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The Farang Hotel Owners Must Be Making A Fortune...


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I'd be surprised if any farang could actually make a Fortune in any "legal"business in Thailand!

lol - get real!

I actually think it's easier here, as most Thais lie/cheat to their clients, give bad service, blame the client for their own mistakes etc. and even if they don't do any of that; most of them have no clue (the poor = no education * the rich = totally corrupted) and are just not professional ...

in the land of the blind - 1 eye is king :)

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I'd be surprised if any farang could actually make a Fortune in any "legal"business in Thailand!

lol - get real!

I actually think it's easier here, as most Thais lie/cheat to their clients, give bad service, blame the client for their own mistakes etc. and even if they don't do any of that; most of them have no clue (the poor = no education * the rich = totally corrupted) and are just not professional ...

in the land of the blind - 1 eye is king :)

Totally agree with you Geeky......... and that is in any business here in Thailand......... Yes i have 2 bars and a graphics company in Thailand......... The bar in bkk last month had its best month ever...... thru great service and just being smarter than the thai bar owners in the same area. .......... love the in the land of the blind quote by the way :-)

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Can anyone tell me where to find these cheap hotels in Bangkok? The ones I see advertised on line do not seem to be any cheaper.

Try Here, Latestays, only for booking 3 weeks ahead which tends to get the best rates, others such as Asia Rooms, Agoda,...name your poison...operate over a longer time period.

Places like the Dusit Thani at 2100B seem like a good deal to me! :)

Edited by roamer
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The place I'm staying at is farang managed and it's full. Main reason is because the manager has put his prices down to suit. No haggling, no hassles. I feel sorry for those who have hotels that are empty but its just not good business sense to raise the prices. Even if you get the odd person, once they figure out that they are paying too much they won't recommend anyone else. I think the main reason that the place I'm at is full is through recommendations and word of mouth.

So the " :D of mouth" is :D and included breakfast is :) to keep he prices down I'm guessing? Thanks for the info ... uhhh, mebbe not.



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The place I'm staying at is farang managed and it's full. Main reason is because the manager has put his prices down to suit.

Maybe I am not the only accomodation provider who is curious now whereabouts in Thailand this place is, and roughly how many rooms they have.

No "real" hotel is full. As you suspect, I think he's referring to a 4-room guesthouse/flophouse when he's talking about its 100% occupancy rate.

In regards to places offering discounts, there's no shortage of steep cuts being offered on any of the online reservation sites.

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i'm a hotel owner and would love to find tourists so i can lower my room rates. As for making a profit even at full room rates you make small profits only by time you pay rent, elec, water, staff, govt, maintenance and i cud go on and on. However yr right thais do put up prices and hence hav it worse than owners who decrease prices to attract guests when its low season or other reasons

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