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Pres Franklin Delano Roosevelt lived most of his life in wheelchair,

Huh? Roosevelt died in 1945 at the age of 63. He became paralyzed in 1921 at the age of 39. I'm not sure how 38% of his life equates to "most." But no sweat. That's closer to the facts than the Nobel Peace Committee or any of your political idolatry have ever gotten.

And since you brought him up, Roosevelt was a miserable human being and a horrible president. He was a blue blood aristochratic elitist who didn't give two shits about the working masses. He was a notorius womanizer with numerous widely publicized affairs. His economic policies extended the depression rather than shortened it. He purposely usurped the Supreme Court with hack political appointees to appropriate more power to the executive branch, in direct defiance of the Constitution he swore to uphold. He was positively awful in wartime negotiations, allowing Stalin to run roughshod over Eastern Europe and set the stage for a 40-year long cold war that caused millions more post-war deaths. Roosevelt himself admitted these critical mistakes shortly before his death.

As for the current administration's concern for Thailand, it is superficial at best and has done more to engage with rogue leaders than with those of Thailand.

How did Dubya miss you for appointment as US Ambassador to Thailand? You, Thaksin and the rest of his gang would have straightened out this place in no time, making the 'drug war' look like child's play. Roosevelt 'admitted' nothing you wildly try to attribute to him from your fantasy land.

While Thailand fades into chaos and becomes dismissable as a stable state and effective regional player, Obama, Campbell and Ambassador John are moving effectively to relate to their oldest treaty ally in Asia and to counter Maoists who among the Red Shirts are trying to reverse the country's struggling development to instead make it into the People's Republic of Thailand. This is a serious and sensitive business which you miss in its entirety.

With his health care program, Obama has cleared the hurdle to serious discussions with Canada of forming a United States of North America - Canada and the US becoming one nation state. A new merged USNA is seen by each country's elites as necessary to effectively deal with the economic rise of the People's Republic of China, the BRIC countries, the European Union which despite its present troubles remains the world's largest economic bloc and post 9/11 issues of national and global security.  

Smell the coffee.

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How did Dubya ...

The guy has been retired for 16 months .... get off the campaign trail and give it a rest .... Willya?

Roosevelt 'admitted' nothing you wildly try to attribute to him from your fantasy land.

From Wikipedia ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt

"While Roosevelt maintained his confidence that Stalin would keep his Yalta promises regarding free elections in eastern Europe, one month after Yalta ended, Roosevelt's Ambassador to the USSR Averill Harriman cabled Roosevelt that "we must come clearly to realize that the Soviet program is the establishment of totalitarianism, ending personal liberty and democracy as we know it."[99] Two days later, Roosevelt began to admit that his view of Stalin had been excessively optimistic and that "Averell is right."[99] Americans of Eastern European descent criticized the Yalta Conference for failing to curtail the Soviets' formation of the Eastern Bloc."

While Thailand fades into chaos and becomes dismissable as a stable state and effective regional player, Obama, Campbell and Ambassador John are moving effectively to relate to their oldest treaty ally in Asia and to counter Maoists who among the Red Shirts are trying to reverse the country's struggling development to instead make it into the People's Republic of Thailand.

Care to back up that pro-Barack op-ed piece with some evidence? News reports had US officials meeting with the Reds. There were no reports of US officials meeting with Thai government leaders.

Obama has cleared the hurdle to serious discussions with Canada of forming a United States of North America - Canada and the US becoming one nation state. A new merged USNA is seen by each country's elites as necessary to effectively deal with the economic rise of ......

The EU is on the verge of collapse under the weight of socialism and excessive government. The United States of North America is little more than a pipe dream. I'll leave it up to your imagination as to what is being smoked in the pipe. It will never, I repeat, never, happen. The Canadians don't want it. The Americans don't want it. If anyone wants it, it would be the Mexicans. But they're already getting it for free, contributing nothing and taking everything. Hmmm ... sounds a bit like Greece, eh?


My god Spee, god's speed to you whatever road you're racing along on. You make John Birch and Barry Goldwater look like commies.

I'll say yet again Wikipedia is a pedestrian site predominantly of passerby hacks shut out by reputable publishers, a site of scribblers who frequently leave statements in need of citation or provide sources from Kansas, Texas or in this instance the equivalent of the Schwartzenegger Austrian Right.

Government leaders were invited to the meeting you reference hosted by AsstSecState Campbell and Ambassador John, accepted then declined . Amb John subsequently did have the privilege of a private meeting with FM and former Airport Occupier Kasit when Kasit summoned John to make a presumptuous lecture (understandable) for meeting with selected inactive (banned) Red Shirt leaders. The US is touching all bases in this madness because it knows it has to and is fielding adept and sophisticated professional diplomats to do it. The Reds subsequently made their assinine [sic] UN plea...anyone except Asean, eh?

Speak for yourself and some tea baggers about the psychological readiness of the two peoples to accept a United States of North America. Canadian elites already accept it because it is an unavoidable compulsion of globalization and because of the development of the economies of China, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Iran, Russia, the EU bloc, the new trade pact between China and Asean etc etc.

Many Canadians who are opposed know they're going to have to get used to the new global realities...the UK already has begun to face the reality of Canada eventually being severed from it. I see that in your rants against Mexico you haven't noticed Mexico is precluded from incorporating into a USNA because it speaks a foreign language. And unlike the reunification of Germany (or any reunification of the two Koreas), a new USNA would immediately be cost effective and moveover unite two rich G-7 countries who are the largest trading partner of the other thus impacting global trade, trade balances and global financial imbalances such as generated by the undervalued RMB.   

Know also that I'm not going to carry on endlessly about this or with you.

I'll say yet again Wikipedia is a pedestrian site predominantly of passerby hacks shut out by reputable publishers

Classic defenseless attack. You offer nothing to rebut a stated fact, other than to attack the messenger and the source. Wikipedia admittedly has some problems with spamming in the political arena, but these are largely kept in check by the moderating and review function. At the same time, Wikipedia is an admirable organization that I strongly support in both concept and with financial donations. Wikipedia's goal is to capture all of the world's knowledge and make it available to anyone in the world, for free. I would challenge you to come up with any single stronger argument for personal freedom, liberty and education in the world. Your condescending degredation of the contributors as merely "a site of scribblers" is frankly a little scary, not to mention more than a little insulting.

Government leaders were invited to the meeting you reference hosted by AsstSecState Campbell and Ambassador John, accepted then declined . Amb John subsequently did have the privilege of a private meeting with FM and former Airport Occupier Kasit when Kasit summoned John to make a presumptuous lecture (understandable) for meeting with selected inactive (banned) Red Shirt leaders. The US is touching all bases in this madness because it knows it has to and is fielding adept and sophisticated professional diplomats to do it.

You make it sound as though this is something new and earth-shattering. Do you not think that similar dialogs took place in other periods of crisis in the last generation? This is standard diplomatic effort. Was done in the past. Will be done in the future.

Canadian elites already accept it .....

Evidence, please? Or it this just another shallow attempt at an op-ed with no evidence?

.... a new USNA would immediately be cost effective and moveover unite two rich G-7 countries who are the largest trading partner of the other thus impacting global trade, trade balances and global financial imbalances such as generated by the undervalued RMB ....

This is absolute nonsense and smacks scaringly of global socialist mentality where government controls the global economy. Governments do not enhance R&D, manufacturing and trade. They only get in the way. G-7 countries do not trade with other G-7 countries. Businesses trade with other businesses. Well, maybe not in China and other countries with nationalized industry. If world governments really wanted to enhance global commerce and trade, they would burn 90% of the rules and regulations that suck away growth like an economic black hole, and cut corporate and personal taxes by 50%.

So let's put it another way. Would you like to see a Thailand in which the central govenrment nationalizes all of the industry and production? Agriculture, manufacturing, telecomunications, etc? Just like next door in Burma and China? Or would your rather see independent businesses run the show?

Since you talk so much of elites and elitism, would you like to see the elites of the ASEAN nations including Thailand form a single central government, with nationalized industries and run by a small club of ruling elite? Or would you like to see an ASEAN region of independent nations where citizens of those nations have god-given rights to personal property, freedom of education and freedom of self-determination?

Government leaders were invited to the meeting you reference hosted by AsstSecState Campbell and Ambassador John, accepted then declined . Amb John subsequently did have the privilege of a private meeting with FM and former Airport Occupier Kasit when Kasit summoned John to make a presumptuous lecture (understandable) for meeting with selected inactive (banned) Red Shirt leaders. The US is touching all bases in this madness because it knows it has to and is fielding adept and sophisticated professional diplomats to do it.

You make it sound as though this is something new and earth-shattering. Do you not think that similar dialogs took place in other periods of crisis in the last generation? This is standard diplomatic effort. Was done in the past. Will be done in the future.

You're the one who accused the US government of ignoring the Thai government in meeting only with the Red Shirts. My statement points out the facts, which you then claim you knew all along. I choose this instance to note you are argumentative and, as in your statement below, pose bogus choices....I mean, who's against "freedom of education, freedom of information" to include "freedom of self-determination," the opportunity as an individual to own and to earn, motherhood and all of that? I'd advised you I will not carry on with a topic or a poster endlessly or pointlessly. There's no point to do it so this is the end my friend.

So let's put it another way. Would you like to see a Thailand in which the central govenrment nationalizes all of the industry and production? Agriculture, manufacturing, telecomunications, etc? Just like next door in Burma and China? Or would your rather see independent businesses run the show?

Since you talk so much of elites and elitism, would you like to see the elites of the ASEAN nations including Thailand form a single central government, with nationalized industries and run by a small club of ruling elite? Or would you like to see an ASEAN region of independent nations where citizens of those nations have god-given rights to personal property, freedom of education and freedom of self-determination?


I thoroughly enjoy the intellectual banter and insight regarding the history of the US, however, we might want to keep the relationship between the US and Thailand as the center point of the discussions.

I saw Hillary, The US Secretary of state, was wearing a Red dress while talking about Thailand.

Obviously, Thailand must take note of foreign governments. The French have Thaksan visiting in Paris so France is making its view clear. The UK has repeatedly called for UN run elections here in Thailand but the Regime has said no.

Hey Brits.

That idiot terrorist want to be who is on video calling for the burning of the Central World, is making the Thais hate you Brits.

Yanks are laughing you know. You sure shoveled a load at the Yanks the last 10 years and now you are going to get yours.

Some of you deserve it but most of you do not.

Sorry about the nuts who will trash you now because of the Fire Starter video star.

Did you defend the Yanks though this past decade?


So do not expect the Yanks to defend you because you really were jerks to the Yanks over the last decade and revenge with a laugh is here.

ain't worried, they'd be speakin' German without their Yank cousins :)

doesn't matter we see riff raff from all nations come to Thailand. There was trash back home too.

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