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Curfew In Your Area, What's Going On?


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I live on the other side of the river to where the trouble is but looking from my condo balcony it looks like business as usual!

Plenty on vehicles on the road, soi shops busy with customers, as a matter of fact in the immediate area looks busier than normal!

What's going on where you live?

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Bang Kapi,

business as normal, nobody seems to be bothered about the 40k baht fine.

We must be on a different time zone out here in the sticks.

Police knocking a few back with their red shirt mates, sabai sabai.

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Bang Kapi,

business as normal, nobody seems to be bothered about the 40k baht fine.

We must be on a different time zone out here in the sticks.

Police knocking a few back with their red shirt mates, sabai sabai.

I heard that the red hooligans are planning to invade RAM university, after the incident 3 days ago, when they were chased away by the RAM student crowd, which is not very much supporting the red movement.

anything going on there now ? or in which part of RAM r u staying ?

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Electricity on Sukh. Soi 6 will be down for 2 days. The Reds burn down the Power generator at Klong Toyie.

Its a bit strange cause on soi 4 and Soi 8 Power is on.

That forced me to move to a Hotel near my Home.

Its strane to stay in a Hotel and you can see your apartment across the street. :)

Well......will the Electric company pay me back the cost for the Hotel? Or maybe the Government?

I don't think so.

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Well......will the Electric company pay me back the cost for the Hotel? Or maybe the Government?

I don't think so.

why you don't ask that person who is out of the country (forever, most probably) and sponsoring the entire "event" ?

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from what i can judge from the posts here so far, the curfew seems to be a VERY SMART thing !

and this shows that Bangkok people are really wanna have their peace back !

Good on you, folks of Bangkok ! So sad to see what happened to the most exciting city of the world today :)

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Well......will the Electric company pay me back the cost for the Hotel? Or maybe the Government?

I don't think so.

why you don't ask that person who is out of the country (forever, most probably) and sponsoring the entire "event" ?

Good point but i can't find his number in my contact list... dam_n!!!

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Well......will the Electric company pay me back the cost for the Hotel? Or maybe the Government?

I don't think so.

why you don't ask that person who is out of the country (forever, most probably) and sponsoring the entire "event" ?

Good point but i can't find his number in my contact list... dam_n!!!

I as well don't have his number anymore , as he seems to change his number frequently..... he must have a reason for doing so

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Central Khon Kaen quiet last night but still a few cars on the road even quite late. Supposedly a curfew in KK according to reports from Bangkok but the local army and police brass said they'd received no specific instructions to enforce one. The army camp near my house had about 50 unarmed squaddies manning a barrier blocking the main gate.

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Curfew in Korat last night, seemed to kick in around 9pm in the 'burbs.

I hope its not in effect tonight. I'm missing out on my nightly junkfood fixes... ham cheese sandwich from 7/11 with my name on it.

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absolutely nothing. 7-11 closed, not a soul on the street. no cars, nothing.

What area do you live t.s?

It's now 9.30pm and my area is still busy but slowed down from my first post.

sorry for late reply. soi 11 sukhumvit.

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absolutely nothing. 7-11 closed, not a soul on the street. no cars, nothing.

What area do you live t.s?

It's now 9.30pm and my area is still busy but slowed down from my first post.

sorry for late reply. soi 11 sukhumvit.

Geez, ur in the thick of it down there!

I feel sorry for all the small business owners (stalls) around your area.

Are things improving around your neck of the woods?

Edited by Livinginexile
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Here in Ratchayothin the 7-11 next door was closed by 6pm last night. Venders/restaurants all closed.

A few motorbikes driving every now and then, and occasional pedestrian.

Tried to order McDonalds delivery...they closed at 6pm...damnit

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