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Noise.....can It Be Stopped?


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I live at the back of CMU and just had a bar open up next to our condo I am down a soi off Suthep road in a residential area....and needless to say it is very noisy with drunk students from about 8 until midnight and later.

Was wondering if anyone has had any success with having them closed down? I read somewhere that alcohol was not aloud to be sold within a certain distance of the university, anyone heard anything about this?

Any ideas at all as to how I should go about this would be appreciated..

thanks once again

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# You could buy their whole stock of alcohol every day as soon as they open..

# You could invest in a number of beehives and place them next to the bar

# You could start a business packing sour fish in the soi between 8:00 PM and midnight

# You could let a portaloo company lease the place next to the bar for storage and repairs..

# You could go to a hospital and ask them to remove your eardrums, after which you could open a business on Sukhumvit selling T-shirts

# You could try to get one of those ultrasonic high-powered soundbeamers used for crowd control & Somalian pirates and shoot back

like this one


Edited by JohanV
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# You could buy their whole stock of alcohol every day as soon as they open..

# You could invest in a number of beehives and place them next to the bar

# You could start a business packing sour fish in the soi between 8:00 PM and midnight

# You could let a portaloo company lease the place next to the bar for storage and repairs..

# You could go to a hospital and ask them to remove your eardrums


Yep, these are about the only options open to you.

This is Thailand. More chance of having a close encounter of the third kind, than getting that bar closed down.

If you can`t beat em, join em. Lounge about in the bar each night and maybe you can coax some of those young student girls up to your condo to see your etchings.

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If you can`t beat em, join em. Lounge about in the bar each night and maybe you can coax some of those young student girls up to your condo to see your etchings.

I thought about suggesting that too. Probably the most pleasant option :)

On the other hand, placing one or two of these outside your window could possibly help as well.

They wouldn't disturb the girls visiting you, rather give them a good reason to leave the bar :D

Edited by JohanV
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If you can`t beat em, join em. Lounge about in the bar each night and maybe you can coax some of those young student girls up to your condo to see your etchings.

I thought about suggesting that too. Probably the most pleasant option :)

On the other hand, placing one or two of these outside your window could possibly help as well.

They wouldn't disturb the girls visiting you, rather give them a good reason to leave the bar :D

If they put of Thai TV that device will not bother them.

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You may want to try to contact the University, they might be able to assist.

Here is from another post:

Here are a few things you could try:

0: Have a close look at the bar/karaoke to evaluate the size of the business ($$$). Get to know your new friend or enemy.

1: Get to know your neighbors, and check what they think about the noise.

2: Check if the bar/karaoke do have a license and if they are located in any specific zone for this type of business

3: Contact the Town Hall (Tesaban) and make a report (written complain). Keep a copy of it.

4: Contact Police (better with a Thai person) and make a report (written complain). Keep a copy of it.

5: Escalate this to the Pollution Control Department (http://www.pcd.go.th/). If you have done 3 and 4, they will assist by escalating the matter to higher authority, however, they will not resolve it directly.

6: Check who might be helpful around your location ... you can't be the only one who don't like bar/Karaoke music until late time

7: Ask Grammy, if they are licensed ... might be nasty.

8: Contact your owner (if you are renting), he might be able to help.

9: Prepare to move

This will take some time, but you might be able to make progress overtime.

If you are only renting, and you really can't sleep, go directly to point 9.

10: Recently someone got shot by its neighbor in Pattaya for making too much noise (recent article) ... print a copy ...

Let us know how it goes and good luck.


To answer your question, Yes, it's possible to do something about it.

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My neighbor brings a new lady boy home every morning at 5am. The noise coming out of that room is unbearable.

I think that I would much prefer a bar full of young girls laughing and singing than a stupid man with his noisy short timers making lewd sounds for hours on end. (No, I don't wish to join them).

So, enjoy the bar and try selling snacks or something. You may as well be making a profit from it. I am thinking about selling condoms for my neighbor as a small business enterprise.

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I presume others in your condo are suffering too.

First, ask your condo's management to do something. I live in a gated community and had the management to contact a district office and got an official warning issued to the property owner for possible legal actions (after giving a friendly hint of knowing our right to pursue anyone for derelict of duty).

Second, the community's manager contacted the police head of the district to question on why they allowed for such a disturbance (a message of suspicious bribe) and giving a hint (not a threat) of their duty of having to do something to keep peace (leading them to think that the manager knew of his legal right in accusing the police at the administrative court of derelict of his duty - only a capable Thai can do this without threat and with a smile).

It has now quietened down. With those actions, we have implicitly made known to all that we will act for any unwarranted noises of any kind even against police and area district office. Few know this that a district office has the duty of maintaining livable environment.

In your case, the management should also contact the University's rector seeking for his sympathy for your sufferings (at an extreme level etc.) and bad for the name of the university if things turn out to be a public issue. The students may not be aware of the disturbances they have created and a rector is normally vested with power of penalising students' grade.

Considering in contacting the operator of the joint whether he will be sympathetic to your sufferings. Ask a Thai to find out the likelihood of success at the early stage in asking him to lower the volume. We had our security guards to ask them to reduce the level and turned out to be a cat and mouse exercise. I am not optimistic of this phase-one approach but at least it is worth a try earlier in creating firstly the sense of guilt for the operator.

It is like a war game. If you have to accept this, then prepare for the reduction in your property value and the loud noise would eventually end up as a norm. So, your chance of success depends on the dynamo of your manager.

We do not know how far we can protect our right of peaceful living but we will not go down without doing anything. Fortunately, we have an enthusiatic manager under guidance of many wise residents to make things right.

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Most of the replies that have been posted so far are humorous, but of course not helpful, there is only one way to sort your problem ... move out, if you rented the condo that could take place quickly, but if you bought it then you have to sell it of course, and that could take a long time.

Extreme noise factors are a big problem in Thailand, they can not be stopped, one has no option other than move out of the immediate noisy area.

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"Was wondering if anyone has had any success with having them closed down?"

Please tread very carefully, if a Thai bar knows you are trying to have it closed down there will be a price to pay...... and you won't see it coming. :)

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The subtle approach is always the best. Seeing that its predominantly students, and they cannot live without being on their cellphones all the time; did you think of investing in a cell phone jammer?

Drop one of them behind a pot plant in the cafe, and as soon as they realise that the cafe has no signal, they will move to another one.

Or you could invest in a larger model, and run it from your condo :)

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I think Irenes answer was the most helpful wihtout needing to purchase any equipment

you arent confronting the offending students directly but with help from the condos management, and im sure there are a few living in the condo who are affected, something might be done.

good luck

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^ Let Irene do the talking; for Upteos is not kidding.

Why did you choose to live in the center of student activity; that area has a distinct carnival atmosphere even in daytime. The etchings? :)

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# You could buy their whole stock of alcohol every day as soon as they open..

# You could invest in a number of beehives and place them next to the bar

# You could start a business packing sour fish in the soi between 8:00 PM and midnight

# You could let a portaloo company lease the place next to the bar for storage and repairs..

# You could go to a hospital and ask them to remove your eardrums, after which you could open a business on Sukhumvit selling T-shirts

# You could try to get one of those ultrasonic high-powered soundbeamers used for crowd control & Somalian pirates and shoot back

like this one


Get some huge speakers and aim Barry Manilow at the offending bar.

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Not quite the same but we did have a problem with a large private house being built behind us a couple of years ago. Working very late in to the evening and very noisy. I found out that in our area 5pm is the time they should stop work.

Used a Thai colleague to contact the local Amphur office. A few days later a few of the officials from the Amphur canvassed the area around where the building was going on, the following week work stopped dead on 5pm and continued to completion.

The moral? I suppose try official sources if there are any, it may work!

Good luck

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Any ideas at all as to how I should go about this would be appreciated.

Tread carefully and have a Thai friend do any complaining for you.

Good advice, but if you do 'deal direct', deal first with the Presidents office. At least they have passable English there, unlike very many faculties.

Go in person. As you drive in from the main Huay Kaew Rd entrance and have to turn left at the first T junction, it's the complex ahead of you at the next T junction (where you'd turn right to reach the Post Office).

The law states that no premises can serve alcohol within a certain distance of university BUILDINGS, NOT the edge of the campus. That's why none of the places on Suthep Rd opposite the campus serve booze - and all the places on Huay Kaew do. But the latter are not 'smart' enough for most students and thus very little used. Sorry, I've forgotten the distance, but it is 100s of meters.

Before you go see all the Presidents men, try to measure an accurate distance between this bar and the nearest university building. If it's within the limit, the police can close the bar immediately. But I suspect the owner has craftily & calculatedly placed himself just outside the limit to attract a maximum of boozy students!

Good luck.

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# You could buy their whole stock of alcohol every day as soon as they open..

# You could invest in a number of beehives and place them next to the bar

# You could start a business packing sour fish in the soi between 8:00 PM and midnight

# You could let a portaloo company lease the place next to the bar for storage and repairs..

# You could go to a hospital and ask them to remove your eardrums, after which you could open a business on Sukhumvit selling T-shirts

# You could try to get one of those ultrasonic high-powered soundbeamers used for crowd control & Somalian pirates and shoot back

like this one


Get some huge speakers and aim Barry Manilow at the offending bar.

Q: What can you get out of a row of milk bottles that you can't get out of Barry Manilow?

A: A tune.

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Any ideas at all as to how I should go about this would be appreciated.

Tread carefully and have a Thai friend do any complaining for you.

Good advice, but if you do 'deal direct', deal first with the Presidents office. At least they have passable English there, unlike very many faculties.

Go in person. As you drive in from the main Huay Kaew Rd entrance and have to turn left at the first T junction, it's the complex ahead of you at the next T junction (where you'd turn right to reach the Post Office).

The law states that no premises can serve alcohol within a certain distance of university BUILDINGS, NOT the edge of the campus. That's why none of the places on Suthep Rd opposite the campus serve booze - and all the places on Huay Kaew do. But the latter are not 'smart' enough for most students and thus very little used. Sorry, I've forgotten the distance, but it is 100s of meters.

Before you go see all the Presidents men, try to measure an accurate distance between this bar and the nearest university building. If it's within the limit, the police can close the bar immediately. But I suspect the owner has craftily & calculatedly placed himself just outside the limit to attract a maximum of boozy students!

Good luck.

Thankyou for that information, would you know how I can find out the legal distance between the buildings and the Bar's?

Again thankyou for your help

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The actual distance is probably best measured using Google Earth. It should be correct +- 5 meters or so.

Possibly the University would know the rules for legal distance, wouldn't they ?

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The actual distance is probably best measured using Google Earth. It should be correct +- 5 meters or so.

Possibly the University would know the rules for legal distance, wouldn't they ?

YES. And they'd be happy to help for the sake of their reputation and the welfare of the students. Probably in that order!

Go see the Presidents office people yourself. Nice and inquiring and concerned and polite. Leave any-and-all action on the ground to Thais.

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Any ideas at all as to how I should go about this would be appreciated.

Tread carefully and have a Thai friend do any complaining for you.

Good advice, but if you do 'deal direct', deal first with the Presidents office. At least they have passable English there, unlike very many faculties.

Go in person. As you drive in from the main Huay Kaew Rd entrance and have to turn left at the first T junction, it's the complex ahead of you at the next T junction (where you'd turn right to reach the Post Office).

The law states that no premises can serve alcohol within a certain distance of university BUILDINGS, NOT the edge of the campus. That's why none of the places on Suthep Rd opposite the campus serve booze - and all the places on Huay Kaew do. But the latter are not 'smart' enough for most students and thus very little used. Sorry, I've forgotten the distance, but it is 100s of meters.

Before you go see all the Presidents men, try to measure an accurate distance between this bar and the nearest university building. If it's within the limit, the police can close the bar immediately. But I suspect the owner has craftily & calculatedly placed himself just outside the limit to attract a maximum of boozy students!

Good luck.

Thankyou for that information, would you know how I can find out the legal distance between the buildings and the Bar's?

Again thankyou for your help

Hi.......It is approx. 160 metres......I will go see the Presidents women on Monday........thanks again

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Most of the replies that have been posted so far are humorous, but of course not helpful, there is only one way to sort your problem ... move out, if you rented the condo that could take place quickly, but if you bought it then you have to sell it of course, and that could take a long time.

Extreme noise factors are a big problem in Thailand, they can not be stopped, one has no option other than move out of the immediate noisy area.

Back to the question about selling/drinking alcohol on or near universities.

YES, it is illegal.

There is definitely no alcohol available near my university (in Bkk, not CM)

I've heard Thais ask if they can get some 'under the counter' in noodle shops / universities / S&P. The answer is a definite NO.

And alcohol is totally forbidden on campus for both students and lecturers no matter what the occasion is.

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