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Reading Tones Test


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Hey guys,

I found it frustrating that it took me a long time to work out the tones of words that I read. I know all the tone rules, but the time between reading a word that I didn't know and me actually mentally working out the tone was to long. I want it to become natural to see a word, and instantly know what tone it is. So over a couple of hours on a couple of weekends, I created a simple website to help me get better. I think it is helping me get quicker, so I thought I'd share it incase someone else found it useful.

I can't currently post URLs, because I just started using a new account. But if you go to http:// thai-tone-test.heroku.com/ (Take out the space after the http://)

The idea is just to click the correct tone as soon as you can. Then it will show you the next word. This will hopefully test ALL the tone rules, so this is not for beginners. The screen is designed so you can use it on the iPhone mainly, but you can use it on the computer fine, also works fine on an iPad. It works best on the iPhone I think, and you can even add it to your homescreen and it adds a nice picture.

Feel free to suggest new words (include the tones), I would like to eventually build up the word base to about a 1000 or so. Atm there arn't enough of some tone rules and some tone marks, but I havn't really had time to sort it out yet. Also feel free to suggest features, but I wont add any old feature, I would have to want it aswell, and it would have to be pretty easy to do. Atm the next feature for me to add is local caching of the words, so it can be used when you don't have internet access.

It works with firefox, chrome, and safari. Please do not tell me if it doesn't work in IE because I don't care, the solution is to use chrome or firefox.

PS: If you are a user that can post links, please post the proper link below. If you are an admin then, maybe you could give me the ability to post links?

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I'm pretty much a noob at pahsah Thai, though I've been taking lessons for 4 or 5 months now. Your program is one I'll definitely use. It's simple, straightforward, really quick, and shows me I'm wrong much more than I'm right :-P Par for the course. Once you get it cached, it'll be great to have on trips. No iPhone, too pricey, but MacBookPro using FF.

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if u read a lot you will eventually be fast with tones, what i do is ignore the tone and use the meaning of the sentence to figure out which tone the specific word is, but you need to be able to understand the meanign fo the sentence and most of the other words to figure it out

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Thanks for sharing the application. It is very simple and easy to use. I like it!

Where do the words come from? It would be nice if the words came from the "100 most common" or the "1000 most common" words as shown in Sticky "List of 3000 Most common Thai Words". After you select the tone.. it would tell you if you were correct and then also show the meaning of the word.



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It would be nice, if it would remind the tone rules for each word, after you enter your selection (tone).



ด - Middle Class Consonant

ก - Dead Syllable

-> Low Tone

BTW, the site is an excellent idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the feedback guys, Singa-Traz I have implemented your suggestion. It now displays, how the tone was calculated.

JohnIrish, I have included some 200 of the 1000 most used words.

I hope to add more words soon, and also I will look at adding support for multiple tone words (multiple syllables).

I haven't included the meaning of the words, I suspect that if someone is using this, then they probably already have a pretty fair idea about the most used 200 or so words.

Please keep the feedback coming. Also please report any tone errors, I introduced a new tone calculator, and while I have tested it as much as I can, there are bound to be a few bugs, because there are so many different possibilities when working out the tones.


Tone Test

Edited by sudo
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