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If you are in the country for a period of 90 days you have to report your address.It has nothing to do with extension applications or expiry dates. Two different things.

Will27. Your plan will work as you are not in the country for a period of 90 days as you are hopping over the border and returning so the 90 days start again when you return.

Seems a bit drastic though. Paying 3,800 Baht for a Multi Re Entry Permit when you can report at Immigration for free.

I needed to go back to Oz so needed

the Re-Entry permit anyway.

And as I'm in CR, I prefer crossing into Mae Sai.



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Immigration Bureau

Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days Procedure and notification

  1. The foreigner makes the notification in person, or
  2. The foreigner authorises another person to make the notification, or
  3. The foreigner makes the notification by registered mail.
  4. The notification must be made within 7 days before or after the period of 90 days expires.
  5. The first application for extension of stay by the foreigner is equivalent to the notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days.

Offices accepting notification:

  1. Immigration Division1 Office, Chalermprakiat Government Complex,Chaengwattana Rd., Laksi ,Bangkok
  2. Visa extension units, Chamchuree Square Building, Floor 18 , Phatumwan, Bangkok
  3. Immigration offices throughout the country

Notification by registered mail

  1. Copy of all passport pages (up to the latest arrival stamp in the Kingdom or latest visa stamp)
  2. Copy of arrival/departure card TM.6 (front and back)
  3. Previous notifications of staying over 90 days (if any)
  4. Completely filled in and signed notification form TM.47
  5. Envelope with 5 Baht stamp affixed and return address of foreigner for the officer in charge to send back the lower part of form TM. 47 after having received the notification. This part must be kept for reference and for future notifications of staying over 90 days.
  6. The above mentioned documents must be sent by registered mail and the receipt of the registration kept by the foreigner.
    Send the mail before the renewal date 7 days to 90 DAYS REGISTRATION,
    LAKSI, BANGKOK. 10210


  • The notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days is in no way equivalent to a visa extension.
  • If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau or notifying the Immigration Bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000.- Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he will be fined 4,000.- Baht.
  • If a foreigner leaves the country and re-enters, the day count starts at 1 in every case.
  • For details contact 0-2141-7881

I'm due to report on May the 16th last month but then left the country on April the 2nd and re-enter on April the 7th, so it means the 7th is counted as day 1, right? I'll only need to report around the month of July, correct?

I just want to triple comfirm this (for the peace of mind) as i've not report in yet... untill now... since the day i came back on the 7th.



Immigration Bureau

Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days Procedure and notification

  1. The foreigner makes the notification in person, or
  2. The foreigner authorises another person to make the notification, or
  3. The foreigner makes the notification by registered mail.
  4. The notification must be made within 7 days before or after the period of 90 days expires.
  5. The first application for extension of stay by the foreigner is equivalent to the notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days.

Offices accepting notification:

  1. Immigration Division1 Office, Chalermprakiat Government Complex,Chaengwattana Rd., Laksi ,Bangkok
  2. Visa extension units, Chamchuree Square Building, Floor 18 , Phatumwan, Bangkok
  3. Immigration offices throughout the country

Notification by registered mail

  1. Copy of all passport pages (up to the latest arrival stamp in the Kingdom or latest visa stamp)
  2. Copy of arrival/departure card TM.6 (front and back)
  3. Previous notifications of staying over 90 days (if any)
  4. Completely filled in and signed notification form TM.47
  5. Envelope with 5 Baht stamp affixed and return address of foreigner for the officer in charge to send back the lower part of form TM. 47 after having received the notification. This part must be kept for reference and for future notifications of staying over 90 days.
  6. The above mentioned documents must be sent by registered mail and the receipt of the registration kept by the foreigner.
    Send the mail before the renewal date 7 days to 90 DAYS REGISTRATION,
    LAKSI, BANGKOK. 10210


  • The notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days is in no way equivalent to a visa extension.
  • If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau or notifying the Immigration Bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000.- Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he will be fined 4,000.- Baht.
  • If a foreigner leaves the country and re-enters, the day count starts at 1 in every case.
  • For details contact 0-2141-7881

I'm due to report on May the 16th last month but then left the country on April the 2nd and re-enter on April the 7th, so it means the 7th is counted as day 1, right? I'll only need to report around the month of July, correct?

I just want to triple comfirm this (for the peace of mind) as i've not report in yet... untill now... since the day i came back on the 7th.


That's the way I read it and as I'm in a similar position having left the country in April but due to report to Maisai on the 20th June.

I should not have to report until next Aug as I didn't come back to Thailand until the start of May.

Risky though, those guys in Maisai make up their own rules sometimes.

I will be phoning them this week just to confirm and advise you to do the same.

If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau or notifying the Immigration Bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000.- Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he will be fined 4,000.- Baht.

I wonder what the fine would be if one turned up at immigration for an annual extension having done no 90-day reports for the year.

I would guess that the 2,000 Baht fine would be imposed.

There must also be the risk that immigration would refuse to issue another extension as the applicant has shown that he is not willing to abide by the rules.

I would suspect that to be so, however, would it be Bt 2,000 or 4 x Bt 2,000?

If, as one member has suggested, there is no sharing of databases, how will "immigration" know what "90 days" has or has not done?



wow ... thanks for all the info on 90 day reporting ... and i feel sorry for the op as 90 day reporting here in chiang mai

takes 5 to 15 minits at most

dave2 .... lucky to live in chiang mai : (



Because an on-the-ball Imm officer may (or may not) notice when you go in for an extension, that:

1) you've artfully removed your old expired 90 day check-in notice.

2) your departure card clearly shows when you last entered Thailand. And you have to show this when you make an extension.

If you want to risk a fine, for something that can be done by mail, or 15 minutes in person, for free....go for it.

In answer to above questions:

When you re-enter Thailand, the clock starts again. 90 days from re-entry.

There is a certain grace period, up to 7 days. If your 90 day check-in falls on a holiday, and the gov't shuts down afterwards for a few days (as happened recently with the protests) and then there is a national holiday.......OK, they will use their discretion and most likely let you slide. But I wouldn't push it. I just did a 90 day 2 days late a few weeks ago; not an issue.


Its not a bad Idea Will. Get a multiple Re-entry permit at the same time as getting your yearly extention. I think its about 3000 baht.

No issues if you need to leave the country quickly that way too.

I'm having problems with the report by post at the moment. Should be simple I know. Will I get a 2000 baht fine shortly, its just possible.

I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than visit Immigration.

Thanks Jubby.

Being in CR, I just findi it easier to cross rather than report.

The main reason being what you said about dealing with





When they restarted the 90 day report requirement in CM a few years ago, it took 5 minutes in a pleasant air-con office. The other day it took an hour in a hot, jam-packed shed filled with unhappy  people. Isn't progress wonderful?  :)


I've had a few trips to Mae Sai Immigration Office and found them friendly, courteous and helpful.

Once a guy with excellent English talked to the Mrs and I about the type of visa I had and what alternatives he thought would suit me better.

I keep thinking about the sort of treatment I get from Australian Immigration :) when I enter that country and the Thais certainly compare more than favourably. :D


I've had a few trips to Mae Sai Immigration Office and found them friendly, courteous and helpful.

Once a guy with excellent English talked to the Mrs and I about the type of visa I had and what alternatives he thought would suit me better.

I keep thinking about the sort of treatment I get from Australian Immigration :) when I enter that country and the Thais certainly compare more than favourably. :D

Hey mate,

Do you mean Customs or Immigration?

I can't see any reason why Immigration would

need to speak with you.

Customs on the other hand.......




I think it's one department now... I'll check.

No, it seems your right, I always assume that those tossers checking you in at "immigration" are immigration officers, but I suppose they could be customs.

They seem to do a lot of immigration's work for them, by law that can only ask you questions about what you're bringing into the country.


Generally speaking yes, your right. Its just sometimes they seem to go out of their way to be arkward. I don't think I'm the only one who's noticed this. My wife thinks so too. Its not helped by the fact we can't really argue the Toss , when they are right they are right, when they are wrong , they are right. :)


I never have trouble with Mae Sai immigration. Everything pretty much goes as planned and is quickly finished. Probably doesn't hurt that I am so handsome.


I never have trouble with Mae Sai immigration. Everything pretty much goes as planned and is quickly finished. Probably doesn't hurt that I am so handsome.

But of course you are, kandahar- we never doubted it....:)

post-23786-038507500 1276609367_thumb.jp


I never have trouble with Mae Sai immigration. Everything pretty much goes as planned and is quickly finished. Probably doesn't hurt that I am so handsome.

But of course you are, kandahar- we never doubted it....:)

post-23786-038507500 1276609367_thumb.jp

Hey. I've had a good haircut since this one was taken.


I think it's one department now... I'll check.

No, it seems your right, I always assume that those tossers checking you in at "immigration" are immigration officers, but I suppose they could be customs.

They seem to do a lot of immigration's work for them, by law that can only ask you questions about what you're bringing into the country.

Generally, Immigration don't give a rat's arse about an

Australian citizen, it's Customs.

I have been "tagged" by Customs. They seem to think every

every guy coming back from Asia has either kiddie porn

or drugs on them. Sadly, a lot of the times they're right, hence

the profiling.




2) your departure card clearly shows when you last entered Thailand. And you have to show this when you make an extension.

My TM card shows that I entered in 1996. Various stamps and re-entry permits further complicate the time line of my travels.


2) your departure card clearly shows when you last entered Thailand. And you have to show this when you make an extension.

My TM card shows that I entered in 1996. Various stamps and re-entry permits further complicate the time line of my travels.

If your TM card shows that you entered in 1996, why have you bothered with re-entry permits. You have not left Thailand since 1996, so you will only have extension stamps in your passport since that date.


klikster, I think you win the continuous-living-in-Thailand award!

If you've been here 14 years without exiting (and no, I don't count a day trip to Tachilek) you are de man!



I can't recall for sure, but believe a trip to Hong Kong (on a re-entry visa) was after 1996. I was under the impression that exiting and re-entry on such a visa does not constitute "departure". After all, I am on an extension of stay, not a visa extension. Maybe one of the Visa experts will tell us for sure.

As far as age of TM card, there in one in Pattaya that is / was much older than mine.


If your TM card shows that you entered in 1996, why have you bothered with re-entry permits. You have not left Thailand since 1996, so you will only have extension stamps in your passport since that date.

Shouldn't that be "[since]your TM card shows that you entered in 1996 .."?

Yes, I have left Thailand since 1996.

On the spur of them moment I may decide to travel. Actually, I was contemplating a trip last year. Lots of damage can result in not being prepared.


I can't recall for sure, but believe a trip to Hong Kong (on a re-entry visa) was after 1996. I was under the impression that exiting and re-entry on such a visa does not constitute "departure". Maybe one of the Visa experts will tell us for sure.

As far as age of TM card, there in one in Pattaya that is / was much older than mine.

Does that mean that when you come back to Thailand on a re-entry permit that you don't have to fill in a new TM card?


Of course, every one who enters Thailand has to fill out an Arrival/Departure card, whatever your visa or extension, or whether one has a single, or multiple re-entry permit. They staple the departure card in your passport on entry.

After entering Thailand, you are supposed to report to Immigration 90 days afterwards (if here on a 1 year visa or extension) to inform them of your current address.

Makes no difference if it is a visa (issued by a Thai embassy or consulate out of country), or an extension (issued in country by an Immigration office).

Also irrelevant is whether you have a re-entry permit (single or multiple).

90 days after entering Thailand, all foreign nationals need to fill out a TM47 and report their current address. As noted above, it can be mailed.

If some have gotten away with not following this procedure, and haven't been caught yet....:)

But if and when they do catch up...it may not be a happy thing.

An Admin on this forum who shall remain unnamed didn't do a 90 day for about a decade- he just wasn't aware it was required....eventually he was found out, and got off with the max fine/slap on the wrist. It helped that he was very well connected, speaks Thai, married to a Thai national, employed here, etc.

Just something to be aware of.


If you live quietly it's quite possible, I know a couple of guys doing it, one for more than 20 years. Means you can't go anywhere where your passport may be checked.

Although, one guy goes to Mae Sai on business regularly and if he's stopped at the check points he just pulls out his International Driver's License (fake of course) and glares at them. Works every time. :)

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