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Hi Piggy friends,

There is apparently an easy way to get into and maybe even out of the pig business after all. Check this link out, it was send to me by a fellow TV member.


Wow, too good to be true.... What do you think?



Sounds almost as good as the "cats and rats" program. I particularly enjoyed the art:

(pig prices are backed by the Thai government (Royalist and a Democracy, just the same as the UK, which is very stable and unique in S.E. Asia) .

Hope the new UK management is a bit more stable than the Thai version.


Don't know about pig s**t, but this is utter Bull s**t!

If it was as easy as that I'd be a millionaire by now! Following a lifetimes involvement in Pigs, both in the UK & here in LOS..............UTTER RUBBISH; hope nobody falls for this VERY OBVIOUS SCAM!!!!

Don't know about pig s**t, but this is utter Bull s**t!

If it was as easy as that I'd be a millionaire by now! Following a lifetimes involvement in Pigs, both in the UK & here in LOS..............UTTER RUBBISH; hope nobody falls for this VERY OBVIOUS SCAM!!!!

Hello Fruity

Nice to see you are still in the land of the living ...........


Hey, here's a thought..

Has anyone checked if our 10piggies friends are updating their cost structure as our foreign currencies continue to slide into the toilet?

Not only is their offering too good to be true, its getting better every day...



Hello Joe,


Only just!



Don't know about pig s**t, but this is utter Bull s**t!

If it was as easy as that I'd be a millionaire by now! Following a lifetimes involvement in Pigs, both in the UK & here in LOS..............UTTER RUBBISH; hope nobody falls for this VERY OBVIOUS SCAM!!!!

Hello Fruity

Nice to see you are still in the land of the living ...........


This looks to me like a Univesity excercise or the project of an inventive web designer. I notice there are no real contact details on the site.

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