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Laptop Keyboard Problem - Cat Changed Settings


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A cat jumped on my laptop keyboard this morning and changed some setting somewhere that controls key functions. So no my Enter key returns to the line above, not below, when pressed - so it is like I type up the page not down if i use it. Also the Apostrophe key gives '\ when pressed, it adds the backslash for some reason, which I then have to delete. And the Delete key gives the = sign. I'm still using the default English language keyboard layout, that hasn't changed. Any ideas?

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A cat jumped on my laptop keyboard this morning and changed some setting somewhere that controls key functions. So no my Enter key returns to the line above, not below, when pressed - so it is like I type up the page not down if i use it. Also the Apostrophe key gives '\ when pressed, it adds the backslash for some reason, which I then have to delete. And the Delete key gives the = sign. I'm still using the default English language keyboard layout, that hasn't changed. Any ideas?

Try system restore.

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Look to see if they have tuned on the number lock or function lock this will make all the key go weird for example on mine if the number lock is tuned on then the letter p turns into a * sometimes you will need to plug in a external keyboard just quickly to turn it off

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Turn the computer off and then try pressing "all" the keys to see if one is possibly stuck/jammed down. Also while pressing each key make sure it feels like it's springing back properly when compared to the other keys. If everything feels OK, there is still the possibly the spring mechanism is working properly but the contacts have been damaged.

I've even seen cases where the keyboard still works properly in "some" programs (like say a email program) but works strangely in a word processor...and that problem was caused by a setting in the particular software program in use. What program was running on the computer when the cat jumped on the computer? Does the problem appear in other programs? Good luck.

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Already checked the Num Lock and Function Lock and played around switching them on and off but to no avail. Just found out that if I try to use the Plus key it adds whatever I have last copied & pasted in addition to a Plus sign./ FYI laptop is Samsung NC10.

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Pib - I just had Firefox open and was using Thunderbird when the cat walked over the keyboard. But have the same

problem in Word or typing in notepad - affects all programs. Keys are Ok, just checked them all, none are stuck.

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Just a quick thing to check. Assuming you use Windows, go into your Control Panel, click on Keyboard, and see if it shows anything that appears unusual. Even for a laptop, the keyboard "Hardware" setting should be for a standard 101/102 Key/MS PS2 Keyboard.

I sure hope your problem is some software/driver settings because from my experience whenever I had a keyboard start acting up and there were no stuck keys, Caps Lock on my mistake, etc., the keyboard itself had developed a hardware problem and had to be replaced. Good luck...unless you got a 20 pound cat with rock hard paws, it would seem really odd for a cat jumping on the keyboard to damage any keyboard hardware. I really do hope you find a software setting problem. Cheers.

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Yep, keyboard is Ok - set as the standard one. I had something similar happen before but it was the keyboard configuration/layout that got screwed up by the cat and it changed to a Dvorak keyboard layout. So I checked that already and ruled it out. Most keys work fine, just odd behaviour from a few of the important ones on the right side of the keyboard. Eg I get this ¬ symbol if I press SHIFT and Insert together. I can now use the Enter key to move to the next line down.

|But to do this I use SHIFT and ENTER together and it also inserts a | symbol at the start of the new line as seen at the start of this sentence.

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Have you asked the cat what it did?

I tried to get her to retrace her steps but to no avail. Currently I am plying her with tuna to see if that will make her more co-operative. But somehow I doubt it.

Looks like a trip to Pantip or Fortune Town is called for.

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Problem solved. Looks like the cat managed to stand on a couple of keys that had sand and dirt under them and this was causing them to stick just a little. Not enough to be noticeable but enough to cause some odd effects when certain other keys were pressed.

Just done a through cleaning, removing dog hair, sand and bits of what looks like chocolate and all is OK now.

Thanks to those who offered advice.

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