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Thai Government Accuses Foreigners In Bangkok Arson


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I wonder how many of the red-shirts said exactly the same sort of thing... my guess is thousands.

This guy is obviously a total moron, but to pick him out because he is white is just plain racist.

Hey, wake up! He was picked because he was white, absolutley nothing to do with racism. :)

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Crikey, someones got a chip on their shoulder about the British :)

Yea! seems to be a Farang sport these days.

To be fair, we do it very well. I take immense pleasure in being cocky and full of myself as a Brit. We can do it like no other nation on earth. Well, the French can do it, but no-one takes them seriously.

If nothing else, at least this topic brings a slight relief from the typical American bashing that I read so often on TV (not that we don't sometimes deserve it) :D I have watched several clips about this incident and do not have any opinion whether this guy is just a looney or any has any involvement in the fire however I do know that this is just another prime example of why people that are guests in a country and are not citizens would be smart to keep their mouths shut and their opinions to themselves when it comes to that countries politics.

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I must say the article is all a bit of the ole 'blame it on the foreigner'.

This guy is the typical Brit in Thailand. Loudmouth, cocky and full of himself. Good to see one of them get what they deserve

for their colonial attitude. Hope he becomes a bitch for a bunch of Thais in prison. Good ridance !

Thanks for proving my point, do you learn this BS in school or is it a national psychosis

Could you stop tarring everyone from the UK with the same brush! This guy deserves all he gets but he is in no way typical. I'm not like him and neither is the guy in your avatar, who is also British. As for the colonial attitude spiel; you are so way off the mark it's almost as if you've picked it up from another thread because it sounds right... folk in the UK really couldn't care less about all that and haven't for at least a century.

Btw, where are you from so I can slag your people off?

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The Brit anarchist had no business participating in a violent Thai insurgency. Period. There were clear warnings about foreigners doing so, and anyone with a basic sense of right and wrong would get that. While I do feel his chimney's clogged, I hope he gets off with deportation, but I suspect his problems will be deeper.

Edited by Jingthing
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Saying "we're going to burn down..." "trust me" This is conspiracy to commit a crime and is illegal in itself. It doesn't matter whether he was involved or not. And since when does being 'just a football hooligan' excuse anyone of anything? I've met plenty in Pattaya. They should be on leashes.

Hard to imagine someone being more stupid. He may have set a record for implicating himsielf in a conspiracy in 7 words or less. I imagine he'll be rolled for what little he knows, spend 2 weeks in gaol and then be on the next plane out. Idiot.

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You go with your mates , sit in the vehicle and they rob a bank. Guess what you robbed it to. You get to go to jail with them.

Sorry i understand that...so what they do next? put in jail the 70% of thai people, because all them was in the same car till 4 days ago...or i wrong?

By that reckoning then there would have been 42 million people protesting in Bangkok on behalf of the red shirts. Interesting considering PTP didn't muster anywhere near that in previous votes. :)

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There are at least 4 different videos of him out there on the web. I did a Google search and found them.

In one of them he is throwing rocks at the army and shouting "kill the army".

Any links? Couldn't find more myself.

And I'd prefer it if you'd refer to this man as English :)

Personally I'm always pleased to tell Thai people what country I'm from as no one has ever heard of it.

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I have been in Thailand since 1992 and to be honest have met only one brit I would ever care to share time with. In my home country I had many british friends of good character and it hurts me to see thailand seemly only to get the scum of Brits


Wow, this thread's bringing them all out. Please don't tell us you reside in Pattaya.

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I think it very much depends which areas and cities you are visiting in Thailand as to the type of person (British or otherwise) you meet, i hardly think you are likely to find the cream of the bunch of any nation down the back streets of Pattaya where this idiot apparently lives :)

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On the contrary, I'm very fond of Mr. Savage. He's an idiot for sure and probably a criminal as well. But by God he's done what I'd previously thought impossible: Made American tourists look good by comparison. Thanks, Savage. For that, I hope they commute your death sentence to life in prison... good luck.

back in March, the gov't stated any foreigners participating or mingling among the protestors may be apprehended. Most would take the warning and stop at that.

That picture from stickman dates way back. He must've been floating around there a long time. Doubtful he's got a pension. How do you suppose he made a living (in Pattaya)? dare I ask.

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"A white Westerner was involved in the arson attack on Central World, convincing them to set fire to it. And an Asian was also involved in the arson attacks on the banks," said government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn.

As the Thai people are obviously so easily led by foreigners, why didn't the government just get the UN to tell everyone to calm down? That would have been job done.

Surely, one heartfelt word from anyone with UN credentials - possibly Angelina Jolie, or Ginger Spice if she was busy - would have been enough and the protestors would have seen the error of their ways and gone home.

K. Panitan, why didn't the government take this simple option to end the violence in an instant and provide Abhisit with a photo op with Gerri H.?

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There were thousands of protesters and probably hundreds if not thousands of people who knew what their plan was going to be if they evacuated their site.

So one idiot farang has become the issue because he was caught on video, whilst the government has given free pass to protesters to return to their residence without so much as a murmour as to whether by attending the protest and breaking numerous laws constitutes a criminal offence.

I am amazed that the issue has become that foreigners were

convincing them to set fire to it
. Do you honestly believe he was part of the operation and that he CONVINCED anyone to do this. My god, I can't convince a Thai in my company to do anything. I can compel ,demand or order because I am the boss, but he still walks away saying "Farang ba". Are we to believe that the Thais in this protest were such lemmings that a foreigner put them under his evil spell and led them to do this?

Please tell me of any situation you have ever come across in Thailand where a foreigner has "convinced" a Thai that his way was the right way. I was once told that Thais will always think of a way to blame anyone else for their problems, and the biggest target is Johnny Foreigner.

I thought there were some people in this government more intelligent than this.

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back in March, the gov't stated any foreigners participating or mingling among the protestors may be apprehended. Most would take the warning and stop at that.

That picture from stickman dates way back. He must've been floating around there a long time. Doubtful he's got a pension. How do you suppose he made a living (in Pattaya)? dare I ask.

Three possibilities:

1. Undocumented English teacher (unlikely, he looks too stupid to fool anyone)

2. Lives off of some Thai lady's income.

3. Disability pension.

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I hope they get rid of this guy! Send his brit ass back to england or send his ass to jail. Most of the foreingers in Thailand are scumbags anyway. Especially in Pattaya. That city breeds farang scumbags! What an idiot. Black list his ass from coming back to this country or send his white ass to jail for a long time!

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back in March, the gov't stated any foreigners participating or mingling among the protestors may be apprehended. Most would take the warning and stop at that.

That picture from stickman dates way back. He must've been floating around there a long time. Doubtful he's got a pension. How do you suppose he made a living (in Pattaya)? dare I ask.

Three possibilities:

1. Undocumented English teacher (unlikely, he looks too stupid to fool anyone)

2. Lives off of some Thai lady's income.

3. Disability pension.

as in mental illness claims and welfare checks from his gov't? Quite a possible explanation! :)

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There are at least 4 different videos of him out there on the web. I did a Google search and found them.

In one of them he is throwing rocks at the army and shouting "kill the army".

Any links? Couldn't find more myself.

And I'd prefer it if you'd refer to this man as English :)

Personally I'm always pleased to tell Thai people what country I'm from as no one has ever heard of it.

Surely you're not pleased to be Welsh!!

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back in March, the gov't stated any foreigners participating or mingling among the protestors may be apprehended. Most would take the warning and stop at that.

That picture from stickman dates way back. He must've been floating around there a long time. Doubtful he's got a pension. How do you suppose he made a living (in Pattaya)? dare I ask.

Three possibilities:

1. Undocumented English teacher (unlikely, he looks too stupid to fool anyone)

2. Lives off of some Thai lady's income.

3. Disability pension.

as in mental illness claims and welfare checks from his gov't? Quite a possible explanation! :)


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That explains things then. Its all the Fault of that Idoit Brit. Surely there was Cambodians involved too. :) Everythings good.

Like one who seizes a dog by the ears is a passer-by who meddles in a quarrel not his own. - Proverbs 26:17

This guy has only himself to blame.  

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The idiot will probably be done for Incitement to looting and arson which would be a crime in the UK as well - it said nowhere that he actually was charged with doing it.

As far as the incitement charge is concerned, very difficult to deny this one. :)

If he pleads not guilty - about 1 year in jail until trial, considering the evidence at which point he will be found guilty and probably get 2-4 years - if he pleads guilty, he'll probably get away with 1-2 years. An expensive lesson for extreme stupidity - happy spooning

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That explains things then. Its all the Fault of that Idoit Brit. Surely there was Cambodians involved too. :) Everythings good.

Like one who seizes a dog by the ears is a passer-by who meddles in a quarrel not his own. - Proverbs 26:17

This guy has only himself to blame.  

You right.

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But yeah, good job. Blame the farangs for the problems. That will bring the tourists back.

Most of us Farangs will be happy to see this loser end up in Bang Kwang.

I am hearing via my Thai connections that there are a lot more than this and the Thai Govt knows it very well. We are not being told the whole story.

There probably are more like him. Likely those aligned with their GF or wife political views. Add drugs and/or alcohol, maybe some tattoos for good measure (did I miss anything?), wanting to be cool in a black shirt, red scarf, group affiliation, fraternity, etc etc.

Even in G7 countries, drunkedness/drugedness as a defense for killing someone on the road doesn't fly. In Thailand it seems drunkenness can be considered a lucid normal condition.

Major arson occurred. In Europe or america even joking about something ominous going to happen in an airplane will get you arrested.

If I were a potential Thailand tourist and saw this Red brigade dressed Brit enraged advocating arson and destruction I would certainly feel better knowing the local government took him off the streets. Well, at least we know his vocabulary is not limited to "how much short time".

I don't believe he is a major player but is a co-conspirator. Not very bright at all saying those things on camera.

To all the Brits, I know it is not because he in English. Thailand/Pattaya is a democratic s.h.i.t magnet

Edited by atyclb
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There are at least 4 different videos of him out there on the web. I did a Google search and found them.

In one of them he is throwing rocks at the army and shouting "kill the army".

Any links? Couldn't find more myself.

And I'd prefer it if you'd refer to this man as English :D

Personally I'm always pleased to tell Thai people what country I'm from as no one has ever heard of it.

Surely you're not pleased to be Welsh!!

Thank Buddha everyday :)

Not that we dont have wanke_rs like this guy in Wales (we call them Rugby Players) it's just outside of the UK I'm usually immune to stereotyping

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