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Single Entry Ed Visa - Please Help Me Make Travel Plans

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Hi All,

I just got my Single Entry ED Visa. I need help in timing my arrival in Thailand. I need to be in the US from mid November to mid December, and will apply for a re-entry permit before doing that. The question i have is : how many days should i budget for the 90 day extension to stay process to take ?

Eg: if i land in Bangkok on June 20, then i presume i will have permission to stay until Sep 20, which i will then get extended to Dec 20. If i arrive back in Thailand say on Dec 15, will 5 days be enough for me to get my extension ?

Based on what the answer is, i will book my tickets and time my arrival.

Thanks in advance.

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That question is difficult to answer, as you will need papers from the school. Getting the extension doesn't take much time, getting the paperwork together can be.

You will have to study for a minimum of 4 hours a week to get an extension, although this is an average. If going away for a long time they can ask you about it.

Another option is to get a new Ed-visa while you are in the US.

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Thanks Mario2008.

I forgot to mention that i am an Indian citizen. Not sure if i can apply for a new ED as an Indian in the US. And i will be travelling a lot during that month, so am not sure that would be an option for me.

Assuming that the school gets the paperwork ready, do you think 5 days would be enough ? Am i cutting it too fine ?

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Provided all your paperwork is in order, the extension can be done in one day in big offices such as in Bangkok. Smaller provincial offices can create delays. It's best to double-check with the school and Immigration as to exactly what documents they will require from you.

Also, your assumption was correct. You, as an Indian citizen, must apply for an ED visa in your home country. It cannot be done in the U.S. or elsewhere.

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