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I Hate Thailand!


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You see I am very happy with what I do and what I have, I dont spend hours a day in a pathetic forum chasing after the flame posts, you on the other hand don't seem to have much else to do...MATE.  :D

So this Forum is also pathetic ..........................

Are you always so happy? :o

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Exscuse me for coming in on this topic, especially in the middle of a heated debate.

I have read the posts with great interest, as i have only experienced Thailand in a tourist manner. I am sure that Thailand is not perfect, just as no other country on gods planet is perfect.

But i must also add, that when i do settle in Thailand it would have to be acceptable to me as a place to live. If i felt like Roo Boy feels i would certainly not stay there, but i have to see what awaits me.

I also have to say that i agree with ThaiGirlTeen and Begs, RooBoy, why do you not leave, you must be missing the good life you had before you came to Thailand, what keeps you in a place you do not like?

This is not personal, i am just curious to understand why you would stay in a place that you obviously do not like. False smiles, dirty beaches, bad food, pollution, no good mates, worse social life, i would be on the first plane out, you are a braver man than me.

Thankyou for reading my post.

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I know Rooboy and he's not all that bad, I've known worse. He is however consistent, very nationalistic, something we could all learn from and as some have expressed in their threads - are. He does love winding up the guys on this forum though and boy do you bite :o

Hey Rooboy, Thanks for the chocolate, I got it on Monday and ate it by 3.00pm

What do I hate about Thailand, lots, but if a magic wand could change it all, it would take on a different appeal and then I would have to leave for the same reasons I left my homeland, so... in the words of Sir Paul...Let it be.

I am interested in the comments from you guys who live out in the sticks, so i will start a topic and tell me what life is like as an alternative to Bkk.

Topic title= Why not Bangkok :D


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Exscuse me for coming in on this topic, especially in the middle of a heated debate.

I have read the posts with great interest, as i have only experienced Thailand in a tourist manner. I am sure that Thailand is not perfect, just as no other country on gods planet is perfect.

Heartache, I have read your other thread, did not comment for a simple reason. You do not need advice. IMHO you are standing with both feet on the ground, so to speak.

Go ahead, do what is on your mind, you know what to do.

Do I hate or love Thailand? Neither, I enjoy my life and accept the shortcomings. Sure there are things that could be different, but so what. I smile at it, that's it.

Once you are here for good and are down, take an ale a bitter a a marmite or whatever is your fancy. Or take a vacation back home, I for one travel 'home' less and less. My home is where my loved one is, my house. Back home I live from my suitcase.

Over all Thailand is a lovely place with many advantages and being save monetary-wise makes it near perfect.

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I know Rooboy and he's not all that bad, I've known worse. He is however consistent, very nationalistic, something we could all learn from and as some have expressed in their threads - are. He does love winding up the guys on this forum though and boy do you bite :D

Hey Rooboy, Thanks for the chocolate, I got it on Monday and ate it by 3.00pm

Not all that bad?? Cmon you know very well our venting is mainly hot air :D

They do get wound up easily though don't they :D

I love the convict reply, funny f###ers, I wont embarress them with the truth :o

You ate that entire bar of Rum n Raisin in the arvo? :D

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One way to really appreciate this place is to take a short holiday to a western country. When ever I do this, and come back I am always more appreciative of this place. The smiles, the women the warm weather. Long may it continue!

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(Begs @ Tue 2004-08-24, 21:23:16)

They go to find some culture. 

aaaaaaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, this is the best reply thus so far!

Why is this funny? They can find Indian culture in the East End. Jamacan culture in the South London. Chinese culture in the West End. Jewish culture in the North of London. See culture everywhere! :o

Nah, they come to nick all the bar jobs ('cos all the Brits are over there, Oz, are stealing theirs) - and to find the onlt other English speaking country that makes decent larger (Amber Nectar?). :D

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Depends what you want to buy doesnt it, clothes for sure, can get great buys of basically original products at places like Inter outlet or BohBe tower, handicrafts, basic white goods like TV's, fridges etc.

Electronics, Malaysia HK, and Singapore are cheaper, all the copy stuff comes from Malaysia in the first place, half the price in KL. Ask the vendors in Patpong etc where their stock comes from, all will tell you Malaysia.

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  • 2 months later...

Being invited to have social drinks at random places - like onthe hard shoulder of the A12 (not essex bound) udon T by a crane crew, who looked more than happy that there ride had broken down equipped with a bottle of isaans favourite tipple white whisky and a bag of berries

witnessing police officers neck shots of the good old white whisky at 7.30am whilst waiting for there noodle soup

Driving on the wrong side of the road - terrorising the neighbourhood dogs late at night

isaan concerts, possibly being the only farrang in a croud of about 10,000 taking in the hospitality of those that really do have nothing...........and watching a guaranteeed brawl as a result of two much white whisky and ego.

seperate toilets for lady boys.

cheap lacoste (original)

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So what's all this pommie bashing about then? This Rooboy sounds a bit like one of them sad aussie bastards, plenty about. Went there once, terrific country but shame about the locals. Anybody planning a trip down that way, go to New Zealand, knocks spots off the other place.

Amber Nectar - Is that that 2% lager <deleted> that tastes like piss and all the locals get all pissed and girlie on?

A poster mentioned earlier about the mistakes the Bristish made. Strange that they never mentioned the biggest of all - giving 6,000 criminals a country instead of dropping them off in the Atlantic.

Anyway, rant over. Thailand is a superb place to be. Great lifestyle, easy to travel around, everyone smiling (except for some unfortunate con-artists, and sad aussie bastards, of course), gorgeous women and delcious food. When I've had too much and seem to be taking it all for granted, I usually head for Malaysia or Oz - makes me love Thai all over again.

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So what's all this pommie bashing about then? This Rooboy sounds a bit like one of them sad aussie bastards, plenty about. Went there once, terrific country but shame about the locals. Anybody planning a trip down that way, go to New Zealand, knocks spots off the other place.

Amber Nectar - Is that that 2% lager <deleted> that tastes like piss and all the locals get all pissed and girlie on?

A poster mentioned earlier about the mistakes the Bristish made. Strange that they never mentioned the biggest of all - giving 6,000 criminals a country instead of dropping them off in the Atlantic.

Anyway, rant over. Thailand is a superb place to be. Great lifestyle, easy to travel around, everyone smiling (except for some unfortunate con-artists, and sad aussie bastards, of course), gorgeous women and delcious food. When I've had too much and seem to be taking it all for granted, I usually head for Malaysia or Oz - makes me love Thai all over again.

...rant doesn't apply to you Doc...your a half-decent aussie b*****d :o

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i lived in LOS in the late 80s and after a while it pissed me off , pollution, traffic, mail theft , corruption , ki gong , chaos , all the things you expect from a 3rd world country .

LOS is great for holidays , women are great for short/medium term . but for the duration

no thanks . after a while i hankered after some order

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  • 2 years later...

I am in a love hate relationship with Thailand. I stay here simply for my other half until we are ready and set to go back to the uk. I have been here for more than 2 years, and i never thought i would say this.........it has made me appreciate how easy going life in the uk is.

I love Thailand as a country, theres just a few things i hate about it...................

#1- Zebra Crossings.

Is it just Thailand or all of asia? but the crossings designated on roads appear to be sign for them to speed up and try to stop people getting accross, seriously, even when your in the middle of the road they dont slow down!

#2- The walking part.

Ok, maybe its just my pet hate, but when they walk they are all over the place, rows of 4 woman walk side by side at a pace so slow they are almost walking backwards, probably daydreaming about shoes and copy handbags. Anyway, you manage to get past them to get stuck behing someone doddering along at an even slower pace pulling along some old cart.

#3- The buses.

I was so disgusted by the busses here, no thought or concern for peoples lives! they cram on twice as many people than is safe simply for an extra 10 Baht and drive like maniacs. I still remember when i went to Kalasin on the bus and i had to SIT on the floor. They didnt even have any plastic chairs! there were more than 40 people in the aisle, and the driver stunk like whisky. Ever since then i have used taxis.

#4- TAXI's (lol)

Not a biggie, but everytime i want to go somewhere they say NO! it makes me so god ###### angry, i have waited more than 2 hours before and been refused by more than 30 Cabs (this was to go 10 Kms down the road) is this legal? coz it shouldnt be.

#5- Visa regs.

Ok,Ok, i dont hate this because my visa is non immigrant multi, but i feel sorry for everyone else thats being descriminated against, being seperated from the ones they love and losing out big time on property they have bought and now cant sell as no one wants them.

This ones just a thought, but i think it would be hilarious to see the reactions of people from here if they done the following-

#Charge Thais 100 pounds to go to chesington world of adventures (theme park) and everyone else who is non thai only 20 pounds.

#Let them in to the uk, and then daily change the visa rules making them constantly come and go and do a border run to scotland, apply this to thai visitors only.

# Do not EVER let them purchase land and property even if they have residency, if they do then they may only own a tiny percentage of it of which the english will then vote to sell it or boot them out.

# Allow them to invest in business and property, then revoke this once they have paid, dont allow any lawyers or help get involved, if this happens then obviously english goverment will rule AGAINST them as foriegners.

555, ok so the above was just a joke(as the uk is mostly made up of foriegners now, and i like that about there), but its seriously one thing that happens here that i dont like.

But everything else i love, and before all of the richeous and wise start to say "well if you dont like it go home" NO, i wont go home, if you dont like the comments then you should ignore them.

I hate seeing all of the people telling others to clear off and leave if they dont like something here, just because people dont like something doesnt mean that they hate everything, and those people have got no right to tell people to leave! so add those to my list of thing i hate- Bitter Old expats who think they are always right about everything to do with thailand and the world.

"Thats not all of you, just those that preach at others to leave, otherwise i love ya all!

*The only thing that comes with old age is grey hair, incontenance and moaning..........not wisdom........and its speedily finding its way to me! :o

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#4- TAXI's (lol)

Not a biggie, but everytime i want to go somewhere they say NO! it makes me so god ###### angry, i have waited more than 2 hours before and been refused by more than 30 Cabs (this was to go 10 Kms down the road) is this legal? coz it shouldnt be.

I can solve ONE of your problems. It isn't legal for taxis to turn down a fare. They have to go where you want to go.

I just get in and tell them where I'm going and never have problem. :o

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Jeeez, this is an old thread....

I just browsed through it and saw of the members that were banned long ago.......Begs, ThaiGirlteen, Bluecat etc....lol.

rooboy and Begs had a good exchange.....

But in general people are still moaning about Thailand today, as they was then.

Nothing much changes. :o

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To all of you, give us some insight - information.

Why are you here? I say, back home the weather is better.

The cops don't take bribes.

The girls are attacking you.

The winter-mosquitoes in Alice Springs annoy you.

Santa Claus in Davos is an illegal expatriate.

What I want to hear? All the positive things, why you are still here.

All the negative things, why you did not leave, yet.

Tell us about your life in Buri Ram, your stress in Krungthep.

If you live somewhere else, tell us, why you hate it there and want to come back.

Open up gal, man, mite, buddy, wife, GF.

What do you like, what do you hate about living in this country?

Now i am generalising, but, i came here as i found farang ( yes i am one ) a miserable bunch of sods with high expectations that you have to work hard at to make happy, on the other hand the thais are a happy lot that you have to work hard at to piss off !

Edited by Captainsensible
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After cruising this thread I think have only one relevant question - why did you stay or why do you keep going back?

And while you're feverishly searching for an answer, take a moment to consider how lucky you are to have a choice and somewhere

safe to run to if things go pear shaped, unlike many millions of poor buggers in the world today!

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