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Failed state Yes right

Just won a seat on the Human rights Commission, film maker just won the top prize a Caines, see on TV that some school kids recently won a top international science prize, something to do with robots if I remember correctly.

The present PM came to power in the middle of the world financial crisis, he has had to deal with the red shirt idiots riots and bombings as well as the mess he inherited in the south.

Thaksins efforts to wreak the country havent helped either nor has the legisy left by the two previous banned administrations,

This country actually runs at a profit IE; sells more than it buys. How many western countries can say the same? Look at Greece, Spain, the UK and of course the US is mortgaged to the hilt to China and still runs at a huge deficite.

Now the PM has seen off the censure debate and the budget is a foregone conclusion we will see what he can do within the year and a half he has left on his term in office. He has to be given a chance to show what he can do without anyone stepping outside the bounds of reasonable behavior, or comment for that matter.

I'm picking he will do some great things and get the country back on track in that time.

Then if he can organise anything like a free and fair election he will be likely be back for a long time.

From your lips to God's ears - hopefully.

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yes we have hope that our current PM will get the job done.

There is NO ONE better to do so!

Just support him and see!

Can't be worse then "ucksin

yes we have hope that our current PM will get the job done.

There is NO ONE better to do so!

Just support him and see!

Can't be worse then "ucksin

I agree 100% well said.


Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

I agree.

This article wrote an amateur.

That is so obvious in talking about Montenegro, as Thailand don't have established ANY level in diplomacy with Montenegro so author of this article is crying over HELPLESS Thai authorities because they will NEVER catch Mr. Thaksin now.

It is NOT because Mr. Thaksin have some specialists around himself in Montenegro.

It is because Mr. Abhisit and HIS specialists around him UNDERESTIMATED whole situation and made all in a rush. Now they will lose the face as Mr. Thaksin WILL be from now on UNTOUCHABLE for them.

Acting, steps and all about Mr. Thaksin's extradition was made is so naive and childish way.

It's better this journalist and specialists for medias around Mr. Abhisit and Government, to find way they save face in public after this so big mistake.

what's the difference from politically motivated terrorism and terrorism? :)

That's easy.

politically motivated terrorism is allowed.

Unless it's your home country burning.

Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

I agree 10000%

Well, while the person you are quoting & agreeing with is busy branding people as 'idiots', do you realise that there is no such thing as 10000%. The maximum you can have is actually 100% of anything. :)

I agree 1000000000%

Total Retard ! ..Somalia is a failed state no government/no organised water/electric supply/medical care/schooling/rule of law etc...THAT is a failed state..

If that is how you feel you should not be living here ..or..move to Somalia and get a real taste of what it means..

Not totally retard :) i call it failed and corrupt government.

Thats what you can call it, but it's not true. If totally failed, it would cease to exist or have been taken over by others. I think you're trying to say you don't like the decisions they make.

Somalia, and before, Liberia, were truly failed states. But the red hooligans didn't overthrow the gov't, so how is it failed? Or do you just enjoy whining?

And for all the folks, they don't like it here: Go to montenegro, may be that makes you happy! :)

Try to be more polite and to read between the lines-in case that you are Thai, will you?

Get used on critics, if you are Thai.

When somebody say here some critics, it is because that one LOVE Thailand and would like see it BETTER then it is now.

So, try to understand things that way and don't be rude and impolite so to tell to people to leave Thailand because 99% of posters here LOVE Thailand but need to say what is wrong.

You are making people sad.

Thaksin is a failed state.

The only power he has is given to him by the press.

He has hired a team not to protect him but to keep his memory alive in Thailand.

The press is doing a good job of that.

Articles like this one do nothing except give the malcontents room to spew there nonsense

news flash

Thailand is alive and well on the road to recovery after terrorists attacks. If you don't like it go back to where you came from.

yes, right back on the road to ABnormal. Name the countries in the World that would allow someone who commandeered and terrorised an International Airport to be free to run the affairs of the country. Are you one of the hecklers who could not believe the red movement was underestimated, when a few of us were warning?

Only 2 words are needed to prove Thailand is a broken country. Thaksin / Sondhi <<< That is what is killing a beautiful Kingdom folks. That is what is going to destroy it.

What happened in May was the warning shots across the bow. The calm before the storm.

Does anybody think the situation is not, now, worse? One side now has martyrs. NEVER give the enemy martyrs. Oh, there is still the little thing about 'elections' and when the criminal Sondhi will allow that. I think all sides learned, or should have, to not rely on Divine Intervention!

I really, really, really do NOT want to be right, again.

Instead of a complete break up, may I suggest a 'lesser of evils' alternative. Keep the country together by going completely North Korean and Burmese style, instead of only half/half. That would be less bad than the worse bad coming up.

In other words, wake up as soon as possible.

Comments like this poor guy jayjay and few more here, will not help, for sure.

To jayjay and any other, read please reports from Bangkok Post about WAY that no-confidence debate was made so you will understand what GOODHEARTED farangs here are speaking about your country and why(if you are Thai at all)


He's got the help of the globalists, that's why:


Thaksin was a member of Carlyle Group’s Asian advisory board. He had bragged to media how, after being elected in 2001, he still served as a “match maker” for foreign investors.

Let there be no mistake that the future of Thailand is in peril. These protesters are not a grassroots freedom movement, but an insidious, engineered wave of violence meant to empty out Thailand’s upper and middle class, and roll the nation over into a fascist dictatorship “republic” under Thaksin Shinwatra and his globalist handlers.

Much more is obviously at work here behind this “red revolution.” The foreign media purposefully pleads ignorant to the statements of violence, admissions to murder, and calls to arms within the pages of the movements official publications. These calls and admissions are repeated on a daily basis by UDD leaders on the stage. BBC or CNN need only a single translator to expose this deadly plot for what it is. Yet they plead ignorant and show only dead protesters and the army relentlessly shooting them.

Freedom is marked by independence, independence is marked by knowledge. Please research the provided links above, and please dig in deeper yet to the crux of the truth. Thailand is the only nation in Southeast Asia to have resisted Western colonization and to this day they have resisted Monsanto’s attempts to spread GMO crops, the movie and music industry’s attempt to impose draconian IP laws, big pharma’s attempts to fleece the Thai people with their overpriced medication, and the overall drive to turn Thailand into yet another centralized consumerist gulag. Free markets (and black markets) still thrive, still do the best job of spreading the wealth and giving people access to modern conveniences. This is an appeal not for your support, but for you to search for the truth and not react instinctively to hyped headlines and one-sided reporting.

Red shirt leaders and Thaksin both told international press unsubstainiated reports that the army had killed “hundreds” and secretly disposed of the bodies, somehow right under the nose of both local and foreign press. It becomes Orwellian when one considers that Thaksin has lobbyists and PR firms working for him with connections in all the major news media outlets and within the government of the United States. Red shirt leaders insist that the foreign media is in fact, working against them.

Sam Moon of the Economist handles Thaksin’s PR and after his hiring, critical articles of both the Thai government and the revered Thai monarchy began immediately appearing in the Economist.

Next on deck is Barbour, Griffith, and Roberts, out of Washington D.C. One of Washington’s most influential lobbyist firms, BGR most likely isn’t merely holding press conferences for their new client Thaksin Shinwatra.


Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

Just how is Thailand a failed state?

There is food in the shops, good transport infrastructure, medical care available to everyone, an education system in place, water and electricity flow with no major problems, it is safe to walk the street. taxes are collected, the police force works (just) foreign companies can invest here, the stock market works, elections, both national and local are held within prescribed time frames.

So what is failed about Thailand. Thailand has problems, but so does every country in the world - Think of the US heath care system for example.

I think your statement about the western world 'laughing' at Thailand is extremely cynical. I think the western word is concerned with recent events and the loss of life. Foreigners and western governments take no pleasure in seeing conflict and death on the streets of Thailand. When Hilary Clinton steps up at a press conference and says " Thailand... Yeah its f*cking hilarious, Barrack and I have been pissing ourselves laughing, watching the events on CNN" Then I'll believe the western world is laughing at Thailand.

Finally we get to political motivation - All politicians and actions thereof are politically motivated.

Medical care available for everyone???


No money in Thailand = no medical care

A friends a girl friend had cancer, she could not afford the care

2 months later she was gone all for 150 000 Thai Baht

Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

I agree 10000%

Likewise, I love the Thai people but they sometimes live in their own little worlds assuming that the world thinks they are a fair democracy and important on the world stage.Imagine the loss of face if the Government had to realize that they are not treated seriously by the rest of the world,they dont seem to realize that having non stop coups, a police force that doesnt do what its told and an army that choses when to do what its told it just doesnt look too civilised to outsiders. sorry thais but we still love you if nothing else your obsession with face saving makes us laugh! :):D:D:D

Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

Just how is Thailand a failed state?

There is food in the shops, good transport infrastructure, medical care available to everyone, an education system in place, water and electricity flow with no major problems, it is safe to walk the street. taxes are collected, the police force works (just) foreign companies can invest here, the stock market works, elections, both national and local are held within prescribed time frames.

So what is failed about Thailand. Thailand has problems, but so does every country in the world - Think of the US heath care system for example.

I think your statement about the western world 'laughing' at Thailand is extremely cynical. I think the western word is concerned with recent events and the loss of life. Foreigners and western governments take no pleasure in seeing conflict and death on the streets of Thailand. When Hilary Clinton steps up at a press conference and says " Thailand... Yeah its f*cking hilarious, Barrack and I have been pissing ourselves laughing, watching the events on CNN" Then I'll believe the western world is laughing at Thailand.

Finally we get to political motivation - All politicians and actions thereof are politically motivated.

Medical care available for everyone???


No money in Thailand = no medical care

A friends a girl friend had cancer, she could not afford the care

2 months later she was gone all for 150 000 Thai Baht

Wow that sucks for your friend.

Pray tell, can you name me a country in this region that gives you free health care if you can't afford it? Malaysia? Singapore? Vietnam?

The health care here isn't perfect but it sure beats the hel_l out of many other countries, considering this isn't a welfare state.

Thaksin is a failed state.

The only power he has is given to him by the press.

He has hired a team not to protect him but to keep his memory alive in Thailand.

The press is doing a good job of that.

Articles like this one do nothing except give the malcontents room to spew there nonsense

news flash

Thailand is alive and well on the road to recovery after terrorists attacks. If you don't like it go back to where you came from.

yes, right back on the road to ABnormal. Name the countries in the World that would allow someone who commandeered and terrorised an International Airport to be free to run the affairs of the country. Are you one of the hecklers who could not believe the red movement was underestimated, when a few of us were warning?

Only 2 words are needed to prove Thailand is a broken country. Thaksin / Sondhi <<< That is what is killing a beautiful Kingdom folks. That is what is going to destroy it.

What happened in May was the warning shots across the bow. The calm before the storm.

Does anybody think the situation is not, now, worse? One side now has martyrs. NEVER give the enemy martyrs. Oh, there is still the little thing about 'elections' and when the criminal Sondhi will allow that. I think all sides learned, or should have, to not rely on Divine Intervention!

I really, really, really do NOT want to be right, again.

Instead of a complete break up, may I suggest a 'lesser of evils' alternative. Keep the country together by going completely North Korean and Burmese style, instead of only half/half. That would be less bad than the worse bad coming up.

In other words, wake up as soon as possible.

Comments like this poor guy jayjay and few more here, will not help, for sure.

To jayjay and any other, read please reports from Bangkok Post about WAY that no-confidence debate was made so you will understand what GOODHEARTED farangs here are speaking about your country and why(if you are Thai at all)

I really don't know why they had the no confidence vote. To be Honest I never gave it a thought. I took it as a matter of course that they would. In a transparent democracy that is the only course they can follow. By the way he is still the PM

Did the Bangkok post say they thought it was OK for people who would be on welfare in any other country to hold a gun to Thailand's head. In case you slept through it after ten days the whole world knew what they wanted. They knew they would not get it and the whole world knew they would not get it. Yet they chose to stay and interfere in the lives of thousands honest hard working Thai's, invade hospitals, bomb public terminals and try to burn the city down

If you followed this whole thing you will note that never did the red shirts try to solve the problem they maintained throughout the whole affair that they would only except a immediate resignation from the PM. The one time they changed that position they were taken by surprise when the government trying to bring a peaceful end to the situation excepted there demands only to have the red shirts add more demands. You are in real good company with them.

Likewise, I love the Thai people but they sometimes live in their own little worlds assuming that the world thinks they are a fair democracy and important on the world stage.Imagine the loss of face if the Government had to realize that they are not treated seriously by the rest of the world,they dont seem to realize that having non stop coups, a police force that doesnt do what its told and an army that choses when to do what its told it just doesnt look too civilised to outsiders. sorry thais but we still love you if nothing else your obsession with face saving makes us laugh! :):D:D:D

Neat little sidestep. From spokesperson for Thaksin to spokesperson for the World! Promotion or demotion i wonder?

Noticed quite a lot of sidestepping going on since the red's little Bangkok bonfire.

Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

I agree 10000%

Well, while the person you are quoting & agreeing with is busy branding people as 'idiots', do you realise that there is no such thing as 10000%. The maximum you can have is actually 100% of anything. :)

I could easily write 110% more words than you just wrote on how this is not true, but I will save myself the effort... it's pretty common that something is more than 100% of something else, anything that can be counted, and more.

On topic again: The Nation is really doing its very best to make sure this country continues on its downward spiral. Reconciliation should be the word of the day, week, month, and year. Unfortunately the government doesn't look like it has any interest, and the yellow media outlets are all too happy to pour oil on the fire. &lt;deleted&gt;, Nation?!

The pro Takky poster army isn't doing the country any favors either. Be ashamed of yourselves.

Reconciliation should be the word of the day, week, month, and year. Unfortunately the government doesn't look like it has any interest

Nor should it. Vast majority of the country is at peace and moving forward. Reds like to paint a picture of the entire country being split down the middle. It's a misconception. Reds need to perpetuate it because for them, they see "reconciliation" as their only chance of being white-washed of their crimes. Their leader is particularly in need.




to read now and then the Foreign Policy magazine would give you also a clue in what direction Thailand moves according to these so called 'international observers'. (that is not the international community of beer bar patrons in Thailand)

Telling everybody, who dislike the current government, to leave, like the witch hunt on the foreign media, cnn, bbc is an example for an ultra right-wing extremist mindset.


It would have been really easy to bring thaksin back if they had just revoked his passport from day 1. And I don't get the call for thaksin to relinquish his citezenship since I thought (rightly or wrongly) that thailand didn't recognise dual nationality.

Thaksin is a failed state.

The only power he has is given to him by the press.

He has hired a team not to protect him but to keep his memory alive in Thailand.

The press is doing a good job of that.

Articles like this one do nothing except give the malcontents room to spew there nonsense

news flash

Thailand is alive and well on the road to recovery after terrorists attacks. If you don't like it go back to where you came from.

yes, right back on the road to ABnormal. Name the countries in the World that would allow someone who commandeered and terrorised an International Airport to be free to run the affairs of the country. Are you one of the hecklers who could not believe the red movement was underestimated, when a few of us were warning?

Only 2 words are needed to prove Thailand is a broken country. Thaksin / Sondhi <<< That is what is killing a beautiful Kingdom folks. That is what is going to destroy it.

What happened in May was the warning shots across the bow. The calm before the storm.

Does anybody think the situation is not, now, worse? One side now has martyrs. NEVER give the enemy martyrs. Oh, there is still the little thing about 'elections' and when the criminal Sondhi will allow that. I think all sides learned, or should have, to not rely on Divine Intervention!

I really, really, really do NOT want to be right, again.

Instead of a complete break up, may I suggest a 'lesser of evils' alternative. Keep the country together by going completely North Korean and Burmese style, instead of only half/half. That would be less bad than the worse bad coming up.

In other words, wake up as soon as possible.

Comments like this poor guy jayjay and few more here, will not help, for sure.

To jayjay and any other, read please reports from Bangkok Post about WAY that no-confidence debate was made so you will understand what GOODHEARTED farangs here are speaking about your country and why(if you are Thai at all)

I really don't know why they had the no confidence vote. To be Honest I never gave it a thought. I took it as a matter of course that they would. In a transparent democracy that is the only course they can follow. By the way he is still the PM

Did the Bangkok post say they thought it was OK for people who would be on welfare in any other country to hold a gun to Thailand's head. In case you slept through it after ten days the whole world knew what they wanted. They knew they would not get it and the whole world knew they would not get it. Yet they chose to stay and interfere in the lives of thousands honest hard working Thai's, invade hospitals, bomb public terminals and try to burn the city down

If you followed this whole thing you will note that never did the red shirts try to solve the problem they maintained throughout the whole affair that they would only except a immediate resignation from the PM. The one time they changed that position they were taken by surprise when the government trying to bring a peaceful end to the situation excepted there demands only to have the red shirts add more demands. You are in real good company with them.

2 logical possibilities

1. I'm the grim reaper

2. jayjay has his head in the sand


I believe? we both admire Abhisit, me as a man, JJ as a politician,

and we would all love to see a stable, peaceful and prosperous Thailand...

I actually HOPE I am wrong, but see nothing on the horizon to stop the next big wave.

Written proof, in dozens of posts, and emails to Thais, I predicted these recent events from about a year ago. A brilliant Thai in 2007 told me Thailand will break up into 3 countries.

The situations and signs that led up to Spring 2010 have grown bigger not smaller.


I spent considerable time and effort, last year, trying to warn of what was coming. "two trains heading for collision" "the water is off the beach, the tsunami is coming"

NOW I am saying "the fault lines are in place for a break up of Thailand"

If my Solutions canNOT be adhered to, it would be better to go all Burma N Korea style as a lesser of evils solution. Why be 1/2 an oppresive state and 1/2 a modern open state???

This oil and water situation in Thailand will never, EVER work.

EDIT the ONLY way Thailand will be saved is when the criminal Thaksin AND the criminal Sondhi are behind bars.

What civilised advanced country would allow somebody to like Sondhi to A. walk the streets, B. dictate Government policy.

In my Plan, the reds and yellows are, both, happily and peacefully disbanded.



to read now and then the Foreign Policy magazine would give you also a clue in what direction Thailand moves according to these so called 'international observers'. (that is not the international community of beer bar patrons in Thailand)

Telling everybody, who dislike the current government, to leave, like the witch hunt on the foreign media, cnn, bbc is an example for an ultra right-wing extremist mindset.

Didn't know your were a reader, regular or occasionally, of Foreign Policy Magazine published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace based in Washington. At any rate, the article in your link has been pulled by the publishers. Maybe it will be available again soon....maybe not. Maybe if the article generated by the Thaksin Global PR Machine reappears in FP, it won't quite be the same as it originally was.

Wikipedia, the pedestrian site for wannabes who can't get published by anyone other than Reader's Digest, isn't worth my time or effort.

Total Retard ! ..Somalia is a failed state no government/no organised water/electric supply/medical care/schooling/rule of law etc...THAT is a failed state..

If that is how you feel you should not be living here ..or..move to Somalia and get a real taste of what it means..

Well said, I'd also consider a failed state one that invades Arabia and bombs the sht out of Arabs on another countries say-so...



to read now and then the Foreign Policy magazine would give you also a clue in what direction Thailand moves according to these so called 'international observers'. (that is not the international community of beer bar patrons in Thailand)

Telling everybody, who dislike the current government, to leave, like the witch hunt on the foreign media, cnn, bbc is an example for an ultra right-wing extremist mindset.

Check the following youtube clip and see where Thailand came from under your mans helm!



to read now and then the Foreign Policy magazine would give you also a clue in what direction Thailand moves according to these so called 'international observers'. (that is not the international community of beer bar patrons in Thailand)

Telling everybody, who dislike the current government, to leave, like the witch hunt on the foreign media, cnn, bbc is an example for an ultra right-wing extremist mindset.

Check the following youtube clip and see where Thailand came from under your mans helm!


Thaksin isn't my man.

That video is about Tak Bai, was has it to do with the current situation or my argument about the failed state? did thailand improve since Thaksin is gone or did it become worse and worse?

check the failed state index. read what FP mag thinks about Abhisit.

btw. Tak Bai

There was an investigation and a fact finding committee. Khunying Pornthip took part in that investigation.

long read:



Thaksin isn't my man.

That video is about Tak Bai, was has it to do with the current situation or my argument about the failed state? did thailand improve since Thaksin is gone or did it become worse and worse?

check the failed state index. read what FP mag thinks about Abhisit.

btw. Tak Bai

There was an investigation and a fact finding committee. Khunying Pornthip took part in that investigation.

long read:


I just love the way you use the face plams! It shows your maturity.

You claim that you are very educated, intelligent and have a very decent knowledge about Thailand and its history, but you are not able to connect the dots between past atrocities and future atrocities!


Thaksin isn't my man.

That video is about Tak Bai, was has it to do with the current situation or my argument about the failed state? did thailand improve since Thaksin is gone or did it become worse and worse?

check the failed state index. read what FP mag thinks about Abhisit.

btw. Tak Bai

There was an investigation and a fact finding committee. Khunying Pornthip took part in that investigation.

long read:


I just love the way you use the face plams! It shows your maturity.

You claim that you are very educated, intelligent and have a very decent knowledge about Thailand and its history, but you are not able to connect the dots between past atrocities and future atrocities!

You mean the men in camouflage?

well they kicked Thaksin out and support Abhisit. And because of the history and well known reputation of the military Abhisit invited them into Bangkok to hunt down and kill opposition protesters.

some people seems not to learn from the past.

You mean the men in camouflage?

well they kicked Thaksin out and support Abhisit. And because of the history and well known reputation of the military Abhisit invited them into Bangkok to hunt down and kill opposition protesters.

some people seems not to learn from the past.

It would be equally ridiculous and extremist for me to state that unarmed soldiers were massacred on April 10th. They were brought in to protect millions of innocent civilians in Bangkok from 10,000 violent and murderous terrorists bent on destruction who had taken control of the city.

Repeating a lie does not make it true. Similarly, couching an argument in highly emotive terms and using extreme adjectives makes the argument invalid. At a minimum seriously weakens the credibility of both the post and the person who wrote it.


Thaksin isn't my man.

That video is about Tak Bai, was has it to do with the current situation or my argument about the failed state? did thailand improve since Thaksin is gone or did it become worse and worse?

check the failed state index. read what FP mag thinks about Abhisit.

btw. Tak Bai

There was an investigation and a fact finding committee. Khunying Pornthip took part in that investigation.

long read:


I just love the way you use the face plams! It shows your maturity.

You claim that you are very educated, intelligent and have a very decent knowledge about Thailand and its history, but you are not able to connect the dots between past atrocities and future atrocities!

The big problem with ever getting justice for the Tak Bai victims is that the dots that you refer to join up to Thaksin and many others in The Establishment, including (rather obviously) the army. Consequently, there is no will whatsoever in mainstream Thai politics to get to the bottom of this atrocity. hel_l! We used to have a rabidly anti-Thaksin, Pro PAD/Demo Thai poster going by the name of 'Plus' on TV who went to great lengths to try to pass off Tak Bai as an army logistics issue! Abhisit is one of the few politicians young enough and clean enough to go into this one, but he won't (at least, not properly). Anyway, look where it got him the last time he took on the army, over the 'bomb detector' corruption.


Thaksin isn't my man.

That video is about Tak Bai, was has it to do with the current situation or my argument about the failed state? did thailand improve since Thaksin is gone or did it become worse and worse?

check the failed state index. read what FP mag thinks about Abhisit.

btw. Tak Bai

There was an investigation and a fact finding committee. Khunying Pornthip took part in that investigation.

long read:


I just love the way you use the face plams! It shows your maturity.

You claim that you are very educated, intelligent and have a very decent knowledge about Thailand and its history, but you are not able to connect the dots between past atrocities and future atrocities!

If the PM who was in power during the Tak Bai massacre ever returns from Dubai or Montenegro or France or wherever he is, perhaps he will be held accountable for his orders. :)

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