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A Bit Of An Odd Question I Know

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I am in the process of resigning my job, and spoke with my Personnel Officer on the telephone this afternoon. I will be meeting her in person early next week. As I will be applying for a "Retirement Visa", I asked her to prepare 2 copies of a letter stating that I have terminated my employment, and requesting that my Work Permit and Non-Immigrant "B" Visa be cancelled. (The former for the Labour Dept., the latter for Immigration.)

She started to tell me that it would be better if these letters are written in English.

I obviously don't really care which language the letters are written in, as long as they are accepted as valid.

So, does anyone in Bangkok have recent experience ? Will Labour, and Immigration, accept letters of this sort written in English ?

It is not a huge issue, but I would feel like an idiot walking in with a letter in English, only to be told that it has to be in Thai, when I suspected that all along.

A bit of an aside here - I have no idea why the Personnel Officer is suggesting this. I am on good terms with her and every one else in the office, and she has no reason to pull my leg. My guess is that she might be able to dash off a letter and sign it herself if it is in English, but might be prohibited from signing a letter written in Thai.

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It is not a legal requirement any more to cancel your work permit. The important thing is to go to immigration as soon as you finish your job to cancel your business visa. This requires a letter from your employer stating when you finished your employment. For the record, I have done this twice in the last 18 months and both times the letter was in English.

After cancelling your business visa, you normally have to apply for a seven-day extension of stay and then leave Thailand. I believe that you have to get a Non-Imm O visa outside Thailand to apply for a retirement visa.

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It is not a legal requirement any more to cancel your work permit. The important thing is to go to immigration as soon as you finish your job to cancel your business visa. This requires a letter from your employer stating when you finished your employment. For the record, I have done this twice in the last 18 months and both times the letter was in English.

After cancelling your business visa, you normally have to apply for a seven-day extension of stay and then leave Thailand. I believe that you have to get a Non-Imm O visa outside Thailand to apply for a retirement visa.

While you are correct, some labour offices seem to have another opinion. One is therefor adviced to submit a letter to labour informing them of the cancellation anyway, just to avoid any problems.

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It is not a legal requirement any more to cancel your work permit. The important thing is to go to immigration as soon as you finish your job to cancel your business visa. This requires a letter from your employer stating when you finished your employment. For the record, I have done this twice in the last 18 months and both times the letter was in English.

After cancelling your business visa, you normally have to apply for a seven-day extension of stay and then leave Thailand. I believe that you have to get a Non-Imm O visa outside Thailand to apply for a retirement visa.

WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!1

  1. You dont cancel your "B" visa.
  2. You do have to cancel your WP. and leave Thailand the same day now.
  3. The letter MUST be in Thai NOT English.

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...After cancelling your business visa, you normally have to apply for a seven-day extension of stay and then leave Thailand. I believe that you have to get a Non-Imm O visa outside Thailand to apply for a retirement visa.

I understand that the OP's current permission of stay is an extension of stay for the reason of employment. Therefore, he should make a new application for extension of stay for the reason of retirement, if he meets the financial requirements for this type of extension. A trip outside Thailand to get a new visa should not be necessary.



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I understand that the OP's current permission of stay is an extension of stay for the reason of employment. Therefore, he should make a new application for extension of stay for the reason of retirement, if he meets the financial requirements for this type of extension. A trip outside Thailand to get a new visa should not be necessary.



Maestro, you are correct. This whole forum would be a lot more useful for all concerned, if people would refrain from posting things which have nothing to do with the original question which was asked. While the OP can easily ignore off-topic comments, threads can easily turn into an awfully confusing mess for anyone else viewing them.

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