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Bangkok: Central World Shopping Mall Destroyed By Fire

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Do your best to spread this video please. This man is a terrorist and a danger to innocent citizens. He must be caught and trialed on terrorist charges. He was clearly high up enough to know of the red shirts plans. All must be done to find this man. I wouldn't even be shocked if he was one of the pro-red TV posters.

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Wow, what an idiot. He will probably get a permanent visa extension for Thailand. But that video strengthens my belief that most if not all of the rioting, burning and damages were done by "wanna-be-red-shirts" that attached themselves to the movement instead of the peaceful supporters that sat there for weeks and months listening to the speeches.

Wow, what an idiot. He will probably get a permanent visa extension for Thailand. But that video strengthens my belief that most if not all of the rioting, burning and damages were done by "wanna-be-red-shirts" that attached themselves to the movement instead of the peaceful supporters that sat there for weeks and months listening to the speeches.

while on the subject of videos and media, anyone see this major major gaffe by CNN? Ought to cause quite an uproar. Her inability to pronounce his name correctly is bad enough....


Wow, what an idiot. He will probably get a permanent visa extension for Thailand. But that video strengthens my belief that most if not all of the rioting, burning and damages were done by "wanna-be-red-shirts" that attached themselves to the movement instead of the peaceful supporters that sat there for weeks and months listening to the speeches.

while on the subject of videos and media, anyone see this major major gaffe by CNN? Ought to cause quite an uproar. Her inability to pronounce his name correctly is bad enough....



Found it on youtube. /watch?v=lQX6QKOq62w


Do you have another link to this video?

Wow, what an idiot. He will probably get a permanent visa extension for Thailand. But that video strengthens my belief that most if not all of the rioting, burning and damages were done by "wanna-be-red-shirts" that attached themselves to the movement instead of the peaceful supporters that sat there for weeks and months listening to the speeches.

yeap definite the high quality british tourist we all like so much (has the football season in the UK ended already?)

The good people of Thailand do not deserve the viciousness of Thaksin's red horde. May they all rot.

In the same nik as the other lot who destroyed parliment & brought the country to a stand still yes?

Wow, what an idiot. He will probably get a permanent visa extension for Thailand. But that video strengthens my belief that most if not all of the rioting, burning and damages were done by "wanna-be-red-shirts" that attached themselves to the movement instead of the peaceful supporters that sat there for weeks and months listening to the speeches.

yeap definite the high quality british tourist we all like so much (has the football season in the UK ended already?)

If you guys haven't already done so, please call the government CRES hotline and inform them of this video and its url. I have already downloaded it in case the uploader is threatened by red shirts. They must find this man and question him. He knew a lot of what was going to happen and no doubt still does.

Surely not still with the star, obsession crusade nonsense Mr LaoPo? :D

....spoke the (one of the very few left) 4 star member, awarded by banned and returning member(s) with nick names;

You have a theory LaoPo. Don't confuse that for having facts. Maybe your theory is correct, maybe it is not. Frankly, nobody gives a sh1t about all this, besides yourself. Can you not find something in your life a little less trivial to be worrying about... :)

If nobody gives a sh_t, why are there (ex)members awarding others with stars and degrading others ? It's really pathetic to see that some (ex)member are messing around with those stars, meant to award certain members with substantial and non-biased contributions but no, now new "members" are already awarded with a star THE SAME DAY THEY BECAME A MEMBER. How sick.

Let's hope they can get rid of the star system and everyone is judged on his/her own contributions without stars; you don't need stars for that. Most members do know who is who...

Don't worry about my life, I'm not so obsessed as many others on this board; watch your own health instead worrying about me :D


Wow, what an idiot. He will probably get a permanent visa extension for Thailand. But that video strengthens my belief that most if not all of the rioting, burning and damages were done by "wanna-be-red-shirts" that attached themselves to the movement instead of the peaceful supporters that sat there for weeks and months listening to the speeches.

yeap definite the high quality british tourist we all like so much (has the football season in the UK ended already?)

May I dare use the word "fake red"?


In my opinion, most of these posts are knee-jerk, idiotic responses to what seems to be face-value information. The darkest parts of human nature are exemplified here in these posts. It staggers the imagination. There are really some sick foreigners here; people who take such ghoulish delight in the Thai troubles that are going on as if it were some sort of blood-letting sporting event.

The largest mall in SEA is burned. Of course the red-shirts are blamed. Who else would the mercenary media blame? It is almost as controversial as the 9/11 truth movement. How does a building so massive and sprawling get invaded by farmers with enough accelerant to get it burning out of control - fast enough, so that the fire department cannot respond in enough time to put it out? I wonder if the owners of this mall are friends of Larry Silverstien? Those are a lot of Bahts to be collected in the insurance claim, after all.

How is it that I cannot go anywhere in Thailand at all without there being a Thai behind a bush, in a tree, peeking through a window, etc. and gawping at me, and yet there was mysteriously no one around to witness this event transpiring? Practically every Thai I know has a mobile phone skin grafted to their hand. You mean to tell me no one phoned in any suspicious activity in a Mall that was vacant, unsecured, and apparently ripe for the pickings and a tinder-box waiting to go up to boot?

I seriously doubt that most red-shirt Thais wake up every morning these past few weeks with the mindful intent to burn, pillage and kill; much less in an organized effort that could avoid detection as seamlessly as this operation demonstrated. This is simply too obvious, and the propaganda and idiotic, callous responses do not go unnoticed, along with the fleeting, spectacular demonstrations of intelligence and tactical ops by a bunch of - how do you critics say it - backwoods, greedy country-bumpkins.

Wow, what an idiot. He will probably get a permanent visa extension for Thailand. But that video strengthens my belief that most if not all of the rioting, burning and damages were done by "wanna-be-red-shirts" that attached themselves to the movement instead of the peaceful supporters that sat there for weeks and months listening to the speeches.

yeap definite the high quality british tourist we all like so much (has the football season in the UK ended already?)

May I dare use the word "fake red"?

There is no such thing, lilkitty. You are either a peaceful protester or an armed insurgent. Both can be part of the paramilitary group known as the UDD. There is no such thing as 'fake reds' unless you seem to think that they are agents provocateur, which I have seen zero evidence or even claim of. Far too many of the red shirts, even the peaceful ones, condone, approve and even applaud the chaos their terrorist wing is causing.

In my opinion, most of these posts are knee-jerk, idiotic responses to what seems to be face-value information. The darkest parts of human nature are exemplified here in these posts. It staggers the imagination. There are really some sick foreigners here; people who take such ghoulish delight in the Thai troubles that are going on as if it were some sort of blood-letting sporting event.

The largest mall in SEA is burned. Of course the red-shirts are blamed. Who else would the mercenary media blame? It is almost as controversial as the 9/11 truth movement. How does a building so massive and sprawling get invaded by farmers with enough accelerant to get it burning out of control - fast enough, so that the fire department cannot respond in enough time to put it out? I wonder if the owners of this mall are friends of Larry Silverstien? Those are a lot of Bahts to be collected in the insurance claim, after all.

How is it that I cannot go anywhere in Thailand at all without there being a Thai behind a bush, in a tree, peeking through a window, etc. and gawping at me, and yet there was mysteriously no one around to witness this event transpiring? Practically every Thai I know has a mobile phone skin grafted to their hand. You mean to tell me no one phoned in any suspicious activity in a Mall that was vacant, unsecured, and apparently ripe for the pickings and a tinder-box waiting to go up to boot?

I seriously doubt that most red-shirt Thais wake up every morning these past few weeks with the mindful intent to burn, pillage and kill; much less in an organized effort that could avoid detection as seamlessly as this operation demonstrated. This is simply too obvious, and the propaganda and idiotic, callous responses do not go unnoticed, along with the fleeting, spectacular demonstrations of intelligence and tactical ops by a bunch of - how do you critics say it - backwoods, greedy country-bumpkins.

If you truly believe this then you simply have not looked hard enough at the evidence. Just moments ago a video was posted from 4 days ago, where a foreigner who sided with the red shirts claimed that he would burn Central World to the ground. 4 days beforehand. I will agree with you that these incidents of arson were well planned, but that the red shirts are responsible there is more than enough evidence of. They are the ones seen throwing rubber tires and gas canisters into the flames. They are the ones seen cheering while others run in fear.

Wow, what an idiot. He will probably get a permanent visa extension for Thailand. But that video strengthens my belief that most if not all of the rioting, burning and damages were done by "wanna-be-red-shirts" that attached themselves to the movement instead of the peaceful supporters that sat there for weeks and months listening to the speeches.

yeap definite the high quality british tourist we all like so much (has the football season in the UK ended already?)

May I dare use the word "fake red"?

There is no such thing, lilkitty. You are either a peaceful protester or an armed insurgent. Both can be part of the paramilitary group known as the UDD. There is no such thing as 'fake reds' unless you seem to think that they are agents provocateur, which I have seen zero evidence or even claim of. Far too many of the red shirts, even the peaceful ones, condone, approve and even applaud the chaos their terrorist wing is causing.

Well, that British guy certainly seemed like a fake red to me. Attaching himself to the red shirt movement and hoping for a 'carte blanche' to riot when the army moves in and the crackdown starts. I'd check into the history of this guy back in his homeland, probably not the first time he'll be arrested for rioting or burning things.

Injustice and corruption and a kleptocratic government just love a peaceful people. Take Burma is for example. Such a lovely peaceful people, for death or incarceration is the alternative. If only the reds would see how the people there behaved, things would perhaps be so different. The point is the rich and powerful in Thailand have had a peaceful populous for a long long time and consequently avoided addressing the social issues relating to a massive rift in income distribution. The rich have had it so good for so long in this country. The UK understood social injustice and the need to address them as early as the first decade in the 20th Century. The Thai ruling elite kept the gas ring on full beneath the pressure cooker and without a pressure valve since this country started to industrialize. Your average Thai gets taught to dance and sing and to count and to read, but never ever to think outside the box, for that just might threaten the status quo. Some kid from Sri Sakhet competing for a job as an airline pilot.....heaven forbid...that's a reserved job for a son of the connected! The end result of keeping the rich rich and the poor poor is that this rather inarticulate people are rather susceptible to the charms of Thaksin and his populous policies. For once in their lives it seemed that a politician actually cared about their plight. What they see now is the powerful Bangkok elite taking that power away from the people (ultimately in the form of the surrender of the red leaders), so it is such a surprise what is happening now? I don't condone what they are doing, but this was caused by shear arrogance on the part of Apbisit. If he had resigned and held elections this would all never have started. The point isn't about whether setting fire to Central World is wrong or not, but that the fact that it is happening means that Apbisit has been shown to be completely incompetent and has failed miserably in dealing with this problem. Now god knows what has been unleashed caused by sheer bloody arrogance.

Please don't tell me about constitutional democracy and that Apbisit is there constitutionally. The point is the yellow camp don't want an election as that will mean red power. Quite simple really. All this could have been avoided if there was an election, except that the post election "terrorists" would have worn a different colour.

At last a post that partly encapsulates things here. The simily with the UK early 20th century is an excellent one. At some time a society needs to move from one where the elite control things for their own ends with no regard for the majority of the populace to one where everyone is entitled to an education and a fighting chance of making a life. I hope that time for change has come for Thailand although the personalities involved in the change have the typical Asian mentality of self interest rather than morality on their side. I don't think Abhisit particularly mismanaged things. Had the army gone storming in in the beginning and a Tiannamen Square style outcome arisen then he would have made martyrs of the red shirts - not in the best interest of this Chinese-Thai friends. He played it slowly and made the election promise for November which ended up turned down by the red shirt leaders - rather stupidly I think. Now we have massive civil disruption which is unavoidable in any struggle to get a balance into an unbalanced and biased society such as we have in Thailand. Of course the rich Chinese-Thais don't want competition from first generation properly educated current poor any more than they want it from children of foreigners brought up with a propensity to think for themselves a la western style education. The indoctrination from the media inciting xenophobia and promoting in a favorable light, those in high places, will try to continue the brainwashing until people come to their senses - if indeed that is at all possible in Thailand.

Rather than wasting the lives of those killed and damage to property it would be better for the struggle between the two sides to play itself out to a conclusion. If it all just fades away with no-one achieving anything then the social damage between thais will be too destructive. By nature I am a conservative in that people are not owed a living by society, that people should get just reward for success as long as that is not by trampling on the few rights every society should provide - a right to a chance of a good life through good education, a right to basic healthcare and shelter and a right not to be persucuted just to line some other pocket. The Chinese have colonised Thailand, strangling it of money for their selfish ways and it is high time these bullies get their just rewards.

Not sure if this has been posted


The humanity... I wonder how many jobs will be lost as a result of this stupidity.

The impact will be great and far reaching.

I feel for the employees who just lost their jobs... I just can't imagine what I'll do if it was me.

Hmmm.. that got me to thinking.

There's going to be a sudden huge uptick in the number of cute young sexy pretties, salesgirls, waitresses (and some "obviously too-well-groomed" boys, too). Where in the heck are all those thousands of suddenly unemployed nubile young things going to go, to try to pay the rent quickly (and try to make up for 2 month's reduced or completely lost wages), in a crazy 'ole city like this??? :D

No, wait.. THAT can't possibly happen in LOS; it's against the law. :D



Anywhoooo, in response to another poster, who's Thai partner was struggling to comprehend how "good, honest, Thailand-loving and H.R.H.-loving Thai people" could do these terrible things; I have some thoughts.

In a country where "saving face" (which really means LYING) is more important than truth, justice, or just about anything else (except money, of course), and people aren't really allowed to have completely free speech (and I'm respectfully not going to elaborate on that), and that corruption from top to bottom is the norm, not the exception; Can it really be any wonder that the average adult Thai citizen is often a two-faced lying bastard, with no scruples or remorse about their deceptions (MUCH like a early-teen, in many other cultures around the world), and accordingly can and will run wild, steal, burn, and kill and destroy with complete abandon, and have no concept of trying to predict the outcome of their actions ??

Look, I really do love Thailand (and live here now), but I certainly have been chafing in the britches a lot lately, as a result of the completely out-of-control hypocrisy and duplicity. I know this is "their culture".. but you know what? It doesn't work very well! It doesn't work too well within the confines of the Thai borders, and it definitely doesn't work in a post birth-of-the-internet, globalized world.. who's systems and global relations are driven and based on truth and honesty. Some other Asian countries have learned to moderate and update their cultures (somewhat) as they came to be part of the global community (and ones that haven't yet are having troubles "getting along" with the rest of the world.. HELLO CHINA!!??). Ever see the movie "Gung Ho"? (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091159/). A comedy, and an exaggeration of the cultures on both sides (American/Japanese), but a message showing that some aspects of the Asian "save face" and "kowtow" culture aren't really conducive to getting on in the modern, free, fair, democratic world.

My point (as it often is), is really about "adult" Thais acting like children their entire lives. What you've seen unfold in the last 2 months, is a PERFECT example of how I describe Thailand to westerners that've never been here before: A corruption-ridden country of 12 year olds, being led by a bunch of 14 year olds. Just look at it: Empty-threats/chest-thumping, jealousy, mob-mentality, easily coerced, tit-for-tat missions/revenge, tattletaling, boasting (my daddy's bigger than yours is), and inability to compromise, or forsee the results of their actions.. ALL hallmarks of children running amuck in the schoolyard. The reason there are so many adult children in Thailand?

Well, we can't talk about that, either. :)

Grow up, Thailand. It's time. Really. It is.

But do it civilly, do it in true democracy, and here's a hint for the Reds (including the sad little minority of Reds that actually were protesting for democracy, not for Taksin's powerlust): if you really want the urban elite and powerful to EVER "come around" to start to care about your needs, your issues, and to accept equality for all Thais, DON'T F_CKIN BURN THEIR SH_T DOWN, <deleted>! (err, and that's how I slid into homebae, safely ontopic! hehe)...

And have a good, long, look at YOUR local "PooYaiBaan", before you go flinging yourself at others.

There is no such thing, lilkitty. You are either a peaceful protester or an armed insurgent. Both can be part of the paramilitary group known as the UDD. There is no such thing as 'fake reds' unless you seem to think that they are agents provocateur, which I have seen zero evidence or even claim of. Far too many of the red shirts, even the peaceful ones, condone, approve and even applaud the chaos their terrorist wing is causing.

Well, that British guy certainly seemed like a fake red to me. Attaching himself to the red shirt movement and hoping for a 'carte blanche' to riot when the army moves in and the crackdown starts. I'd check into the history of this guy back in his homeland, probably not the first time he'll be arrested for rioting or burning things.

That doesn't excuse the red shirt leaders telling their supporters to burn Bangkok to the ground, listing the specific locations that actually got burnt.

I don't doubt there are people (used loosely) amongst the reds who are just there to cause havoc with out any real interest in what ever the reds stand for (whatever it is that the reds stand for). But these people were encouraged by the red protestors and accepted by the red protestors. That pretty much makes them red protestors.

Well, that British guy certainly seemed like a fake red to me. Attaching himself to the red shirt movement and hoping for a 'carte blanche' to riot when the army moves in and the crackdown starts. I'd check into the history of this guy back in his homeland, probably not the first time he'll be arrested for rioting or burning things.

He seemed as real as the rest of the reds there. If he's so clearly fake and against what they stand for why does he blend right in with the other guys you see wearing black, sporting their UDD bandannas and brandishing weapons? Why is not a single real red shirt calling them out? Saying 'we don't approve of this' is not what I mean. No one has openly denounced them or claimed that they don't belong to the movement, because they clearly do. This isn't some disapproved part of the organization. This is a well equipped, well organized wing of the UDD that knows exactly how to recruit and who to recruit. They're also well funded enough to arm them. This didn't just fall from the sky onto the 'poor red shirt movement'. This was planned. I agree that this guy looks like a repeat offender. A no-life who thrives on the suffering of others. I think he would be a perfect recruit for any extremist paramilitary organization. Back home he could well just be some neo-nazi.

Hmmm.. that got me to thinking.

There's going to be a sudden huge uptick in the number of cute young sexy pretties, salesgirls, waitresses (and some "obviously too-well-groomed" boys, too). Where in the heck are all those thousands of suddenly unemployed nubile young things going to go, to try to pay the rent quickly (and try to make up for 2 month's reduced or completely lost wages), in a crazy 'ole city like this??? :D

No, wait.. THAT can't possibly happen in LOS; it's against the law. :D



Anywhoooo, in response to another poster, who's Thai partner was struggling to comprehend how "good, honest, Thailand-loving and H.R.H.-loving Thai people" could do these terrible things; I have some thoughts.

In a country where "saving face" (which really means LYING) is more important than truth, justice, or just about anything else (except money, of course), and people aren't really allowed to have completely free speech (and I'm respectfully not going to elaborate on that), and that corruption from top to bottom is the norm, not the exception; Can it really be any wonder that the average adult Thai citizen is often a two-faced lying bastard, with no scruples or remorse about their deceptions (MUCH like a early-teen, in many other cultures around the world), and accordingly can and will run wild, steal, burn, and kill and destroy with complete abandon, and have no concept of trying to predict the outcome of their actions ??

Look, I really do love Thailand (and live here now), but I certainly have been chafing in the britches a lot lately, as a result of the completely out-of-control hypocrisy and duplicity. I know this is "their culture".. but you know what? It doesn't work very well! It doesn't work too well within the confines of the Thai borders, and it definitely doesn't work in a post birth-of-the-internet, globalized world.. who's systems and global relations are driven and based on truth and honesty. Some other Asian countries have learned to moderate and update their cultures (somewhat) as they came to be part of the global community (and ones that haven't yet are having troubles "getting along" with the rest of the world.. HELLO CHINA!!??). Ever see the movie "Gung Ho"? (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091159/). A comedy, and an exaggeration of the cultures on both sides (American/Japanese), but a message showing that some aspects of the Asian "save face" and "kowtow" culture aren't really conducive to getting on in the modern, free, fair, democratic world.

My point (as it often is), is really about "adult" Thais acting like children their entire lives. What you've seen unfold in the last 2 months, is a PERFECT example of how I describe Thailand to westerners that've never been here before: A corruption-ridden country of 12 year olds, being led by a bunch of 14 year olds. Just look at it: Empty-threats/chest-thumping, jealousy, mob-mentality, easily coerced, tit-for-tat missions/revenge, tattletaling, boasting (my daddy's bigger than yours is), and inability to compromise, or forsee the results of their actions.. ALL hallmarks of children running amuck in the schoolyard. The reason there are so many adult children in Thailand?

Well, we can't talk about that, either. :)

Grow up, Thailand. It's time. Really. It is.

But do it civilly, do it in true democracy, and here's a hint for the Reds (including the sad little minority of Reds that actually were protesting for democracy, not for Taksin's powerlust): if you really want the urban elite and powerful to EVER "come around" to start to care about your needs, your issues, and to accept equality for all Thais, DON'T F_CKIN BURN THEIR SH_T DOWN, <deleted>! (err, and that's how I slid into homebae, safely ontopic! hehe)...

And have a good, long, look at YOUR local "PooYaiBaan", before you go flinging yourself at others.

Excellent. Agree 110%. Especially the last line.

Who underwrites the insurance of Central World? I'd be interested to know in reality who's pocket just took a caning... :)

The SOE had been declared, I think you'll find that all property insurance, in the area, has gone by the board. Riot and civil strife etc...not covered? :D

I can't add much to the regrets over the horrendous loss of Central World except to put in a word for the kids, and not only those whose parents have no jobs now. At the top of Central World there was a large and unique kids' urban playground and fun learning center, with a bookshop. It brought such joy and delight to the countless kids who visited it. But no more.

Yes. I will be missing the Thai Knowledge park (TK Park) which is a big library.

Hope Central World is up and running again soon.

He seemed as real as the rest of the reds there. If he's so clearly fake and against what they stand for why does he blend right in with the other guys you see wearing black, sporting their UDD bandannas and brandishing weapons? Why is not a single real red shirt calling them out? Saying 'we don't approve of this' is not what I mean. No one has openly denounced them or claimed that they don't belong to the movement, because they clearly do. This isn't some disapproved part of the organization. This is a well equipped, well organized wing of the UDD that knows exactly how to recruit and who to recruit. They're also well funded enough to arm them. This didn't just fall from the sky onto the 'poor red shirt movement'. This was planned. I agree that this guy looks like a repeat offender. A no-life who thrives on the suffering of others. I think he would be a perfect recruit for any extremist paramilitary organization. Back home he could well just be some neo-nazi.

He blends right in because anyone can wear a black shirt. And the black shirts with the UDD logo are available for anyone to buy, just like the bandannas and the wooden stick or knife also doesn't mean anything. Sure there are armed UDD members, but how involved were they with the core of the UDD leadership? We don't know. There are a lot of Mafia groups in Bangkok who are just waiting for the opportunity to create chaos. Take the Narcotics Suppression Center burned down, for example. There is 0% interest of the red shirt movement to burn down that building. The only interest in that is from the Mafia groups that sell drugs.

And if you look in your own Soi, there are probably half a dozen young "kids" between the ages of 16-21 driving around with their motorbikes, smoking cigarettes and doing drugs, just looking for an opportunity to create some chaos and rioting somewhere, and burn a few buildings down. I'm completely sure that a big part of the destruction was done by people just waiting for the opportunity.

Who underwrites the insurance of Central World? I'd be interested to know in reality who's pocket just took a caning... :D

The SOE had been declared, I think you'll find that all property insurance, in the area, has gone by the board. Riot and civil strife etc...not covered? :D

I'm 100% sure damages under state of emergency won't be covered. Just wondering who turned off the water supply for the sprinkler systems at CentralWorld.

Oh wait, the government did that a day before so the red shirts couldn't shower anymore. :)

He seemed as real as the rest of the reds there. If he's so clearly fake and against what they stand for why does he blend right in with the other guys you see wearing black, sporting their UDD bandannas and brandishing weapons? Why is not a single real red shirt calling them out? Saying 'we don't approve of this' is not what I mean. No one has openly denounced them or claimed that they don't belong to the movement, because they clearly do. This isn't some disapproved part of the organization. This is a well equipped, well organized wing of the UDD that knows exactly how to recruit and who to recruit. They're also well funded enough to arm them. This didn't just fall from the sky onto the 'poor red shirt movement'. This was planned. I agree that this guy looks like a repeat offender. A no-life who thrives on the suffering of others. I think he would be a perfect recruit for any extremist paramilitary organization. Back home he could well just be some neo-nazi.

He blends right in because anyone can wear a black shirt. And the black shirts with the UDD logo are available for anyone to buy, just like the bandannas and the wooden stick or knife also doesn't mean anything. Sure there are armed UDD members, but how involved were they with the core of the UDD leadership? We don't know. There are a lot of Mafia groups in Bangkok who are just waiting for the opportunity to create chaos. Take the Narcotics Suppression Center burned down, for example. There is 0% interest of the red shirt movement to burn down that building. The only interest in that is from the Mafia groups that sell drugs.

No doubt that many took advantage of the state of chaos last night, these kind of things snowball even in our 'democratic, fair and just' home countries. However, the initial blazes were carried out with such accuracy and there is so much evidence out there pointing at the red shirts (numerous videos of leaders listing locations that were burned, red shirts at the scene of the fire, cheering, annoying white guy with stick claiming to know what will happen, etc) that this is either painfully obvious or a gigantic conspiracy theory. So far, I see very little evidence for any conspiracy and a lot of evidence that points to red shirt terrorism. If I can be shown evidence otherwise I will change my mind accordingly, but not until then, though I believe that I have quite thoroughly looked at all angles of this debacle, having been a little sympathetic to the red shirt cause initially myself.

How is it that immigrants have come to Thailand from India and China etc etc without higher education or money and have achieved success in the same system some say oppresses them, the poor. To boot Indians usually lack the magic white skin color so prized, promoted and marketed in Thai society, and still succeed. Try to find a single Chinese immigrant family anywhere in Isaan that is still poor.

It seems there does indeed exist a culture within many thai farmers that is counter productive in helping them have a better life.

Just for your information, this type of though is the ultimate form of fascism. To think that people due to their specific origin/location/occupation (Thai farmers in your case) have elements that made them counter productive is the kind of though that has eliminated millions of innocent people all over the world (American Indians, Armenians, Jews, etc.). Keep with this mind and one day a big dictator will seek your advice (if this is not already happening).

Here's somebody predicting it a few days earlier:

I'm lost for words too.

Anyone here know that idiot? I'm sure there are plenty of people that would like 5 minutes alone with him.

Thanks for posting and agreed, totally left speechless by this guy.

Here's a screen capture shot of the offender:



"CRES shows pictures of evidence confiscated

The CRES has just gone on tv along with Khunying Rojanasunan. The team have shown evidence of weapons found in the red shirt encampment including M16s and bomb-making devices (fuel, igniters, scraps of cloth and other ingredients).

Both soldiers and police, in a joint effort, went in to the Ratchaprasong rally site and Sarasin Road where they found several chemicals. Photographic evidence now being shown on television. "

Yep, no organized terrorism in the red shirt movement whatsoever.

He seemed as real as the rest of the reds there. If he's so clearly fake and against what they stand for why does he blend right in with the other guys you see wearing black, sporting their UDD bandannas and brandishing weapons? Why is not a single real red shirt calling them out? Saying 'we don't approve of this' is not what I mean. No one has openly denounced them or claimed that they don't belong to the movement, because they clearly do. This isn't some disapproved part of the organization. This is a well equipped, well organized wing of the UDD that knows exactly how to recruit and who to recruit. They're also well funded enough to arm them. This didn't just fall from the sky onto the 'poor red shirt movement'. This was planned. I agree that this guy looks like a repeat offender. A no-life who thrives on the suffering of others. I think he would be a perfect recruit for any extremist paramilitary organization. Back home he could well just be some neo-nazi.

He blends right in because anyone can wear a black shirt. And the black shirts with the UDD logo are available for anyone to buy, just like the bandannas and the wooden stick or knife also doesn't mean anything. Sure there are armed UDD members, but how involved were they with the core of the UDD leadership? We don't know. There are a lot of Mafia groups in Bangkok who are just waiting for the opportunity to create chaos. Take the Narcotics Suppression Center burned down, for example. There is 0% interest of the red shirt movement to burn down that building. The only interest in that is from the Mafia groups that sell drugs.

And if you look in your own Soi, there are probably half a dozen young "kids" between the ages of 16-21 driving around with their motorbikes, smoking cigarettes and doing drugs, just looking for an opportunity to create some chaos and rioting somewhere, and burn a few buildings down. I'm completely sure that a big part of the destruction was done by people just waiting for the opportunity.

Here we go.

The fake reds argument.

Just like Songkran 2009.

Who underwrites the insurance of Central World? I'd be interested to know in reality who's pocket just took a caning... :D

The SOE had been declared, I think you'll find that all property insurance, in the area, has gone by the board. Riot and civil strife etc...not covered? :D

I'm 100% sure damages under state of emergency won't be covered. Just wondering who turned off the water supply for the sprinkler systems at CentralWorld.

Oh wait, the government did that a day before so the red shirts couldn't shower anymore. :)

Clearly it wasn't your mates burning down the building that 'er burnt down the building.

It was the fault of the faulty sprinkler system.

Your thinking is like a sprinkler.

Spinning around and rather wet.

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