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Red-Shirt Leaders Turn Themselves In At National Police Office

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Red-shirt key leaders have been transported to a secret location where, under the Emergency Decree, they will be held for at least 7 days.
Reports indicate that key red shirt leaders who surrendered earlier today have been transported to the Narasuan Army Camp in Hua Hin. They will be held for further questioning.

That location is a well-kept secret, indeed. :)


It's also quite a symbolic location, on two counts, but I'll let the so-called "get-out-with-a-lot-of-Thais-this-is-a-class-war" experts figure that out.

yellow shirts had ARMED men just like the reds..

Both as bad as each other!!

Did the yellows try to BURN DOWN THE CITY? I'll wait while you get your answer from Montenegro.

so yr not denying the yellow shirts were armed and dangerous???

burn down the city?? theres a few buildings on fire and their burning tyres,,i would hardly call it burning down the city.

and what the hel_l are you going on about get my answer from montenegro??

I dont just churn out the goverment propaganda whats been trickled down to you??

and dont question it!!

got my own mind!



I just can't understand you people here.

You are slagging each other off claiming victories and defeats for people who have nothing at all to do with you, I know you have no say in Thailand and are of no importance whatsoever in the grand scheme of things, but please, can't you guys stop the hatred ?

How many of you warriors went to the front lines ?

How many of you warriors would actually face the people you mock in real life ?

How many of you warriors laid down your lives ?

Just give a rest, this forum is supposed to have a Zero tolerance to hate posts, I see no evidence of that at all, only a lack of red shirt posters, most now seem pro government and are spouting hatred at every opportunity.

You do yourselves no favours whatsoever.

Try to calm down, you old boys will be having heart attacks.

I can't understand how so many posters on this forum are so staunchly anti Red.

The huge gulf between rich and poor in thailand is quite clear for all to see.

Even if their cause has been hijacked by certain individuals for their own personal gain and their actions somewhat misguided there is still a class war at the core of these troubles. As long as there is a huge underclass in Thailand and until the poor rural folk and anyone not connected to the army, police force, or big business have fair access to healthcare and education and as long as there are monopolies held by the business owners over agricultural products such as Rice and rubber these troubles will continue.

I am glad that bangkok looks like it will be getting back to normal for my own interests, but i just hope that the next protest will be done in a way that will be less alienating for the reds (or whatever colour they choose to wear) and that the normal people of Bangkok wont have their lives turned upside down. I wonder how many people i have met in Bangkok would have been more sympathetic to the reds plight if the protest had been gone about differently.

I think the last couple of months has only strengthened the red cause and in time with the right leadership justice could one day be served in thailand, i hope so any way.

This is far from over.

While your heart is in the right place, you half-answered your own question. My opinion only....the 'staunchly anti red' posters' I am sure can all see the obvious imbalances and injustices that exist in Thailand and hope for positive change. They are not anti-poor. But you make much too light of those that 'hijacked the cause'. They did not. They created it. Blatantly, to enrich themselves and serve the purposes of one dangerous megalomaniac.

There have been some excellent posts on wealth distribution, progress and regional comparisons. The imbalances are not new. The great irony is Thailand currently has some un-corrupted, intelligent, sincere, hard working young men addressing the issues. Even in the face of a hugely funded never ending opposition that only opposes, and never contributes to the proper work of government and welfare of the people. Yes, they are forced to work and unite with some unsavoury characters, thats a reality in all democracies and governments, more so in developing ones. More power to them for having the guts to take on the job....without the goal of enriching themselves.

Through all of this, unfortunately, the label 'Reds or Redshirts' has been applied to all the players on that side of the fence. I have no doubt you, and many other posters refer to the 'poor and the duped'.

The staunchly anti red refer to reds as 'Thaksin and his henchmen' with their own agenda to increase their own wealth and power, using the poor as pawns.

Another major sub-group is being unleashed across the city and country now. The mindless militants, thrill seekers, misfits and criminals that have found a common home under the 'red' banner and are revelling in the power of fear and intimidation.

None of these red groups have the politics you would like them to have (and most of the foreign press believe they have). I suspect these differences in the 'red' label account for much of the friction between TV members lately.

Personally, I am of the group that is deeply offended by the notion that this red movement represents the poor and even more offended that being anti-red suggests ignorance of the poverty and the things that need to be done. The current government is addressing many of those needs, including land reform....directly against the interests of the elite.

While I'm on my soapbox...the constant harping and debate about this government being legitimate...yes, things got very untidy. While legal, there is a shade of grey about the change of power. But in the perspective of all previous governments in Thailand with vote buying, intimidation etc, this is as good as it gets. The circumstances and events that led to Abhasit being PM, in that perspective, in no way justifies anything we have seen (since the courts took Thaksin's money).

BTW, I ain't a yellow supporter either.

Thank you for saying it better than I can. I ain't yellow either. I'm Esaan to the core.

They were not armed JUST LIKE the reds, who had high powered rifles, grenades, and RPGs.

The Yellows have the entire Royal Thai Army to protect them and their flags.

You're clutching at straws a bit.

The Royal Thai Army didn't start burning down buildings when the yellow shirts went home VOLUNTARILY.

What is wrong with being poor.

I am poor, but I still have my dignity.

Get it.

Ex-RED, now YELLOW since 1 pm today.

LOL! Yeah, I'm sure you were Red before 1.00pm today. LOL! What a joker! Why were you Red before? What did you believe in? Tell me...

They were not armed JUST LIKE the reds, who had high powered rifles, grenades, and RPGs.

The Yellows have the entire Royal Thai Army to protect them and their flags.

Then they are well stuffed...


yellow shirts had ARMED men just like the reds..

Both as bad as each other!!

Did the yellows try to BURN DOWN THE CITY? I'll wait while you get your answer from Montenegro.

Agreed SomTumTiger,

comparing actions and the outcomes of reds and yellows just the completely ignorant infantile bias that is so prevalent in this country.

Sure,- what the yellows did at the airport was very wrong,.. perhaps we can extend that to the "bloodless" coup of 2006,... but look at the consequences and effects,.. 60+ dead and over 1200 injured, city burning, businesses and family investments just destroyed,... WHERE'S THE COMPARISON for crying out loud?

This is one major reason I've decided to take my Thai born kids and wife back to NZ so they can get a balanced Western education and upbringing and NOT be infected with this apparent inherited ignorance and false logic that seems to rule the Thai persona.

Yes we love Thailand,... but more so we love our kids and the privilege of living in a balanced and lawfully governed country where citizens can live freely and express themselves freely without fear of retribution or being ostracized! This experience has been the straw that broke the camels back for me!

Just 30 minutes ago arrived home after the Airport Plaza Chiangmai shopping center closed at 4pm because red insurgents are having a tyre burn and shoot out with police in Thai Pae Rd Chiangmai. It was chaotic and nerve racking getting home. I hope this will die down but I fear it will continue to flare up again in the future!

I just can't understand you people here.

You are slagging each other off claiming victories and defeats for people who have nothing at all to do with you, I know you have no say in Thailand and are of no importance whatsoever in the grand scheme of things, but please, can't you guys stop the hatred ?

How many of you warriors went to the front lines ?

How many of you warriors would actually face the people you mock in real life ?

How many of you warriors laid down your lives ?

Just give a rest, this forum is supposed to have a Zero tolerance to hate posts, I see no evidence of that at all, only a lack of red shirt posters, most now seem pro government are are spouting hatred at every opportunity.

You do yourselves no favours whatsoever.

Try to calm down, you old boys will be having heart attacks.

Our wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, children, friends and work collegues are very important to us. Most of us like to support them, and their country, with whatever our opinions are.

What is wrong with being poor.

I am poor, but I still have my dignity.

Get it.

Ex-RED, now YELLOW since 1 pm today.

LOL! Yeah, I'm sure you were Red before 1.00pm today. LOL! What a joker! Why were you Red before? What did you believe in? Tell me...

c'mon junior... speak up. or is it that you have absolutely no idea how to deal with angry, insane, brainwashed mobs?

You're clutching at straws a bit.

The Royal Thai Army didn't start burning down buildings when the yellow shirts went home VOLUNTARILY.

Clutching at straws? Got the right expression? Why would the RTA burn buildings down? What a strange and confused person you are.

"The Royal Thai Army didn't start burning down buildings when the yellow shirts went home VOLUNTARILY."

I think you want me to change the sides in this sentence.

"The Reds Shirts didn't start burning down buildings when the Red Shirts went home VOLUNTARILY."

I still don't get it. Please explain...

yellow shirts had ARMED men just like the reds..

Both as bad as each other!!

Did the yellows try to BURN DOWN THE CITY? I'll wait while you get your answer from Montenegro.

so yr not denying the yellow shirts were armed and dangerous???

burn down the city?? theres a few buildings on fire and their burning tyres,,i would hardly call it burning down the city.

and what the hel_l are you going on about get my answer from montenegro??

I dont just churn out the goverment propaganda whats been trickled down to you??

and dont question it!!

got my own mind!

It is burning down the city, as of this moment, central world on fire, Bangkok Post attacked by reds, Channel Three attacked by reds-on fire, streets on fire, smoke into Chulalongkorn hospital-patients evacuated, banks on fire, reds trying to burn down bank in Prakanong, gas tanks infront of platinum.- if thats not destroying the city then i dont know what is.

Although the yellows werent that much better, i see footage of yellows hitting police officers, using a car to run down a police officer and backed up to go over the officer again, took over parliamentary house, destroyed parliamentary house, took over two airports, destroyed two airports reputations, destroy thai reputation, attacked NBT, HAD FIREARMS--and those were people who claimed to be the rich, educated elite of thailand!!!

Goes back to what i've always said about the reds and the yellows:


You're clutching at straws a bit.

The Royal Thai Army didn't start burning down buildings when the yellow shirts went home VOLUNTARILY.

Clutching at straws? Got the right expression? Why would the RTA burn buildings down? What a strange and confused person you are.

"The Royal Thai Army didn't start burning down buildings when the yellow shirts went home VOLUNTARILY."

I think you want me to change the sides in this sentence.

"The Reds Shirts didn't start burning down buildings when the Red Shirts went home VOLUNTARILY."

I still don't get it. Please explain...

oh bkk"boy"... are you deaf?

yellow shirts had ARMED men just like the reds..

Both as bad as each other!!

The yellow shirts had armed men. A few of them had pistols.

They were not armed JUST LIKE the reds, who had high powered rifles, grenades, and RPGs.

Trying to justify the red looting mobs?

Doing a very poor job.

Mind you, its an impossible job.

What is wrong with being poor.

I am poor, but I still have my dignity.

Get it.

Ex-RED, now YELLOW since 1 pm today.

LOL! Yeah, I'm sure you were Red before 1.00pm today. LOL! What a joker! Why were you Red before? What did you believe in? Tell me...

c'mon junior... speak up. or is it that you have absolutely no idea how to deal with angry, insane, brainwashed mobs?

Red policies and the points they claim they are fighting for are actually honorable points, spreading the money, calling for a more just society and court system, single standards for all, but their actions are quite to the contrary esp that of their leaders.

I even get their obsession with thaksin and why they want him back, but they are truly infested with thugs, terrorist, violent, and incredible STUPID leaders.

Please provide evidence of these draconian laws that you refer to,and who implemented them ?

if you are to play the blame game ,at least understand at who and what you are angry with !

You're too blind, obviously. And we're not allowed to talk about it remember. Power to the People!

I think that anyone who has been watching this riot unfold on television has seen the Red Shirts expanding their borders with tires, sharpened bamboo sticks & razor wire as the policemen stood by and watched. There is an old saying that applies here, to kill the snake first you have to cut off the head. The police allowed the expansion and are partly to blame for the violence. Once the Red Shirt terrorist leaders are all in custody the government needs to begin firing policemen & members of the military that stood by, ran & dropped their weapons - thus further arming the Reds. Their sympathies are evidently with the Reds and they refused to do their jobs. Mass firings are in order. The military in every country in the world takes an oath when hired to do what their leaders tell them to do - Commander in Chief, whether PM or President. When they refuse to abide by their oath (not doing their job) in the military they are court martialed and drummed out of the military. It was evident that many refused to abide by their oath, refused to take orders, and that is reason enough for them to lose their jobs.

Refuse to get drawn in to your sick cycle of denial. Good luck!

SomTumTiger krab. When most of the TV channels in Thailand are sponsored/owned/partly owned by the government or the army, should you believe everything they broadcast? Can't you for one second admit that you're the victim of one of the biggest post-war propaganda machines in the world?

Please provide evidence of these draconian laws that you refer to,and who implemented them ?

if you are to play the blame game ,at least understand at who and what you are angry with !

You're too blind, obviously. And we're not allowed to talk about it remember. Power to the People!

I think that anyone who has been watching this riot unfold on television has seen the Red Shirts expanding their borders with tires, sharpened bamboo sticks & razor wire as the policemen stood by and watched. There is an old saying that applies here, to kill the snake first you have to cut off the head. The police allowed the expansion and are partly to blame for the violence. Once the Red Shirt terrorist leaders are all in custody the government needs to begin firing policemen & members of the military that stood by, ran & dropped their weapons - thus further arming the Reds. Their sympathies are evidently with the Reds and they refused to do their jobs. Mass firings are in order. The military in every country in the world takes an oath when hired to do what their leaders tell them to do - Commander in Chief, whether PM or President. When they refuse to abide by their oath (not doing their job) in the military they are court martialed and drummed out of the military. It was evident that many refused to abide by their oath, refused to take orders, and that is reason enough for them to lose their jobs.

Here Here,..and seconded. I couldn't have said it any better myself,...nailed in ONE! :)

I just can't understand you people here.

You are slagging each other off claiming victories and defeats for people who have nothing at all to do with you, I know you have no say in Thailand and are of no importance whatsoever in the grand scheme of things, but please, can't you guys stop the hatred ?

How many of you warriors went to the front lines ?

How many of you warriors would actually face the people you mock in real life ?

How many of you warriors laid down your lives ?

Just give a rest, this forum is supposed to have a Zero tolerance to hate posts, I see no evidence of that at all, only a lack of red shirt posters, most now seem pro government are are spouting hatred at every opportunity.

You do yourselves no favours whatsoever.

Try to calm down, you old boys will be having heart attacks.

Our wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, children, friends and work collegues are very important to us. Most of us like to support them, and their country, with whatever our opinions are.

I think you know exactly what I was suggesting, an end to hate posts.

I also have Family in Thailand, but the hate posting on this site is really bad, considering there is supposed to be zero tolerance.

Your opinions are of course valid, but read through some of the posts, you think they are productive?

Anyway, good luck to you and your family.

I would still like to know how many would actually face the people they mock with the same attitude they show here.

I would guess, NONE !!

Stop fighting each other please, it's tedious and rather ridiculous.

Please provide evidence of these draconian laws that you refer to,and who implemented them ?

if you are to play the blame game ,at least understand at who and what you are angry with !

You're too blind, obviously. And we're not allowed to talk about it remember. Power to the People!

I think that anyone who has been watching this riot unfold on television has seen the Red Shirts expanding their borders with tires, sharpened bamboo sticks & razor wire as the policemen stood by and watched. There is an old saying that applies here, to kill the snake first you have to cut off the head. The police allowed the expansion and are partly to blame for the violence. Once the Red Shirt terrorist leaders are all in custody the government needs to begin firing policemen & members of the military that stood by, ran & dropped their weapons - thus further arming the Reds. Their sympathies are evidently with the Reds and they refused to do their jobs. Mass firings are in order. The military in every country in the world takes an oath when hired to do what their leaders tell them to do - Commander in Chief, whether PM or President. When they refuse to abide by their oath (not doing their job) in the military they are court martialed and drummed out of the military. It was evident that many refused to abide by their oath, refused to take orders, and that is reason enough for them to lose their jobs.

Here Here,..and seconded. I couldn't have said it any better myself,...nailed in ONE! :)

THe problem is they cant fire the police and soldiers because:

A=the government need the military and the police on their side

B=there wouldnt be any police or soldiers left, an illusion of soldiers is better than none at all.

and C=there is obviously corruption in both the army and police (trust me i have experienced this first hand-even with the military)

Refuse to get drawn in to your sick cycle of denial. Good luck!

SomTumTiger krab. When most of the TV channels in Thailand are sponsored/owned/partly owned by the government or the army, should you believe everything they broadcast? Can't you for one second admit that you're the victim of one of the biggest post-war propaganda machines in the world?

remember that and tell them your a red when they come for us,im sure you will be safe you fool

Abhisit has dug his own grave and will never win an election otherwise he'd have set an election date within the next 3 months. Red shirts would have probably agreed to that as they need a few months to get their electoral campaign in order and 2 weeks would have been too short.

Taksin's not coming back as the head of state unless a sucessful civil war backed by him ousts the military which is highly unlikely. Elections will be held eventually with the international eye of the media beaming down and the majority (we all know who that is) will win so long as the election is fair?

Redshirt leaders will be released from prison by a new government (if encaserated) and Abhist might have to go on the run.

Or the army retake control, learn from their previous mistakes and organise a quick, fresh and fair election without discriminating against any party which could be a good option?

Thanks for the pronostication Madame Zorba. I would bet you will be proved wrong regarding the current government. Everyone who has counted them out previously has been wrong.

I wouldn't put money on it but too many people on this forum think the governments up against 3000 to 100000 oponents which ain't the case so lets see?

Did the yellows try to BURN DOWN THE CITY? I'll wait while you get your answer from Montenegro.

SomTumTiger krab. Why would the Yellows (mainly Bangkok residents, servants of the ruling classes, and middle-class business owners) want to burn the city down? Would you shit in your own backyard? Think SomTumTiger, think!

I'll wait why you get your answer from ASTV... LOL!

They were not armed JUST LIKE the reds, who had high powered rifles, grenades, and RPGs.

The Yellows have the entire Royal Thai Army to protect them and their flags.

Then they are well stuffed...


Is that old Che Guevra hero of the Cuban Revolution with that great humanitarian Fidel Castro back with another name, same photo.

Strange how so many thais wear T-Shirts with the murdering terrorist Che on them and have no idea who the He--ll he was. Now, these heroes of the Revolution have these terrorist Red Shirts to look up to. I wonder how many will get their pictures on T-Shirts and sell like hotcakes to the "poor" of Isaan. On Friday or Sat. night they can all get together while drinking cheap thai whisky and waiting for the results of the lotto and talk about the great revolution when their comrades burned down all the government buildings in every city in Isaan. Too many of these people drink away their hard earned money & play the lottery on the weekends while their families do without. I know all about it. I have visited my brother-in-law many a time in Isaan and seen it far too often. It is a way of life & is an endless cycle. That is one of the reasons most of the people in Isaan have little to nothing. The only ones who have anything for their families are the ones who live off some farang that married one of the Isaan women. That farang raises very extended families.


Just got back home from BKK so havent had time to read everything here but I do have some questions:

1/How do the red supporters justify the burning of buildings?

2/Is the burning of TV3 and threatning to burn the Bangkok Post the rede idea of freedom of the press?

3/How many woman and children were killed today by "a murderous Govt and Army that targets woman and children?"

4/How do you explain the paper circulated by the red leaders that showed soldiers killed by terrorists in the south in 2007 and labled as those shot by the Army for refusing to go against the reds?

There are quite a lot of other things that are puzzeling me but these will do for a start.

yellow shirts had ARMED men just like the reds..

Both as bad as each other!!

Did the yellows try to BURN DOWN THE CITY? I'll wait while you get your answer from Montenegro.

so yr not denying the yellow shirts were armed and dangerous???

burn down the city?? theres a few buildings on fire and their burning tyres,,i would hardly call it burning down the city.

and what the hel_l are you going on about get my answer from montenegro??

I dont just churn out the goverment propaganda whats been trickled down to you??

and dont question it!!

got my own mind!

So they burn down a few buildings,and you say whats the harm as not everyone is burning yet

You should hope that someone you care about is not in one of those buildings,or possibly the one next to it

A true red you are,one that defies logic and compassion

As for having your own mind,not sure thats too much to be proud of mate

Its not really doing you many favours so far is it !

Refuse to get drawn in to your sick cycle of denial. Good luck!

SomTumTiger krab. When most of the TV channels in Thailand are sponsored/owned/partly owned by the government or the army, should you believe everything they broadcast? Can't you for one second admit that you're the victim of one of the biggest post-war propaganda machines in the world?

Coming from someone who claimed to have seen video of soldiers shooting medics, then when asked for the link said "Good night", this is a good laugh. You have zero credibility left. :):D :D :D :D :D :D

Refuse to get drawn in to your sick cycle of denial. Good luck!

SomTumTiger krab. When most of the TV channels in Thailand are sponsored/owned/partly owned by the government or the army, should you believe everything they broadcast? Can't you for one second admit that you're the victim of one of the biggest post-war propaganda machines in the world?

So I shouldn't believe that there are fires all over Bangkok lit by the "peaceful" red protestors?

It's amazing that the Thai government are controlling the reports from BBC, CNN and Al Jazheera too, because they are all saying that the violent red thugs lit fires and looted dozens of buildings in Bangkok.

Abhisit has dug his own grave and will never win an election otherwise he'd have set an election date within the next 3 months. Red shirts would have probably agreed to that as they need a few months to get their electoral campaign in order and 2 weeks would have been too short.

Taksin's not coming back as the head of state unless a sucessful civil war backed by him ousts the military which is highly unlikely. Elections will be held eventually with the international eye of the media beaming down and the majority (we all know who that is) will win so long as the election is fair?

Redshirt leaders will be released from prison by a new government (if encaserated) and Abhist might have to go on the run.

Or the army retake control, learn from their previous mistakes and organise a quick, fresh and fair election without discriminating against any party which could be a good option?

Thanks for the pronostication Madame Zorba. I would bet you will be proved wrong regarding the current government. Everyone who has counted them out previously has been wrong.

I wouldn't put money on it but too many people on this forum think the governments up against 3000 to 100000 oponents which ain't the case so lets see?

How many hundreds of reds are out there protesting now?

Just because a few thugs light fires, doesn't make a POPULAR uprising.

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