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Chefxp Release All Customer Emails

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I got about 2 spams from chefxp. I did not reply and dropped them in the trash. I have not gotten anything else. Maybe the people replying to the spam sent emails got themselves signed up for more spam. One of the golden rules in spamland is "do not reply." Another is, "do not open the links."

Me too....

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We switched back to Food by phone this week after using Chefxp for over a year 2 or 3 times a week. I must admit I forgot how professional Foodbyphone are compared to the chefxp.

They always seem to deliver quicker and the food is much hotter when it arrives than ChefXP (Central BKK) and of course as covered in another thread the delivery guys are far more polite and shall we say washed than their competitors.

The VIP club is well worth joining for Foodbyphone and you can easily get back 3 or 4 times what it cost to join (Stock up on the wine for your first few orders after joining). Of course you get what you pay for. Actually there was 1 mistake along the line this week at Mrs Balbirs they sent a prawn curry instead of the fish one we ordered. One call to FbyP and they sent the fish one within 30 mins and said we can enjoy the prawn one with their compliments and that was a 400thb+ dish.

Also nice to have the extensive wine options with food by phone.

Also interesting test this order Tabbeluh and say mixed sharwama from food by phone at beirut restaurant then compare the size of the portion to what u get at the cheaper chefxp option.........was pleasantly surprised.

The DOWNSIDE you will pay slightly more. Sticking with Foodbyphone from now on sorry chefxp (Actually I am not after your spam nonsense) :)

Must be nice to have all that extra cash floating around.

I find it difficult to believe that either one could be that much better than the other when it comes to service. Both use motorcycles and their (washed or unwashed) drivers, both deal with rain, traffic, Red Mobs etc, both have to deal with restaurants that make mistakes (as was your example, and mine with chefsxp a few weeks back....I only got a 50% discount).....but what I find particularly amusing is that you think the VIP card is worthwhile. Why on earth would anyone pay 1200 baht or whatever for the privilege of being over charged (in some cases, exorbitantly!) on every single thing they sell. Have you actually compared prices? You probably think the Sukhumvit Street vendors really are giving a "special deal just for you"

I guess there really is one born every minute.

And as for that spam nonsense....for the sake of having to press the delete button a few times, I'll stick with the better deal.

Edited by hungryINbangkok
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I got about 2 spams from chefxp. I did not reply and dropped them in the trash. I have not gotten anything else. Maybe the people replying to the spam sent emails got themselves signed up for more spam. One of the golden rules in spamland is "do not reply." Another is, "do not open the links."

I didn't reply to the "bulletin" email address and neither did I open any links, I am not that naive. I only sent emails to the owners personal email address, but I personally received 80+ spam through that "bulletins" account in the first few days. It has tailed off now thankfully but not entirely.

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Must be nice to have all that extra cash floating around.

Yeh it is. Green eyed monster? 55 Try not to be too jealous if you work harder you too can afford Food by Phone.

If you maximise your use of the VIP club savings and then compare the marked up prices to the chefxp non marked up prices....

12xFree Delivery vouchers = 720thb

12x100Baht vouchers = 1200THB

First Order Discount 500THB = 500THB

30% off Next 3 orders = 900THB (say 300THB average user for me its actually about 500-600thb)

10% off all orders 5+ a month

Vouchers for BKK Restaurant = 5000THB-8000THB (Saving if you use them average)

So if you look at all that it kinda wipes out the markup on FoodbyPhone orders.....

Still more than happy with FoodbyPhone its a far better product at a premium price of course. If you look at Beirut and say a pasta dish from Le' Opera there is a distinct difference in portion size between the two companies.

And anyway Hungry you are obviously in some way connected to ChefXP judging by your post history either Work for them/Owner/Friend etc.

If you are happy with ChefXP that's great. I am Happy with FoodByPhone and remember I was a customer of FoodbyPhone and ChefXP for a long time (Even room service before ChefXP) so I am not biased in anyway. I just prefer the premium service from FoodbyPhone and I am happy to pay the premium price. So run along now.

Edited by negreanu
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And then of course there is monthly promotions for example free desserts, free pizzas, free appetisers etc.

Monthly prize draw (Which I have won twice since i signed up), Monthly foody newsletter which is actually well done and produced.

Look, FoodbyPhone is not perfect but I think people only see the markup of prices and shoot them down in a ball of flame. They don't see the whole package they offer thats all.

And anyway do I pay 385THB for my main course at chefxp or do I pay 410thb at foodbyphone. It really does not matter we are talking about US$0.50-$2.00 on most items if you compare with the odd exception. If that sort of saving is a major factor in your finances - I don't think you should be using either of these services! :) I gladly pay $2.00 for better service and extra benefits as would most i expect.

If you put 2 identical restaurants next to each one of which has better service, hotter food, polite clean staff, better complaint management and easier to order BUT is $2.00 more expensive. Which would you eat at?

Edited by negreanu
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And then of course there is monthly promotions for example free desserts, free pizzas, free appetisers etc.

Monthly prize draw (Which I have won twice since i signed up), Monthly foody newsletter which is actually well done and produced.

Look, FoodbyPhone is not perfect but I think people only see the markup of prices and shoot them down in a ball of flame. They don't see the whole package they offer thats all.

And anyway do I pay 385THB for my main course at chefxp or do I pay 410thb at foodbyphone. It really does not matter we are talking about US$0.50-$2.00 on most items if you compare with the odd exception. If that sort of saving is a major factor in your finances - I don't think you should be using either of these services! :) I gladly pay $2.00 for better service and extra benefits as would most i expect.

If you put 2 identical restaurants next to each one of which has better service, hotter food, polite clean staff, better complaint management and easier to order BUT is $2.00 more expensive. Which would you eat at?

You sure are a wealth of information when it comes to Food X turasap.

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We switched back to Food by phone this week after using Chefxp for over a year 2 or 3 times a week. I must admit I forgot how professional Foodbyphone are compared to the chefxp.

They always seem to deliver quicker and the food is much hotter when it arrives than ChefXP (Central BKK) and of course as covered in another thread the delivery guys are far more polite and shall we say washed than their competitors.

The VIP club is well worth joining for Foodbyphone and you can easily get back 3 or 4 times what it cost to join (Stock up on the wine for your first few orders after joining). Of course you get what you pay for. Actually there was 1 mistake along the line this week at Mrs Balbirs they sent a prawn curry instead of the fish one we ordered. One call to FbyP and they sent the fish one within 30 mins and said we can enjoy the prawn one with their compliments and that was a 400thb+ dish.

Also nice to have the extensive wine options with food by phone.

Also interesting test this order Tabbeluh and say mixed sharwama from food by phone at beirut restaurant then compare the size of the portion to what u get at the cheaper chefxp option.........was pleasantly surprised.

The DOWNSIDE you will pay slightly more. Sticking with Foodbyphone from now on sorry chefxp (Actually I am not after your spam nonsense) :)

MMMMM sounds like you are getting paid or have intrest in food by phone.

Personally, there a waste of money sure a couple of emails being released by chefxp isnt ideal. but at the end of the day i have used chefxp for the past 2 years after finding out how much cheaper there are than foodbyphone with no drop in quality, delivery time. and saves me cash!

so if you chose to spend money on expats food why pay more!

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I give up. You boys are obviously not clever enough to work out the maths above :D

I can see your point if you use chefxp that will give you enough after a few weeks for another bottle of Chang after your teaching is finished for the day in cheap charlies or the cathouse :)

Edited by negreanu
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I give up. You boys are obviously not clever enough to work out the maths above :D

I can see your point if you use chefxp that will give you enough after a few weeks for another bottle of Chang after your teaching is finished for the day in cheap charlies or the cathouse :)

Wrong, my order today saved me 125 baht ordering via chefxp.... on average ill order twice per week. so based on the assuption i save around 125baht per order thats 250 per week or 13000 baht per year.

which relates to a couple of nights in a good hotel, new phone or more sensiably health insurance ( ordering western food isnt always healthy food ) so could come in handy ; )

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Must be nice to have all that extra cash floating around.

Yeh it is. Green eyed monster? 55 Try not to be too jealous if you work harder you too can afford Food by Phone.

If you maximise your use of the VIP club savings and then compare the marked up prices to the chefxp non marked up prices....

12xFree Delivery vouchers = 720thb

12x100Baht vouchers = 1200THB

First Order Discount 500THB = 500THB

30% off Next 3 orders = 900THB (say 300THB average user for me its actually about 500-600thb)

10% off all orders 5+ a month

Vouchers for BKK Restaurant = 5000THB-8000THB (Saving if you use them average)

So if you look at all that it kinda wipes out the markup on FoodbyPhone orders.....

Still more than happy with FoodbyPhone its a far better product at a premium price of course. If you look at Beirut and say a pasta dish from Le' Opera there is a distinct difference in portion size between the two companies.

And anyway Hungry you are obviously in some way connected to ChefXP judging by your post history either Work for them/Owner/Friend etc.

If you are happy with ChefXP that's great. I am Happy with FoodByPhone and remember I was a customer of FoodbyPhone and ChefXP for a long time (Even room service before ChefXP) so I am not biased in anyway. I just prefer the premium service from FoodbyPhone and I am happy to pay the premium price. So run along now.

I was away for a few days, so did not get a chance to reply to this....looks like you've been handled otherwise....

But now that I have a moment...lets look at your brilliant math:

First of all, on average, fleece by phone charge anywhere from 20 to at least 70% more than anyone else....so lets say, to be fair, 35% average additional cost

12xFree Delivery vouchers = 720thb

great...average order 800baht, over charge 280baht...cool, you saved 60 baht, but had to spend 280 to get it! real smart! 12X280=3360...but hey, you saved 720.

12x100Baht vouchers = 1200THB

same math again....spend 280, save 100.

First Order Discount 500THB = 500THB

This one not too bad....the fleecers actually lost money here, but only if your total bill is less than 1428 baht.....good thing you are probably dining alone.

30% off Next 3 orders = 900THB (say 300THB average user for me its actually about 500-600thb)

getting repetitive....

10% off all orders 5+ a month

dont make me laugh....you can save a whoping 10%, but only after you over pay 1750? Not to mention, on those orders that qualify for a 10% discount, you're still overpaying 25%??????

I digress. Why on earth would anyone with a calculator and half a brain PAY 1200 baht for the honor of being fleeced at every turn? Even if they give the cards away for free...you're still coming out on the losing end!

Now....if they had an offer where you paid 1200 baht, and from that point on you only ever received ACTUAL menu prices, then I say its a great deal....THAT would be a savings. OR, you can pay nothing, and order from Chefsxp.

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And then of course there is monthly promotions for example free desserts, free pizzas, free appetisers etc.

[u]Monthly prize draw (Which I have won twice since i signed up), Monthly foody newsletter which is actually well done and produced.[/u]

We switched back to Food by phone this week after using Chefxp for over a year 2 or 3 times a week. I must admit I forgot how professional Foodbyphone are compared to the chefxp.

So 1 week ago you swapped back to foodbyphone, yet you have won there monthly prize twice!!!!!! lol

Edited by mojo80
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I'm amazed how everyone complains about how ChefsXP messed up their mail deliveries. Then calling them incompetent/stupid/unprofessional/other colorful insult. Well, YES THEY DID FSK UP!

But more importantly... Why oh WHY did anyone sign up to a company online with their PRIMARY BUSINESS/PERSONAL email? It boggles the mind that you would even begin to consider to use your important email addresses for something as trivial as food ordering.

Isn't it common practice now to have at least a handful of email addresses for various purposes since webmail is free and offers quick sign up, virtually unlimited storage and functions?

Don't blame an outside source for your own choice of signing up. Ultimately YOU have to decide if exposing your primary email to a unreliable source would be worth it.

It is laughable that ChefsXP posted in this thread stating that no email was exposed... The emails were exposed, and it would only take 1 user 2 minutes and all hel_l would break loose on all those emails.

Thank god, ChefsXP is doing so well that an overhaul of their system is not really needed.... right?

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