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Confusion About 30 And 60 Days Entry

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I'm a bit confused. In the US I got a double entry visa from the Thai Embassy. I traveled to Thailand on May 1st. Upon entering the immigration person stamped my via with an end date of June 2nd. I was under the understanding that my dual entry visa was good for 30 + 30 days, then I could get an extension for 30 days.

So do I just go to the immigration office (when it opens back up) and get a stamp for another 30 days? I would assume I can get the extension from the same place at that time.

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If you have an American passport you should have received a 60 day stamp on your arrival. You did put your visa information on the arrival card? You should visit Chiang Watanna when conditions allow to change the stamp to 60 days. You can then either extend another 30 days for 1,900 baht or cross border return for a new 60 day stay (and another extension chance).

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Yes, I have a US passport and I am almost sure I put 60 days on the entry papers. Honestly I was so exhausted I didnt even check the entry stamp date until I woke the next day.

Chiang Wattanna is an immigration office? I looked at the list here and didn't see it listed. Can any immigration office change the stamp? I live in Nonthaburi but I could go anywhere.

Side question, is there a limit to the 60 day entries and extensions one can get? I was thinking you could get 2 with an extension for each (30+30+ext, leave country get 30+30+ext) and then you need to start border runs.

thank you for the help

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It is 60 days stay not 30 plus 30. On arrival card is a space to put in your visa number - if you did not do that they probably did not notice you even had a visa - did they mark the visa itself one entry or something? At any rate Immigration can correct the the best place is Soi 7, New Government Complex at end of Soi in entry level SE corner.

The visa limits you to the number indicated on it and they have to be made before the expiration date on the visa. Your entry permitted to stay time and second extension can be beyond that date.

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lopburi3- The only thing he marked on the visa was to circle the 2 for number of entries.

do a border run Before 2nd June and get 60 days on re-entry then do another border run, before the use before date on the visa from the USA.

Is there a reason why this would be better than getting it fixed and an extension? It seems like I would waste 30 days and an extension.

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In that case he used the wrong stamp - have it corrected and if you want the time get an extension of stay for 30 days when you have about a week remaining. You lose nothing doing it a bit early.

The above "do a border run" is invalid - you have used your first entry and only have one more entry of 60 days available.

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I went to immigration today and I'm still a bit confused as to what is the best choice and the options the lady at immigration gave me.

For starters, we both read the date wrong as it says 30 June. I have no idea why we missed the 0 but we did. So that part is ok.

While there I thought I would ask her about an extension. What I found strange is the lady suggested at the end of June I leave the country and get a 60 day visa again, not an extension. She said if I get an extension it will leave me with only 7 days as my double entry is dated 4 October.

My fiancee and her talked really fast in Thai so I didn't have time to join in and ask her many questions as to why she suggested it. My fiancee knows very little about visas so she didn't think to ask her anything.

So, could you help me to understand why she would suggest this? I guess she is thinking since I have a double entry visa I should use both entries before it expires? To me it seems to make more sense to get an extension, leave country at the end of july and get another 60 day tourist visa (and then extend it).

Also, is there a limit to how many 60 day tourist visas and/or extensions I can get in a row?

Edited by lostpacket
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To me it seems to make more sense to get an extension, leave country at the end of july and get another 60 day tourist visa (and then extend it).

Correct, but you must use your second 60 day entry into Thailand before the original visa expires. You can get as many tourist visas as a Thai embassy/consulate will issue, there is no limit.

Edited by InterestedObserver
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Correct, but you must use your second 60 day entry into Thailand before the original visa expires. You can get as many tourist visas as a Thai embassy/consulate will issue, there is no limit.
When you say I must, does that mean I will have a problem if I don't or just that I paid for a double entry so I ought to use it?

hmm, I wonder where I got the idea that you have to do a border run every 30 days. So basically I can get a 60 day tourist visa and then extend it, and do that over and over until I can obtain employment and a work permit.

Is there any reason to spend the extra money for a double entry visa if I use the above process?

Thank you very much for your help :)

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She is wrong. You can extend 30 days (June to end of July) and then do a border run for a new 60 day entry and extend that for another 30 days. Only the second entry is dependent on a return before October 4.

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Correct, but you must use your second 60 day entry into Thailand before the original visa expires. You can get as many tourist visas as a Thai embassy/consulate will issue, there is no limit.
When you say I must, does that mean I will have a problem if I don't or just that I paid for a double entry so I ought to use it?

You paid for a double entry tourist visa, why not use both entries? There is no penalty for not using it.

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