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Thai Literacy And English Comprehension - A Proposal


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It is my understanding that, for Thai people, both literacy rates in Thai language and listening comprehension in English language (et al) are lower than desired. One of the best methods for improving both is practice, and the most effective forms of practice are those that people enjoy and do willingly.

I therefore propose that “dubbed” foreign language television programs, wherein the foreign language voices are replaced with Thai language voices, be banned. The same programs can be made available with Thai language subtitles and the original language voices. The end result of this is that Thai people who want to watch foreign programming are forced to read their own language, and are given greater exposure to foreign languages.

The idea of banning the practice of dubbing doesn’t come lightly, but I see it as a necessity if the inertia of low education is to be overcome, as given the choice between something more difficult and something less, people of any culture will generally choose the less difficult path. Having seen groups of Thai children watching hours of foreign cartoons dubbed into Thai, I can only think of the many hours of entertaining educational opportunities those children lost.

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Pray tell me how the teachers would continue to enjoy their favourite English language movies if they had to listen to that strange verbal diatribe ? Reading subtitles subtracts from the movie excitement , dunnit ?

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