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Bangkok: Central World Shopping Mall Destroyed By Fire


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Is it not funny that his body-shape and look (incl. tat-design) is fairly typical of a specific sub-section of 'expats' (or child-support runaways) that so often is the group most of us would like to see less of?

The generalizations are sometimes correct...

Shapist post IMO.

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Of course many many working class Thais will be out of a job because of the torching of Central World.

You make it sound as if Central World was a workers' paradise.

I doubt there will be nary a tear shed by the toilet cleaners, floor sweepers and security guards that had obscene wealth and snobbery rammed down their throats on a daily basis.

Are you kidding us? I think anyone that lost their job and now cannot pay for their kids uniforms and books are going to be upset.

No-one was forced to work in Central World, as this is not a communist nation with assigned work-locations based on proficiency tests...

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"rammed down their throats" ??? You make it sound like it was torture. It was a job, and one that is now no longer available.

If you were cleaning toilets for less than 200thb per day while people spend obscene amounts of money on non-essential branded junk while looking down their nose at you would that not be torture?

Speaking from a personal point of view, it was for me when I worked a menial job at 16 years old after leaving school. Fortunately I can empathise with the plight of the down-trodden worker bees even though I will never have to work again for the rest of my life.

I must admit I am surprised they are not dancing a jig on the ashes of Central World.

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"rammed down their throats" ??? You make it sound like it was torture. It was a job, and one that is now no longer available.

If you were cleaning toilets for less than 200thb per day while people spend obscene amounts of money on non-essential branded junk while looking down their nose at you would that not be torture?

Speaking from a personal point of view, it was for me when I worked a menial job at 16 years old after leaving school. Fortunately I can empathise with the plight of the down-trodden worker bees even though I will never have to work again for the rest of my life.

I must admit I am surprised they are not dancing a jig on the ashes of Central World.

It sounds like you have a problem with capitalism. I can't say I agree with your point of view.

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No-one was forced to work in Central World,

Disagree. Many lower class Thais are forced through circumstances to work in jobs they don't want to do nor like.

One of the reasons there is great unrest in this country at the moment.

Next you'll be educating us that no young women are forced into prostitution and they all enjoy sleeping with elderly, fat, bald foreigners.

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This is the same Farang that was on the BBC a few days ago at the Red barricade.

I remember a few people trying to identify him.

He is from London.

Here he is again threatening to Loot and Burn down Central World. :)


Anyone know who he is?

Take away his Visa assuming he has one and throw the fuc_ker out of the Country!! :D

Read ALL of the comments on YouTube. You will learn his name and the part of Thailand in which he lives.

This guy MUST be caught.

If someone can point me to some real details about the guy, I can try to get the info to DSI. I think the authorities would like to question him, for real. Even if he is all talk, he may have some good info, do a good service for the community.

If he knew about it, I presume there are 10,000 other Thai's who can tell the same story in Thai. You think he was part of the planning process for this? In the 7 degrees of separation from the leaders, he is about 14th on the list.

"Wew, dis bloke tahld me vat he rekns vat wee is gonna farkin brn dahn farkin sentl n gunna loooot it. sah i reckn iis lahk farkin cwl." You reckon his statement is going to throw any light on the grand masterplan?

Edited by Thai at Heart
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It sounds like you have a problem with capitalism. I can't say I agree with your point of view.

I do when there is such disparity between rich and poor as is in Thailand.

And I guess the rural poor do too, because that is precisely one of the reasons there is much discontent at the moment.

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I think I made two mistakes then ... first I thought you were a different poster and made an assumption of where you were trying to go with this.

The second being is that, as i mentioned a bit ago in another post, I was not defending the original comment of nobody innocent died. I was simply arguing that we cannot blame Abhisit ... especially at this point without knowing more. I think the original post (now not sure you but assumed it was you) said something to the effect of throwing Abhisit in jail. The next was the comment about no proof of anybody innocent dying. I took that post to be a sarcastic way of saying what we both seem to be saying now and that is basically the facts are not all in yet.

Bottom line is we should have never went down that road in terms of responding to a comment like that even if it was "possibly" meant as kind of a sarcastic way to make a point.

Fair enough JC. I was very puzzled by your response!

I wasn't the one talking about Abhisit going to jail, though.

I'm sure it was TAWP saying he hadn't seen any innocents murdered.

Maybe he meant actually dying in front of him as opposed to dead bodies lying in the street.

Maybe he thinks anyone who took part in the demonstration deserves shooting dead.

It all beggars belief that most posters here come from so-called civilised countries and yet are posting as if they come from Somalia.

(Apologies to any Somalians reading this, but you know bad your country is with respect to safety, law, human rights, etc.)

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So TWAP's comment that he hadn't seen a single innocent murdered is ridiculous.

During violence by a mob no-one is innocent.

Again, please then put forward any proof that many of the people shot was not part of a mob, not sporting stones, slingshots, sticks, handguns or Molotov cocktails nor that they helped others that has this.

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It sounds like you have a problem with capitalism. I can't say I agree with your point of view.

I do when there is such disparity between rich and poor as is in Thailand.

And I guess the rural poor do too, because that is precisely one of the reasons there is much discontent at the moment.

People work in bathrooms all over the world, Ober. Someone has to do it, whether you're assigned that job in a communist state or whether you take it up voluntarily in a capitalist country. I will agree that there is a problem with forced prostitution in this country, but that is not even close to being in the same league to the situation you have a problem with. I also don't think it justifies the vandalism, arson and destruction of people's livelihoods. Some people, like yourself, work their way up legitimately, even in Thailand, from toilet scrubber to store owner. I just think your viewpoint is too dismissive of the innocent people who are affected by this.

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Is it not funny that his body-shape and look (incl. tat-design) is fairly typical of a specific sub-section of 'expats' (or child-support runaways) that so often is the group most of us would like to see less of?

The generalizations are sometimes correct...

Shapist post IMO.

Feeling hit, are we?

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No-one was forced to work in Central World,

Disagree. Many lower class Thais are forced through circumstances to work in jobs they don't want to do nor like.

One of the reasons there is great unrest in this country at the moment.

Next you'll be educating us that no young women are forced into prostitution and they all enjoy sleeping with elderly, fat, bald foreigners.


Communist drivel is so tiresom.

On that note, we are all forced to work...mostly with things we really don't want to do for 8-12h a day. I prostitute my brain-power to get a salary to feed myself and others. Would I want to be rich like so many other foreigners here? Sure. Do I blame them for being rich and burn their houses? No.

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So TWAP's comment that he hadn't seen a single innocent murdered is ridiculous.

During violence by a mob no-one is innocent.

Again, please then put forward any proof that many of the people shot was not part of a mob, not sporting stones, slingshots, sticks, handguns or Molotov cocktails nor that they helped others that has this.

So carrying a sling-shot deserves shooting dead?

Ever heard of a "trial" - judge, jury, evidence, etc.

This forum has become like a shark feeding frenzy and some people have lost whatever notion of civilisation they were brought up with.

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Maybe he thinks anyone who took part in the demonstration deserves shooting dead.

No, but if you are part of mob that illegally occupy a part of the city, already here you are not innocent as in Gods gift to mankind that has not done anything wrong and just happened to be in the wrong location.

Secondly, the people shot was NOT people people merely guilty of this occupation, as the army could not even see those people from their locations. The ones shot was those that ATTACKED the army lines.

Now, does that sound innocent to you?

Not to me.

Do the they deserve to die? No, no-one does really. But during the circumstance, atleast assign words as 'innocent' to those that really are.

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So carrying a sling-shot deserves shooting dead?

Ever heard of a "trial" - judge, jury, evidence, etc.

This forum has become like a shark feeding frenzy and some people have lost whatever notion of civilisation they were brought up with.

I do 100% agree with you .

Open a forum that attacks the reds and within an hour a mass of cretins will join

and encourage each other .

Of course burning property is wrong , and so it is for civlians to be shot

and so it is to remove 3 PM , and so it is to have the yellows never sentenced

for what they did

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Communist drivel is so tiresom

A capitalist economic environment tempered with a social safety net is the pinnacle of human societal achievement at our current level of evolution IMO.

Thailand has fallen into the abyss because too many of the 'haves' do not have a social conscience and thus we can conclude Thai society has failed.

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Communist drivel is so tiresom

A capitalist economic environment tempered with a social safety net is the pinnacle of human societal achievement at our current level of evolution IMO.

Thailand has fallen into the abyss because too many of the 'haves' do not have a social conscience and thus we can conclude Thai society has failed.

Would have taken you for a fascist fan Ober. My mistake.

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The world will not forget the Demon Crazy scenes of chaos and complete disregard for human rights on all sides.

However, one photo will always stand out amongst the many others and that is the one of a proud father holding his crying child up above the barricades while all round him there is danger and chaos. What kind of intelligent person does that? Only a brain dead monkey man in amazing Thailand that's who... You can't even refer to him as a stupid buffalo because buffalos protect their young...

The man is a fanatic, but his religion must be easy money and cheap booze...

He is indicative of those religious fanatics who train their kids to be Maters for a religious cause. But that's another story...


The rule of Law must be upheld or there will be a repeat of this debacle...

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it...

As a parting note: There is an old saying: Don't eat Yellow Snow!

We may have to apply that to next year's rice crop if the farmers are still pissed (pun intended) off!

So, my advice to you all is: Do Not Eat Yellow Rice!

Peace to all...


MR J. You blew it.


Speaking of MJ which makes you higher, the yellow snow or the yellow rice.

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Those who can learn to not take this forum so seriously will be true stars in their own right.

Surely not still with the star, obsession crusade nonsense Mr LaoPo? :D

....spoke the (one of the very few left) 4 star member, awarded by banned and returning member(s) with nick names;

You have a theory LaoPo. Don't confuse that for having facts. Maybe your theory is correct, maybe it is not. Frankly, nobody gives a sh1t about all this, besides yourself. Can you not find something in your life a little less trivial to be worrying about... :)

If nobody gives a sh_t, why are there (ex)members awarding others with stars and degrading others ? It's really pathetic to see that some (ex)member are messing around with those stars, meant to award certain members with substantial and non-biased contributions but no, now new "members" are already awarded with a star THE SAME DAY THEY BECAME A MEMBER. How sick.

Let's hope they can get rid of the star system and everyone is judged on his/her own contributions without stars; you don't need stars for that. Most members do know who is who...

Don't worry about my life, I'm not so obsessed as many others on this board; watch your own health instead worrying about me :D


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It sounds like you have a problem with capitalism. I can't say I agree with your point of view.

I do when there is such disparity between rich and poor as is in Thailand.

And I guess the rural poor do too, because that is precisely one of the reasons there is much discontent at the moment.

How do you see this being fixed 10 years from now?

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So TWAP's comment that he hadn't seen a single innocent murdered is ridiculous.

During violence by a mob no-one is innocent.

Again, please then put forward any proof that many of the people shot was not part of a mob, not sporting stones, slingshots, sticks, handguns or Molotov cocktails nor that they helped others that has this.

So carrying a sling-shot deserves shooting dead?

Ever heard of a "trial" - judge, jury, evidence, etc.

This forum has become like a shark feeding frenzy and some people have lost whatever notion of civilisation they were brought up with.

'Innocent murdered', no.

Murder is a premeditated action, the intent to end someones life without it being a valid response to an action by the other party.

I would say that there has been no murders.

So again, please lead your assumptions to proof, show us evidence of 'innocent murdered'.

A person being shot during a riot is not murdered. He might be unjustly killed, a victim of an unjustly disproportionally harsh response etc, but it is not murder if he person is infact part of a mob that is attacking te army using violent means.

Only propaganda-spouters would mention 'innocent murdered' when it comes to these individuals.

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So TWAP's comment that he hadn't seen a single innocent murdered is ridiculous.

During violence by a mob no-one is innocent.

Again, please then put forward any proof that many of the people shot was not part of a mob, not sporting stones, slingshots, sticks, handguns or Molotov cocktails nor that they helped others that has this.


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Where are the posters, who I will not name, that were posting endlessly that the government should go in blazing and take out the reds?

Well they did what you wanted and now look at the city and nation.

Bangkok could end up gone if this goes on for weeks and months.

You farang fat butts can go home but Thais are stuck here.

Your idea was indeed a very bab bad idea.

Do you see any Farang looting or setting fires? Thai Rak Thai.

Actually... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3YqrqhMvco and http://bit.ly/aqhvWy and http://bit.ly/ahr3Gx and more...

One moronic slob getting caught up in the mob and mouthing off to the camera is not quite the same as actually doing it. It is easy to imagine him saying how he's going to kick all Millwall fans to death in the same breath. However he does deserve all the trouble his mouth gets him into.

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yeap definite the high quality British tourist we all like so much (has the football season in the UK ended already?)

May I dare use the word "fake red"?

There is no such thing, lilkitty. You are either a peaceful protester or an armed insurgent. Both can be part of the paramilitary group known as the UDD. There is no such thing as 'fake reds' unless you seem to think that they are agents provocateur, which I have seen zero evidence or even claim of. Far too many of the red shirts, even the peaceful ones, condone, approve and even applaud the chaos their terrorist wing is causing.

Well, that British guy certainly seemed like a fake red to me. Attaching himself to the red shirt movement and hoping for a 'carte blanche' to riot when the army moves in and the crackdown starts. I'd check into the history of this guy back in his homeland, probably not the first time he'll be arrested for rioting or burning things.

Probably so, which is why the Reds he's with welcome him into their fold so positively.

The Reds love when other thugs join in with their mob. The more deranged, the better, as far as they are concerned.

dttk0009 has got it right, there are no fake reds.

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Do your best to spread this video please. This man is a terrorist and a danger to innocent citizens. He must be caught and trialed on terrorist charges. He was clearly high up enough to know of the red shirts plans. All must be done to find this man. I wouldn't even be shocked if he was one of the pro-red TV posters.

Isolated him out in this screen capture image from the video of the Red Terrorist Farang


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Where are the posters, who I will not name, that were posting endlessly that the government should go in blazing and take out the reds?

Well they did what you wanted and now look at the city and nation.

Bangkok could end up gone if this goes on for weeks and months.

You farang fat butts can go home but Thais are stuck here.

Your idea was indeed a very bab bad idea.

Do you see any Farang looting or setting fires? Thai Rak Thai.

Actually... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3YqrqhMvco and http://bit.ly/aqhvWy and http://bit.ly/ahr3Gx and more...

One moronic slob getting caught up in the mob and mouthing off to the camera is not quite the same as actually doing it. It is easy to imagine him saying how he's going to kick all Millwall fans to death in the same breath. However he does deserve all the trouble his mouth gets him into.

Check the second and third clip for another young foreigner that throws rocks.

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I am sure that guy in the picture you will find on Bangkok Post somewhere. He was near Khao san apr10 and got hit by rubber bullets or something cant remember the exact story got out of hospital recently. lucky to be alive a couple of inches the other way and he would of been another number. the number should be zero. no excuse for wanting the destroy property that is not yours. Angry Ant. Cant sue them can do sfa he's pissed.

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