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More Bloodshed In Bangkok As Red Siege Continues

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Absolutely one of the most ignorant things somebody can try to claim is that the red mob people fighting the army are not armed.

I'd like to see evidence. All I see are stone throwers and slingshots.

Thanks in advance.











Need more? just Google images red shirts weapons armed etc see for yourself

MANIPULATION: just the weapos collected in the aftermaith of 10th April and given back to Army/Police.


Well our friend will only manage to convince those already on his side .

Wow , thats an achievement !!!

As I predicted, they will come up with an excuse - no matter how unbelievable it may be, they always invent something ..... I would suggest to this red supporter to stay off the ja baa for a while - I would normally say that brain damage is inevitable but there has to be something there to start with before it can be damaged

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Absolutely one of the most ignorant things somebody can try to claim is that the red mob people fighting the army are not armed.

I'd like to see evidence. All I see are stone throwers and slingshots.

Thanks in advance.











Need more? just Google images red shirts weapons armed etc see for yourself

MANIPULATION: just the weapons collected in the aftermaith of 10th April and given back to Army/Police.

Do you work for CNN too Jerry?


Since the reds refuse to end the protest the army is the only option left. After 3pm today I hope they will move in and clear the protest area and arrest anyone they find there.

Dear other humans,

Please try and control yourselves and not make remarks in bad taste about other people dying. You are much better to say nothing at all than something spiteful. Irregardless of which side of the fence you sit on, please don't be disrespectful to the dead, its not funny, its not smart, it just shows you're lack of intellect.

Seconded... I have just deleted a number of this type of post... any more and the offending member will be suspended from the forum.

Be Warned.

So, we can stay in compliance ... can we get a better understanding of which rule this would fall under? Since you deleted the posts, I am not sure what we cannot say in terms of the dead. Will it result in a suspension if we say we are happy a Terrorist has been killed or making a comment such as "It is a good thing Hitler died" ... to be clear I am not making that comment about Hitler as I don't want to be suspended and just using it as an example.

Perhaps you can use a bit of common sense, its not too hard to apply.

TNN: Reporter confirms a RPG was used against the Dusit Thani Hotel. Shows all the journalists in the basement

So where have the peaceful demonstators suddenly acquired RPG 7s from? Or were they stockpiled on the protests site from the beginning in full awareness of where this was meant to lead?

So the reports by the government last night were correct. The protestors are targetting the media now.

Michael Yon, who is a war correspondent and normally reports from Iraq and Afghanistan was staying at the Dusit last night. His view is that they were not under attack at the Dusit, just bad shooting with the grenade launcher. He added that from what he saw, the Thai military and police acted with restraint.

So the RPG man hit an <deleted> great hotel 3 times and it's just bad aim? Garn! The definition of idiocy is not learning from your mistakes.

Dear other humans,

Please try and control yourselves and not make remarks in bad taste about other people dying. You are much better to say nothing at all than something spiteful. Irregardless of which side of the fence you sit on, please don't be disrespectful to the dead, its not funny, its not smart, it just shows you're lack of intellect.

Dead people don't care what you say about them.

thats why there is no need to talk about them...


With all due respect to those killed this past week in the violence can anybody tell me (beyond the soldiers) if any person died who was not willfully disobeying lawful orders from the government or military?

Weng tell protesters not to loot

Weng Tojirakarn told red-shirt protesters Monday morning not to loot shops and break ATM machines.

Weng said the protesters should befriend with the people in the neighbourhood instead of carrying looting.

He said looting would cause the public to hate the demonstrators, and would eventually cause the red-shirt movement to lose the war.

-- The Nation 2010-05-17

Interesting how he appeals to their desire to win the war, not to their Buddhist values ("looting is stealing," Buddhist version of the Golden Rule, etc.) Are the majority of Thais, at least the Red shirts, losing their moral foundations? :D

Well, as TV footage shows clearly, they apparently didn't hear his orders :) looting and theft going on all the time

Apart from the brainwashed and psychopaths there are also thieves - What a great advert for democracy, I bet if you gave them an essay to write entitled 'what is democracy' you would get blank papers back from the lot of them.

They are losing the public relations war in Thailand and when the links to Thaksins financing of this anarchy become known watch for some frantic backtracking from the BBC and CNN.

Any idiot even you, knows who assassinated the guy

Only the young and the stupid are sure of anything. Since you obviously KNOW who fired the shot, we more sentient people will draw conclusions about your tender years and/or your mental capacity - if they haven't done so already. The unassailable fact is that the jury is still out in the matters of causation and of the affiliation of the person who pulled the trigger.

BTW AFAIK the murderous hot headed military loose cannon in the pay of an absentee convicted criminal is still alive so that any talk of assassination is a tad premature.

No Mr. B. he's been gone about 3 hours now.

Agree on this 'Any idiot' post, which I note no longer exists,

not exactly a full basket of 100 year old eggs on offer...

How about these 2 as evidence of red shirts with guns?

Lets see the reds excuse for this one - martians disguised as red shirts ?? :)

Anyone like to take a look and listen (in English) to what this Thai lady has to say about Thaksin

Ahh yes. The famous Nongparinya clip. It is a year old, taken after black Songkran last year

Just mulling about at home and did some calculations for my own peace of mind. A few weeks ago there were approximately 20,000 protesters at the main rallying point. Thailand has a population of approximately 62 million people. 20,000 means 0.32% of the population were protesting at that site. Now they think it is around 6,000; which in turn mean that is reflective of 0.09% of the population.

How does this reflect on what the majority want ? Well it does not. The other 99.91%. What right does 0.09 or even 0.32% have to dictate to what the rest of the people want? The other 99.91% or if you prefer 99.68%. That is hardly democratic. That is in fact an act of dictatorship plain and simple. Elections were offered and that is democracy at work. But No...That was not acceptable to this tiny minority ! If a tiny minority did not accept it that is an act of dictatorship not democracy. Fact.

Even if you argue that there are many who just do not come to protest. Well then they cannot be that bothered about their cause. And even for arguments sake you multiplied it by 10 times....lets be generous for the skeptics and those who believe minorities have the right to dictate to the majority (not democracy)....that still only gives you 3.2% and 0.9%. Once again an overwhelming majority not involved.

Now it is fairly obvious to anyone with a grain of intelligence who actually lives in Thailand and knows this country and has lived here for over 10 years:(not foreign reporters over for their jolly with their miss informed and biased views)..... This has much to do with the disposed Mr. Thaksin. There is no getting away from this fact.

Now we all know about him, his appalling term in office, crack downs on freedoms, strangling of the press both at home and abroad. Disgusting human rights violations and his wanton vile greed........ Strangely he hated the international press at that time but they seem to leave him alone now dutifully forgetting all his appalling record while they deride the present government who quite frankly deserve an award for being the Worlds most tolerant government. As we all know the USA or UK would not put up with this sort of behavior in their capital cities and they would use force to disperse them. So let's not bore ourselves with the facts. We all know them. He is a horrible little man as anyone with any decency knows.

But let's think......this UDD lot had everything they wanted given and on offer to them. But for some strange reason it was never enough. Why ? Because it was not enough for Mr. Thaksin who knows it is almost impossible for him to come back. This false face of democracy they keep talking about is what it is ....false. Because if they knew what democracy was they would not hold hostage a city, stop 90,000 people from working, hurt Thailand's economy which directly hurts their poor families and all poor people in Thailand. Do the rest of Thailand's population.....the majority of 99.91% not have rights too and what about the Bangkok residents who actually pay for this city. This is not about democracy or freedom. Some unfortunate people have been manipulated into believing that, or jumped on the band wagons thinking it was and is about democracy....but alas it is not. It is about one man's greed and loss of face and power. Sadly this is the facts.

I just wish the foreign press would interview other people than just protesters. And you know why they don't ? Having worked as a writer and a publisher I will tell you............the story ! The myth tale......it sells...........the down trodden protester fighting for their rights and the big bully the government.......common since humankind first started telling stories......think Lord of the rings etc etc......a very common myth tale told throughout history and still told in news papers every day and this is the classic one !

But I do have sympathy for poor people and I have helped my own poor Thai wifes family including denoting to temples and creating businesses for them. And things are changing for them and anyone who knows this country sees it. London used to be the center of wealth in the UK and it took time for it to change in the rest o the country. But it did. Slowly but surely. It is the natural progression and spread of a countries wealth. But it takes time.

Anyway I won't bore you anymore with my thoughts....just wanted to express them. If I genuinely I thought this was a fair cause for freedom and democracy I would defend this group. But it is not and those leaders rant and rave like dictators not people of freedom. I have been a protester in the UK and written about freedom for publications and this is not a protest of freedom....I think currently Thailand has the best man for the job as PM now. Polite, clean, well mannered and has stuck with it during the most difficult times. He has shown himself to be compassionate and willing to compromise. Yes perhaps a little hesitant but its easy to criticise when sitting at home without the enormous pressures he has to bear.... But the other side have not. Not once have they compromised or shown their democratic face. Why ? Because they are not about democracy. Why ? Because Thaksin was never about democracy . Hitler once said....the bigger the lie, the more people believe it.....and he was right. Dictatorship under the veil of democracy..........and many poor people believed it...just as they did when he bought their votes and gave out tax payers money (most of which came from the Bangkok people, tourism and exports) all of which they are now damaging....what a strange world we live in :)

I hope they see sense and peace comes once agin to the streets of Bangkok. Thailand is such a wonderful country with such a bright future.

Thank you very much for taking the time to writh this thoughtful piece

Dear other humans,

Please try and control yourselves and not make remarks in bad taste about other people dying. You are much better to say nothing at all than something spiteful. Irregardless of which side of the fence you sit on, please don't be disrespectful to the dead, its not funny, its not smart, it just shows you're lack of intellect.

Dead people don't care what you say about them.

True Mick, but their loved ones might. :)

georgebkk Update: Nana, "less than two hours ago, troops lifted their barricade. A soldier declined to say why they had been sent to the area" /AFP

They left because the Issaner girls will have kill them with their stiletto heels....

I believe the Tanks will be brought in after 3.00pm today. It is that time to get heavy handed. The thugs have been warned over and over again.t

but the question is -- who would be manning those tanks by 6.00 p.m. .... history suggest it could be reds.. :)

With all due respect to those killed this past week in the violence can anybody tell me (beyond the soldiers) if any person died who was not willfully disobeying lawful orders from the government or military?

A 10 year old killed...

now pls don't even try to justify it.... u would fail..sorry

Dear other humans,

Please try and control yourselves and not make remarks in bad taste about other people dying. You are much better to say nothing at all than something spiteful. Irregardless of which side of the fence you sit on, please don't be disrespectful to the dead, its not funny, its not smart, it just shows you're lack of intellect.

Seconded... I have just deleted a number of this type of post... any more and the offending member will be suspended from the forum.

Be Warned.

humans are the most inhumans of all animals.

How about these 2 as evidence of red shirts with guns?

My guess is they will say that this is MANIPULATED footage of the Loy Krathong festival

Dear other humans,

Please try and control yourselves and not make remarks in bad taste about other people dying. You are much better to say nothing at all than something spiteful. Irregardless of which side of the fence you sit on, please don't be disrespectful to the dead, its not funny, its not smart, it just shows you're lack of intellect.

Dead people don't care what you say about them.

thats why there is no need to talk about them...

The dead (although not by name) have become international news and therefore in a sense public figures and a huge part of this ongoing situation. But it appears we will need to tread very careful about talking about the dead even in terms of if their deaths were justified, deserved under law or not. It would be very disrespectful to some to speak in any terms of them putting themselves in a situation to be injured even if they were driving a van drunk at a high rate of speed towards an army road block. So, as with another topic which is actually against the law to speak about disrespectfully, it is better not to even bring up the dead here unless it is to pass along condolences to the family and express sorrow.

So, that my post is not taken the wrong way ... I want it to be clear how horrible I feel about anyone dying regardless if they are terrorists, attacking lawful authorities with deadly weapons or acting in a way to cause the death of 10 year old.

Anyone like to take a look and listen (in English) to what this Thai lady has to say about Thaksin



Well at least it is from the heart. No fence sitting there.

She had better hope that the red's don't prevail and Thaksin is back though.

Not always good thing to wear your heart on your sleeve like that.

I hope to god it doesn't turn out to be the daughter of someone in the public eye coz if that goes up on stage at the red rally, it might just raise the tension a bit.

With all due respect to those killed this past week in the violence can anybody tell me (beyond the soldiers) if any person died who was not willfully disobeying lawful orders from the government or military?

the ten year old boy.

the pregnant woman killed near the Indra hotel.

what u dont understand is that fighting is going on around people trying to live their lives. In RatchaProp and Bon Kai people are being terrorized by Army snipers.

I'm telling you what residents have told me. And im telling you what i have seen in people's faces. And too the fear that i myself have experienced.

I have to believe that if we visit Din Daeng, Rama 1, Victory monument etc. we will be told the same thing.

if you believe innocent people aren't dying then you u just need to go look for yourself. Though i dont really recommend it unless you know something about urban combat.

Anyone like to take a look and listen (in English) to what this Thai lady has to say about Thaksin


Essential viewing. I get the impression that many people on this forum do not realize the extent to which their Dear Leader is detested.

The lady makes her point well when she says that all of this chaos is being funded with money that should be in the country's tax coffers.

Just mulling about at home and did some calculations for my own peace of mind. A few weeks ago there were approximately 20,000 protesters at the main rallying point. Thailand has a population of approximately 62 million people. 20,000 means 0.32% of the population were protesting at that site. Now they think it is around 6,000; which in turn mean that is reflective of 0.09% of the population.

How does this reflect on what the majority want ? Well it does not. The other 99.91%. What right does 0.09 or even 0.32% have to dictate to what the rest of the people want? The other 99.91% or if you prefer 99.68%. That is hardly democratic. That is in fact an act of dictatorship plain and simple. Elections were offered and that is democracy at work. But No...That was not acceptable to this tiny minority ! If a tiny minority did not accept it that is an act of dictatorship not democracy. Fact.

Even if you argue that there are many who just do not come to protest. Well then they cannot be that bothered about their cause. And even for arguments sake you multiplied it by 10 times....lets be generous for the skeptics and those who believe minorities have the right to dictate to the majority (not democracy)....that still only gives you 3.2% and 0.9%. Once again an overwhelming majority not involved.

Now it is fairly obvious to anyone with a grain of intelligence who actually lives in Thailand and knows this country and has lived here for over 10 years:(not foreign reporters over for their jolly with their miss informed and biased views)..... This has much to do with the disposed Mr. Thaksin. There is no getting away from this fact.

Now we all know about him, his appalling term in office, crack downs on freedoms, strangling of the press both at home and abroad. Disgusting human rights violations and his wanton vile greed........ Strangely he hated the international press at that time but they seem to leave him alone now dutifully forgetting all his appalling record while they deride the present government who quite frankly deserve an award for being the Worlds most tolerant government. As we all know the USA or UK would not put up with this sort of behavior in their capital cities and they would use force to disperse them. So let's not bore ourselves with the facts. We all know them. He is a horrible little man as anyone with any decency knows.

But let's think......this UDD lot had everything they wanted given and on offer to them. But for some strange reason it was never enough. Why ? Because it was not enough for Mr. Thaksin who knows it is almost impossible for him to come back. This false face of democracy they keep talking about is what it is ....false. Because if they knew what democracy was they would not hold hostage a city, stop 90,000 people from working, hurt Thailand's economy which directly hurts their poor families and all poor people in Thailand. Do the rest of Thailand's population.....the majority of 99.91% not have rights too and what about the Bangkok residents who actually pay for this city. This is not about democracy or freedom. Some unfortunate people have been manipulated into believing that, or jumped on the band wagons thinking it was and is about democracy....but alas it is not. It is about one man's greed and loss of face and power. Sadly this is the facts.

I just wish the foreign press would interview other people than just protesters. And you know why they don't ? Having worked as a writer and a publisher I will tell you............the story ! The myth tale......it sells...........the down trodden protester fighting for their rights and the big bully the government.......common since humankind first started telling stories......think Lord of the rings etc etc......a very common myth tale told throughout history and still told in news papers every day and this is the classic one !

But I do have sympathy for poor people and I have helped my own poor Thai wifes family including denoting to temples and creating businesses for them. And things are changing for them and anyone who knows this country sees it. London used to be the center of wealth in the UK and it took time for it to change in the rest o the country. But it did. Slowly but surely. It is the natural progression and spread of a countries wealth. But it takes time.

Anyway I won't bore you anymore with my thoughts....just wanted to express them. If I genuinely I thought this was a fair cause for freedom and democracy I would defend this group. But it is not and those leaders rant and rave like dictators not people of freedom. I have been a protester in the UK and written about freedom for publications and this is not a protest of freedom....I think currently Thailand has the best man for the job as PM now. Polite, clean, well mannered and has stuck with it during the most difficult times. He has shown himself to be compassionate and willing to compromise. Yes perhaps a little hesitant but its easy to criticise when sitting at home without the enormous pressures he has to bear.... But the other side have not. Not once have they compromised or shown their democratic face. Why ? Because they are not about democracy. Why ? Because Thaksin was never about democracy . Hitler once said....the bigger the lie, the more people believe it.....and he was right. Dictatorship under the veil of democracy..........and many poor people believed it...just as they did when he bought their votes and gave out tax payers money (most of which came from the Bangkok people, tourism and exports) all of which they are now damaging....what a strange world we live in :)

I hope they see sense and peace comes once agin to the streets of Bangkok. Thailand is such a wonderful country with such a bright future.

Thank you very much for taking the time to writh this thoughtful piece

spot on - great post - only problem is that the red supporters on here will neither comprehend nor have the ability or attention span to read it besides since it does not support them, will argue against - oh well

I agree with your point of the press 100% - have been interviewed before and when I saw the print was quite astounded by the "artists leverage" they applied to make it more "juicy". Headlines are what sells news - facts have taken a back seat


A reminder to all those who seem unaware.

Given the highly inflammatory nature of some posts and posters in the News forum, we are currently instituting a zero tolerance policy with regards to posting inflammatory comments, comments advocating violence, trollish comments, and flames. You will receive an automatic posting rights suspension for this behavior in the News forum. Bear that in mind when posting.

Pinned in News Clippings

With all due respect to those killed this past week in the violence can anybody tell me (beyond the soldiers) if any person died who was not willfully disobeying lawful orders from the government or military?

the ten year old boy.

the pregnant woman killed near the Indra hotel.

what u dont understand is that fighting is going on around people trying to live their lives. In RatchaProp and Bon Kai people are being terrorized by Army snipers.

I'm telling you what residents have told me. And im telling you what i have seen in people's faces. And too the fear that i myself have experienced.

I have to believe that if we visit Din Daeng, Rama 1, Victory monument etc. we will be told the same thing.

if you believe innocent people aren't dying then you u just need to go look for yourself. Though i dont really recommend it unless you know something about urban combat.

Why are the red protestors spreading out into these areas?

With all due respect to those killed this past week in the violence can anybody tell me (beyond the soldiers) if any person died who was not willfully disobeying lawful orders from the government or military?

the ten year old boy.

the pregnant woman killed near the Indra hotel.

what u dont understand is that fighting is going on around people trying to live their lives. In RatchaProp and Bon Kai people are being terrorized by Army snipers.

I'm telling you what residents have told me. And im telling you what i have seen in people's faces. And too the fear that i myself have experienced.

I have to believe that if we visit Din Daeng, Rama 1, Victory monument etc. we will be told the same thing.

if you believe innocent people aren't dying then you u just need to go look for yourself. Though i dont really recommend it unless you know something about urban combat.

Haven't there been lawful orders issued numerous times for citizens to stay out this area? Isn't being in these area punishable by 1 year in jail?

With all due respect to those killed this past week in the violence can anybody tell me (beyond the soldiers) if any person died who was not willfully disobeying lawful orders from the government or military?

A 10 year old killed...

now pls don't even try to justify it.... u would fail..sorry

And come on the bar has to be set a little higher than that.

This sounds like a public announcement by the Burmese Government.

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