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Same Day Turnaround

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Thanks to previous excellent advice on this forum, I now know that arriving in Bangkok on a UK passport will pose no problems in receiving a free, "30 day stamp on arrival" at the airport and this procedure can be repeated without problem.

I still have one outstanding question on this subject though.

Is there a minimum time period before one can return?

Can I, for example, stay in the country for up to 30 days, take a return flight to another country (a return with Air Asia to Kuala Lumpur is a cheap and convenient destination) and then fly back in on the same/next day?

I have no intention of doing this but it would be good to understand all the options one has available in case of an emergency.


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Should have a return ticket out of the country within 30 days , why not just get the correct visa , it makes it a lot less difficult.

Of course that is the proper way to do that but this is merely to ascertain if one can fly out of Thailand and then fly back in within a very short (same/next day) period of time.

The same scenario could very well be that after time has elapsed on a different visa and one has to leave the Kingdom, can one fly back into the country on a same day return ticket for whatever reason to stay a further 30-days? One may have a hospital appointment or another cause to return suddenly.

It sounds as though this is permitted provided it's not done too often and that is reassuring to know.

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