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Seriously, would it have been too much trouble to call the police? You didn't have to get involved, a simple phone call would have sufficed. Just think if your bother or sister was lying in the road and everyone had the same attitude as you. Really sad...

Is there an "ignore" feature on this forum?

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Not a good topic,the pros and cons of a corpse and the pc brigrade of what you should do when driving past one!!!

Who knows how it got there? and if it was a hit and run then the only person who has got serious issues is the culprit!


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Im sure the OP would have stopped and done what was necessary back in farangland but he can hardly be vilified for doing what he did out here, as you just dont know what the outcome will be.

It might have only been minutes not the 40 he guessed at until the police were on the scene as he drove off he wouldnt know.

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Agreed ^

I doubt I would have used my mobile, registered in my name, to call the police about a corpse on the road here in Thailand.

Definitely back home, where I wouldn't be worried about getting caught in a scam, but here I'd do as the OP and just keep on going.

Sad but true.

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To answer a couple of points made by people

I had just got up and was dropping my mate off at Pattaya bus station.

I was not drunk.

I was not on an all night bender.

I am, on balance, satisfied with my decision not to stop.

Sukhumvit at that time has probably a frequency of 5-10 vehicles per minute. So that's 5-10 people every minute, mostly in cars with mobile phones as opposed to me on a motorbike wearing a full face helmet. Has anyone here ever tried to make a telephone call to the provincial police in a non-English speaking area at 5:30 am. What's the number of Bang Lamung or Laem Chabang police station? Would anyone bother to answer? I don't know. I once called the tourist police after somebody crashed into me. They said they would send somebody out. Nobody ever came.

The corpse was clearly a corpse and not an injured person. There was a lot of head damage.

If I had encountered the same situation in the UK, my home country, I certainly would have stopped and called the police. There is a small but significant chance that if a farang is noticed as being involved in any way, the police, the family of the deceased, or some other bureaucrat will go after them for cash.

So if I had to do it all again, I would do the same. I might stop and tell a motorbike taxi or a shop keeper and leave it to them to tell the police.

According to the Transport Dept, 15,000 people die each year on Thai roads. That's about 40 a day.

Did it make the local news? When the body was picked up, there was a chain-smoking bloke with a camera and a clipboard who had that worn out reporter look.

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We're not talking about caring for "another human being" here. We're talking about a corpse. How would another 10 minutes or so have made a difference.

I would have done the same. There were no benefits for anyone by getting involved.

Yes the OP claimed it was a "corpse" as he RODE past, and yet it still would have been the corpse of a "human being" regardless of it breathing or not which no one knows anyway including the OP since he did not even bother to stop. You think you agreeing with him somehow justifies his not stopping but actually it just displays your complete lack of human conscience and compassion and if there is any karma in this world hopefully the same attitude will prevail towards you in your lifetime at some point..

rah, rah, rah....

Thanks for the religious sermon, but I would not stop and don't need to make any apologies for agreeing with the OP. Once a person has died compassion is no long relevant. It's tragic and sad, but there's no way I'm going to try to communicate with police on my cell phone.

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just for the records...the police emergency number is 191. It works, I tried it before when I saw a bucnh of Thais beating each other up with bamboo sticks a couple of years back.

Tourist police hotline is 1155, they are supposed to speak English.

Suggest it is a good idea having those numbers ready in the mobile phone memory when the need arises they come in handy...cool.gif

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Had a similar experience some years ago driving on highway 7out the back of Laem Chabang. There was a man laying in the middle of the road and the driver had to swerve to avoid but no sign of it being a road kill so he could just have been drunk or sleeping.

He wasn't there on the return trip.

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Seriously, I do not understand why people would not call the police in this case. If your care has not damage there will be no problem at all!

People who are careless like this, will be the same in their home countries. Don't believe too much in urban myths.

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Through Thai contacts at work who live near the scene, it transpires this was a naked dead body dumped on the road and subsequently run over by at least one large container lorry. One might speculate it was a murder victim if this is true but who is to know. It has not been reported in the press, local or otherwise.

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OK Moo9, next time you are in a situation like this (with or without damage tot your car), stop, phone the police and wait until they arrive.

Please keep us informed on what will happen next...........

Probably I get arrested, jailed and spend the rest of my life in prison or can get out on bail.

No, seriously I would call emergency, I could not clear my mind if I won't. Sorry.

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Agree with the OP, I wouldnt stop, its not worth the risks involved, the thought of somehow getting blamed scares me. If the circumstances were differant I may of stopped, as in the person was clearly alive and trying to drag himself across the road then I would stop and try to help him/her someway.

It must of been quite a difficult situation for the op, should he or shouldn't he etc. I think he made the right decision

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I am with Briggsy as well, you did not cause the situation, so why get involved, the reality is any farang living in Thailand should know to steer clear of any situation that may come back to haunt you later.

Its sad but thats just the way things are.

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Through Thai contacts at work who live near the scene, it transpires this was a naked dead body dumped on the road and subsequently run over by at least one large container lorry. One might speculate it was a murder victim if this is true but who is to know. It has not been reported in the press, local or otherwise.

Well, that proves that at least a few people must have seen what happened amd still it took a long time for the emergency services to arrive.

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People who are careless like this, will be the same in their home countries.

You seem certain about this, but you're wrong. Smart travelers adapt to where they are and don't run around doing things exactly as they did back home. Think before you act.

One must also consider the location of the corpse. It was not on an isolated country road but on a major highway.

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Not that long ago, there was a video of a body laying on the side-walk in NYC for awhile (I forget how long exactly), and a few people noticed, but kept walking. These were all NY'ers.

In a foreign country like LOS, I would have proceeded on my way, too.

When you live, or grew up in a big city, you learn to avoid, in most cases, even eye contact with certain people.

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Phone the police?? I would have taken a pulse first... you know just to check he/she was dead...

Seriously why do you people live in or visit Thailand if you are all so sh*t scared of getting involved?

Truly sad that you stooped so low as to take no action, unbelievable you feel the need to brag about it on here though, shame on you mate.

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Seriously why do you people live in or visit Thailand if you are all so sh*t scared of getting involved?

I don't follow your reasoning? Could you explain what you mean by this? Since when was being a hero a prerequisite for living in Thailand?

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I would have done the same as the OP.

My THAI wife keeps telling me not to get involved in anything that does not concern me when it is about Thais, as she knows that when the Police become involved trouble starts. She does not trust them at all.

And I know a good few coppers around my area, to talk to they are great, but to deal with in an official capacity, no thanks.

In Germany if you do not help or stop to assist you can be in trouble, if your details are somehow recorded, ie. Traffic Cameras at the incident.

Surprising that it is not in the news yet, with the big chief of Police being photographed at the site where the body was found. Usually happens.

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Seriously why do you people live in or visit Thailand if you are all so sh*t scared of getting involved?

I don't follow your reasoning? Could you explain what you mean by this? Since when was being a hero a prerequisite for living in Thailand?


Nothing heroic about making a phone call bud.

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Seriously why do you people live in or visit Thailand if you are all so sh*t scared of getting involved?

I don't follow your reasoning? Could you explain what you mean by this? Since when was being a hero a prerequisite for living in Thailand?


Nothing heroic about making a phone call bud.

Yes bud, but why shouldn't we live in Thailand if we are "so sh*t scared of getting involved"? I wouldn't have bothered to make the call and I've lived peacefully in Thailand for 5 years.

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i would have done the same, if Thai people could not sort it out i would have stayed well out of it. were always being told not our country not our business, i saw some shocking tv footage the other day where a woman was knocked of her bike at a busy intersection by a truck, the camera showed 15 minutes pass by whilst cars drove around her dying in the road, one car did stop in that time, after about 5 minutes after the accident, it was apolice, car put all its lights on went over inspected the body got back into the car and drove off.. geting involved in something like that could lead to you getting the blame. i have known farangs stopping to help locals injured in accidents and end up fotting the hospital bill. its a reflection on the others that drove around the body who live here not the OP, but maybe they also know getting involved only comes back to bite you.sad state of affairs but i have learnt by experience.

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Seriously why do you people live in or visit Thailand if you are all so sh*t scared of getting involved?

I don't follow your reasoning? Could you explain what you mean by this? Since when was being a hero a prerequisite for living in Thailand?


Nothing heroic about making a phone call bud.

Yes bud, but why shouldn't we live in Thailand if we are "so sh*t scared of getting involved"? I wouldn't have bothered to make the call and I've lived peacefully in Thailand for 5 years.

Why would you live anywhere in fear of any kind? As someone previously posted there is a branch of English speaking tourist police. I am really surprised by the responses on this thread (although I know I shouldn't be), most here are more than likely happy to interact with the Thai underworld for it is they who run the entertainment, but call the police to report a traffic accident? Thats far too dangerous.

I've expressed my surprise, I am clearly in the minority (and happy to be) no point debating it as my opinion wont change neither will yours, so lets agree to disagree on this one bud.

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Why would you live anywhere in fear of any kind?

I've expressed my surprise, I am clearly in the minority (and happy to be) no point debating it as my opinion wont change neither will yours, so lets agree to disagree on this one bud.

You come across as a fearless superhero.

Why would you think I live in fear ? Keeping a low profile makes it very easy to live in peace. It's the very way to eliminate most fear.

As for phoning the police when there are hundreds of Thais more capable of doing that on a busy thoroughfare - it's all about eliminating frustration and invonvenience. Nothing to do with fear.

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i would have done the same, if Thai people could not sort it out i would have stayed well out of it. were always being told not our country not our business, i saw some shocking tv footage the other day where a woman was knocked of her bike at a busy intersection by a truck, the camera showed 15 minutes pass by whilst cars drove around her dying in the road, one car did stop in that time, after about 5 minutes after the accident, it was apolice, car put all its lights on went over inspected the body got back into the car and drove off.. geting involved in something like that could lead to you getting the blame. i have known farangs stopping to help locals injured in accidents and end up fotting the hospital bill. its a reflection on the others that drove around the body who live here not the OP, but maybe they also know getting involved only comes back to bite you.sad state of affairs but i have learnt by experience.

Agreed,,,,, the wife was driving in the pattaya area a month or so back, a car in front of her hit a motorcyclist knocking him off and injuring him, he was left sitting in the road in a pool of blood whilst all others (passerby's and pedestrians and other drivers) around him were continuing daily life as norm, the car in front that hit the guy did not stop, wife with kids in car called police, took the bloodied man to hospital and was met there by the police, she was asked to go to the police station where she had to give a statement and the bodywork of her car was given a thorough visual inspection,,,, why, I wonder would they inspect the car of a good samaratin that called the police, was helpful in taking injured man to hospital and when asked gave a statement to police about the incident???

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i would have done the same, if Thai people could not sort it out i would have stayed well out of it. were always being told not our country not our business, i saw some shocking tv footage the other day where a woman was knocked of her bike at a busy intersection by a truck, the camera showed 15 minutes pass by whilst cars drove around her dying in the road, one car did stop in that time, after about 5 minutes after the accident, it was apolice, car put all its lights on went over inspected the body got back into the car and drove off.. geting involved in something like that could lead to you getting the blame. i have known farangs stopping to help locals injured in accidents and end up fotting the hospital bill. its a reflection on the others that drove around the body who live here not the OP, but maybe they also know getting involved only comes back to bite you.sad state of affairs but i have learnt by experience.

Agreed,,,,, the wife was driving in the pattaya area a month or so back, a car in front of her hit a motorcyclist knocking him off and injuring him, he was left sitting in the road in a pool of blood whilst all others (passerby's and pedestrians and other drivers) around him were continuing daily life as norm, the car in front that hit the guy did not stop, wife with kids in car called police, took the bloodied man to hospital and was met there by the police, she was asked to go to the police station where she had to give a statement and the bodywork of her car was given a thorough visual inspection,,,, why, I wonder would they inspect the car of a good samaratin that called the police, was helpful in taking injured man to hospital and when asked gave a statement to police about the incident???

that would be standard practice, right? As she claims to be witness of a hit and run accident the police has to check her car to verify her story.

Did she have any negative consequences out of it?

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