put you on ignore too . thanks

chill out pornsasi aka red parrot ,for new members u sure had a few posts .people are dying while ur having ur fun trolling and people biting .just think when this things over, this is going to be a whole new ball game for us farang, who live here all of us any fool can be big on the internet

Am i dreaming ?

Anyone who does not support the majority elitist anti-poor line here is a troll ?

The violence is supported by the majority here , not by me and few others

You should complain to them

....hmmmm.... :) the old 'gun-in-the-camera trick'....."

Good thinking 99. Would you believe...?

Think It's time for the 'cone of silence'

Unfortunately, maybe you are true....

It looks to me like the reds don't care how many people die, just so they can force the elected government to step down.

Finally, you understand that Abhisit was elected by a majority of MPs.

Everybody knows that .

No popular mandate however

People voted for him in an election. What else does he need?

What about the support of a majority of thais ?

That can be useful in a democracy you know

He only needs the support of the majority of MPs to be PM. As did Thaksin, Samark, and Somchai.

It looks to me like the reds don't care how many people die, just so they can force the elected government to step down.

Finally, you understand that Abhisit was elected by a majority of MPs.

Everybody knows that .

No popular mandate however

People voted for him in an election. What else does he need?

Yes, a very fair election (NOT). You apparently don't know how the democrats got the votes required. Do a little research and find out who N is. To give you a hint, he is a northeastern thug who controls many MP's who are for sale to the highest bidder. No one has found out where the huge illegal contribution to the democrats went. Buying those MP's would be a good guess. You people fail to understand that the entire system reeks of corruption.

It looks to me like the reds don't care how many people die, just so they can force the elected government to step down.

Finally, you understand that Abhisit was elected by a majority of MPs.

Everybody knows that .

No popular mandate however

People voted for him in an election. What else does he need?

Yes, a very fair election (NOT). You apparently don't know how the democrats got the votes required. Do a little research and find out who Newin is. To give you a hint, Newin is a northeastern thug who controls many MP's who are for sale to the highest bidder. No one has found out where the huge illegal contribution to the democrats went. Buying those MP's would be a good guess. You people fail to understand that the entire system reeks of corruption.

Why did you not complain when he supported Thaksin? Mr Double Standard-you...

I find it quite amazing that the red guy here tells me that somehow the bullet that hit me was flying from the soldiers all the way down Rajaprarop, then made a U-turn and hit my wall, still having enough power to get through it, fly another 2 meters and crack the tiles on the opposite wall.

Darn Pornsasi, you took that "Wanted" stunt waaaay too seriously!

The redshirt supporters are in denial. They are brainwashed.

He only needs the support of the majority of MPs to be PM. As did Thaksin, Samark, and Somchai.

Not the same

In the case of Thaksin and Samak after a general election

In the case of Somchai , he just replaced Samak as head of PPP .

No. As has been pointed out to you and your comrades hundreds of times; that didn't happen. The yellows didn't overthrow the government. The minority parties switched sides- all perfectly legitimate. Please stop with your propaganda. You ain't fooling anyone.

The yellows did put pressure on the court to condemn the Somchai governement , that was the whole idea of invading the airport, else why do it ? .

Stop the BS

Pardon me?

Another lisleading (lie) comment.

The yellows were putting pressure on the government led by Somchai. Unlike your friends the reds they )the PAD) never invaded the EC. They (the PAD) never bombed the house of a ember of the EC. They (the PAD) never threatened the courts. Reds did that ... why? Because the PAD while having many faults, understood much more about democracy than the reds ever will. A free and independant judiciary is vital to democracy. The PAD left the courts alone. The reds didn't. Government agencies that are the checks and balances required for a democracy to function are vital. The PAD left the EC alone. The reds didn't. The PAD left the Counter corruption agency alone. The reds threatened to burn it down.

The initial idea of going to the airport was to catch Somchai that day and put pressure on him to resign. The secondary reason for going there was to keep Sae Daeng from continuing to grenade them nightly since the government was not ensuring their safety at government house. They rerouted Somchai's plane.

So pornsasi continues with the red lies ......

Red lie #1 The rally isn't about Thaksin --- called within days of Thaksin losing his $$$. Talked about directly by Sae Daeng before he was shot. The rally is ONLY about Thaksin.

Red lie #2 The protestors are peaceful. Then Pornsasi and others have to admit that the leaders have preached hate and direct violence from the stage every day. They try and separate out Sae Daeng and Arisaman but the rest are just as guilty but not as stupid. The m79 grenades are being launched from the red lines. ALL of the international and national press have stated there were gunbattles with shooting coming from BOTH sides.

Red lie #3 It is about "double standards" .... The term "double standards" was first used in Thailand in modern history regarding the 2001 assetts concealment case against Thaksin.

Red lie #4 The coup removed a democratically elected leader. Thaksin at the time of the coup in 2006 was a caretaker PM that was extra-constitutional in 2 ways. Way 1 .. he had publicly resigned; and Way 2 the time period for a caretaker government had expired due to Thaksin's failed snap-elections. There was no legal government at the time of the coup. There was only an accepted extra-constitutional caretaker government.

Hopefully this will clear up some of the red lies ------ but it IS fantastic that the reds on this forum ALWAYS go back to the Airport.... That happened under a RED government.

:) The government and yellow shirts can do no wrong they have not made a singlr error of judgement throughout this whole ordeal. The ten year old was on the most wanted list in Thailand and had to be taken out.

It's very sad that posters like yourself can treat what is currently happening as something to joke about. This is an extremely serious situation and the repercussions could affect all of us here adversely, Thai and farang alike. Please try to think about that before posting nonsense :D

I do not treat it as a joke it is a very serious situation. I sit on the fence and see the yellow shirts saying how much they are the good guys and done no ill whilst it is always the red shirts killing people and the yellow have clean hands. This is nonsense both sides are doing the same. The yellow are just as guilty as the red. This is not a football game but life in reality. Both sides are destoying Thailand and both are equaly responsible.

Ok MTB. But I hope you can see that your post including a clapping smiley was inappropriate at least. It could easily be construed that you were were making a poor joke of a heart-breaking event.

It looks to me like the reds don't care how many people die, just so they can force the elected government to step down.

Finally, you understand that Abhisit was elected by a majority of MPs.

Everybody knows that .

No popular mandate however

People voted for him in an election. What else does he need?

Yes, a very fair election (NOT). You apparently don't know how the democrats got the votes required. Do a little research and find out who N is. To give you a hint, he is a northeastern thug who controls many MP's who are for sale to the highest bidder. No one has found out where the huge illegal contribution to the democrats went. Buying those MP's would be a good guess. You people fail to understand that the entire system reeks of corruption.

Exactly .....



“Early elections have already been offered and rejected by the reds. Nobody knows what the reds really want.”

Seems the Reds want resignation of the army coup/pork-barrel government & immediate election. If the Reds moved out, it would be a cheap victory for Abhisit & his BKK Bandit chums. Price, a promise.

“I would say that in Nakon Phanom provinces support is about 50/50.”

I don’t disbelieve you. But the final proof of your pudding is in the electoral eating, otherwise it is just more farang speculation. I suggest, au contraire, if smooth-talking Abhisit & his gang had majority backing, they would not need the army to remove their politcal opponents. As the ‘silly’ Reds seem to have understood, the last thing the Brute Force & Ignorance Party wants is a free election.

“General response to Seh Daeng assasination seems to be Sam nah nah. (Seves you right).”

Exactly the opinion of most farangs here. Democracy, law & order, all come from the barrel of a gun. They have it completely round the wrong way. The mobs appear on the streets when the majority will is blocked. Mobs established democracy in America, Britain, France, etc.

Let’s give peace a chance. Ballots & political blather kill no-one. OGT

Am utterly appalled at the reds. They had such sympathy a month and a half ago, now they are just a bunch of criminals working for their master Thaksin to the detriment of the entire nation. Disgusting.
To the Red Shirts stop endangering your innocent families and familes of Bangkok. Go home now and prepare for an election. Do it democratically you will have more sympathy and respect for your cause. Stop the anarchy!


No. As has been pointed out to you and your comrades hundreds of times; that didn't happen. The yellows didn't overthrow the government. The minority parties switched sides- all perfectly legitimate. Please stop with your propaganda. You ain't fooling anyone.

The yellows did put pressure on the court to condemn the Somchai governement , that was the whole idea of invading the airport, else why do it ? .

Stop the BS

Pardon me?

Another lisleading (lie) comment.

The yellows were putting pressure on the government led by Somchai. Unlike your friends the reds they )the PAD) never invaded the EC. They (the PAD) never bombed the house of a ember of the EC. They (the PAD) never threatened the courts. Reds did that ... why? Because the PAD while having many faults, understood much more about democracy than the reds ever will. A free and independant judiciary is vital to democracy. The PAD left the courts alone. The reds didn't. Government agencies that are the checks and balances required for a democracy to function are vital. The PAD left the EC alone. The reds didn't. The PAD left the Counter corruption agency alone. The reds threatened to burn it down.

The initial idea of going to the airport was to catch Somchai that day and put pressure on him to resign. The secondary reason for going there was to keep Sae Daeng from continuing to grenade them nightly since the government was not ensuring their safety at government house. They rerouted Somchai's plane.

So pornsasi continues with the red lies ......

Red lie #1 The rally isn't about Thaksin --- called within days of Thaksin losing his $$$. Talked about directly by Sae Daeng before he was shot. The rally is ONLY about Thaksin.

Red lie #2 The protestors are peaceful. Then Pornsasi and others have to admit that the leaders have preached hate and direct violence from the stage every day. They try and separate out Sae Daeng and Arisaman but the rest are just as guilty but not as stupid. The m79 grenades are being launched from the red lines. ALL of the international and national press have stated there were gunbattles with shooting coming from BOTH sides.

Red lie #3 It is about "double standards" .... The term "double standards" was first used in Thailand in modern history regarding the 2001 assetts concealment case against Thaksin.

Red lie #4 The coup removed a democratically elected leader. Thaksin at the time of the coup in 2006 was a caretaker PM that was extra-constitutional in 2 ways. Way 1 .. he had publicly resigned; and Way 2 the time period for a caretaker government had expired due to Thaksin's failed snap-elections. There was no legal government at the time of the coup. There was only an accepted extra-constitutional caretaker government.

Hopefully this will clear up some of the red lies ------ but it IS fantastic that the reds on this forum ALWAYS go back to the Airport.... That happened under a RED government.

Again your yellow propaganda ?

Have you been paid by them today


Why did you not complain when he supported Thaksin? Mr Double Standard-you...

Double standard? Are you serious? Of course Thaksin bought him the same way as the democrats did. Are you smart enough to understand what corruption is? It is obvious that you have no idea of how corrupt the entire system is.

No. As has been pointed out to you and your comrades hundreds of times; that didn't happen. The yellows didn't overthrow the government. The minority parties switched sides- all perfectly legitimate. Please stop with your propaganda. You ain't fooling anyone.

The yellows did put pressure on the court to condemn the Somchai governement , that was the whole idea of invading the airport, else why do it ? .

Stop the BS

Pardon me?

Another lisleading (lie) comment.

The yellows were putting pressure on the government led by Somchai. Unlike your friends the reds they )the PAD) never invaded the EC. They (the PAD) never bombed the house of a ember of the EC. They (the PAD) never threatened the courts. Reds did that ... why? Because the PAD while having many faults, understood much more about democracy than the reds ever will. A free and independant judiciary is vital to democracy. The PAD left the courts alone. The reds didn't. Government agencies that are the checks and balances required for a democracy to function are vital. The PAD left the EC alone. The reds didn't. The PAD left the Counter corruption agency alone. The reds threatened to burn it down.

The initial idea of going to the airport was to catch Somchai that day and put pressure on him to resign. The secondary reason for going there was to keep Sae Daeng from continuing to grenade them nightly since the government was not ensuring their safety at government house. They rerouted Somchai's plane.

So pornsasi continues with the red lies ......

Red lie #1 The rally isn't about Thaksin --- called within days of Thaksin losing his $$$. Talked about directly by Sae Daeng before he was shot. The rally is ONLY about Thaksin.

Red lie #2 The protestors are peaceful. Then Pornsasi and others have to admit that the leaders have preached hate and direct violence from the stage every day. They try and separate out Sae Daeng and Arisaman but the rest are just as guilty but not as stupid. The m79 grenades are being launched from the red lines. ALL of the international and national press have stated there were gunbattles with shooting coming from BOTH sides.

Red lie #3 It is about "double standards" .... The term "double standards" was first used in Thailand in modern history regarding the 2001 assetts concealment case against Thaksin.

Red lie #4 The coup removed a democratically elected leader. Thaksin at the time of the coup in 2006 was a caretaker PM that was extra-constitutional in 2 ways. Way 1 .. he had publicly resigned; and Way 2 the time period for a caretaker government had expired due to Thaksin's failed snap-elections. There was no legal government at the time of the coup. There was only an accepted extra-constitutional caretaker government.

Hopefully this will clear up some of the red lies ------ but it IS fantastic that the reds on this forum ALWAYS go back to the Airport.... That happened under a RED government.


DSI Tharit: 17 people arrested today with a 1 year jail sentence. The penalty is reduced to 1/2 a year as they cooperated with authorities.

I'm sure this will be the next announcement from the red stage.

Evidently the sheeple are unaware of anything happening negative to the reds. The idiots on stage only tell them what is necessary to inflame their hatred more (if possible). If not surely the mothers would have removed the innocent children from the site by now.

As you sow so shall you reap.

I cannot understand why only 17. It surely is the best way,....they could fairly easily capture small groups and if people realise there are consequences at least some of the less militant will go home.

"Early elections have already been offered and rejected by the reds. Nobody knows what the reds really want."

Seems the Reds want resignation of the army coup/pork-barrel government & immediate election. If the Reds moved out, it would be a cheap victory for Abhisit & his BKK Bandit chums. Price, a promise.

"I would say that in Nakon Phanom provinces support is about 50/50."

I don't disbelieve you. But the final proof of your pudding is in the electoral eating, otherwise it is just more farang speculation. I suggest, au contraire, if smooth-talking Abhisit & his gang had majority backing, they would not need the army to remove their politcal opponents. As the 'silly' Reds seem to have understood, the last thing the Brute Force & Ignorance Party wants is a free election.

"General response to Seh Daeng assasination seems to be Sam nah nah. (Seves you right)."

Exactly the opinion of most farangs here. Democracy, law & order, all come from the barrel of a gun. They have it completely round the wrong way. The mobs appear on the streets when the majority will is blocked. Mobs established democracy in America, Britain, France, etc.

Let's give peace a chance. Ballots & political blather kill no-one. OGT

Good post :)


It is getting ridiculous the excusses that the Farang yellow shirts are comming up with to justify the shooting of a 10 yr old child as we have seen thoughout these last 86 pages.

1. He was armed and threatend soldiers.

2. He was in a van speeding towards a check point packed with explosives.

3. He was in a van packed full of weapons.

4. he was in a van full of Red propaganda

5. He was outside the van and armed threatening soldiers

6. it was a school night and he refused to go to bed.

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