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Three Foreign Drug Traffickers Nabbed At Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport

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what a waste. all i want is some good weed and you're bringing in heroin and crystal meth? god, that's so ghetto...

anyway, wonder if they were tipped off. x-ray? hmpf...

:) I just read where California is only months away from legalizing "weed" which will be taxed by the state. Estimated billions of tax revenue. Pretty much takes the criminal face off of weed. As far these 2 people goes, I can't say I feel sorry for them, when they bring in drugs that will only help destroy people lives and their families. "Sometimes the light is shining on me. Other times I can barely see, lately it occurs to me what a long strange trip it's been" GD

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send them to the gallows !!!

Beat them to within an inch of their lives with a copy of the daily mail!

where,s your compassion .

give them a second chance .

send them to the U.K. for conselling .

plus ,, free housing , food , and money .

realise how desperate and dumb you have to be for do this job for 1or 2k....Yes the hang them high TV judges will be all ovber the place...imagine its your son daughter,family who did the same stupid thing would you hang them as well?

I comdemn any trafficking or sell of drugs so dont get me wrong.....but its alredy proven that whatever punishment those people get the big dealers will always find stupid mules to transport it to whatever country.And btw big dealers dont send mules they ship containers of this shit.

p.s just hate the so called hang them high clan...dont worrie even a year in a Thai jail will change you forever how can a normal thinking person wish them dead or a huge prisonterm?

Have you ever seen friends dying because of AIDS through needle sharing? Did you find your own brother overdosed in your bathroom?

I was on cocktails for about 20 years, shooting Heroin and Cocaine.

Most of my friends are dead. Now I changed my way of thinking, because I quit this shit a long time ago. So would you mind that I'm telling you that they deserve a few years?

Last news was that a 23 year old girl died six month ago, using brown sugar from Pakistan. Now please don't tell me to let them go home……………………..

My dear sir,

Its 1 year and few day's that my very best friend for over 20 years overdosed he not been out of my head for a single day since and he will never be,we where closer then brothers so i think i do know a little what you talking of...

I didnt say let them go what i said is that the policy on this site seems to be "hang them high" and that those people simply dont know what they say.

Every country in the world do have a drugproblem,country's where huge sentences are given seems to have the same problems as liberal country's.Thats what i am talking about.

People who sell drugs or distribute drugs only to get rich should be punished hard!!!!Users,,junks who sell to feed there addiction should been helped to get back on there feets.

There is no real sollution i know but hang them or let them rot in the Hilton is surely not the cure thats alredy proven or not?

Again I hate drugs but man i hate people who dont know what they say even more......

p.s congrats on you to get of this shit your 1 of the few who get clean of this and i know you saw hel_l.


The replies to this sort of topic are almost always identical for every thread. No point in reading beyond the headline as there isn't much intelligent anybody can add to this.

The replies to this sort of topic are almost always identical for every thread. No point in reading beyond the headline as there isn't much intelligent anybody can add to this.

Thanks for reminding me never to post in such a thread anymore its wasted energy

Good to see customs officers are doing their jobs. It has been a while since they made a bust at the airport, surprised they were not coming from Dubai this time.

why does everyone diss Thai police so much. It looks to me like they catch allot of drug runners.

realise how desperate and dumb you have to be for do this job for 1or 2k....Yes the hang them high TV judges will be all ovber the place...imagine its your son daughter,family who did the same stupid thing would you hang them as well?

I comdemn any trafficking or sell of drugs so dont get me wrong.....but its alredy proven that whatever punishment those people get the big dealers will always find stupid mules to transport it to whatever country.And btw big dealers dont send mules they ship containers of this shit.

p.s just hate the so called hang them high clan...dont worrie even a year in a Thai jail will change you forever how can a normal thinking person wish them dead or a huge prisonterm?

Have you ever seen friends dying because of AIDS through needle sharing? Did you find your own brother overdosed in your bathroom?

I was on cocktails for about 20 years, shooting Heroin and Cocaine.

Most of my friends are dead. Now I changed my way of thinking, because I quit this shit a long time ago. So would you mind that I'm telling you that they deserve a few years?

Last news was that a 23 year old girl died six month ago, using brown sugar from Pakistan. Now please don't tell me to let them go home……………………..

what came first though ? I argue that the addicts create the temptation for the mules so its the addicts that destroyed the lives of the mules, not the other way around.

The replies to this sort of topic are almost always identical for every thread. No point in reading beyond the headline as there isn't much intelligent anybody can add to this.

Thanks for reminding me never to post in such a thread anymore its wasted energy

something tells me that this "anotheruser" isn't much fun to be with. even his name is kind've lifeless :)

realise how desperate and dumb you have to be for do this job for 1or 2k....Yes the hang them high TV judges will be all ovber the place...imagine its your son daughter,family who did the same stupid thing would you hang them as well?

I comdemn any trafficking or sell of drugs so dont get me wrong.....but its alredy proven that whatever punishment those people get the big dealers will always find stupid mules to transport it to whatever country.And btw big dealers dont send mules they ship containers of this shit.

p.s just hate the so called hang them high clan...dont worrie even a year in a Thai jail will change you forever how can a normal thinking person wish them dead or a huge prisonterm?

they are very lucky they were not caught in singapore as every Friday is hanging day there. Be warned, get caught, be hung :)


No way, they are living the dream, staying in Thailand long time, no Visa hassle, no burkha and free food/accomodiation. :D

ha! and they'll probably get lots of free sex too!! :D

Lol- yer whether they want it or not. :D:D:)

Actually I have heard the Thai jails are far better than what u would expect in a developing nation... Some Farang who stated he just got out after 3 years said there was no issue. Yet he did state he caught Hep C- so I do not see how that is so great.

Ladyboys have a section of their own and offer their services. He said they have OK rooms, TV and fitness centre. Can do courses, etc- yer some punishment. So he said he had no issue- each to their own I guess.

I disliked seeing him with various farang and thai girls, due to his illness. I ended up asking him to leave the GH I had at the time, as his like minded friends stated coming into my place. Which was far too much of a hassle... :D

send them to the gallows !!!

Beat them to within an inch of their lives with a copy of the daily mail!

Yeah gallows and beatings will do a lot. I feel safer already. I wont worry anymore.

Right.... Everything is safe now. What would we do if we couldn't lock everyone up??

Let me save some of you future posting......

Burn them!

Torture them!

Lock them up!

whip them!

Behead them!

Rot in hel_l! Rot in hel_l!

Miss anything?? Oh, the real issues underlying drug use? Drug prohibition that is a complete failure which encourages high prices and desire....? Nope. (Just erase the competition and maintain a monopoly.... much easier).

Good to see customs officers are doing their jobs. It has been a while since they made a bust at the airport, surprised they were not coming from Dubai this time.

now if only they can catch the slippery weasel in Montenegro.

As far as these guys, I am sure its tough to make a living in Bananastan, onenightstan, or any "stan" country. A bit overboard to send them to the gallows!

for the record: the syllable "stan" means "country" in many languages (e.g. Farsi, Pashtoo, Dari, Balochi, Urdu, Hindi) :)

....Been clean 26 years now but a good joint would help.

nothing good about the joint these peeps are going to spend time in. :)

realise how desperate and dumb you have to be for do this job for 1or 2k....Yes the hang them high TV judges will be all ovber the place...imagine its your son daughter,family who did the same stupid thing would you hang them as well?

I comdemn any trafficking or sell of drugs so dont get me wrong.....but its alredy proven that whatever punishment those people get the big dealers will always find stupid mules to transport it to whatever country.And btw big dealers dont send mules they ship containers of this shit.

p.s just hate the so called hang them high clan...dont worrie even a year in a Thai jail will change you forever how can a normal thinking person wish them dead or a huge prisonterm?

Have you ever seen friends dying because of AIDS through needle sharing? Did you find your own brother overdosed in your bathroom?

I was on cocktails for about 20 years, shooting Heroin and Cocaine.

Most of my friends are dead. Now I changed my way of thinking, because I quit this shit a long time ago. So would you mind that I'm telling you that they deserve a few years?

Last news was that a 23 year old girl died six month ago, using brown sugar from Pakistan. Now please don't tell me to let them go home……………………..

20 years ago I would have told you most of my friends were dead or in jail. Now they are just dead. I am a survivor and have outlived most of my friends. It is never to late to change the road that you are on. By Led Zepplin. Been there and done that.

Been clean 26 years now but a good joint would help.

I am visiting a Turkish prisoner in Klong Prem who is a youngster (26) serving 27 years for what may have been drug smuggling. The poor kid says that he has never done anything wrong until this, comes from an extremly poor family and was just trying to get some money to help his family. I hate drugs and all that is associated with drugs (and excess alcohol, I may add) but I do fee for this kid who has made one mistake in his life and has lost his opportunity of life because of this mistake. English prisoners get a chance to serve their sentences in the UK with remission. This kid has no chance of that. Those from the hang 'em brigade may be right or may not be, but I sincerely believe that 27 years for this kid and those mules like him is over the top. What do you think?

ha! and they'll probably get lots of free sex too!! :D

Lol- yer whether they want it or not. :D:D:)

Actually I have heard the Thai jails are far better than what u would expect in a developing nation... Some Farang who stated he just got out after 3 years said there was no issue. Yet he did state he caught Hep C- so I do not see how that is so great.

Ladyboys have a section of their own and offer their services. He said they have OK rooms, TV and fitness centre. Can do courses, etc- yer some punishment. So he said he had no issue- each to their own I guess.

I disliked seeing him with various farang and thai girls, due to his illness. I ended up asking him to leave the GH I had at the time, as his like minded friends stated coming into my place. Which was far too much of a hassle... :D

Hi there....

interesting to see you say about the jails, its the first time i ever heard that they are not so bad. tvs and fitness centres! ok rooms? no issues!?

yes i wouldnt want him coming to my place with his hep c and like minded friends. in fact i would want him to have a tattoo on his forehead "HEPATITIS R US! so that everyone will know. its pretty evil thing to do to other people knowing you have that disease but still putting it about. he should be put back in the jail for doing that.


Perhaps while they are at it the new world order should make tobacco and alcohol illegal as they are responsible for death and illness at least an order of magnitude greater than the so called 'illegal' drugs all added together. But I guess the tax revenue resulting from their licensing is just too much for governments to contemplate losing, which makes them the largest drug dealers on earth.

Hang em high.

Actually, it's been mathematically proven that if (Rope length + body height + expected neck stretch) < (gallows height above mean sea level - ground level above mean sea level), and the second numerator is positive, ie/ the entire system is above mean sea level, then it doesn't really matter how high you hang 'em.

Hang em high.

Actually, it's been mathematically proven that if (Rope length + body height + expected neck stretch) < (gallows height above mean sea level - ground level above mean sea level), and the second numerator is positive, ie/ the entire system is above mean sea level, then it doesn't really matter how high you hang 'em.


Hang em high.

Actually, it's been mathematically proven that if (Rope length + body height + expected neck stretch) < (gallows height above mean sea level - ground level above mean sea level), and the second numerator is positive, ie/ the entire system is above mean sea level, then it doesn't really matter how high you hang 'em.

Actually, I hate to differ (well, not really) but if the rope length is too long, the cranium tends to seperate from the rest of the pathetic individuals body @ time of hanging.

In any such case. :)

Hang em high.

Actually, it's been mathematically proven that if (Rope length + body height + expected neck stretch) < (gallows height above mean sea level - ground level above mean sea level), and the second numerator is positive, ie/ the entire system is above mean sea level, then it doesn't really matter how high you hang 'em.

Actually, I hate to differ (well, not really) but if the rope length is too long, the cranium tends to seperate from the rest of the pathetic individuals body @ time of hanging.

In any such case. :D

Hmmmmm somebody seems to know a lot about hangings :D

I think I'll stick to drinking beer in the sunshine and bar fining sexy friendly Thai Babes :D:)

Good to see customs officers are doing their jobs. It has been a while since they made a bust at the airport, surprised they were not coming from Dubai this time.

now if only they can catch the slippery weasel in Montenegro.

As far as these guys, I am sure its tough to make a living in Bananastan, onenightstan, or any "stan" country. A bit overboard to send them to the gallows!

for the record: the syllable "stan" means "country" in many languages (e.g. Farsi, Pashtoo, Dari, Balochi, Urdu, Hindi) :)

for the record, I was applying humor, if you have a sense of humor. :D


What's blatantly missing here is an investigation of the local Thai network that would receive and distribute the drugs. The police should have used these mules as part of a sting operation--if they were really serious.

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