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Expats Views Sought On Bangkok's Restoration

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Seriously..Even my new GF is somewhat sympathetic to the red cause but it doesnt mean i have to loose my brain...

What about the wallet? :)

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build decent pavements for once .... surely you so called educated Thais can organise this, or is it beyond you!

Pavements, yes improvement needed. Even Bangkok governors have managed to fall in holes here :)

Still the latter part of your remark a bit abusive.

Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

Yes, let's have a Thaksin Park; a Jeff Savage Memorial; an Arisman Adventure Park; and an Arsonists Arcade.

Shitter, get off this forum. You are sick

At the time? --- ummmmmm how many members were there in Aug 2003?

edit -- I am member 4271 and never posted in the political threads for a couple of years after joining ... IMHO it takes a few years to even BEGIN to put things together to create any synthesis of political theory versus politics in Thailand. One of the many reasons that noob's get it wrong so often...

IMHO knowledge or the lack thereof has never stopped anyone from putting in his or her 2-cents. If all of the posters here were truly knowledgeable it would be less fun :)

Seriously..Even my new GF is somewhat sympathetic to the red cause but it doesnt mean i have to loose my brain...

What about the wallet? :)

Actually it has remained remarkebly intact...considering :D

That you can get:

1. Stop fooling the people playing this face left-right paradigm, it's not football but a country!

2. Tell the NWO to F themselves and stop the 'war of terror' Agenda they present to the public

3. Get Abhisit out, the liar Nr.1 : one day "We don't use live ammunition" people die; next day "Now we use live ammo" !?!

4. Let the elites pay more than 150 Baht for their maids a day or better tax them!

5. Being G20 state obviously you have to play stuff like that on the road to more surveillance, ppl know that

6. Commemorate the death of the 88 people, mostly unarmed! and not the death of a fkn shopping mall

7. Get the rich ones and their 150 Baht ice-cram eating, iPhone twittering brats some education that teaches real values, like the life of others and not just how to wring out the next bunch of slave laborers and illegal immigrants which built BKK!

8. Get rid of the military rulers which actually via commands of their rich friends hold the country in their grip.

9. Tell the cyber-police to go and think a moment if they really want China style ruler-ship and 1984 happen to THEM.

10. Ask the real questions, like why are the Democrats not yet dissolved for their illegal party contributions? 236m Bt.?!?

11. Stop media censorship and so called ISA, curfew B$, this is not North Korea or China.

Get a life and move out of those control grid Moloch's like Bangkok. City of Angels and Demons...

Start thinking for yourselves.

All the best,

may Thailand reconcile and the people live in peace together, sharing the wealth of this beautiful, rich country!

Someone needs a hug :)

Do you have an example of a nation that fits the kind of ideal that you are suggesting?

Just name a few for starters, we'll get the idea.

Is it really a question of ideal or not ideal to you?

Striving for perfection is the best that can be hoped for.

Try to find Thailand on these Lists.> You will get the idea!





Freedom House<LI>Legatum Prosperity Index<LI>Gini coefficient<LI>Gender Parity Index<LI>Gender-related Development Index<LI>Gender Empowerment Measure<LI>Living Planet Index<LI>Gross national happiness<LI>Happy Planet Index<LI>Physical quality-of-life index<LI>Human development (humanity)<LI>American Human Development Report<LI>Child Development Index<LI>Satisfaction with Life Index<LI>Genuine progress indicator

build decent pavements for once .... surely you so called educated Thais can organise this, or is it beyond you!

Pavements, yes improvement needed. Even Bangkok governors have managed to fall in holes here :)

Still the latter part of your remark a bit abusive.

The people who plan BKK infrastructure need abusing theyre worse then useless ... and its not for lack of money.


Wow I know it’s a national holiday today, but did the Mods take the day off too? If someone did look at this thread anticipating constructive ideas from us who live and work here, they would find 90% of it squabbling grannies arguing politics and very little in the way of constructive anything! Come on Mods, clear this thread up - remove any post talking about Thaksin, airport protests, rainbow shirts, or just anything not related to the Op - that is the point of being a Mod, init?

As to the Op...Prince Charles gets a rough ride from the media and public (British in particular), but he was right when he stood up at some big architect convention he had been asked to speak at and told them 'please no more eyes sores like Centre Point and no more ruining the river vista by plonking horribly drab concrete monstrosities next to beautiful ancient landmarks' (OK I'm misquoting him completely, but that was the sentiment). I hope the same here - build something that at least looks traditional. People could stay home and look at sky scrapers with gold/silver/blue/etc windows with flashing red lights on the top.

Traditional Thai buildings are beautiful and a sales point of the country, make it a theme - it can be modern, but be true to the ambience and the style - hide ugly cables - put down good paving stones.

People don't really come to Thailand for parks (do they?), so a people's park is not IMO going to do much of anything other than keep a few dozen gardeners employed. Rebuild the theatre and put a proper stage in so it can also have live plays as well as cinema - traditional plays, dance, puppet and shadow plays are hard to find any more. This is what tourist come here for - (the ones that are not heading for the bars in Pattaya - the one's Thailand says it is after attracting, quality and family). Re build the shopping mall (hopefully in a traditional style) and give some space for traditional crafts and antiques - not just food halls and Italian handbag shops.

Many people stop over in Bahrain or Abu Darbi on the way over - and most things found in malls here can be bought (cheaper often too) in these airports on the way to and from Bangkok! If Thailand (Bangkok in particular) wants to be 'Amazing' (like the ads) then stop trying to make it like any other capital city across the world - make it stand out in a way no other can - make it exhibit traditional Thai motifs.

While you are at it, dredge the canals and waterways (and remove the choking weed) so they don't stink like sewage farms, but attract wildlife and look beautiful. Cafe's can open on the banks, and people can sit, sip their Maitais, and watch the swans.

Anyway that's my 2 satang (twenty more ideas but too long a post already!)

//Edit - 4 million typos //

build decent pavements for once .... surely you so called educated Thais can organise this, or is it beyond you!

Pavements, yes improvement needed. Even Bangkok governors have managed to fall in holes here :)

Still the latter part of your remark a bit abusive.

The people who plan BKK infrastructure need abusing theyre worse then useless ... and its not for lack of money.

Actually the poorest and lowest paid people have to work the sidewalks with very little help from the guys that are supposed to be helping/managing/organising them..they pocket the dosh and give the crumbs to the workers

if you stepped foot out of sukkhumvit you would not be suprised to see 60 year old women laying pavers and hauling wheel barrows

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration will actively seek suggestions from expatriates on ways to revive the capital after the political crisis ebbs.

Governor Sukhumbhand Paripatra yesterday told the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand that Bangkok nowadays did not belong only to Thais but also to foreigners who work and live in the city.

They should be invited to share their ideas on rehabilitating their current hometown together with the locals.

The BMA plans to hold a forum for expats to provide input for restoration efforts and coordinate with state agencies.


This maybe an empty gesture, however if an educated Govenor who knows how to read English wanted to do a little homework he may target one of the biggest expat sites on the internet. I believe Thai Visa to be one of them and as a person living in Thailand I would be embarrassed to be classed as one of the idiots that post on here who argue and fight all the time over nonesense.

Why not use those brain cells to think of ideas for Bangkok instead of acting like children?.

I have forgotten the amount of stories on TV about farang being classed as second citizens yet once we are asked for our opinion many carry on like the uneducated fools that have caused this mess.

Stop acting like spoilt brats and lets have some ideas.

p.s. not everybody just a select few.

Okay then.

I'd like to see the traffic light system replaced with one that works -to improve traffic flow. I'm sure it can be done.

I'd love the BTS to turn down the advertisements on it's platforms and trains

Closing hours for entertainment venues deregulated. In line with the worlds top capitals.

Thais are the best partyers in the world -LET THEM ! So many friends I've had visit me have loved the nightlife here

And their thai spirit of SANUK

As for the beaches CLEAN THEM UP !! Every DAY!

Get a proper dedicated program going that cleans up the beaches and reduces all the garbage that gets dumped by locals and some tourists

on Thailands' beautiful beaches. Such an easy thing to do but so neglected by all the tourism officials

Get the 30 day visas at the border reinstated - most farangs I know esp: backpackers hate the 15 day visa rule

A campaign /plan to clean up the Klongs in Bangkok - starting with all the garbage.

Free concerts in Lumphini Park- Glastonkok -with food stalls and thai massages and chill out areas and good acts local and international - arranged by people who know how to do it- ( eg: like the Big Day out in Oz or a mini Glastonbury)

Stop the 2000 baht cigarette butt fine !

Get 3G / Broadband happening and widely available

Get rid of the no alcohol between certain hours ( 2 pm- 5pm ) - it serves no function other than to make tourists wonder why can't they have a glass of wine after their lunch ? A stupid law !!

Otherwise the best thing about Bangkok is its energy - it's people - the smiles I get everyday from friends acquaintances and total strangers - the fact that that everyone is approachable - the friendliness, the politeness, and the laughter-there is much to love here - have faith Governor Sukhumbhand the tourists will be back before you know it


Sometimes it would be fun to have a crack at writing the headlines.

Expats wanted for window dressing.

Must agree to be used to portray a false sense of security.

The BKK Governor is one of the many Thais who would not even answers my emails, months ago, when I was warning of the size and resolve of the red movement and the oncoming train wreck that going to occur in BKK, trying to present a Plan which would have switched the forces into running together.

a 'Gee you were right, what is it you were trying to tell us would be ever so cute'

With the ingrained Western influenced Marxist/Communist inspired sects of Pridi and the Mussolini inspired entrenchment of Plaek's sects, why would Thailand need anymore 'outside' ideas? [plus the well documented influence of the CIA]

If the Governor wants suggestions that lead to Betterment in Thailand, get rid of 90% of what the 'squabbling among themselves' Khana Ratsadon brought back from their arguments/meetings in France; including, and very importantly, one very in particular, major change they pushed onto Thailand. [shhh]

There was ONE person, at the time, who actually had and wrote very insightful Papers on representational democracy. He was also Western educated and even a British Officer. IF the KR would have included Him in the New System, Thailand would NOT be the mess it is now.

Do NOT say I have to elaborate, spend a few hours reading up on the Khana Ratsadon and Others.

Don't talk about what you discover, here, it gets improperly interpreted as rule breaking!

build decent pavements for once .... surely you so called educated Thais can organise this, or is it beyond you!

Pavements, yes improvement needed. Even Bangkok governors have managed to fall in holes here :D

Still the latter part of your remark a bit abusive.

The people who plan BKK infrastructure need abusing theyre worse then useless ... and its not for lack of money.

Actually the poorest and lowest paid people have to work the sidewalks with very little help from the guys that are supposed to be helping/managing/organising them..they pocket the dosh and give the crumbs to the workers

if you stepped foot out of sukkhumvit you would not be suprised to see 60 year old women laying pavers and hauling wheel barrows

whats your point? other then to let me know you cant afford to live in sukhumvit and are a Thai expert. :)


I can not believe it some one starts a thread on restoration and 80% of the dim wits on this board ignore it and proceed to try to push there view on who is rite and who is wrong. Brain dead taken to new heights.

Personally I believe that a complete overhaul of the police force would be a start. People need to feel safe. Also the leaders of the red shirts and the yellow shirts should be on trial immediately. Let the world know that we don't care weather your views are right or wrong. You may not hold a gun to the nations head. Be you Thai citizen or foreigner you will be safe in our country.

Do what you want but if you can not make people feel safe they will not come.


An appropriate memorial?

The only memorial required is to rebuild the damage and keep the red thugs out Bangkok.

The 'many of us' are the red supporters who supported the occupation and destruction.

Certainly not 'pro-Democracy' in 2010.

Just pro-Thaksin.

Chalk and cheese.

Nicelly done mate. You said "...keep the red thugs out Bangkok..." I agree, an excellent idea to leace the Bangkok to yellow thugs only. That is your idea, right?

What occupation? Protesting was an occupation???

Was no any violence until the army didn't start to killing people. In THAT moments, there was no any violence or crime that reds made. After killing started, yes, there started violence but as RESPONSE to cutting supplies, creating Warsaw gheto in BKK, fullfilled with reds.


That is chronology, if you want to be honest and to don't look at your yellow idol like a blind man do.

Sorry, no hard feelings but you are blind folded, as you don't remember how all happened and WHO started violence FIRST.

So let me get this right,you are comparing the turning off of the water for what one day to the reds is equal to the creation of the Warsaw Ghetto by the nazis

I am not jewish mate,but i would think they would be as i am deeply insulted by your words

I dont know the numbers of men,woman and children that died in Warsaw but too try and make it comparable to the red so called protest is offensive

As for what is widely defined by all nations in the world as protesting, is not what happened here in Bkk

Honesty or inteligence is not something you obviously excel at,so please dont expect us all to ignore the facts as much as we would all love to ignore you

As for blind folds mate,lets hope the next ones the reds are wearing is when they are walking slowly up to that wall

Will the landowners agree? Will the leaseholder (Central) agree? And can we have another memorial to those killed and injured by non-military personnel?

The landowner is the Crown Property Bureau. You can guess their views.

And you're right, Central paid billions of Baht for a long term lease on the land, so they would have to be compensated. And the compensation would not just cover the lease and building costs, but the income that they'd have to forgo over the life of the lease.

It could end up being the most expensive memorial in the world.

Perhaps alternative ideas should be put forward

Perhaps the only land owners in the world who could just as well afford such a memorial.

Will the landowners agree? Will the leaseholder (Central) agree? And can we have another memorial to those killed and injured by non-military personnel?

The landowner is the Crown Property Bureau. You can guess their views.

And you're right, Central paid billions of Baht for a long term lease on the land, so they would have to be compensated. And the compensation would not just cover the lease and building costs, but the income that they'd have to forgo over the life of the lease.

It could end up being the most expensive memorial in the world.

Perhaps alternative ideas should be put forward

Perhaps the only land owners in the world who could just as well afford such a memorial.

There is no need to build a memorial on all the land. That is just silly. There is enough room to rebuild the shopping mall and add a small museum to highlight the terrorist crimes committed by the UDD.

I think a pictorial reminder of the atrocities committed by the red shirts would be a great way to drive home that fact that terrorists should never again be allowed to attempt a violent insurrection against the legitimate government.

So glad to have had the opportunity to offer my contribution.

Oh, and please, no double pricing on the entrance fee for farangs.

I think a pictorial reminder of the atrocities committed by the red shirts would be a great way to drive home that fact that terrorists should never again be allowed to attempt a violent insurrection against the legitimate government.

So glad to have had the opportunity to offer my contribution.

Oh, and please, no double pricing on the entrance fee for farangs.



peacefulwarrior dear....

it is just apparent just now....

why jatupon and friends refused to grant you the supreme opportunity to speak at their podium.... :)

you would surely destroy completely what they are trying not to say or do.... :D

if you ever become any more disenchanted with thailand and its majority of the 66+ million people which

is rightfully referenced to as the true majority as opposed to the redshirts of some 100,000 supporters....

which as much as the misplaced and misguided dr weng likes to believe and to claim the number to be in excess

of 20 mil....

if ever you ever come to that point of i can not take it anymore....

no one in the kingdom would hold you hostage in this land of plenty....

like every farang in thailand.... each has the ultimate option.... to stay and obey.... or otherwise.... :D

hope your sojour in thailand henceforth.... will be much happier like so many of us.... otherwise, why be so burdened in thailand, there are plenty of other selections out there....

singapore for example.... remember 'michael'.... who was canned for much less offense....

good luck to you friend.... cheers :D

That you can get:

1. Stop fooling the people playing this fake left-right paradigm, it's not football but a country!

2. Tell the NWO to F themselves and stop the 'war of terror' Agenda they present to the public

3. Get Abhisit out, the liar Nr.1 : one day "We don't use live ammunition" people die; next day "Now we use live ammo" !?!

4. Let the elites pay more than 150 Baht for their maids a day or better tax them!

5. Being G20 state obviously you have to play stuff like that on the road to more surveillance, ppl know that

6. Commemorate the death of the 88 people, mostly unarmed! and not the death of a fkn shopping mall

7. Get the rich ones and their 150 Baht ice-cram eating, iPhone twittering brats some education that teaches real values, like the life of others and not just how to wring out the next bunch of slave laborers and illegal immigrants which built BKK!

8. Get rid of the military rulers which actually via commands of their rich friends hold the country in their grip.

9. Tell the cyber-police to go and think a moment if they really want China style ruler-ship and 1984 happen to THEM.

10. Ask the real questions, like why are the Democrats not yet dissolved for their illegal party contributions? 236m Bt.?!?

11. Stop media censorship and so called ISA, curfew B$, this is not North Korea or China.

Get a life and move out of those control grid Moloch's like Bangkok. City of Angels and Demons...

Start thinking for yourselves.

All the best,

may Thailand reconcile and the people live in peace together, sharing the wealth of this beautiful, rich country!



i believe it is devised by farangs.... for farangs.... :D

some entity is trying to erase my posting here.... :)

i'll try again....

i failed in both attempt.... anyway the post is about pataya news trying to charge 7 usd for news.... hope someone who is more savvy can circumvent the irrational censorship here.... imho.... :D

the original copies can still be read as posted, if you can read without clicking for enlargement....

however, if you click to enlarge that an error message appears.... very strange behavior indeed....

or maybe i am just too ignorant to post successfully.... LOL

MIND YOU.... it becomes a loss for everyone when favorable and less than favorable hard news can not be presented along side each other....





Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

Sorry but that is pathetic. Rebuild CW double the size.

Why not use those brain cells to think of ideas for Bangkok instead of acting like children?.

I have forgotten the amount of stories on TV about farang being classed as second citizens yet once we are asked for our opinion many carry on like the uneducated fools that have caused this mess.

Stop acting like spoilt brats and lets have some ideas.

p.s. not everybody just a select few.

Sorry, did I miss the specific idea that your brain cell came up with ?

Thankyou for the typical juvenile reply I would expect from such a member.

Member being the opertative word :) .

Governor Sukhumbhand Paripatra yesterday told the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand that Bangkok nowadays did not belong only to Thais but also to foreigners who work and live in the city.

They should be invited to share their ideas on rehabilitating their current hometown together with the locals.

The BMA plans to hold a forum for expats to provide input for restoration efforts and coordinate with state agencies.

He also pointed out that he is not interested in any opinions from anyone who has ever posted on Thai Visa. :)

Actually, one thing he did say that I quite agree with (I was at the lunch, but it wasn't quoted in the OP) was that foreigners "that live and work in Bangkok are stakeholders" in Bangkok.

So the next person that says that we "are just guests in Thailand" should go and discuss this with Governer Sukhumbhand.

Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

Why would you build a memorial at a location that was burnt down by criminals? Maybe there could be a plaque for the people that died in the building (unless they were actually looting), but that's about it.

Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

Some, inappropriately, emotive words there.

No doubt you would like to call "Thaksin Park" ?

Not our business, let the Thais decide for themselves

Didn't you read the OP? It is our business. We've been asked for our opinion.

Having said that, was there pro-democracy demonstrations in 2010? I must have missed it.


Build a giant statue or building to honor the protesters, ala whats happening in New York City where at ground zero they're erecting a multistory Mosque to dedicate on 9-11-2011 the tenth anniversary of 9-11. Would make as much sense


what a mob of sad pricks. I pissed off out of Australia to get away from the likes of many of you. I cannot believe the vitriol and the negativity I see here.

What the bloody hel_l are youse doing in this country?

I am starting to get a guilt complex for living a happy, contented life.

Misery loves company, that's for sure.


First, develop the waterways and canals for tourism..........use positive models like San Antonio, Texas.

Second, increase (greatly) the number of parks.

Third, plant trees, trees, trees...........all over.

Fourth, do something positive about the traffic problem...........again, use positive models.

I can not believe it some one starts a thread on restoration and 80% of the dim wits on this board ignore it and proceed to try to push there view on who is rite and who is wrong. Brain dead taken to new heights.

Personally I believe that a complete overhaul of the police force would be a start. People need to feel safe. Also the leaders of the red shirts and the yellow shirts should be on trial immediately. Let the world know that we don't care weather your views are right or wrong. You may not hold a gun to the nations head. Be you Thai citizen or foreigner you will be safe in our country.

Do what you want but if you can not make people feel safe they will not come.


Many of us believe that Central World should not be rebuilt. Instead a People's Park should be built with a large memorial to the citizens slaughtered by the military in the 1976, 1992 and 2010 pro-democracy demonstrations.

Why would you build a memorial at a location that was burnt down by criminals? Maybe there could be a plaque for the people that died in the building (unless they were actually looting), but that's about it.

I don't have any sympathy for people violating the law. They all were, just by gathering in large groups. When you started tossing grenades, shooting jounalists, and burning buildings - they became something other than 'peaceful protesters'.

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