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Just Completed Long Walk Through Red Zone

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I have to agree with Bluegrass, Without swearing or losing ones temper the Op is an out and out idiot. I also cannot believe the amount of people posting that they are in favour of what this guy did.

All the crap about it is up to him and its his life crap!!!!!!!

What next mate how about a walk around the Helmund province in Afghanistan just to see if the Taliban do in fact chop the heads off stupid foreigners who go there just to see what it is really like ? or maybe a walk around Baghdad market asking if anybody could point him in the right direction to talk to the local Al Queda representative so he can ask just why they are blowing up innocent men women and children ?

Reporters have been killed doing their job and yet you think it is fun to walk through a war zone and post / brag about it on a forum ? I think you need some help dude!

You remind me of a friend from back home in the UK. Whenever he heard on the news that the trans pennine highway, the A66 was shut due to snow he would jump in his Austin allegro with the wife and kids and see just how far he could get before he had to turn around. MADNESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's the M62.

And the Allegro purchase was the first warning sign of madness.

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Thanks Gaccha!

This is real info as opposed to bickering in other threads.

Stay Safe Mate!


This is the reason I came to this sub-forum for the first time.

I think you're crazy, though, man.

And I wouldn't advise anyone else to think they could do it. You just don't know what will happen next in a situation like this. Things can change very quickly.

Nobody wants to see more dead heroes.

However eye witness accounts are more than welcome from me as long as the poster doesn't put themselves in a dangerous situation. I was wondering if a separate thread might be made with ONLY reports from selected areas, by trusted posters. Who knows the area better than the people who live there?



These kinds of situations don't come along everyday for most of us and I can understand the OP's interest in experiencing something for himself when the opportunity presents. Many places in the world deal with worse than this on a daily basis.

Years ago when Suchinda and Chamlong were having at it, I felt similar compulsions and drove the deserted streets of Bangkok to see for myself. It was an image filled experience that I will never forget. Of course there was no internet forum for me to post on and invite ridicule back then.

Your responses concerning my decision to take a risk are, if nothing else, reassuringly predictable.

The obsessive and fetishized Western obsession with 'risk', where risk has become confused with 'hazard' is one of the great new tropes to rot Western thinking in the early part of this new century. Where just ten years ago, someone could speak of 'that being a good risk to take' it now seems an absurd sentence, since now all risk is unacceptable. The preaching of no risk has reached such a point that a reaction of being treated as just slightly more moral than a paedophile is now common.

One of the great things about Thailand is that it is not locked into a tiresome biocapture by a state keen to create the docile, productive citizens of which, no doubt, some responders on this forum are healthy members. You go for health checks, eat the right greens, read magazine articles on cancer treatment brealkthroughs as you have bag and baggage allowed yourselves to be subject to this biopolitics of the neo-liberal state.

I do not have have to justify my experiencing of life, it is you that attack me so vehemently when I dare to reject the mollycoddling of the biopolitical state that should be ashamed of yourselves.

So why did I do it? Well, at an intellectual level I am very interested in the notion of the 'State of Exception' pushed by Giorgio Agamben. I conceive the Redshirt demonstration as a perfect example of Jacques Ranciere's breaking of the 'partition of the sensible'. No doubt, at a more biological level, I am obviously more of a risk-seeker than others. And at a rational level, I don't have any children, so the only risk is my own. At an experience level, I am experienced in much worse (Kosovo, Algeria, West Bank).

Let me leave you with this:

"To efficiently manage a diverse culture, mechanisms of social control and surveillance must be noninvasive. Hegemonic control (Gramsci, 1971), therefore, must manifest in seemingly benign patterns of behavioral regulation. These will be expressed as actions necessary to preserve the peace and will carry the weight ofmoral authority characteristic of utilitarian motivations to preserve the "greater good." Here, Foucault's (1979) articulation of docile bodies, serial space, and panopticism is illustrative. Similar to Garland (2001), Foucault (1979) associated the proliferation of docility in direct proportion to the state's interest in enhancing discipline and social control."

[Conventional Risk Discourse and the Proliferation of Fear, Robert Carl Schehr, 2005; 16; 38 Criminal Justice Policy Review]

What an intellectual fool.... qouating qouatations

from other self opinionated so called experts...do what you do... your choice.... dont give us all this sh.....t

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