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Cursed Fiancée!


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I suppose you're a member of the Flat Earth Society as well? :)

No but I am a Licensed Professional Cynic & Boundary Pusher. :D

And you do it well! :D

Cynics and boundary pushers are very important in the advancement of science. "That cannot be possible" is a great double-dare to the scientific community to work on a proof - positive OR negative.

Just so long as the cynicism doesn't close your mind to possibilities. I suspect that, given proof of something (the x-ray example), you are willing to accept it.

Boundary-pushing would be, "there's got to be something better than x-rays" which led to PET and MRI scanners.

I appreciate a good cynic. Keeps us on our toes, eh?

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of course another good one is the story of the 'Spear of Longinus'. That has an all star (farang) cast - a few notably recent ones being, Hitler, Patton & Eisenhower.

Us farangs aren't superstitious, not by a long chalk.

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My comments in blue.

I suppose you're a member of the Flat Earth Society as well? :)

No but I am a Licensed Professional Cynic & Boundary Pusher. :D

And you do it well! :DGeez! Thanks! :D

Cynics and boundary pushers are very important in the advancement of science. "That cannot be possible" is a great double-dare to the scientific community to work on a proof - positive OR negative.

Just so long as the cynicism doesn't close your mind to possibilities. I suspect that, given proof of something (the x-ray example), you are willing to accept it. Absolutely!!

Boundary-pushing would be, "there's got to be something better than x-rays" which led to PET and MRI scanners.

I appreciate a good cynic. Keeps us on our toes, eh? Some people would say that I tread on toes. :D

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My comments in blue.
I suppose you're a member of the Flat Earth Society as well? :)

No but I am a Licensed Professional Cynic & Boundary Pusher. :D

And you do it well! :DGeez! Thanks! :D

Cynics and boundary pushers are very important in the advancement of science. "That cannot be possible" is a great double-dare to the scientific community to work on a proof - positive OR negative.

Just so long as the cynicism doesn't close your mind to possibilities. I suspect that, given proof of something (the x-ray example), you are willing to accept it. Absolutely!!

Boundary-pushing would be, "there's got to be something better than x-rays" which led to PET and MRI scanners.

I appreciate a good cynic. Keeps us on our toes, eh? Some people would say that I tread on toes. :D

Nope you are cursed......

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Mate, it's a wonder you are not superstitious, because you certainly are Old Fashioned enough. Haven't you caught up with the Farang Culture of OH&S.

I have been wearing steel capped safety boots for years now.

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I still find it hard to believe when I hear of Westerners accepting the Thai superstitions!

Its amazing that the Western world has managed to do so well (compared to Thailand) when the Thais have followed these superstitions and beliefs all their lives - whereas Westerners have side-lined them. :)

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I have been wearing steel capped safety boots for years now.

Do your feet hurt? I'll bet they have a ripe old odour by now! What about your socks? They must be rotten after all these years. :)

Edited by elkangorito
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I still find it hard to believe when I hear of Westerners accepting the Thai superstitions!

Its amazing that the Western world has managed to do so well (compared to Thailand) when the Thais have followed these superstitions and beliefs all their lives - whereas Westerners have side-lined them. :)

You mean things like 'In God We Trust'?

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Nope you are cursed......


Quick, where's the salt? I'd better close those umbrellas, unbreak the mirror & get out from under the ladder. :)

None of which will resolve your curse........

You have been cursed with the inability to understand what you are cursed with.......sadly unless you consult somebody other than yourself......you will never lift the curse...... :D

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I still find it hard to believe when I hear of Westerners accepting the Thai superstitions!

Its amazing that the Western world has managed to do so well (compared to Thailand) when the Thais have followed these superstitions and beliefs all their lives - whereas Westerners have side-lined them. :)

You mean things like 'In God We Trust'?

Yeah!! That's another silly belief. :D

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I still find it hard to believe when I hear of Westerners accepting the Thai superstitions!

Its amazing that the Western world has managed to do so well (compared to Thailand) when the Thais have followed these superstitions and beliefs all their lives - whereas Westerners have side-lined them. :)

You mean things like 'In God We Trust'?

And we change our lives to accomodate that saying.... (not).

Edited by F1fanatic
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I still find it hard to believe when I hear of Westerners accepting the Thai superstitions!

Its amazing that the Western world has managed to do so well (compared to Thailand) when the Thais have followed these superstitions and beliefs all their lives - whereas Westerners have side-lined them. :)

You mean things like 'In God We Trust'?

And we change our lives to accomodate that saying.... (not).

Ease up on the WE will ya!

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I still find it hard to believe when I hear of Westerners accepting the Thai superstitions!

Its amazing that the Western world has managed to do so well (compared to Thailand) when the Thais have followed these superstitions and beliefs all their lives - whereas Westerners have side-lined them. :)

Don't appear to have sidelined the curse of working 5 days a week yet!!!

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I still find it hard to believe when I hear of Westerners accepting the Thai superstitions!

Its amazing that the Western world has managed to do so well (compared to Thailand) when the Thais have followed these superstitions and beliefs all their lives - whereas Westerners have side-lined them. :)

I'm a recovering Catholic. I don't think that portion of the population has "side-lined" things such as: the annual blessing of the fleet.

the sprinkling of holy water over a new car (as least they don't paint things on the headliner)

the medical "miracles" that occur on a fairly regular basis at the shrine of St Anne de Beaupre

etc. etc.

Can't speak for the other religions...but I have "faith" that they have their own set of "beliefs"

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OK then! Don't call it a curse! Call it brainwashing, psychology or whatever you want! She and her whole family believes it! I've only been engaged to and lived with my fiancée for three months and I don't know everything about Thai culture. I didn't know that they believed in magic until a few weeks ago and I don't know if the fact that she's from Isaan makes any difference. I honestly just don't know enough about Thai culture! I'm not a troll and the question is honest! I'm sorry if I sound like an idiot but how am I supposed to learn if I don't ask questions and I thought this forum looked like a serious place to ask.

I'm not saying that I myself believe it either... but that's not the point! Would a person who believe in (Thai) magic also believe in magic or curses from another country? All I want is for this particular woman to stop interfering with my and my fiancées life!

for about 10k thb you could hire a rogue tuk tuk driver to mow the old witch down in the street. problem solved. it has worked for me in the past, though i recommend you find a younger driver with good eyesight. it can get downright frustrating when they need 3 or four tries to get it right.

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Nope you are cursed......


Quick, where's the salt? I'd better close those umbrellas, unbreak the mirror & get out from under the ladder. :D

None of which will resolve your curse........

You have been cursed with the inability to understand what you are cursed with.......sadly unless you consult somebody other than yourself......you will never lift the curse...... :D

You're right!! :)

Who can help me? Let's see...there's;

1] The pope (no, not the washing machine or electric motor type).

2] The christian god.

3] The Islam god.

4] One or many of the plethora of hindu gods.

5] Probably a mutlitude of other gods but their names currently escape me.

6] The $30 fortune teller down the road.

7] My mum. Oops! Can't ask mum...she's too logical.

8] A qualified counsellor. Oops! Forget the counsellor...they only speak logically.

9] A witch, warlock or sorcerer.

10] Someone who wears 'good luck' charms.

There're too many to choose from. Please suggest someone/something before this curse consumes me.

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If you read Jung, you'll see that toward the end of his career, he was moving in the direction of spirituality. So... a good Jungian analyst, 20 years on the couch, cash only thank you very much, and you'll probably be cured of that little curse. :)

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I still find it hard to believe when I hear of Westerners accepting the Thai superstitions!

Its amazing that the Western world has managed to do so well (compared to Thailand) when the Thais have followed these superstitions and beliefs all their lives - whereas Westerners have side-lined them. :)

I'm a recovering Catholic. I don't think that portion of the population has "side-lined" things such as: the annual blessing of the fleet.

the sprinkling of holy water over a new car (as least they don't paint things on the headliner)

the medical "miracles" that occur on a fairly regular basis at the shrine of St Anne de Beaupre

etc. etc.

Can't speak for the other religions...but I have "faith" that they have their own set of "beliefs"

Its one of the reasons that I have no time for religion.... The 'faithful, religious' people act as badly as everyone else, but somehow think that going to church absolves them....

They believe in their superstitions when they want to (when it benefits them), but otherwise pay no attention.

One only has to look at the mafia of old - strictly catholic, but somehow managed to murder people etc.

And that's the point I'm making, some may pretend they care about their superstitions, but only as long as it doesn't get in the way of doing what they want to do. The Thais are no different - they'll use it as an excuse when they need to. If it interferes with what they want to do, they'll find an excuse.

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yes, it is very real to the Thais. My missus was always telling me stories about this stuff. As stated above, It isn't just the bloody poor and ignorant who believe in this stuff either.

Hundreds of Millions of People believe in god too. :)

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Nope you are cursed......


Quick, where's the salt? I'd better close those umbrellas, unbreak the mirror & get out from under the ladder. :D

None of which will resolve your curse........

You have been cursed with the inability to understand what you are cursed with.......sadly unless you consult somebody other than yourself......you will never lift the curse...... :D

You're right!! :)

Who can help me? Let's see...there's;

1] The pope (no, not the washing machine or electric motor type).

2] The christian god.

3] The Islam god.

4] One or many of the plethora of hindu gods.

5] Probably a mutlitude of other gods but their names currently escape me.

6] The $30 fortune teller down the road.

7] My mum. Oops! Can't ask mum...she's too logical.

8] A qualified counsellor. Oops! Forget the counsellor...they only speak logically.

9] A witch, warlock or sorcerer.

10] Someone who wears 'good luck' charms.

There're too many to choose from. Please suggest someone/something before this curse consumes me.

The curse indeed appears to be getting worse..............try switching off your computer and not going near it for 1000 days..... :D

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never a dull moment on TV is there.

i beg to differ.

correct, I will log off now and go back to my usual pastime of pulling the wings off butterflies

speaking supernaturally, do you think there could be any future repucussions in doing this?

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If you read Jung, you'll see that toward the end of his career, he was moving in the direction of spirituality. So... a good Jungian analyst, 20 years on the couch, cash only thank you very much, and you'll probably be cured of that little curse. :)

I probably won't be alive in 20 years, which of course will be the ultimate solution to my problem.

I wonder if Thai insurance companies believe in this 'magic' twaddle?

Car owner to insurance man: It wasn't my fault. Somebody cursed me & therefore caused me to drink 4 litres of Lao Cow, plough into a group of 20 school children & then park my car on a hill without using the parking brake. I had no idea that the car would roll down the hill & crash into a PTT fuel depot, which blew up & destroyed a whole village & all it's 234 occupants.

Insurance man: Let's see your policy <browses through policy>. No problem Mr Chaiyuraphukwit. It clearly states that if the policy holder is cursed in Thailand by a licensed practitioner of Black Magic, the insurer will oblige the insured. Who was the licensed practitioner?

Car owner: Mrs Kittiluksyummi.

Insurance man: Sorry. She's not on our list. Looks like your off to 'hel_l'. Bye bye. Have a nice trip. Oh & don't even think of having me cursed...I've read "How to beat curses in 267 easy steps" by Tonashit Lotsadosh. Bye the way...I suggest that you use these numbers in your next lottery ticket...2, 3, 4, 20, 23 & 34. Good luck.

Edited by elkangorito
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One only has to look at the mafia of old - strictly catholic, but somehow managed to murder people etc.

The Church also used peoples beliefs to get people to Join the crusades which were nothing short of mass killing, rape, pillage etc, but if you wore a cross on your shield or clothing, you were guaranteed a place in heaven according to the Church, who stood to gain out of all the slaughter.

The Churches were once superpowers in their own times, because they could scare people into believing in God, or have them killed if they didn't.

The Popes and Bishops were very powerful, they preyed on peoples misguided beliefs, they didn't become fabulously wealthy by luck either.

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If you read Jung, you'll see that toward the end of his career, he was moving in the direction of spirituality. So... a good Jungian analyst, 20 years on the couch, cash only thank you very much, and you'll probably be cured of that little curse. :)

I probably won't be alive in 20 years, which of course will be the ultimate solution to my problem.

I wonder if Thai insurance companies believe in this 'magic' twaddle?

Car owner to insurance man: It wasn't my fault. Somebody cursed me & therefore caused me to drink 4 litres of Lao Cow, plough into a group of 20 school children & then park my car on a hill without using the parking brake. I had no idea that the car would roll down the hill & crash into a PTT fuel depot, which blew up & destroyed a whole village & all it's 234 occupants.

Insurance man: Let's see your policy <browses through policy>. No problem Mr Chaiyuraphukwit. It clearly states that if the policy holder is cursed in Thailand by a licensed practitioner of Black Magic, the insurer will oblige the insured. Who was the licensed practitioner?

Car owner: Mrs Kittiluksyummi.

Insurance man: Sorry. She's not on our list. Looks like your off to 'hel_l'. Bye bye. Have a nice trip. Oh & don't even think of having me cursed...I've read "How to beat curses in 267 easy steps" by Tonashit Lotsadosh. Bye the way...I suggest that you use these numbers in your next lottery ticket...2, 3, 4, 20 & 34. Good luck.

They would much rather have a copy of your family gene map but i reckon they they could knock you back for being cursed. All is fair in Love and Insurance. Lets face it. Isn't there an 'Act Of God' Clause?

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