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Thai Troops Violate Law In Bangkok Action: Amnesty

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That man disgusts me. What's scary is that his outright lies will be what the Westerners hear and what they'll most likely believe. Thaksin is winning the war of the media, which may lead him to prevail in the long run.

Because thailand has no credability when they remove a democratically elected Pm by a military coup and install there own government and then wangle it so the yellows can get back in without holding elections

You still don't have a grasp on what actually and legally happened.

Go to the back of the class, there's a good boy. :)

Very clear what happened and its EXACTLY THE REASON WHY THE COUNTRY IS IN THE SH%%$t state it is in today with all this trouble THE EXACT REASON

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I hate myself for finally having to join the pages and pages of utterly absurd commentary.......like anything said on here means anything.

If anyone supporting the Red Shirts has seen even fifteen minutes of Thai television in the past three days I challenge you to find a reasonable explanation for carrying thousands of tires into downtown Bangkok and lighting them on fire, time and time again. I challenge you to watch the video of two young soldiers being pulled from their truck and beaten by a Red Shirt mob....with one of them ending up unconscious, at least, on the ground. I challenge you to explain how the actions shown on Thai television by Red Shirts everywhere resemble anything like a peaceful protest! I challenge you to find any kind of proof of who is shooting who with whose guns. If you can say, with a straight face, that the Army is shooting live rounds into the enclosed encampment of the protesters why have we not seen a single injury "within the encampment".......the only people left in the encampment proper are women, children, old people and the gutless wonders claiming to be leading the charge to Democracy.............the assault on Bangkok has gone on longer, with more unsolicited violence and mayhem, than any civilized country in the world would have tolerated....

The idea you might actually take some of this to heart is ridiculous on it's face but I couldn't help but put in my two cents worth. I've never witnessed a bigger farce in my 66 years. Be thankful, Red Shirts, that you don't live in a country who's citizens value law and order.

Seems like you are completely brainwashed by the governments control on TV exposure shame they shut down the reds tv so they could balance it out with the governments atrocitys and murderous actions.

But still no answers to the questions.

Seeing as Red TV is shut down, we need red supporters to tell us the lies truth about what's happening.

I hate myself for finally having to join the pages and pages of utterly absurd commentary.......like anything said on here means anything.

If anyone supporting the Red Shirts has seen even fifteen minutes of Thai television in the past three days I challenge you to find a reasonable explanation for carrying thousands of tires into downtown Bangkok and lighting them on fire, time and time again. I challenge you to watch the video of two young soldiers being pulled from their truck and beaten by a Red Shirt mob....with one of them ending up unconscious, at least, on the ground. I challenge you to explain how the actions shown on Thai television by Red Shirts everywhere resemble anything like a peaceful protest! I challenge you to find any kind of proof of who is shooting who with whose guns. If you can say, with a straight face, that the Army is shooting live rounds into the enclosed encampment of the protesters why have we not seen a single injury "within the encampment".......the only people left in the encampment proper are women, children, old people and the gutless wonders claiming to be leading the charge to Democracy.............the assault on Bangkok has gone on longer, with more unsolicited violence and mayhem, than any civilized country in the world would have tolerated....

The idea you might actually take some of this to heart is ridiculous on it's face but I couldn't help but put in my two cents worth. I've never witnessed a bigger farce in my 66 years. Be thankful, Red Shirts, that you don't live in a country who's citizens value law and order.

Seems like you are completely brainwashed by the governments control on TV exposure shame they shut down the reds tv so they could balance it out with the governments atrocitys and murderous actions.

Red TV balanced?!

Now there's an idea.

Listening to Arisman's rantings all day.

A bit like yours really.

There has been a staggering amount of deaths and casualty.
Staggering? If the army did not exercise so much restraint, I think there would be hundreds more deaths by now. They are still firing only single shots aren't they, and not automatic?

The protesters should simply go home, as they have way overstayed their welcome (if you could call it "welcome").

I would like to know out of the 279 injured how many of those were shot by the army I bet its 80% of them

This is a complete and utter assumption based on absolutely nothing factual. What exactly was the point of your post?

I hate myself for finally having to join the pages and pages of utterly absurd commentary.......like anything said on here means anything.

If anyone supporting the Red Shirts has seen even fifteen minutes of Thai television in the past three days I challenge you to find a reasonable explanation for carrying thousands of tires into downtown Bangkok and lighting them on fire, time and time again. I challenge you to watch the video of two young soldiers being pulled from their truck and beaten by a Red Shirt mob....with one of them ending up unconscious, at least, on the ground. I challenge you to explain how the actions shown on Thai television by Red Shirts everywhere resemble anything like a peaceful protest! I challenge you to find any kind of proof of who is shooting who with whose guns. If you can say, with a straight face, that the Army is shooting live rounds into the enclosed encampment of the protesters why have we not seen a single injury "within the encampment".......the only people left in the encampment proper are women, children, old people and the gutless wonders claiming to be leading the charge to Democracy.............the assault on Bangkok has gone on longer, with more unsolicited violence and mayhem, than any civilized country in the world would have tolerated....

The idea you might actually take some of this to heart is ridiculous on it's face but I couldn't help but put in my two cents worth. I've never witnessed a bigger farce in my 66 years. Be thankful, Red Shirts, that you don't live in a country who's citizens value law and order.

Seems like you are completely brainwashed by the governments control on TV exposure shame they shut down the reds tv so they could balance it out with the governments atrocitys and murderous actions.

But still no answers to the questions.

Seeing as Red TV is shut down, we need red supporters to tell us the lies truth about what's happening.

That's why you have eyes...............too bad a brain didn't come with them.

I hate myself for finally having to join the pages and pages of utterly absurd commentary.......like anything said on here means anything.

If anyone supporting the Red Shirts has seen even fifteen minutes of Thai television in the past three days I challenge you to find a reasonable explanation for carrying thousands of tires into downtown Bangkok and lighting them on fire, time and time again. I challenge you to watch the video of two young soldiers being pulled from their truck and beaten by a Red Shirt mob....with one of them ending up unconscious, at least, on the ground. I challenge you to explain how the actions shown on Thai television by Red Shirts everywhere resemble anything like a peaceful protest! I challenge you to find any kind of proof of who is shooting who with whose guns. If you can say, with a straight face, that the Army is shooting live rounds into the enclosed encampment of the protesters why have we not seen a single injury "within the encampment".......the only people left in the encampment proper are women, children, old people and the gutless wonders claiming to be leading the charge to Democracy.............the assault on Bangkok has gone on longer, with more unsolicited violence and mayhem, than any civilized country in the world would have tolerated....

The idea you might actually take some of this to heart is ridiculous on it's face but I couldn't help but put in my two cents worth. I've never witnessed a bigger farce in my 66 years. Be thankful, Red Shirts, that you don't live in a country who's citizens value law and order.

Seems like you are completely brainwashed by the governments control on TV exposure shame they shut down the reds tv so they could balance it out with the governments atrocitys and murderous actions.

But still no answers to the questions.

Seeing as Red TV is shut down, we need red supporters to tell us the lies truth about what's happening.

NO we will leave AMNESTY INternational and the BBC to show whats happening and report on it to the world

The truth is hard to swallow huh when its independant reporters and interntional organizations reporting that the government is shooting unarmed civilians and killing them

The world will beleive those reports and so they should because its true

That man disgusts me. What's scary is that his outright lies will be what the Westerners hear and what they'll most likely believe. Thaksin is winning the war of the media, which may lead him to prevail in the long run.

Because thailand has no credability when they remove a democratically elected Pm by a military coup and install there own government and then wangle it so the yellows can get back in without holding elections

Point number Thaksin was not the PM at the time of the Coup, Thaksin was a caretaker and not the elected PM.

I hate myself for finally having to join the pages and pages of utterly absurd commentary.......like anything said on here means anything.

If anyone supporting the Red Shirts has seen even fifteen minutes of Thai television in the past three days I challenge you to find a reasonable explanation for carrying thousands of tires into downtown Bangkok and lighting them on fire, time and time again. I challenge you to watch the video of two young soldiers being pulled from their truck and beaten by a Red Shirt mob....with one of them ending up unconscious, at least, on the ground. I challenge you to explain how the actions shown on Thai television by Red Shirts everywhere resemble anything like a peaceful protest! I challenge you to find any kind of proof of who is shooting who with whose guns. If you can say, with a straight face, that the Army is shooting live rounds into the enclosed encampment of the protesters why have we not seen a single injury "within the encampment".......the only people left in the encampment proper are women, children, old people and the gutless wonders claiming to be leading the charge to Democracy.............the assault on Bangkok has gone on longer, with more unsolicited violence and mayhem, than any civilized country in the world would have tolerated....

The idea you might actually take some of this to heart is ridiculous on it's face but I couldn't help but put in my two cents worth. I've never witnessed a bigger farce in my 66 years. Be thankful, Red Shirts, that you don't live in a country who's citizens value law and order.

Seems like you are completely brainwashed by the governments control on TV exposure shame they shut down the reds tv so they could balance it out with the governments atrocitys and murderous actions.

But still no answers to the questions.

Seeing as Red TV is shut down, we need red supporters to tell us the lies truth about what's happening.

That's why you have eyes...............too bad a brain didn't come with them.

Good job that yours did.


Such an important press release from an organisation that has such credibility around the globe. I'm taking my tongue out of my cheek now.

amnesty international is a widely respected organisation .

That is a good one! :)

Such an important press release from an organisation that has such credibility around the globe. I'm taking my tongue out of my cheek now.

amnesty international is a widely respected organisation .

That is a good one! :)

Laugh as much as you want UG the world will beleive there report over thailand reports any day of the week because they are independant and are not on either side just reporting with there own eyes, what they are seeing being on the front line in thailand

There has been a staggering amount of deaths and casualty.
Staggering? If the army did not exercise so much restraint, I think there would be hundreds more deaths by now. They are still firing only single shots aren't they, and not automatic?

The protesters should simply go home, as they have way overstayed their welcome (if you could call it "welcome").

I would like to know out of the 279 injured how many of those were shot by the army I bet its 80% of them

Who do you suppose the other 20% were shot by and are those who shot them legitimate targets of the Army?

Such an important press release from an organisation that has such credibility around the globe. I'm taking my tongue out of my cheek now.

amnesty international is a widely respected organisation .

That is a good one! :)

Laugh as much as you want UG the world will beleive there report over thailand reports any day of the week,

The 'world'?

I doubt if it would include Singapore Govt which has got your number.

Probably as much as the 'world' believed Amnesty's support for the Taliban spokesman.

Nice company for Thaksin supporters to keep.

Not that it would bother you.

Such an important press release from an organisation that has such credibility around the globe. I'm taking my tongue out of my cheek now.

amnesty international is a widely respected organisation .

That is a good one! :)

LOL! Couldn't agree more.

I find it highly amusing how Amnesty "International" only sticks its nose in places where it knows it won't get bitten off.

After witnessing enormous human rights atrocities in the Middle East for years (slavery of maids in Saudi Arabia for example) with not a single AI man-on-the-ground fighting for their rights - probably for fear they'll get something chopped off for interfering - they simply concentrate on pointing the finger at the blindingly obvious, where they know there will be no repurcussions for their staff.

Two guys go into a mini-mart. One has a gun, and kills the cashier. Per U.S. law, both robbers are charged with murder in the first degree.

Participating in a criminal act along with others who are armed is legally equal to being armed. The responsibility for injuries and death inflicted are shared equally by all who participate.

were either or both of the two guys in the mini-mart elected governments of sovereign nations with remits to protect their people and their people's interests in line with UN and international laws?

if not your analogy is a bit shit really isn't it?

Has anyone seen the CNN news clip with the red protester ?

And just think! This IDIOT is now the Red Shirt top dog......

I think I'll go out and make me one of those " hand made guns" just so I have some protection when someone tries to stop me from exercising my God given right to commit mayhem and murder.


Well said! Like Thaksin or hate him, you can't deny the fact that he was the first Thai prime minister to address the needs of the rural population in Thailand

Has anyone seen the CNN news clip with the red protester ?

And just think! This IDIOT is now the Red Shirt top dog......

I think I'll go out and make me one of those " hand made guns" just so I have some protection when someone tries to stop me from exercising my God given right to commit mayhem and murder.

Are you sure Weng nut is the "top dog" ? I thought Nottawit Saikua and Jaterporn were higher up the food chain. :)

Well said! Like Thaksin or hate him, you can't deny the fact that he was the first Thai prime minister to address the needs of the rural population in Thailand

These blind sheep will deny anything positive about thaksin period

Has anyone seen the CNN news clip with the red protester ?

And just think! This IDIOT is now the Red Shirt top dog......

I think I'll go out and make me one of those " hand made guns" just so I have some protection when someone tries to stop me from exercising my God given right to commit mayhem and murder.

whoa, this is one of their contradictory leaders? it can't kill, or maybe for defense, or to scare.....can kill. man burying himself deep yet admitting they're pretty armed or loaded.


Well said! Like Thaksin or hate him, you can't deny the fact that he was the first Thai prime minister to address the needs of the rural population in Thailand

That does not give him the right to destroy the country in order to get revenge. :)

The army are violating human rights.... what about the Reds who are violating the rights of the public who wish to earn a living in the areas they have shut down for 2 months or the public who wish to visit these areas, less the tourists who wish to stay in hotels free from the worry of being shot. Put simply, if the Reds were not there, would this be going on? How come AI have not mentioned this?

I agree the Reds have the right to protest, but they do not have the right to disrupt other peoples' lives, do they Perhaps if reported the full story, organisations such as AI may be in a better to pass judgement?

Sure. But they do not deserves to die for their crime, do they? Or do you think otherwise?

Well said! Like Thaksin or hate him, you can't deny the fact that he was the first Thai prime minister to address the needs of the rural population in Thailand

That does not give him the right to destroy the country in order to get revenge. :)

Well only to the tune of 46 Billion Baht they will probably take the rest of his money for the damage by the situation and all of you will applaud that too

pretty pathetic

Well said! Like Thaksin or hate him, you can't deny the fact that he was the first Thai prime minister to address the needs of the rural population in Thailand

These blind sheep will deny anything positive about thaksin period

You mean the convicted criminal Thaksin bankroller of the current riots?

Or somebody else?

Wonder how fast Thaivisas member would behead Mother Theresa herself...

Amnesty is a respected organisation. It may not be without flaw, but that is not the point. The point is that Thailands government is breaching major human rights.

I would like to see Amnesty beeing alowed to look at the rights of those that are arrested and given blanket jail penalty. Did they get the right to lawyers? Right to appeal? All experience from western demonstrations shows that most of who get arrested are innocent. Thats also why the penalties for beeing caught in protests in european countries are low.

Slightly off subject but. If you do a little checking on Mother Theresa and her organisation, you will find that she was on the extreme right of Ratzinger. She took in millions from donations and refused to give medicine to those in desperate pain on the grounds that pain was just Christ kissing them! She lived to preach her message to the desperately ill. However, when she was ill she went to the best hospitals available. The money she took in went towards building missions that bear her name and are now actually testaments to evil. So using her as an example of what is good and comparing what is going on here in Thailand is not really a good idea.

Amnesty International started out with admiral objectives but unfortunately has been sabotaged by vested interest.

Such an important press release from an organisation that has such credibility around the globe. I'm taking my tongue out of my cheek now.

amnesty international is a widely respected organisation .

That is a good one! :)

LOL! Couldn't agree more.

I find it highly amusing how Amnesty "International" only sticks its nose in places where it knows it won't get bitten off.

After witnessing enormous human rights atrocities in the Middle East for years (slavery of maids in Saudi Arabia for example) with not a single AI man-on-the-ground fighting for their rights - probably for fear they'll get something chopped off for interfering - they simply concentrate on pointing the finger at the blindingly obvious, where they know there will be no repurcussions for their staff.

Amnesty "International" are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet. :D

Two guys go into a mini-mart. One has a gun, and kills the cashier. Per U.S. law, both robbers are charged with murder in the first degree.

Participating in a criminal act along with others who are armed is legally equal to being armed. The responsibility for injuries and death inflicted are shared equally by all who participate.

were either or both of the two guys in the mini-mart elected governments of sovereign nations with remits to protect their people and their people's interests in line with UN and international laws?

if not your analogy is a bit shit really isn't it?

Yes, agree with you that some RED shirt need to be executed death penalty by law. BUT not before a fair hearing is conducted.

It this too much to ask? A fair trial?

Well said! Like Thaksin or hate him, you can't deny the fact that he was the first Thai prime minister to address the needs of the rural population in Thailand

That does not give him the right to destroy the country in order to get revenge. :)

Well only to the tune of 46 Billion Baht they will probably take the rest of his money for the damage by the situation and all of you will applaud that too

pretty pathetic

That is an excellent idea.

He ordered it.

He should pay for it.

Well said! Like Thaksin or hate him, you can't deny the fact that he was the first Thai prime minister to address the needs of the rural population in Thailand

These blind sheep will deny anything positive about thaksin period

You mean the convicted criminal Thaksin bankroller of the current riots?

Or somebody else?

Look who convicted him no credability whatsover bit like how the yellws from last year are free and the red protesters are already locked up and sentenced within 24 hours

No cred whatsover

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