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Bangkok: Central World Shopping Mall Destroyed By Fire


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Covards. Proves they are terrorist.

Used to symphatize with the red movements but all that is now gone.

I sincerely hope that all foreigners and thais take all this in consideration and do NOT vote for the reds in next election. That would be a clear signal.

50+ people were killed by the Thai govt and you're worried about a shopping complex!!! something wrong here!

A journalist friend I talked with just now was following the army this morning.

He took pictures of soldiers who lost limbs because of a grenade thrown from redshirt side.

He then had to run for his life (and lost his camera doing so) because other grenades were thrown.

The "peaceful" protest has always been a myth.

the fires and looting happening now are just another demonstration.

Both sides should be held accountable for everything that is happening and stop fighting like kids on a playground.

What are you saying they lost their limb and already back on duty?

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Today is like Thailand's 9/11,

Just a little over the top ... dontcha think?

I don't like what happened any more than the next person but I think it's safe to say that no one involved on either side set out with the sole intention of killing as many people as they possibly could.

The most important thing in crisis is to keep perspective. In this dispute, clearly some have and some have not.

This most certainly is Thailand's 9/11, lock, stock, and tube. I really hope the images of the burning World Trade Center (CentralWorld's original name!) become a symbol of Thaksin the terrorist. Both he and Osama are wealthy, spoiled people of hatred and spite. Bin Laden was first thrown out of his home country for his activities there. Both have resorted to "education" and brainwashing schools to teach hatred to the otherwise innocent and to build a violent following. Relative to GDP, the economic damage to Thailand may well exceed that of 9/11. The shock and emotional scars will be the same.

So, same same!

BTW, I always have and always will support the rural people of Thailand. THe people who did this were the thugs of society, including the red "leadership" and Thaksin.

Edited by rabo
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We're all pretty worked up about this, especially residents of the area, but any actual updates on the fire? There was a vid in the updates thread but I think it's from yesterday. Now I hear Big C is on fire too!

MCOT: Fire at Central World under control but side of Zen department store building begins to collapse, says Police Operation Centre spokesman: AFP

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We're all pretty worked up about this, especially residents of the area, but any actual updates on the fire? There was a vid in the updates thread but I think it's from yesterday. Now I hear Big C is on fire too!

Reports are Big C across the street from the burned Central World was torched early this morning. I don't understand why the authorities couldn't have stopped that action by that time.

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The destruction of property was encouraged by the Red's leadership (that is very clear).

"Bangkok Burning" is symbolic.......but it will have very real negative impacts:

1) Thais will lose jobs

2) Investment dollars will shift away from Thailand (investor confidence has been shaken)

I wonder if the idiots who encouraged the acts of arson ever thought that such actions would cause powerful people (both Thais and foreign investors) to be upset......people who, in response, will take revenge against the Reds and their leaders/supporters.

It would not surprise me to read in future newspapers that property owned by the Red's leadership is being torched.

I am in no way advocating that, but history shows that negative acts tend to result in more negative acts (tit for tat).

Hopefully the legal system will "take revenge" before the other side does.

The last thing I want to see in Thailand is a full-scale civil war.

I think you'll find the insurrection is borne of desperation from desperate folk.

Rome once burned.

Paris burned.

Leningrad burned.

Greece has come close (and that chapter is not yet closed). Portugal, Spain, Italy may be next.

Easy to sit with a cool beer and pontificate (as I am doing). But if my kids were all but starving and with next to no future prospects of advancement whilst my UNELECTED government took financial care of those that already have more than I could dream of, then I might be tempted to torch a shop in protest.

Because, as has already been said, it's just a shop.

People died over this, just because they protested. Correction, they didn't die - they were murdered by the very people sworn to protect them. Unarmed against tanks, armoured vehicles, rapid-fire rifles, tear-gas etc., etc.

I'd torch a shop (so would you, I'd bet).

Not all the Farangs that come here would torch. Many here feed off those poor folks from cheap housing to cheap beer and cheap women. Is the reason why they came to Thailand to begin with. Is the reason they ranted against Thaskin the past 5 years. Tis the reason they are partly to blame for Bangkok burning. Tis partly the reason Farang will no longer be welcome or safe in Thailand. Quite a shame really. Thank you for nothing

You misunderstand me, tjames, I would not dare to presume myself qualified to torch a Thai "shop".

But, if I were as downtrodden in my own country as many Thais are in theirs, I would certainly torch a shop in protest if it might lead to my children being fed rather than being forced to work, through hunger, in order that the already rich were "fed" still better.

Most farangs will support the current Thai administration because it keeps the poor Thais poor and thereby makes their dollar/pound/euro worth more. Hence the reason they "ranted against Thaksin the past 5 years". I'm not your average farang.

Thais should be aware (and even beware) of farang "wisdom".

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If any mall was going to have to be burned down I do wish it had been MBK since it's been a death trap for years.

I don't condone burning down malls and Central World was my favourite but I'm just saying I wish another mall had

fallen instead of Central World.

I do hope that they leave the relatively newly constructed Central Khon Kaen alone. A lot of Khon Kaen residents take price in that project.

Edited by steffi
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The destruction of property was encouraged by the Red's leadership (that is very clear).

"Bangkok Burning" is symbolic.......but it will have very real negative impacts:

1) Thais will lose jobs

2) Investment dollars will shift away from Thailand (investor confidence has been shaken)

I wonder if the idiots who encouraged the acts of arson ever thought that such actions would cause powerful people (both Thais and foreign investors) to be upset......people who, in response, will take revenge against the Reds and their leaders/supporters.

It would not surprise me to read in future newspapers that property owned by the Red's leadership is being torched.

I am in no way advocating that, but history shows that negative acts tend to result in more negative acts (tit for tat).

Hopefully the legal system will "take revenge" before the other side does.

The last thing I want to see in Thailand is a full-scale civil war.

I think you'll find the insurrection is borne of desperation from desperate folk.

Rome once burned.

Paris burned.

Leningrad burned.

Greece has come close (and that chapter is not yet closed). Portugal, Spain, Italy may be next.

Easy to sit with a cool beer and pontificate (as I am doing). But if my kids were all but starving and with next to no future prospects of advancement whilst my UNELECTED government took financial care of those that already have more than I could dream of, then I might be tempted to torch a shop in protest.

Because, as has already been said, it's just a shop.

People died over this, just because they protested. Correction, they didn't die - they were murdered by the very people sworn to protect them. Unarmed against tanks, armoured vehicles, rapid-fire rifles, tear-gas etc., etc.

I'd torch a shop (so would you, I'd bet).

It's just a shop?? You mean 2nd largest "shop" in Asia?? You really must have some sort of special logic. Not too mention other places that were destroyed.

Seriously. It's amazing that you are still defending these people.

Second largest shop in Asia does not, by itself, convey any particular reason over and above any other why it should be spared.

You sound like Posh Spice or A N Other WAG.

I'm defending no people.

I am defending democracy (sorry if that offends you).

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You misunderstand me, tjames, I would not dare to presume myself qualified to torch a Thai "shop".

But, if I were as downtrodden in my own country as many Thais are in theirs, I would certainly torch a shop in protest if it might lead to my children being fed rather than being forced to work, through hunger, in order that the already rich were "fed" still better.

How the f_uck, in the name of all that is human decency and common sense, would "torching a shop in protest" lead to your children being fed rather than being forced to work?!?

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I think you'll find the insurrection is borne of desperation from desperate folk.

Rome once burned.

Paris burned.

Leningrad burned.

Greece has come close (and that chapter is not yet closed). Portugal, Spain, Italy may be next.

Easy to sit with a cool beer and pontificate (as I am doing). But if my kids were all but starving and with next to no future prospects of advancement whilst my UNELECTED government took financial care of those that already have more than I could dream of, then I might be tempted to torch a shop in protest.

Because, as has already been said, it's just a shop.

People died over this, just because they protested. Correction, they didn't die - they were murdered by the very people sworn to protect them. Unarmed against tanks, armoured vehicles, rapid-fire rifles, tear-gas etc., etc.

I'd torch a shop (so would you, I'd bet).

Vandalism, terrorism and hooliganism equates to democracy? Tell us more, please.

You're abhorrent, and with your words shit on the blood, sweat and tears it took to make Bangkok what it is today. There is no way you live in this city.

Perhaps you could tell us where your kids go to school so we could let your beloved UDD'ers spread democracy there next.

Edited by dttk0009
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Second largest shop in Asia does not, by itself, convey any particular reason over and above any other why it should be spared.

You sound like Posh Spice or A N Other WAG.

I'm defending no people.

I am defending democracy (sorry if that offends you).

Well then. Are you saying these actions, the burning of Bangkok represents anything relatively close to democracy?

Is that what democracy is in your book?

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Your answer: No

Do you know for a fact that the Red Shirts did this?

Your Answer: No

Were you there?

Your Answer: No

This kind of event is used in Thailand to discredit the opposition I would not be surprised if the Royal Thai Army started the fire on orders. Just like they murdered Sua Dang on orders.

Do I have proof?

My Answer: No

What I do have is 27 years experience seeing this stuff.

Justice? laughable, fall guy for sure they do it every time.

Ruling class to be prosecuted for air piracy? Murder? Malfeasance?

Yes absolutely as soon as it snows in Bangkok

So go ahead and point your finger but make sure you wash your hands first! :)

Edited by meelousee
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I hope that the owners of this Mall sue the finacial backers of the Red Shirts for every penny they have!

would be great if the red rioters build it back with backbreaking labor through blood, sweat and tears (unpaid) as community service.

It is just a shop. What about the people who have been killed and hurt.

Agree - but what about the thousands who find themselves suddenly without work? families to support, + rent and mortgages to pay. I bet many of them come from Isaan and would previously have been red supporters in spirit if not in deed. Hopefully no longer!

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Today is like Thailand's 9/11,

Just a little over the top ... dontcha think?

I don't like what happened any more than the next person but I think it's safe to say that no one involved on either side set out with the sole intention of killing as many people as they possibly could.

The most important thing in crisis is to keep perspective. In this dispute, clearly some have and some have not.

This most certainly is Thailand's 9/11, lock, stock, and tube. I really hope the images of the burning World Trade Center (CentralWorld's original name!) become a symbol of Thaksin the terrorist. Both he and Osama are wealthy, spoiled people of hatred and spite. Bin Laden was first thrown out of his home country for his activities there. Both have resorted to "education" and brainwashing schools to teach hatred to the otherwise innocent and to build a violent following. Relative to GDP, the economic damage to Thailand may well exceed that of 9/11. The shock and emotional scars will be the same.

So, same same!

THe people who did this were the thugs of society, including the red "leadership" and Thaksin.

"BTW, I always have and always will support the rural people of Thailand".That's ironic, considering your apparent distaste of Thaksin cuz that's what he did, too.

Why do you think the "landed gentry" of Thailand arranged his removal? Sure, Thaksin made lots of money. But he also GAVE SOME BACK to the poor. Anyone with 30Bt can go to the doctor because of his subsidy programme, for instance.

Also, Osama was born into wealth. Thaksin is self-made. Apart from alleged wealth, they couldn't be further apart.

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I hope that the owners of this Mall sue the finacial backers of the Red Shirts for every penny they have!

would be great if the red rioters build it back with backbreaking labor through blood, sweat and tears (unpaid) as community service.

It is just a shop. What about the people who have been killed and hurt.

Agree - but what about the thousands who find themselves suddenly without work? families to support, + rent and mortgages to pay. I bet many of them come from Isaan and would previously have been red supporters in spirit if not in deed. Hopefully no longer!

Fine it's just a shop. Maybe a big one. The shop is no 7-11 though. The importance is not the Central World itself, but the act of burning it.

It just shows how these people are so out of their mind and undemocratic, and their decisions to burn the central world "shop" just proves that.

There is certainly a difference when a 7-11 shop is burned and when the central world "shop" is burned.

Edited by thepodest
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Second largest shop in Asia does not, by itself, convey any particular reason over and above any other why it should be spared.

You sound like Posh Spice or A N Other WAG.

I'm defending no people.

I am defending democracy (sorry if that offends you).

Well then. Are you saying these actions, the burning of Bangkok represents anything relatively close to democracy?

Is that what democracy is in your book?

Compared to the autocracy that Thailand has suffered from for the past few years, yes I do.

I think an elected government would be a nod towards democracy.

call me old fashioned.

How many innocents died at the hands of the Red-Shirts?

How many at the hands of the Government?

I rest my case.

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I've said this a few times.. hoping people who can't understand english to translate it online:


28 pages, most of which are irrelevant to the topic.

Those who submitted links, photos, update regarding the TOPIC thanx.

Others.... go open a new topic.

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I've said this a few times.. hoping people who can't understand english to translate it online:


28 pages, most of which are irrelevant to the topic.

Those who submitted links, photos, update regarding the TOPIC thanx.

Others.... go open a new topic.

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Nation Tweet quoting Thai Police Official - CW is in danger of collapse

Sir (Madam?) ... How dare you interupt the free flow of invective and insult with a factual post. Surely this must be against forum rules, isn't it? I've a good mind to report you to the mods! :)

What's worse, it on topic and unrelated to the off-topic discussion! :D

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Your answer: No

Do you know for a fact that the Red Shirts did this?

Your Answer: No

Were you there?

Your Answer: No

This kind of event is used in Thailand to discredit the opposition I would not be surprised if the Royal Thai Army started the fire on orders. Just like they murdered Sua Dang on orders.

Do I have proof?

My Answer: No

What I do have is 27 years experience seeing this stuff.

Justice? laughable, fall guy for sure they do it every time.

Ruling class to be prosecuted for air piracy? Murder? Malfeasance?

Yes absolutely as soon as it snows in Bangkok

So go ahead and point your finger but make sure you wash your hands first! :)

Actually, there are quite a few photos of the reds, and the black shirted red guards, in the bottom of Central World, tossing petrol bombs. I guess you missed those. I'll wait while you stammer...

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I've said this a few times.. hoping people who can't understand english to translate it online:


28 pages, most of which are irrelevant to the topic.

Those who submitted links, photos, update regarding the TOPIC thanx.

Others.... go open a new topic.

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Second largest shop in Asia does not, by itself, convey any particular reason over and above any other why it should be spared.

You sound like Posh Spice or A N Other WAG.

I'm defending no people.

I am defending democracy (sorry if that offends you).

Well then. Are you saying these actions, the burning of Bangkok represents anything relatively close to democracy?

Is that what democracy is in your book?

Compared to the autocracy that Thailand has suffered from for the past few years, yes I do.

I think an elected government would be a nod towards democracy.

call me old fashioned.

How many innocents died at the hands of the Red-Shirts?

How many at the hands of the Government?

I rest my case.

Maybe a lot, I think most the reporters have been shot by the reds, it's clear they have been a target all along.

Opps, sorry, off topic. Just trying to quell off topic posters grinding their personal dissatisfactions.

Edited by rabo
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I'm hearing unconfirmed news that Central World is still on fire... anyone can confirm?

the collapsed area is still smoldering. other parts might still be on fire but there are no photos available yet

:) Man, I hope they can contain the fire and prevent it from spreading. Hoping they can salvage the goods in the stores, if not damaged by smoke and water.

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Today is like Thailand's 9/11,

Just a little over the top ... dontcha think?

I don't like what happened any more than the next person but I think it's safe to say that no one involved on either side set out with the sole intention of killing as many people as they possibly could.

The most important thing in crisis is to keep perspective. In this dispute, clearly some have and some have not.

This most certainly is Thailand's 9/11, lock, stock, and tube. I really hope the images of the burning World Trade Center (CentralWorld's original name!) become a symbol of Thaksin the terrorist. Both he and Osama are wealthy, spoiled people of hatred and spite. Bin Laden was first thrown out of his home country for his activities there. Both have resorted to "education" and brainwashing schools to teach hatred to the otherwise innocent and to build a violent following. Relative to GDP, the economic damage to Thailand may well exceed that of 9/11. The shock and emotional scars will be the same.

So, same same!

THe people who did this were the thugs of society, including the red "leadership" and Thaksin.

"BTW, I always have and always will support the rural people of Thailand".That's ironic, considering your apparent distaste of Thaksin cuz that's what he did, too.

Why do you think the "landed gentry" of Thailand arranged his removal? Sure, Thaksin made lots of money. But he also GAVE SOME BACK to the poor. Anyone with 30Bt can go to the doctor because of his subsidy programme, for instance.

Also, Osama was born into wealth. Thaksin is self-made. Apart from alleged wealth, they couldn't be further apart.

Thanks spot on correct :)

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Thailand in trouble? No way - why is the Baht as high as ever and why are Bangkok hotels charging as much as ever - search the sites yourself - very strange

Ahhhh.... the last ditch attempt to get cash out of unknowing foreigners... Where do you think Thaksins cash grab is going to ??? I PRESUME some of it's to shore up the (what should be) the battered baht....

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