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I am furious. I paid 5500 us dollars for some photo equipment here. I paid VAT. Have all the paperwork sales slips and even specail papers showing i paid VAT. Now my lens is out of calibration. So i want to send it to Japan for repairs. I went to FedEx and they said no problem. I paid 4500 baht for the insured shipping and now they want another 1000 baht for the paperwork saying i paid VAT. So I paid it.

Now the Lens is in BKK and they say they cannot send it and VAT has to be paid AGAIN when it returnes. I asked about the paperwork showing I paid VAT and they said they were not able to process such info now in BKK.

What a bunch of rip offs. I am getting to hate Thailand. Now if i want to use my equipment I bought here i have to pay another 12500 Baht.

I asked the photo place where i bought the equipment and they said after 30 days they cannot give a refund and will not help me in the matter. They say i have to ship back to Manafactuer for free adj.

So Free = 12500 Baht + 5500 Baht for shipping. And that is if the manufactuer will pay for the return shipping. If not i will have to pay another 4500 baht.

Thailand sucks....... Period. Third world for sure.

There is no service agent in Thailand?

Why would you sent it back to Thailand it it has international warrantee. I would send it to the local service center and let them deal with all the work


So this brand of photo equipment cannot be serviced in Thailand?

The shop you bought at it (for 178,000 THB) does not offer any after 30 day service...? Why you would pay such money for items having no service option (other than Japan)?

If i was gonna pay that kind of money for equipment i'd be dam_n sure to know where to get it serviced in the event of a problem...

For the VAT problem i think you are right to be outraged, if you show them the receipt that you purchased it in Thailand paid VAT and most certainly should adjust the tax.

P.S. FedEx sucks anyways.

I sent a package to USA with Fedex it got returned because FedEx f*ked up their customs forms. And i got charged import tax for the returned package, and Fedex tried to charge for return shipping....

Took months of whinging at them before they finally paid restitution.


So why do your problems have anything to do with the current government ?

If you're upset with the Customs Dept., didn't you know of their long-standing reputation, as the most-corrupt people in the Thai burocracy ? Or did you never have to pay a bribe before ... in which case, welcome to the real world ! :)

Feel Better? :)

Sometimes we all just need to Vent, when in fact it probably would have cost more in your own country... The delays and in reality a 'Warrantee' is manufacture only in this country in most cases. For sure compared to Advanced nations they are behind the '8 ball' in terms of Customer Service.

When they have your money and sold an item (most, not all) will never give money back. The harder the job is naturally the more it will cost and of course would a shop not get the best deal they could from you in our own country.

Blame the shop, manufacture (They never cover shipping) but no Thailand. You all good after that vent.... :D

Never spend more than $300 for anything in Thailand in one sitting and you will never be disappointed.

Thats a good statement.

Just a few questions on this one, how about a house, car, sound system, TV and much more.

Agree if you live in a rented studio of 34 SQ Meter with a income of 40k the biggest purchase you are doing is a chiller for 299 us.

Luckely we not all the same.

By the way i love WASABI mmmmmmm :)


Just because a country is third world doesn't necessarily mean its cheaper. I recall being in Laos 20 years ago and was shocked how much more expensive things were than in Thailand.

Many international goods -- say from the US -- are cheaper in the US. Makes sense if you think about it.

What's infuriating in Thailand is the utter cr*p service. Before inefficiency was easier to tolerate because everything was mai phen rai, which sometimes was a benefit. I once had a prolonged overstay (on the advice of Thais while paperwork came through) and it was all worked out. By the time I left Thailand in 2007 I had the privilege of checking in with immigration every 90 days under the threat of dire consequences. Of course the intern doing the paperwork couldn't even understand all the stamps in my passport.

So what you've got now are as many rules as Switzerland and the cr*p, inefficient service still rife in Thailand.


Before i got to this point. I contacted the service rep. In BKK. This is the service company that has the contract to repair the lens in Thailand. They said they do not have the equipment to calibrate. This is the most basic of problems for a lens. They said that i would have to send it to Japan for a simple calibration. Now i have them again on the phone and say i cannot send it because it will cost me extra money for vat. There response to that is...... Get this. And i qote this.

We are the manufactrue rep. but we cannot tell you we cannot service the equipment it is bad business so we wait until the customer puts in a formal complaint.???????? Now i contact Japan directly and ask them. They said send it to us and we will take car of it..

My god. I cannot believe this.

And i qote this.

We are the manufactrue rep. but we cannot tell you we cannot service the equipment it is bad business so we wait until the customer puts in a formal complaint.???????? Now i contact Japan directly and ask them. They said send it to us and we will take car of it..

My god. I cannot believe this.

So what company is this, Canon , Nikon, other? Good Luck!

Before i got to this point. I contacted the service rep. In BKK. This is the service company that has the contract to repair the lens in Thailand. They said they do not have the equipment to calibrate. This is the most basic of problems for a lens. They said that i would have to send it to Japan for a simple calibration. Now i have them again on the phone and say i cannot send it because it will cost me extra money for vat. There response to that is...... Get this. And i qote this.

We are the manufactrue rep. but we cannot tell you we cannot service the equipment it is bad business so we wait until the customer puts in a formal complaint.???????? Now i contact Japan directly and ask them. They said send it to us and we will take car of it..

My god. I cannot believe this.

They probably mean that there are specific tasks that they are just not equipped to deal with, maybe the calibration requires very expensive equipment that they may use once a year, hence they send it to Japan.

Or would you rather them try to do it, mess it up, you send it back, they try again, they mess it up, you send it back and on and on, until eventually you send it to Japan because they don't have the equipment here to do the job?

I think they are being upfront with you about your specific problem, another problem with another piece of your equipment they well may have been able to remedy, but not the lens calibration. If they screwed you around for months trying and failing to satisfy you, then you would be here on this forum asking why the heck they didn't tell you in the first place they never had the tools to do the job.

The VAT is another matter and a real pain in the azz, but Thai customs are well known for being somewhat dishonest in their dealing according to many posters here, personally I've never had dealing with them.

Good luck with the calibration, and I hope they do a good job in Japan and you don't have to return it again. :)

So this brand of photo equipment cannot be serviced in Thailand?

The shop you bought at it (for 178,000 THB) does not offer any after 30 day service...? Why you would pay such money for items having no service option (other than Japan)?

If i was gonna pay that kind of money for equipment i'd be dam_n sure to know where to get it serviced in the event of a problem...

For the VAT problem i think you are right to be outraged, if you show them the receipt that you purchased it in Thailand paid VAT and most certainly should adjust the tax.

P.S. FedEx sucks anyways.

I sent a package to USA with Fedex it got returned because FedEx f*ked up their customs forms. And i got charged import tax for the returned package, and Fedex tried to charge for return shipping....

Took months of whinging at them before they finally paid restitution.

Yeah I gave up on FedEx and others and just use the Thai post service when sending overseas it's not only much much cheaper but seems to get there faster? No complaints.

I agree when spending that much money here it's best to get all the details before to avoid this frustration. Soory man but maybe take a visa run/short holdiay to Japan and have it fixed there.


Fedex is the problem. Not the Thai government. The company you bought the lense from is the problem. Not the Thai government. The service center is the problem. Not the Thai govenment.

You are your own problem for not checking that this very expensive equipment could be serviced here in Thailand. Not the Thai government.


I agree 100% FedEx service sucks in Thailand.

O/P..Just to share a short story with you about purchasing name brand products in Thailand and then having service problems. Been there & done that & have a few T-shirts.

I brought a H/P printer from a major chain here in Pattaya. 6 months later the paper feed didn't work. I returned it to the place of purchase....waited about 2 weeks and picked it up. No charge/under warranty.

The next day same problem as before.

I opened the top cover and discovered that the shop had super-glued the paper feeder together.

Yes...super-glued it !!!

At this point I emailed the main office of H/P with photos and receipts & work orders and a brief summary of what had happened.

They expressed concern about their authorized dealer in Pattaya that had not only charged them for the work performed but didn't even repair it correctly.

They, (H/P) were very sorry about the problem I had experienced and told me where to take my printer (another shop in Chonburi) where it was correctly repaired under warranty in about 30 minutes.

I guess what I am trying to say is perhaps contacting the company, explain the problems and rip offs you are having and see how they can assist you.

International companies are well aware of the Internet and they really don't want unhappy customers sharing unresolved problems with the world.

Only a suggestion & good luck to you.


Fedex is the problem. Not the Thai government. The company you bought the lense from is the problem. Not the Thai government. The service center is the problem. Not the Thai govenment.

You are your own problem for not checking that this very expensive equipment could be serviced here in Thailand. Not the Thai government.

True. And for the record I've been completely shafted in my own country(Australia) by various corporations for a lot more money than I've ever been done for in Thailand but I don't blame the Govt.

Fedex has actually always done me right, sure I pay an extra 200 baht in import fees for my vitamins but I save something like $70 per order.

So this brand of photo equipment cannot be serviced in Thailand?

The shop you bought at it (for 178,000 THB) does not offer any after 30 day service...? Why you would pay such money for items having no service option (other than Japan)?

If i was gonna pay that kind of money for equipment i'd be dam_n sure to know where to get it serviced in the event of a problem...

For the VAT problem i think you are right to be outraged, if you show them the receipt that you purchased it in Thailand paid VAT and most certainly should adjust the tax.

P.S. FedEx sucks anyways.

I sent a package to USA with Fedex it got returned because FedEx f*ked up their customs forms. And i got charged import tax for the returned package, and Fedex tried to charge for return shipping....

Took months of whinging at them before they finally paid restitution.

Since we are roasting Fed-Ex , I've been ripped by them also, my word to all senders never use Fed-Ex, at least here in Thailand, they will rip you off ever time :)


I guess you have checked there is not a form that states the item is going out 'for repair' and to be returned as I know in some cases this can affect tax and duties, but not sure about Thailand


Third world country, fifth world (if there was such a thing) service, NEVER spend more on ANYTHING than you are comfortable walking away from! More chance of getting a BJ from the Pope than getting a refund!

More chance of getting a BJ from the Pope than getting a refund!

Based on the number of court cases over the last few years....you may have a better chance than you think... :)

Third world country, fifth world (if there was such a thing) service, NEVER spend more on ANYTHING than you are comfortable walking away from! More chance of getting a BJ from the Pope than getting a refund!

I must have had at least 3 pope jobs. and i didnt even realize :)

Refunds tend not to be a problem if you choose where to shop. Warranty the same, only one problem there but it was my fault for believing the guy could do the work (my thai friend told me he couldnt but i didnt listen)

Third world country, fifth world (if there was such a thing) service, NEVER spend more on ANYTHING than you are comfortable walking away from! More chance of getting a BJ from the Pope than getting a refund!

I must have had at least 3 pope jobs. and i didnt even realize :)

Refunds tend not to be a problem if you choose where to shop. Warranty the same, only one problem there but it was my fault for believing the guy could do the work (my thai friend told me he couldnt but i didnt listen)

Is bailing out GM a "first world rip off?"

Seems like rip offs are taking place all over, not just in Thailand.

But Thailand must be way up near the top of the list of rip off countries.

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