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Has Your View Changed On The Situation In Bangkok Due To Media Reports


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I start to wonder in what way people see the situation thanks in part due to media, internet, 24 hour news coverage. We have BBC, CNN, and a lot of other TV news networks globally, plus the internet, and ongoing opinions, live reports, up to the minute updates from reporters, policitical experts, etc. Can you say information overload.

Frankly from all the sources of news either from TV, newspaper or internet. I've been paying less and less attention. I at least check the news 1 time a day, just to see whats going on, but to me it seems like many people are simply following other reports. Only thing that seems to come out from all the report is a pending or current ongoing Civil War. Basically Doom and gloom. My question for you out there has the media

a. Influence or change your opinions of the situation

b. Made you watch the news more and more

c. Watch the news less

d. other opinion

Frankly I don't know about most of you but for me All the talk of instability in thailand is nothing new especially since I think thailand has really ever been really stable.

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You need to see it through a filter of cinicism in that the reporters like to be seen as heroic, eg talking to camera in a helmet and flack jacket at the scene of a clash from hours before.

Edited by tw25rw
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No! My view at the start was that the situation would quickly get out of hand, but then, that's how I felt last year when the Yellows started their nonsense!

Now, months have gone by with little change till the 10th. No progress towards a solution. But an escalation of tensions has occurred since the 10th and with today's (16/05/10) problems I think we have passed the tipping point for all parties to end the protest and save face.

Now It has moved into another phase, and to coin an old phrase "All bets are off!"

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I've not changed my opinion, there have been avoidable deaths, which is a big failing on both sides

I occasionally throw a post onto some of the forum threads but the childish repetitive tit for tat posting is not constructive......and arguments on a forum are certainly not going to change anything..........

The media coverage is interesting.......I watch because I believe there has been an ongoing under estimation of consequences of the protest, and subsequent government actions.....

I just hope I am wrong.....

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The media haven't changed my opinion about the situation.

Journalists for television, which is still the King of all media, are not in a position to report on complex situations because they have only 2 mins air time to state the story.

They naturally tend to show dramatic pictures and take side for the apparently weaker side, as do the viewers.

A balanced view of what's happening right now would take at least 30 mins to explain on TV, and I am sure the report would be labeled as being biaised by leftists.

How can people fighting for democracy not have every ethical right to do so?

In other words, more democracy would be ok, all right, but not with the current red leadership and especially Thaksin.

Well, if people refuse to listen to 30 minutes of explanations how this complex situation has arisen, there is no chance for understanding. Just bullets.

Edited by tgw
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this picture and the video that has now gone around the world has streghthened my views, now they are squirming big time on tv. wonder where the weapon and training came from. anyway his mate looks happy after when he blow away one of his fellow country men. where are the USA, EU and human rights people. there does seem to be a lot of journalist getting hit!!!!!!!!!!!!. it maybe the wests only ally in the area but time to stop the slaughter.


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