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Conciliation Or Clampdown?


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THis thread has maintained a fairly intelligent level of knowledge and analysis.....but it looks like it's going to take a dive!

You are being overly cynical Deeral. I am pointing out that there is real fear from many Thais (and some farangs like myself) behind the current issues. If you want to take an analytical approach, you have to accept that that emotion is there and deal with it openly. Reconciliation requires the elimination of Thaksin as a threat. He is not just another player in this thing. He is a very divisive element that must be dealt with before stability can be restored. I have a personal experience with the havoc he wreaks and it definitely has shaped my opinion. I submit that those who don't think he is that bad simply have never crossed his path. He is not a victim in this crisis. He is the protagonist.

A ways back you asked who would you put on the reconciliation board. I submit that those reds who denounce Thaksin are the ones who would be most suitable for that position.

The red movement needs to separate from him so the process can move forward. It is not possible in the current situation. As an analogy, you can complain that the root problem of an HIV+ patient dying is indeed the virus that has destroyed his immune system. However, he wouldn't be dying if not for the infection that is killing him, and you have no hope of saving the patient unless you first stop the infection.

I submit to you Deeral that you are worrying about the HIV virus in Thailand when you first need to concentrate on eliminating the infection that is killing it. It is an opportunistic infection for sure that would not have arisen in a healthy patient, but that infection still needs to be destroyed.

The government needs to deal with Thaksin first so that normalcy can be restored, and after that work on solving the other issues. You can not get reforms when people are fearful. They do not act logically.

Thailand truly needs a red movement free of Thaksin. The other options are simply not pleasant.

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One thing we can be sure of is that the next PM of Thailand will not be Thaksin.

I think that an obsession with this man is preventing people from seeing what the REAL problems with the Thai political system are.

in essence he is NOT the problem he is a symptom - and to claim all redshirts are his supporters is simply ignoring the evidence.

THis thread was NOT about Thaksin per se - it is about "conciliation or clampdown"

A quick read......


Edited by Deeral
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