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Foreign Residents Empty From Bangkok Protest Area

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the reds are asking for UN help to stop the government from hurting them. they, the reds want everything changed for their benefit. they state what they are asking is for all the people. i believe there are over 60 million residents in Thailand and how many demonstrators are there. maybe the ones demonstrating only want the money promised by Thaksin if they win. in others comments it has been noted that most of the reds are thugs, druggies and homeless who are working for the money. no democracy needed for them, just the money

That's an accurate description of things.

Thaksin's crowd asking for help now from the "Not my father" UN is ironic.

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Finally, someone is more concerned about saving lives than saving face. The Redshirts have realized that it is difficult to develop a mutually agreed upon solution when you are part of the problem. My fingers are crossed in hopes the Thai government will accept this problem solving strategy.

Why are they still attacking the army and calling new protestors in if they are wanting to save lives?

It's all so simple! All Mr Abhisit has to do is to dissolve parliament now and call an eleciton at the earliest opportunity. Let the people decide. It should be their call. Then the army must guarantee that they will back the result.

Why doesn't this happen? Becaue Mr Abhisit knows he will lose. So he is prepared to spill Thai blood in an unseemly attempt to cling onto power at any cost.

A little naive. 'Mr Abhisit' doesn't do this because he is switched on and knows the country will be screwed if it lets a mob get its way.

Although I don't condone the actions of either side of this conflict, International reports are that most of the casualties, so far , have been civilians. Not "Reds" or soldiers.

Reds are civilians.

Is a soldier in a red shirt a civilian or a soldier? Was Seh Daeng a soldier or civilian because technically he's still a soldier so is his casualty counted as soldier or civilian? When a policeman is driving a truck delivering tyres to the bonfires and is shot is he a civilian or policeman? If a protestor is shot while throwing a molotov cocktail is he considered a civilian? When an 18 year old army recruit is dragged out of his truck and beaten senseless by a red shirt, was he beaten by a civilian?

It's not black and white and keeping score with casualties is a fool's game.

The important point to remember is that (besides the farang) all the injured are Thai and are supposedly brothers. This is the tragedy that will take a generation to overcome. This will be the legacy of this mess no matter what the outcome may be.

the reds are asking for UN help to stop the government from hurting them. they, the reds want everything changed for their benefit. they state what they are asking is for all the people. i believe there are over 60 million residents in Thailand and how many demonstrators are there. maybe the ones demonstrating only want the money promised by Thaksin if they win. in others comments it has been noted that most of the reds are thugs, druggies and homeless who are working for the money. no democracy needed for them, just the money

That's an accurate description of things.

Thaksin's crowd asking for help now from the "Not my father" UN is ironic.

Yes this very un-Thai like pleading for the UN intervention together with the fleeing of the country by several key personalities are indicators that the momentum is with the Govt. Keep watching for more of these indicators today and in the coming days. These are reassuring the Govt that things are starting to go their way and are also encouraging the fence-sitters to join the winning side.

It's all so simple! All Mr Abhisit has to do is to dissolve parliament now and call an eleciton at the earliest opportunity. Let the people decide. It should be their call. Then the army must guarantee that they will back the result.

Why doesn't this happen? Becaue Mr Abhisit knows he will lose. So he is prepared to spill Thai blood in an unseemly attempt to cling onto power at any cost.

let me start from primary school level (so you understand): the reds had an offer in which to accept Abhisit dissolving parliament. they refused, understand? refused. and now they hold bangkok hostage.

would you want to be at these fools' disposal?!!

It's all so simple! All Mr Abhisit has to do is to dissolve parliament now and call an eleciton at the earliest opportunity. Let the people decide. It should be their call. Then the army must guarantee that they will back the result.

Why doesn't this happen? Becaue Mr Abhisit knows he will lose. So he is prepared to spill Thai blood in an unseemly attempt to cling onto power at any cost.

let me start from primary school level (so you understand): the reds had an offer in which to accept Abhisit dissolving parliament. they refused, understand? refused. and now they hold bangkok hostage.

would you want to be at these fools' disposal?!!

you got that right, gemini81....

anyone who chooses to barricade inside the danger zone is entitled to whatever is coming into the red zone....

and there shouldn't be any ifs.... or buts.... thereafter....

crying for u.n. intervention is clearly doctor wheng's foreign policy idea....

he only wants to become ministry of foreign affairs, if and when tuxsin returns....

did you realize that once upon a time, only a couple of years back.... he was shouting DOWN WITH TUXSIN, DOWN WITH TUXSIN....

this outrageous doctor of medicine can be seen at youtube.... during one of the several yellowshirt gatherings....

doctor wheng became utterly enraged when sonthi and others who somehow sensed his dubiousity, refused to make him a yellowshirt leaders....

however, the redshirts did honor him and granted his wishes.... and now we see the damages he could cause to any reputable organization....

he in many ways is quite similar to his boss.... tuxsin.... imho.... :)

Thai protesters call for UN-mediated talks with government

BANGKOK, May 16, 2010 (AFP) - Thai anti-government protesters called Sunday for UN-mediated talks with the government after several days of violent clashes with troops left 25 people dead and more than 200 wounded.

"We call for the government to stop firing and to withdraw soldiers who are blocking the area around the protest site," said a protest leader, Kokaew Pikulthong. "We call for talks with the UN as mediator."

Previous talks between the two sides failed to reach an agreement.

They had their chance and they refused a sincere deal. No more stalling tactics. :)

The Reds are not in a position to 'demand' anything. They have simply lost control of their mob - they are now of no consequence - it is a street brawl reminiscent of the LA riots. But the resulting counter action by troops and law enforcement in LA was far, far superior to the rag tag crap being done here.

Like last night - the tyre carriers meeting with police who momentarily stopped them, then allowed them through. Good job Brown Mafia, Good job... :D Morons.

What a load of CRAP.

Why are the Thaksin haters so stupid ?

Thaksin has nothing to do with the current killing of unarmed civilians.

As reported on BBC News it is The ROYAL Thai Army that is killing its own citizens.

Shame on you ROYAL Thai Army. You have the Blood on your hands of unarmed civilians.

A country's Army is usually there to protect its citizens and defend its own country.

The ROYAL Thai Army is murdering its own people.

Why don't you go find a real enemy if you want to kill people.

PS Why didn't the ROYAL Thai Army kill the Yellow Shirt protesters when they occupied the Airport?

PSS. Was talking to a women who said her family was demonstrating for the Red Shirts at 100 baht a day.

They switched sides to demonstrate for the Yellow Shirts at 300 baht a day.

Thaksin is abused for supposedly paying the Red Shirts but ....... Who is paying the Yellow Shirts ??

To your comments

" Shame on you ROYAL Thai Army. You have the Blood on your hands of unarmed civilians. "

Umm, what channel have you been watching. These folks have M79's, guns of their own, explosives, molotov cocktails, rocks, sharpened bamboo. Are you really that naive?

You also wrote

" PS Why didn't the ROYAL Thai Army kill the Yellow Shirt protesters when they occupied the Airport?"

Maybe because they went in peace, didn't light tires on fire, create barricades, etc. Quite a big difference buddy.

Also, take a good look here


Then the bloody #*$#@ says "If there is violence near the rally's main stage, we will bring children here," she said."

Now, you do a comparison between the two sides and choose which one you are on.

Agree - also By Reungvit Nandhabiwat Today at 12:36am (sent to my email - Asiawatcher)

I want my overseas friends to understand what has been happening here in Thailand. You would only see the soldiers' shooting scenes or injured people being carried away on international TV channels for 30 seconds, but never got to know about the background. The truth is, the Thai government has been too accommodating by withholding the use of force since the rally started 2 months ago (with the exception of 10th April event, when the soldiers were ordered to move in without live weapons and subsequently got slaughtered by unknown gunmen shooting from the 'Red Shirt' protesters).

The majority of us support the government in dealing with the terrorists hidden amongst the protesters. It held talks with the rally leaders and offered peace solutions to them 10 days ago. The Prime Minister publicly urged the protesters to disperse for fear of violence created by the terrorists. But the plan wasn't accepted. So, it's time to block food and water supplies entering the center of the protest. If the protesters were peaceful, they wouldn't rush out to throw rocks, firecrackers and even bombs at the soldiers' barricade -- thus, causing the soldiers to defend themselves by firing rubber bullets and live rounds.

It's very frustrating for the law-abiding citizen of Bangkok -- we even voiced our dissatisfaction at the government for its failure to uphold the laws. The situation was like Bangkok was being held for ransom. A lot of businesses got affected because it's right in the middle of the major commercial area.

Again, think what your government would do if there were a large group of protesters blocking all traffic at Orchard Road in Singapore; Times Square in NYC; Ginza in Tokyo; or Knightsbridge in London for two months. They set up barricades to search through personal belongings of everyone travelling through the area. Also think what it would do if those protesters invaded a nearby hospital, causing doctors & nurses to evacuate patients -- some of whom are newborn babies in incubators and those in ICU -- to other hospitals. And most important of all, think what it would do if the protesters were found to have large stockpile of M79 grenades, M16 & AK47 assault rifles.

Do you think your government would be as tolerable as the Thai government?

Maybe i am wrong and this does not apply but when a bullet is fired into the air, it does not disapppear but must come down. Although it will not have the same force as when it was shot i would think it would be enough to wound someone if they were hit. And the Motorcycle helmuts most wear is not much better protection than a baseball cap.

sorry, it has been proven by the myth busters that this is a urban legend!

NO bullet fired into the air falls back down with enough velocity to kill or to cause a significant injury!


Less than 3 hours to go. If the red shirts have a big stash of military style weapons and ammo, now is the time to dig em up! So far on telly or Youtube the majority have Molotov-cocktail or firecracker launched from a sling shot.

Tonights events will either end the standoff or escalate the whole thing into a larger conflict.

If the later, I guess we will soon see a long line of foreigners heading to the airport.

There is a need for change in Thailand, Social and economic "constitutional" change to aid the poor in all parts of this Great country.

The Bulk of the red shirt are paid with Thaksin money to take part in the rally, Which is being directed by members of the Elite that hope to return T. S. to power. They are using the poor for cannon fodder, as the Elite has done all over the world.

The Reds were offered what they came for 1. Parliament dissolution 2. Early elections in November, they refuse to go home as having scored their victory over the powers that be.Their aim is to gain power for their financial backer NOW!!!

For this they are now paying the price , for their foolish rejection of the very issues they cited for starting the Demonstrations in the first place.

The sad part is the loss of innocent lives, as they set up their fortified lines in the middle of a civilian inhabited part of Bangkok ( using the Thai Bangkok population as a human shield).

I cry for you Thailand !

There will continue to be such upheaval in the future, if the Governments fails to address the minimum wage, price support on Rice and other crops, Credit cost to farmers and many other issues!

Why not use the money of the Corruption from Thaksin to good use to help the poor!

Peace to you my beloved Thailand !!!

I wholeheartedly agree with most of your thought shared in your post!

BUT - for example the government guaranteed paddy price:

This has been one of the "gift's" of the ousted ex-PM!

it has proven that this caused the production AND import of inferior rice quality just for financial gains!

However as the unavoidable result Thai paddy prices have risen ABOVE the regional average,

causing the export market share to drop and on top the whole issue has proven very costly for the TAX payer!

In general this issue has been raised as a "hook" to promote the "good will" oft he ousted government and to raise

voters confidence!

It is very easy to raise the issue of social (in)equality and stir this pot - but where in the world,

in which society does this REALLY exists?

health care has been introduced, but without securing efficient funds - result?

Social welfare has been for long provided by the temples and it was working, however this is

being tackled by the current government BUT therefor taxes have to be risen which will open another "can of worms"

on a complete different front!

There are labor courts, there are proper labor laws, there is a ministry of labor,

there isn't much wrong regarding social issues in the face of where Thailand as a whole stands in ti's very development as a emerging society of the 21st Century.

His majesty has always pointed int the direction of self-sufficiency, sustainable agriculture...

there are simply not enough opportunities, funds to give every one a Porsche, a post condo, the latest iphone,

this is in NO society, in NO country on the planet possible!

It is an issue that has been raised to pin the rural and the "have not" against the so called "elite"

by someone who has been desperate to get their votes.... so the fairy tale of "Mr. Nice guy" was born...

He could have by long become Mr.Nice Guy, a philanthropist,

as he himself loved to portray, where are the Trust funds,

where are the free schools, universities, training centers - where are the jobs in HIS company empire for these people,

what does he do instead?

grab for power - no pay some some very willing mercenaries to do this for him!

The results are scattered all over the very center of Bangkok - and very few are ready to understand the "truth of today"!

The very day this blood spilling campaign was started I knew, I could see "the writing on the wall"

"Don't mess with me!"

See the results and what is going to come!

Unless he is stopped - this won't stop!

is what my tarot cards tell me.....

Maybe i am wrong and this does not apply but when a bullet is fired into the air, it does not disapppear but must come down. Although it will not have the same force as when it was shot i would think it would be enough to wound someone if they were hit. And the Motorcycle helmuts most wear is not much better protection than a baseball cap.

sorry, it has been proven by the myth busters that this is a urban legend!

NO bullet fired into the air falls back down with enough velocity to kill or to cause a significant injury!

A bullet fired straight up will stop then descend after reaching the apex of it's climb. Downward velocity at that point is probably not enough to do any terminal damage. A motorcycle helmet would probably deflect the bullet easily. However, change the trajectory of the shot and you certainly can create enough velocity to cause serious injury or death.

Dear Thai Government, The next time you issue a "demonstration permit" for the city of BKK, can you limit the number of demonstraters allowed to the amount the crowd police can handle; assign the area they have to protest at (hopefully not their choice) ; and make sure the demonstration/ rally permit has the amount of HOURS (not months) the rally is to last. If this had been enforced with the "Yellow" and "Red" political gatherings in the past, we wouldn't have had these messes.

Thank you / kup,

Khun Bill

The Red Shirts didn't get any permits for this occupation...

It's all so simple! All Mr Abhisit has to do is to dissolve parliament now and call an eleciton at the earliest opportunity. Let the people decide. It should be their call. Then the army must guarantee that they will back the result.

Why doesn't this happen? Becaue Mr Abhisit knows he will lose. So he is prepared to spill Thai blood in an unseemly attempt to cling onto power at any cost.

No matter what side you are on, doesn't this sound like the logical conclusion?


^ Must admit I was going to edit // why buy those, haven't they ever been to a disco here? If you're ears are not bleeding, it's not loud enough// but ran out of time, so thanks for the opportunity to follow up.



off topic and insulting posts have been deleted.

Seems I am going to have to make the announcement here as well

ALL inflammatory, insulting and trollish posts will be deleted and the poster suspended immediately. There is a zero tolerance policy for this kind of behavior in the News.


And there are ten million other threads where you can talk about the election, say like this one:


This particular thread is actually titled, Foreign residents empty from Bangkok protest area, believe it or not.

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